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phandrosis last won the day on April 26 2019

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About phandrosis

  • Birthday May 3

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  1. A little off topic but I was reading the Wikipedia page for 2030 (under "Developments") and whoever last edited must really hate Sapporo and love Vancouver lol
  2. Niseko is still listed as a site for apline skiing. Not sure why ITG omitted it in the description. See pg. 23. <blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/FUQEVQj" data-context="false" ><a href="//imgur.com/a/FUQEVQj"></a></blockquote><script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
  3. Back in 2019 I was able to snag a T-shirt w/ the logo on it at the airport in Tokyo and it came with a free poster with all the events on it. All the dates are off by a bit since it was pre-big rona, but maybe that'll make it a more valuable collector's piece . But yeah otherwise they had an online store but only shipped domestically.
  4. This article is time limited (not sure for how long) but it's the full MIKIKO proposal that got tossed. Such a different ceremony it could have been. https://bunshun.jp/denshiban/articles/b1486
  5. Here's the relay cauldron - part of a test run they conducted the other day.
  6. It looks like the look of the games is what they have up on their website now in terms of shapes and colors.
  7. I like it, especially the return to metal since the past two torches have been dominated by sterile white plastic. It does look a bit difficult to hold but its not clear in many photos yet how rounded off the area it will be held is. The relay logo initially reminded me of the original games logo, which was interesting.
  8. Here's the most recent set of official update photos. https://www.jpnsport.go.jp/newstadium/tabid/647/Default.aspx
  9. It's starting to take its shape now. https://www.jpnsport.go.jp/newstadium/tabid/642/Default.aspx
  10. I had some errands to do today, so I passed by the stadium. Here are some photos I took.
  11. They will still be part of it, just not in director position. https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20180730_34/
  12. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2018/07/30/national/actor-nomura-oversee-tokyo-2020-ceremonies/#.W175cdJKiUk
  13. Here's a few photos I found on twitter. https://twitter.com/tetsu_skytree/status/1015909959484076032
  14. Here's a few pics I pulled from Twitter. You can finally see the roof.
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