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krow last won the day on February 3

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About krow

  • Birthday 06/03/1985

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  1. well i am pitching myself as the consensus candidate and the consensus is we should all use corruption to get richer.
  2. i am running for ioc president and this is my candidacy doc: KROW FOR PRESIDENT
  3. after reading all the candidacy docs i decided i had no choice but to run for IOC president myself, seeing how i have so much to offer. i thought i would have to make up a bunch of stuff, but the actual docs were so batshit insane i didn't really. a lot of the proposals are literally lifted from ideas the candidates thought were good enough to suggest. this org is so corrupt, i don't even think it's worth saving. in fact, i legitimately think IOC members would vote for a candidate who read this doc word-for-word in the in-camera presentations. it's a secret ballot! to my mind, this is what all the candidates are actually saying if you read between the lines even slightly and i don't want to live on this planet anymore. the IOC is ruining my life!!! KROW FOR PRESIDENT
  4. BTW i'm throwing my hat into the ring and have started writing a candidate file for why i should be ioc prez. it's really detailed and honestly less insane than watanabe's. i'm just not that crazy at my core!
  5. i have so many good ideas and i think i would make an excellent ioc prez, except for the fact that i've never won a medal and neither of my grandparents were kings (!!?). but i'm extremely self-aggrandizing and i always put my own interest first, even and especially when that conflicts with common sense. i would like a comp where we have to put together a candidature document, because i know what's best for the movement and i have so much to give. you all know what a giver i am.
  6. i want to run a campaign for ioc prez.
  7. ostersund 2013 still the GOAT, i see. don't think it will ever be topped. havana, rekyjavik, almaty holding up well. singapore a strong addition.
  8. that's amazing - we love to see an equal opportunity hater. purely in it for the love of hating.
  9. D may be a bit generic but it looks 'gardens by the bay' inspired and it's masterfully done. the animation is exactly the kind of progressive thinking we need for 2036. it is, after all, the last olympics ever before societal climate collapse.
  10. i worked on a bid book comp in 2011 but i never submitted it. it was very complicated, maybe a world cup. i got fired suddenly - i underestimated how much my boss disliked me - and lost the indesign files on the work computer. i used to watch tv episodes on youtube all day because they were slow with copyright takedowns back then. good times.
  11. i live relatively close to malibu and lost power 2 days ago, and literally sat in the dark yesterday lmao it was so boring. the fire isn't really near my house though. i left the area today since SCE, our power company, has no idea when they'll be able to restore it. some of my favorite restaurants burned down. it's unbelievable.
  12. sure it does, it was my nickname in high school.
  13. wait there's fruit in that? literally impossible to tell.
  14. that's gross british people should be banned from talking about food. you know what might make it better though is if you deep fried it and put it on a stick.
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