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  1. anyways i went to go protest in downtown today for the first time, i'm gonna try to get my friends to join me next time
    5 points
  2. The cauldron will come back to its initial spot, at the Tuileries, from June 23 (Olympic day) to September 14 (the new national day of sport) and it will come back each year until 2028 at the same dates. https://www.francetvinfo.fr/les-jeux-olympiques/info-franceinfo-jeux-olympiques-la-vasque-sera-de-retour-a-paris-tous-les-etes-jusqu-aux-jo-de-los-angeles_7047494.html
    4 points
  3. Alexa! We need one big ssssssssnake! Thank you Britney. Perhaps not the most Singaporean song ever but we have got the most Singaporean building. Every great global city needs a building everyone recognises - for Singapore, it's the 22nd century Stonehenge Marina Bay Sands! The observant among you will have noticed that this is not, as promised, in the sea. This is because we're not here to vote, but to announce. And when you see who's doing the announcing, you'll know why we could only be in the most luxurious place in town - please welcome, for his final act, the man who delivered the fatal snakebite to the Olympic bid process - Herr Olympic Champion in Fencing 1976, the President of the International Olympic Committee, Mr Thomas Bach! Thomas Bach: Mein liber Gott! ...zis is it? Ze end of mein presidency? Yoshi: Yes, you're going in March, like you said. TB: Ach nein! I cannot do zis...once Ich announce, es ist vorbei. Ich have so much still to do. Y: Okay, you may make one last speech. TB: Wunderbar! Meine Damien und Herren, Mesdames et Monsieurs, Ladies und Gentlemen. Wilkommen, Beinvenue, Welcome to Singapur. „Give Peace a Chance“, „Gebt dem Frieden eine Chance“ – so lautete mein Appell a die politischen Führungen in aller Welt in meiner Eröffnungs- und in meiner Abschlussrede in Peking. Wie sich herausstellte, waren die Olympischen Winterspiele 2022 in Peking nur ein flüchtiger Moment der Hoffnung, dass Frieden und der Olympische Frieden halten würden. Leider konnten wir nur appellieren, weil sich unser Verhältnis zur politischen Führung in Russland in den vergangenen Jahren dramatisch verschlechtert hat. Es verschlechterte sich infolge des Dopingskandals, verschiedener Cyberangriffe und sogar persönlicher Drohungen gegen einzelne Mitglieder des IOC und der Olympischen Bewegung. Da der Appell auf taube Ohren stieß, ergriffen das IOC und die Olympische Bewegung sofortige Maßnahmen, nachdem Russland, mit Unterstützung von Belarus, diesen Krieg begonnen hatte. Die Position der Olympischen Bewegung zum Krieg findet sich in meiner Botschaft „Give Peace a Chance“ – „Gebt dem Frieden eine Chance“, die an8 Regierungen und Organisationen in aller Welt verschickt und von ihnen gewürdigt8mwurde. Die Olympische Bewegung hat diese Botschaft nachdrücklich unterstützt, indem sie den Empfehlungen weitgehend gefolgt ist und erst vergangene Woche bei Konsultationsgesprächen mit Vertretern der Nationalen Olympischen Komitees, der Internationalen Sportverbände und der Athleten ihre Unterstützung erneut bekräftigt hat. Für diese Unterstützung möchte ich allen unseren Stakeholdern erneut unseren tief empfundenen Dank aussprechen. Wir ergreifen zweierlei Maßnahmen: Sanktionen einerseits und Schutzmaßnahmen andererseits. Wir haben die eklatante Verletzung des Olympischen Friedens am Tag der Invasion verurteilt. Wir haben die Staaten Russland und Belarus und ihre Regierungen, die für diesen Krieg verantwortlich sind, mit Sanktionen belegt. Wir haben empfohlen, keine internationalen Sportereignisse in Russland und Belarus mehr zu veranstalten, haben das Zeigen nationaler Symbole verboten und sogar zum ersten Mal in unserer Geschichte dem Präsidenten und dem stellvertretenden Premierminister der Russischen Föderation Olympische Orden entzogen. Gleichzeitig mussten wir auch Schutzmaßnahmen ergreifen, um die Integrität der internationalen Wettbewerbe zu gewährleisten. Hierzu mussten wir empfehlen, dass russische und belarusische Athleten und Funktionäre nicht zu internationalen Wettkämpfen zugelassen werden oder zumindest jegliche Identifikation ihrer Nationalität verboten wird. Lassen Sie mich nochmals betonen, dass es sich hierbei um Schutzmaßnahmen – nicht um Sanktionen – handelt, d.h. Maßnahmen zum Schutz der Integrität des Wettbewerbs. Die Sicherheit der russischen und belarusischen Athleten und Funktionäre konnte nicht gewährleistet werden, da in vielen Ländern nach der Invasion tiefgreifende anti- russische und anti-belarusische Gefühle herrschten. Wir mussten dabei schnell handeln, denn es zeigte sich eindeutig, dass die Regierungen entscheiden wollten, wer an welchen internationalen Wettbewerben teilnehmen darf. Das gilt nicht nur für die Regierungen der Gastgeberländer solcher Wettbewerbe. Es gibt Regierungen, die ihren Athleten die Teilnahme an Wettkämpfen mit russischen oder belarusischen Athleten verbieten. Es gibt Regierungen, die damit drohen, allen Athleten, die an solchen Wettbewerben teilnehmen, die Förderung zu entziehen. Es gibt Regierungen, die öffentlichen und politischen Druck auf die Nationalen Olympischen Komitees und die nationalen Sportverbände ausüben. Wir mussten und müssen diese Situation vom Ende her betrachten. Heute geht es um Russland und Belarus, aber wenn wir nicht handeln, dann wird morgen die Regierung von Land A sagen, dass sie die Teilnahme von Athleten aus Land B ablehnt. Oder Regierung C verlangt von ihren Athleten, nicht gegen Athleten aus Land D anzutreten und so weiter und so fort. Das wäre eine Situation, die allen unseren Grundprinzipien zuwiderlaufen würde. Wenn die Politik es in der Hand hat, wer an welchem Wettbewerb teilnehmen darf, dann ist das Fundament der Nicht-Diskriminierung unseres globalen Sportsystems zunichte gemacht. Das entspräche einer vollständigen Politisierung des Sports. Das würde bedeuten, dass der Sport und die Athleten zu einem bloßen Instrument des politischen Sanktionssystems würden. Das war und ist unser Dilemma. Aufgrund dieses Dilemmas mussten wir – wenn auch sehr schweren Herzens – diese Schutzmaßnahmen ergreifen. Auf unsere Sanktionen und Schutzmaßnahmen hin gingen Fragen aus zwei Richtungen ein. Die erste Frage lautete: Warum haben wir auf diesen Krieg anders reagiert als auf die vielen anderen Kriege in der Welt? Hierauf gibt es zwei Antworten. Erstens ist der Krieg in der Ukraine anders, weil er eine eklatante Verletzung des Olympischen Friedens darstellt. Zweitens machen die weitreichenden politischen, sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Folgen diesen Krieg zu einem Wendepunkt in der Weltgeschichte. Die zweite Frage war: Warum sind unsere Sanktionen auf die Regierung und die nationalen Symbole beschränkt, erstrecken sich aber nicht auf alle Mitglieder der Olympischen Gemeinschaft Russlands? Die Antwort hierauf lautet: Den internationalen Rechtsgrundsätzen zufolge können und sollten Sanktionen nur gegen diejenigen verhängt werden, die für eine Sache die Verantwortung tragen. Dieser Krieg wurde nicht vom russischen Volk, den russischen Athleten, dem Russischen Olympischen Komitee oder den IOC-Mitgliedern in Russland begonnen. Stellen Sie sich vor, wohin der Präzedenzfall einer solchen Verletzung der Rechtsgrundsätze durch uns führen würde. Jede einzelne Person, jeder Athlet und jede Athletin, alle Sportfunktionäre, alle Sportorganisationen müssten für jedes unrechtmäßige politische Handeln ihrer jeweiligen Regierung bestraft werden. Es gibt keine Gerechtigkeit, wenn man alle über einen Kamm schert. Das wäre sogar kontraproduktiv, weil es der Propaganda derjenigen in die Hände spielen würde, die behaupten, die Sanktionen seien nur Teil einer breit angelegten Verschwörung gegen ihr Land. Im Übrigen steht unser Ansatz im Einklang mit dem der Regierungen, die bei ihren Sanktionsmaßnahmen ja ebenfalls an diesen Rechtsgrundsatz gebunden sind. Auch sie können einzelne Personen nicht nur wegen ihres Passes sanktionieren. Deshalb beobachten wir genau, wer diesen Krieg mit seinen Äußerungen oder Handlungen unterstützt. Deshalb haben wir die notwendigen Konsequenzen gezogen und werden dies auch weiterhin tun. So gehen beispielsweise auch die FINA und die FIG mit ihren Sanktionen gegen Athleten vor, die den Krieg auf solche Weise unterstützen. Bei dieser Beurteilung müssen wir auch berücksichtigen, dass es ein russisches Gesetz gibt, das jeder Person, die sich gegen den Krieg ausspricht, bis zu 15 Jahre Gefängnis androht. Daher können wir verstehen, dass unter solchen Umständen das Schweigen an sich eine Botschaft darstellen kann. Unser Leitprinzip ist der Frieden. Die Olympischen Spiele, die die ganze Welt im friedlichen Wettbewerb vereinen, sind ein starkes Symbol des Friedens. Um aber die ganze Welt zu vereinen, braucht der olympische Sport die Wettkampfteilnahme aller Athleten, die die Regeln akzeptieren – auch und gerade dann, wenn sich ihre Länder in Konfrontation oder im Krieg befinden. Ein Wettkampf zwischen Athleten aus ausschließlich gleichgesinnten Nationen ist kein glaubwürdiges Friedenssymbol. Und steht sicherlich nicht im Einklang mit unserer Mission. Schon unser Gründer, Pierre de Coubertin, sagte einstmals, ich zitiere: „In Wahrheit basiert die gesamte Errungenschaft der Olympischen Spiele auf der Eintracht – es geht darum, die Erinnerungen an alte Schlachten zu löschen und neue zu verhindern.“ Ende des Zitats. Unser Handeln hat allen Stakeholdern der Olympischen Bewegung Klarheit verschafft und uns geholfen, unsere Einheit zu bewahren. Es zeigt aber auch das Dilemma, vor dem wir stehen: Zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt können wir unserer Mission, die ganze Welt im friedlichen Wettkampf zu vereinen, nicht vollständig erfüllen. Deshalb müssen wir auf den Tag vorbereitet sein, an dem – hoffentlich bald – wieder Frieden herrscht. Es wird eine Zeit kommen, in der die Welt die Brücken wiederaufbauen muss. Wenn dieser Moment da ist, müssen wir in der Olympischen Bewegung bereit sein, unser gegenwärtiges Dilemma hinter uns zu lassen und die ganze Welt wieder im friedlichen Wettbewerb zu vereinen. Unsere Olympische Mission ist kein politischer Auftrag. Unsere Olympische Mission ist eine humanitäre Mission. Und weil es eine humanitären Mission ist, sind wir uns natürlich schmerzlich der allzu vielen Kriege und Konflikte in der Welt bewusst. In unserer Olympischen Gemeinschaft sind wir alle gleich, und deshalb verdienen alle vom Krieg Betroffenen unsere Aufmerksamkeit und unsere Unterstützung. Genau das leisten wir über unsere Olympic Refuge Foundation und durch die Unterstützung für alle Mitglieder unserer Olympischen Gemeinschaft, die unter Krieg und Konflikten leiden. Nehmen Sie Afghanistan als Beispiel. Auch dort mussten wir nach der humanitären Krise, die sich nach dem politischen Machtwechsel entwickelte, schnell handeln. Dank einer wahren Demonstration der Solidarität ist es uns mit der aktiven Unterstützung vieler NOKs und IFs gelungen, rund 300 Mitglieder der Olympischen Gemeinschaft aus Afghanistan in Sicherheit zu bringen. Gemeinsam mit dem Flüchtlingshilfswerk der Vereinten Nationen haben wir außerdem rund 2.000 Mitglieder der afghanischen Olympischen Gemeinschaft, die im Land geblieben sind, mit einem speziellen Winterhilfsfonds unterstützt, damit sie den harten Winter überstehen. Diese humanitäre Mission gilt auch für die Mitglieder der Olympischen Gemeinschaft der Ukraine. Genau wie bei Afghanistan geht auch unsere humanitäre Unterstützung für die Ukraine über die rein finanzielle Hilfe hinaus. Wir sind überwältigt von der enormen Solidarität, die hier bewiesen wird. Ich möchte allen Mitgliedern unserer Olympischen Gemeinschaft danken, die sich so großzügig an unseren Solidaritätsbemühungen beteiligen. Über die rein finanzielle Unterstützung hinaus bieten wir auch logistische Unterstützung an. Wir sorgen dafür, dass ukrainische Athleten weiterhin an Wettkämpfen teilnehmen können. Wir stellen Reiseunterstützung, Trainingseinrichtungen, Unterkunft, Ausrüstung und Uniformen zur Verfügung. Wir werden ukrainische und afghanische Athleten weiterhin unterstützen – so wie wir auch andere Mitglieder der Olympischen Gemeinschaft aus aller Welt unterstützen, die von Krieg und Konflikten betroffen sind. Das Urteil über unsere Maßnahmen wird letzten Endes durch die Mitglieder der betroffenen Olympischen Gemeinschaften, die unter der jeweiligen Situation zu leiden haben, gefällt werden. In diesem Fall durch die Olympische Gemeinschaft der Ukraine. Niemand kann das besser erklären als unser lieber Kollege und Freund Sergii Bubka, der Präsident des NOKs der Ukraine, der die Koordination all unserer humanitären Bemühungen für die Ukraine leitet. Aus diesem Grund möchte ich nun das Wort an Sergii Bubka übergeben. Vielen Dank, Sergii, und wir danken dir von ganzem Herzen für alles, was du tust, um unsere Bemühungen insgesamt zu koordinieren. Es ist schwer vorstellbar, was das für dich bedeutet, tagtäglich unter solch stressigen Bedingungen und in einem stressigen Umfeld zu arbeiten. Du bist mit all deinen Gefühlen und Emotionen, mit deinem ganzen Herzen, bei deinen Landsleuten in der Ukraine. Und trotzdem musst du sich auf deine Arbeit konzentrieren und schauen, wie wir alle zusammen ihnen am besten helfen können. Du zeigst echte menschliche Größe und wir stehen hierbei an deiner Seite. Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde, Eine der Lehren, die wir aus der erfolgreichen und sicheren Organisation von zwei Ausgaben der Olympischen Spiele während einer weltweiten Pandemie gezogen haben, lautet, dass wir gemeinsam stärker sind. Sowohl in Peking als auch in Tokio haben die Athleten dieses Miteinander in herausragender Weise gelebt. Sie zeigten ihre Dankbarkeit dafür, dass sie ihre Olympischen Träume verwirklichen konnten, nachdem sie so viele Hindernisse und Herausforderungen dafür überwinden mussten. Die Olympischen Winterspiele Peking 2022 wie auch die Olympischen Spiele in Tokio 2020 fanden unter Umständen statt, die es so noch nie gegeben hatte. Jedes Mal haben uns die Athleten mit ihrer Reaktion auf alle Herausforderungen und Widrigkeiten in Erstaunen versetzt und uns allen ein Anschauungsbeispiel davon vor Augen geführt, wie die Menschheit in ihrer besten Form aussehen kann, wenn wir in Frieden und Solidarität zusammenkommen. Diese Reaktion berührte die Herzen von Milliarden von Menschen auf der ganzen Welt – und natürlich auch unsere Herzen. Vor dem Hintergrund der unruhigen Zeiten, die wir aktuell durchleben, sehnten sich Menschen aus aller Welt noch mehr nach Inspiration durch unsere Olympischen Werte. Milliarden von Menschen haben beide Ausgaben der Spiele verfolgt. In Tokio haben über drei Milliarden Menschen die Olympiaübertragungen im Fernsehen und auf digitalen Plattformen gesehen. 28 Milliarden Videoaufrufe auf digitalen Plattformen machten diese Spiele zu den ersten Streaming-Spielen und den meistgesehenen Olympischen Spielen aller Zeiten auf digitalen Plattformen. Für Peking liegen derzeit nur vorläufige Zahlen vor, aber wir können jetzt schon sagen, dass die Olympischen Winterspiele Peking 2022 mehr Sendestunden hatten als jede andere Ausgabe der Olympischen Winterspiele davor. Diese Wertschätzung für die Olympischen Spiele und das, wofür sie stehen, spiegelt sich auch in der überwältigenden Resonanz wieder, die wir von Menschen aus der ganzen Welt und aus allen Gesellschaftsschichten erfahren haben. Ob von Staatsoberhäuptern, führenden Vertretern aus Wirtschaft und Kultur, der Wissenschaft, unseren Fernsehpartnern und TOP-Partnern, von Jugendlichen und Kindern – wir haben unzählige Briefe und Nachrichten erhalten, in denen es heißt: Danke, dass ihr das geschafft habt. Diese weltweite Reaktion stimmt uns alle zuversichtlich, wenn wir in die Zukunft der Olympischen Bewegung blicken. Glücklicherweise können wir dies aus einer Position der Stärke heraus tun. In unseren ungewissen Zeiten war diese Position nie eine ausgemachte Sache. Die Grundlage dafür mussten wir mit den Ergebnissen unserer Reformen der Olympischen Agenda 2020 und der Olympischen Agenda 2020+5 legen, die bereits Schwung aufgenommen hat. Das solide Ansehen, das die Olympische Bewegung in der Gesellschaft allgemein genießt, zeigt sich darin, dass wir trotz der extrem schwierigen Umstände und Herausforderungen keinen einzigen TOP-Partner oder Fernsehpartner verloren haben. Ganz im Gegenteil. Gerade erst vergangenen Monat konnten wir Deloitte als neuen TOP- Partner bis 2032 bekannt geben. Die Tatsache, dass eine der so genannten „Big-Four“- Firmen sich unserem TOP-Programm anschließt, ist ein Beleg für die Attraktivität der Olympischen Spiele und ein Vertrauensbeweis für die Governance des IOC. Sie wären diese Verpflichtung nicht eingegangen, wenn sie nicht absolut von der Integrität und Solidität unserer Olympischen Bewegung überzeugt wären. Sie werden einen großen Teil ihres Sponsorings der Unterstützung von Athleten weltweit und der Good Governance der Olympischen Bewegung widmen. Im Rahmen der Olympischen Agenda 2020 haben wir unser Verfahren zur Auswahl der Ausrichter für Olympische Spiele revolutioniert. Auch dies hat wesentlich zu unserer Position der Stärke beigetragen. Heute haben wir Interessenten aus allen drei Kontinenten, die über die geografischen und klimatischen Voraussetzungen für die Ausrichtung der Olympischen Winterspiele 2030 verfügen. In Bezug auf die Spiele der Olympiade (Sommerspiele) liegt bereits jetzt eine beträchtliche Anzahl Interessensbekundungen aus der ganzen Welt für die Olympischen Spiele 2036 und einige sogar für 2040 vor. Ein derartiges Interesse an der Ausrichtung der Spiele der Olympiade ist einzigartig. Ich kann mich nicht erinnern, dass es jemals ganze 14 und sogar 18 Jahre im Voraus eine so große Zahl von Interessenten für die Ausrichtung von Olympischen Spielen gegeben hat. Mit der Olympischen Agenda 2020+5 stärken wir die Rolle des Sports als wichtigem Ermöglicher für die nachhaltigen Entwicklungsziele der Vereinten Nationen. Eine unserer wichtigsten Maßnahmen in diesem Zusammenhang ist unser Beitrag zur Bewältigung der globalen Klimakrise. Erst gestern hat die Exekutive unseren ehrgeizigen CO2-Reduktionsplan gebilligt, mit dem das IOC seine CO2-Emissionen bis 2024 um 30 Prozent und bis 2030 um 50 Prozent senken will. Das IOC wird schon 2024 eine klimapositive Organisation sein. Wir setzen uns engagiert dafür ein, dass die Olympischen Spiele spätestens 2030 klimapositiv sind, wenn dies für die Gastgeber dann zur Pflicht wird. Paris ist auf dem besten Weg, unser Ziel zu übertreffen, denn es wird dies bereits 2024 erreichen. Wir arbeiten mit den Vereinten Nationen zusammen, um in Afrika südlich der Sahara einen Olympischen Wald zu pflanzen und damit unsere verbleibenden Emissionen zu kompensieren. Das Olympic House, unser neuer IOC-Hauptsitz, ist international als eines der nachhaltigsten Gebäude der Welt zertifiziert. Das sind nur einige wenige Beispiele für unser umfassendes Engagement im Kampf gegen den Klimawandel. Mit der Olympischen Agenda 2020+5 werden wir weiterhin mit gutem Beispiel vorangehen: Stärkung der Good Governance in der gesamten Olympischen Bewegung, Förderung der Geschlechtergleichstellung und der Inklusion sowohl auf dem Spielfeld als auch außerhalb davon. Mit der Olympischen Agenda 2020+5 haben wir uns verpflichtet, den Menschenrechtsansatz des IOC zu stärken. Dies tun wir durch die Weiterentwicklung unseres strategischen Rahmenwerks. Dies tun wir, indem wir uns bei seiner Umsetzung an den UN-Leitprinzipien für Wirtschaft und Menschenrechte orientieren. Wir sind fest entschlossen, noch darüber hinaus zu gehen und die Sorgfaltspflicht im Bereich der Menschenrechte in unseren Aufgabenbereich aufzunehmen. Das sind nur einige wenige von vielen Initiativen zur Stärkung unserer Glaubwürdigkeit und unserer Integrität. Mit der Olympischen Agenda 2020+5 wird die Digitalisierung der Olympischen Bewegung vorangetrieben. Eine der vielen Maßnahmen in diesem Zusammenhang wird die zweite Ausgabe der Olympic Virtual Series sein – einem einzigartigen digitalen Erlebnis-Event, das neue Zielgruppen für virtuelle Sportarten erschließen soll. Und wir werden sogar noch einen Schritt weiter gehen. Im Jahr 2023 veranstalten wir ein echtes Festival rund um die Olympic Virtual Series, bei dem wir alle Stakeholder zusammenbringen, um den Olympischen Geist auch in dieser virtuellen Welt zu feiern. Mit der Olympischen Agenda 2020+5 bewirken wir auch Verbesserungen für den Weg hin zu den Olympischen Spielen für die Athletinnen und Athleten. Dies tun wir, indem wir für vier urbane Sportarten eine Olympia-Qualifikationsserie für Paris 2024 ins Leben rufen. Mit diesem völlig neuen Format werden Sport und Kultur in einer Festival- Atmosphäre in großen Städten miteinander verschmolzen und der Sport dorthin gebracht, wo die Menschen sind. Wir sind nicht mehr in einer Position, dass wir einfach irgendwo in einem Stadion eine Sportveranstaltung anbieten und dann warten können, dass die Leute kommen. Wir müssen dorthin gehen, wo die Menschen sind – sei es in der virtuellen Welt, sei es in den urbanen Zentren. Das sind nur einige Beispiele dafür, dass die Umsetzung der Olympischen Agenda 2020+5 bereits in vollem Gange ist. Wir mussten sofort loslegen, denn die globale Pandemie hat die ganze Welt und uns in der Olympischen Bewegung vor noch nie dagewesene Herausforderungen gestellt. Was die Olympischen Spiele Paris 2024 anbelangt, so werden wir das Organisationskomitee später noch zum Stand der Vorbereitungen hören. Ich freue mich jedoch, jetzt schon sagen zu können, dass die Vision von Paris 2024 voll und ganz mit der Olympischen Agenda 2020 und der Olympischen Agenda 2020+5 für innovative, inklusive, gleichberechtigte und nachhaltige Spiele im Einklang steht. Die Olympischen Spiele Paris 2024 markieren den Beginn einer neuen Ära: einer Ära Olympischer Spiele, die von Anfang bis Ende von der Olympischen Agenda inspiriert sind. Paris hat somit die einmalige Gelegenheit, den Ton für diese neue Ära der Olympischen Spiele vorzugeben. Wir können uns schon jetzt auf eine außergewöhnliche Eröffnungsfeier freuen, bei der Hunderttausende Menschen entlang der Seine und vor dem Hintergrund von symbolträchtigen Denkmälern wie dem Eiffelturm oder der Kathedrale Notre-Dame die besten Athleten der Welt feiern werden – ein perfektes Anschauungsbeispiel für unsere Vision von innovativen, spektakulären und inklusiven Olympischen Spielen. Ganz im Sinne des Olympischen Gedankens – schneller vorankommen, höhere Ziele anstreben und stärker werden – stehen mit Milano Cortina, Los Angeles und Brisbane bereits die nächsten Olympia-Gastgeber in den Startlöchern, um auf diesem Schwung aufzubauen und diese neue Ära der Olympischen Spiele auf ihre eigene Art und Weise zu gestalten. Unsere Werte. Unsere Solidarität. Unser Miteinander – das macht unsere Olympische Bewegung so besonders. Und auch wenn wir für diesen letzten Teil unserer Session immer noch physisch getrennt sein mögen, so spüre ich doch deutlich, dass unser Miteinander, unser Zusammengehörigkeitsgefühl stärker ist als je zuvor. Lassen Sie uns auf unsere Stärke und unsere Tradition des Miteinanders bauen. Unser Gründer Pierre de Coubertin sagte einstmals: „Durchbrechen Sie kühn die Wolken und haben Sie keine Furcht. Die Zukunft gehört Ihnen.“ Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde, werte Kolleginnen und Kollegen, Reichen wir uns die Hände und gestalten wir unsere Zukunf! *Yoshi wakes up* Y: Are we finished now? TB: Ein letze thing… Give Mein Kirsty ein chance! Not ziss Dumkopf Seb. Fur meine legacy. As I was saying at the IOC session letzte jahr, es ist eine grosse … *Sir Rols rushes on stage* SR. Oy! Mate! We found this envelope in your room just now. Says it's urgent, you'd better open it now. And take this snake off my hands. T: OK, what is...Mein Gott! Ze Nobel Peace Prize!!!! JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! JAAAAAAAAAA! Ich have done it! Ich can leave happy! Y: You mean you can announce now? T: Ja! Ze vinner of ze Singapore 2036 logo comp ist: GLACIB! Auf Wiedersehen! *whistles* Y: Danke one last time Tom. We’re going to miss those speeches. Anyway, the results were: A: 2 B: 1 C: 2 D: 6 I could paste the SLC sumup, a narrow but clear majority in Round 2 - you don't like voting do you, as soon as we start the exhaustive ballot you end the whole election! It means that we must congratulate @Glacib on taking a third place on the honour roll...which sadly can't be animated! Congratulations Glacib, & thank you to all the participants & voters, especially guru @Sir Rols (who may or may not have been responsible for some of the more Germanic sections of tonight's show) & cultural advisor @Palette86 for their help And that is it for the Cultural Olympiad of 2024/5! If you would like Thomas’ speech translated, ask @StefanMUC or @Olympian2004 nicely. Or click HERE for translations in English, French, Spanish or Mandarin. Thank you again to everyone involved. Time to get back to your studies @Bear and @Glacib. I hope you weren’t sulking AF. And I hope @Michelle isn’t planning on getting the next comp cancelled. And speaking of the next comp, just a heads up, assuming we do the comp the same again next year, it will be starting later, launching on December 24 rather than 1. That's partly because we tend to get many of our entries in January anyway, and partly because a little thing is happening in Milan in February. Until then, thank you & goodbye! Uh oh. Thomas is taking the microphone again! Oh, he’s talking to the band. I think he wants to do one last song. Take it away Tom!
    4 points
  4. A few comments - 1) The 1961 Sabena Air crash wiped out the ENTIRE US Worlds team, plus several top coaches & family members on their way to Prague for Worlds. 2) It was confirmed very quickly after the crash that Maxim Naumov, the son of Evgenia Shishkova & Vadim Naumov, returned home to Boston earlier in the week while his parents remained in Wichita with their younger skaters. Shishkova & Naumov were the 1994 World Pairs Champions and represented Russia during their outstanding career, but moved to the US upon retirement to skate professionally & then remained afterwards, building up a very successful coaching career. Max is one of the top US men and had just finished 4th at US Nationals (for the 3rd year in a row). He was assigned to compete at 4 Continents later this month but withdrawn following the death of his parents. 3) The skaters, coaches & parents traveling home from Wichita were attending the National Development Camp, which is for younger - novice & intermediate level - skaters who have been identified as top talent to further nurture & develop. These skaters are from all over the country & there wouldn't have been any reason for the USFS to suggest or impose any travel restrictions like the ones that they have had in place since the 1961 crash. All told, of the 60 passengers on the flight, 28 were skaters, coaches or parents who had been at the NDC. 4) In addition to the 6 lost by the Skating Club of Boston, the clubs impacted were Washington Figure Skating Club (Ilia Malinin's home club) with 7 lost, Skating Club of Northern Virginia with 8 lost, University of Delaware Figure Skating Club with 5 lost and ION Figure Skating Club (located in northern Virginia) with 2 lost. But just because these kids were mostly from the DMV & Boston, that doesn't mean their loss isn't widely felt across the country. They were returning home from a great event where they made new friends, renewed old friendships, experienced & learned so much, and were soaking in the incredible, passionate support network that is US figure skating. 5) There is going to be a really wonderful benefit show on March 2 in Washington, DC to honor the memories of ALL of the victims from both the plane and helicopter. https://monumentalsports.com/2025/02/legacy-on-ice-benefit-at-capital-one-arena-to-support-victims-of-the-tragedy-at-ronald-reagan-washington-national-airport/ I'm sure there will be additional skaters added - there are current national medalists who are members of the clubs impacted and I'd be surprised if they aren't included when all the plans are finalized (especially Alisa Efimova & Misha Mitrofanov, 2025 US Pairs Champions who are from SC of Boston). From the press release - The event will be co-hosted by 1988 Olympic champion Brian Boitano and will include: Ilia Malinin ... Amber Glenn ... Madison Chock & Evan Bates ... Alysa Liu ... Tara Lipinski ... Kristi Yamaguchi ... Scott Hamilton ... Johnny Weir … And many more to be announced. This event is made possible through in-kind contributions. Monumental Sports & Entertainment is donating all services and event costs. For those interested in contributing directly, please visit: www.MonumentalSports.com/LegacyOnIce Event Details Date: Sunday, March 2, 2025 Time: 3:00pm – 5:00pm ET Location: Capital One Arena, 601 F Street, NW, Washington, D.C. Participating groups to honor the families of the fallen and the first responders: Members of the Men’s, Women’s, Ice Dance and Pairs US National Figure Skating Teams Figure Skating Legends and Icons Members of DMV Skating Clubs Members of the Skating Club of Boston NHL’s Washington Capitals NBA’s Washington Wizards WNBA’s Washington Mystics NBA G League’s Capital City Go-Go MLB’s Washington Nationals MLS’ D.C. United NFL’s Washington Commanders NWSL’s Washington Spirit Additional event dynamics will be announced once confirmed. Tickets Tickets will go on sale starting Monday, February 10th at 10:00am ET on the Ticketmaster website for Capital One Arena. Ticketmaster, official partner of Capital One Arena, has agreed to waive all ticketing fees for this event. ... Supporters will also have the ability to make tax deductible donations directly to a joint fund supporting the participating causes through the Monumental Sports & Entertainment Foundation. Proceeds Beneficiaries All proceeds will be collected by the Monumental Sports & Entertainment Foundation and equally distributed to the U.S. Figure Skating Family Support Fund, Greater Washington Community Foundation’s “DCA Together Relief Fund,” and DC Fire & EMS Foundation. To contribute, please visit: www.MonumentalSports.com/LegacyOnIce.
    3 points
  5. The countdown clock has been installed in Milan: It is designed to resemble a snow globe (snow cube?), featuring a "special airflow system that creates a continuous artificial snowfall effect within a transparent cube, surrounding the Milano Cortina 2026 emblem." https://www.olympics.com/ioc/news/omega-unveils-countdown-clock-to-mark-one-year-to-go-until-milano-cortina-2026
    3 points
  6. 365 days. The next Olympic Games are officially one year away, and to celebrate (and to distract myself from the ongoing horrors), I decided to make a simple poster for the occasion:
    3 points
  7. That, sand probably Bach wanted a “legacy”. Trouble is he was always clueless and tone deaf about what drives esports. Hopefully the next president will be one who’ll review the whole lunatic strategy. Look to embracing some popular esports, not the laughable roster Bach has tried to push. Maybe incorporate one or two events into the proper games, rather than subcontractor it out to the Saudis. Those oil despots shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near anything Olympic.
    3 points
  8. 3 points
  9. i am running for ioc president and this is my candidacy doc: KROW FOR PRESIDENT
    3 points
  10. after reading all the candidacy docs i decided i had no choice but to run for IOC president myself, seeing how i have so much to offer. i thought i would have to make up a bunch of stuff, but the actual docs were so batshit insane i didn't really. a lot of the proposals are literally lifted from ideas the candidates thought were good enough to suggest. this org is so corrupt, i don't even think it's worth saving. in fact, i legitimately think IOC members would vote for a candidate who read this doc word-for-word in the in-camera presentations. it's a secret ballot! to my mind, this is what all the candidates are actually saying if you read between the lines even slightly and i don't want to live on this planet anymore. the IOC is ruining my life!!! KROW FOR PRESIDENT
    3 points
  11. Guess who won a Grammy? None other than Gojira + Marina Viotti + Victor Le Masne for "Mea Culpa (Ah! Ça ira!)", in the Best Metal Performance category, of course!
    3 points
  12. Kung Hei Fat Choi! That’s Happy New Year in Singapore Chinese. To celebrate the New Year, traditionally the biggest festive time in much of East Asia, we’ve decided the openingssssss for the resssssssst of the roundssssssss will sssssalute the upcoming Year of the Ssssssnake. To kick off, here’s Nicki Minaj with her own ssssserenade to ssserpents! Our Year of the Ssssnake tribute was suggested by our East Asan cultural advisor @Palette86, and finessed by our other cultural advisor - you know the guy, he's the wombat correspondent. Anyway, I promised unique to Singapore & how many other countries take intense national pride in their airport? Welcome to Changi, the airport where the catchy-plane bit of the process seems to be the least important thing. Talking of catching planes, some of you are, some others are staying in Singapore to try to win a logo comp! Let's see who's who... A: 2 B: 2 C: 3 D: 4 E: 0 F: 4 G: 6 Again, just like in SLC, there's a clear cut line to leave 4 in & 3 out. So we must say goodbye to @Sir Rols, @Victorian & @thatsnotmypuppy - I promise the GB electorate don't have a thing against Australia, or against comp organisers! For the remaining 4, it's welcome to the exhausting ballot rounds - here are THE RULES: This voting round will be open for (approximately) 48 hours - it will close at 10pm UK time, Friday January 17. Voting will now be conducted in rounds until one entry has an absolute majority and is declared the winner. In this and following rounds, the logo with the lowest number of votes will be eliminated at the close of the poll. All logos that get 0 votes will be eliminated, even if there are multiple. Vote in the poll for your favourite logo. You have ONE vote, so make it count. Your vote is public and can be seen by all. Entrants MAY NOT vote for their own logo. For transparency, I will not vote unless required to break a tie. Votes are valid if cast by members of GamesBids as of January 1 2025 with a bona fide posting record. I will rule on the validity of any suspicious or disputed votes, or who constitutes a bona fide voting member. I will not vote in this, or any subsequent rounds. However, if a tie-breaker vote is needed, I will reserve my right to vote in order to break it. Be fair and sportsmanlike, this is meant to be fun and the entrants all deserve RESPECT. If we don't get a majority here, we'll head into the sea (it makes sense, honest) for Round 3 on Friday! Until then, good luck!
    3 points
  13. I don't wanna make a new thread so I'll be co-opting this thread for this: Ever wonder what I work on when I listen to the Paris 2024 Opening Ceremony for the 483903483rd time? Probably not, but I'm here to tell you anyway! This is an ancient relic from my second semester of college, when I took a cultural anthropology class. For background, our final project was to be a "cultural artifact" that could be used to provide insight to a society's culture and stuff. It could be a painting, a sculpture, anything. A student even made a video game, according to my professor. So what did I do? Hint: it tends to be the most popular topic on this forum every two years. That's right! I created a complete concept guide for an Opening Ceremony for a hypothetical edition of the Olympic Games. "Cultural" Background, as the content of the ceremony may or may not be confusing: You can discover the ceremony here: https://heyzine.com/flip-book/087816dee2.html
    3 points
  14. And they just got allowed. https://www.olympics.com/ioc/news/inaugural-olympic-esports-games-to-be-held-in-riyadh-in-2027-road-to-the-games-to-start-this-year You cried with Olympics 1: The Revival in 1896, you cheered on with Olympics 2: Winter Weeks in 1924, now get ready for OLYMPICS 3: Eletronic Boogaloo feat. Saudi money (and potential humans rights violations?) Jokes apart, at least is confirmed, as much as it can, that something is happening in 2027 in Riyadh and the "different fundinig model" was indeed in pratice oil money. Things to look now it's official that the saudis will get their games; Women's participation. This is a point that concerns gaming in general; alongside Saudi Arabia being still being questionable in the matter of womens rights, for similar reasons as chess (mens being weirdos), women compete in separated circuits while the boys compete in so called "open" circuits. The IOC have to icentivize women's participation across open and inclusive circuits, and having equal slots for them at these games would been a boon, liike they have been doing for the summer and winter games. The thing is, how it looks for the IOC when they do this and bring the games to you know...Saudi Arabia? Human Rights Violations. Other problem is whether they might decide to build new stuff for this thing. Luckily, e-sports doesn't need as much big stadia as their non eletronic counterparts, but you still need a village, and nothing really could stop them if MBS decided to build a olympic stadium just for this. Which leaves us to the kafala system and the conditions of foreign workers, especially those from South Asia. OH BOY, the kafala system. If you wanted to know if the IOC can get away with the same things as FIFA, now is the right time to answer this question. GAME SELECTION. All this will be an embarassment if the IOC keep choosing stuff like Tic Tac Bow in place of League of Legends and Counter-Strike. Although, as an silver lining for now having the E-sports World Cup guys on board as founding partner, they might be the ones who knock some sense in their heads. After all, these had a good selection of games, at the very least. The drawback is that might also be a sign that the saudis might call some shots more then the IOC in this overall, but hey, the saudi money is worth it for them i guess. Well, as the article says, qualifying starts this year, so we might have answers about if this already flopped on the start. Otherwise, we might have an hell of a ride...
    2 points
  15. I don't think the Games were dependent on LACC expansions. This is from an article last year when the expansion was first announced: "The Convention Center doesn’t need to be bigger to host Olympic events such as table tennis and fencing. Still, city leaders want to use the international gathering as an impetus to start construction." If anything, the LACC expansion itself proved a possible risk to the Games due to the short timeline: "The expansion plan, if it proceeds from there, could cost $4.78 billion over 30 years, including debt on any loans. But if engineers conclude in the coming months that it can’t be completed in time for the Olympics or will go over budget, it won’t go forward, city analysts said Tuesday." https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-07-03/la-city-council-moves-forward-revamped-convention-center-plan-ahead-of-2028-olympics
    2 points
  16. I visited an exhibition at the Paris town hall about last year's Olympics and Paralympics named Les Jours Heureux (the English name of the exhibition seems to be Golden Days, but the literal translation is Happy Days). It mainly displays pictures but also some objects: medals (not rusted), torch, dresses. The entrance is free, but a reservation is needed. It is opened up to March 1. I've been to Paris a few times since the Games ended and I have a strange feeling: each time, the remaining traces of Paris 2024 in the city are disappearing even more (the pink signage, the banners...) but somehow, the Games are still here (that exhibition, the rings in front of the Eiffel tower, the cauldron coming back next summers)...
    2 points
  17. Carrara Sports Precinct 20 year masterplan got released today. I would be very surprised if Gold Coast City Council didn't include this in their 100 day review submission Carrara Sports Precinct to boast new stadium and future hotels along with pedestrian bridges The Gold Coast’s sports base at Carrara is to become a “world class sporting precinct” with future upgrades to include a new outdoor stadium, a potential hotel and pedestrian bridges. Take a sneak peek at what’s planned. The Gold Coast’s sports base at Carrara is to become a “world class sporting precinct” with future upgrades to include a new outdoor stadium, a potential hotel and pedestrian bridges. A 20-year masterplan, including stunning graphics, was ticked off by City councillors at a closed session of the lifestyle committee at the Evandale Chambers on Thursday. The 20-year plan will upgrade the major work in the lead-up before the 2018 Commonwealth Games and put the City in a strategic position to host more sports at the 2032 Olympics. Exclusive graphics and a report on Carrara obtained by the Bulletin show: * Additional indoor and outdoor courts along with playing fields. * More high performance training, administration and health facilities. * Opportunities for accommodation on the site including hotels by the lake. * Improved transport with pedestrian bridges crossing the Nerang River and Nerang-Broadbeach Road. * A new outdoor stadium on the second field next to the main stadium * Removal of the old basketball stadium to make way for new facilities. New designs as part of a master plan for the Gold Coast Sports Precinct at Carrara. Mayor Tom Tate described the opportunities for growth at the Precinct as “very exciting” as it positioned the City for the future Olympics. A submission by council to an Olympic venue review says it can save organisers $5 billion by providing sites here rather than in Brisbane. “We already have a fantastic anchor tenant in the Gold Coast Suns and the versatility of the venue for indoor sports like volleyball and basketball and major concerts, as we have seen with Queen, Harry Styles, McCartney, Pink, Pearl Jam it is a great asset for the city,” he said. “Unlike a lot of the major venues in Brisbane, Carrara does not have the same land capacity constraints so we can look at a second high quality outdoor oval on the precinct for AFLW, VFL and men’s and women’s cricket. “Clearly we need to address the traffic and transport issues to and from the site and an overhead bridge would support better ingress and egress options for pedestrians and public transport. Pedestrian bridges are part of the new designs in a master plan for the Gold Coast Sports Precinct at Carrara. “Whilst the Nerang Station is a comfortable walk for some, we need to get the east west electric buses happening to connect light rail at Broadbeach to the heavy rail and our western population centres, via Carrara Sports Precinct.” Mr Tate said he had early discussions with the Government about transport upgrades. The Mayor had also alerted the Olympics 100 Day Review Authority about the upgrades as part of Council’s recent submission. Lifestyle committee chair Glenn Tozer, who presented the plans to his committee, said talks would continue with the State Government which owned land in the precinct. He said Carrara would provide a sporting space for everyone, “whether you’re a weekend warrior, a rising star, elite athlete, or just love being part of the action”. “The Concept Master Plan has been shaped through consultation with key users and stakeholders to balance the needs of community sports and high-performance athletes,” he said. “We are soon to commence the next crucial step – broader community consultation. We want to hear from local clubs, families and everyday users to ensure the precinct reflects what matters most to you. “Next, we’ll develop a detailed business case with staged plans to bring this vision to life. We’re committed to working closely with the State Government, which manages the People First Stadium, to make sure the precinct grows with the city’s needs.”
    2 points
  18. Berlin - Hamburg seems a bit more reassuring to me than the Rhine-Rhur concept. The concept of having several co-hosting cities can make sense for the case of Germany, Hamburg and Berlin are not that far apart (to compare with 2024, it is a bit longer than between Paris and Lille, but not by much, and it had not caused any problems). But I still have trouble seeing what Hamburg could bring that Berlin would not have, because at first glance one could be tempted to say "why would Munich be able to play it alone and not Berlin?". Munich would of course be a logical choice and would have all its chances for 2040 (it would be a big mistake if they try 2036 in my opinion), even if I would be a bit disappointed to try something again in Munich when the last German games were also held in Munich.
    2 points
  19. So, since Trump thinks that there is no problem moving 2 million people who live on their land, I imagine that it no longer poses any technical problem to move the million Israeli settlers who illegally occupy the occupied Palestinian and Syrian territories?
    2 points
  20. Regarding the "save Victoria Park " protesters. It could grow or fizzle out depending on what the Government decides. The bigger issue for me is the consultation process with first nations people and to a lesser degree the few protected historical sites on the park. This should already have taken place, but politicians regularly don't do the obvious. I am assuming this has already been done by the Lord Mayor when the consultation process happened on the Master Plan for Victoria Park. I don't really think this group will gain much additional support if only a stadium is recommended. Likely to lose about 5-7% net park space in that case, with green space added over the ICB and rail line. However, if they decide on a Brisbane Bold type concept of 3 large structures, then that's a different situation. Recently the park lost about 5% to a new Pump Track on a hilly side of the park fronting Herston Road. I don't recall any "save Victoria park" protests regarding this Pump Track project which took about 15 months to construct. Admittingly it is low key compared to a stadium, but they still ripped up all the nice grass and bulldozed a large chunk of the area to make it suitable. The thing is the park is full of hilly sections and that is one reason it is not well used, especially in the spring/summer months. That's except from the commercial interest on the highest point of the park being a restaurant, function rooms, golf driving range, 18-hole golf Putt Putt and 2 large carparks. I am unable to post images on this forum site even though i have done so before. I tried saved images elsewhere but those also had a url connection and did not work. So, a link will have to suffice, but not very helpful in comparing to the overall park size the Pump Track area occupies along with other things at Victoria Park. Victoria Park / Barrambin - Urban Pump Track - Brisbane Kids The "save Victoria Park" people should just get behind a stadium that could be built and integrated into the BCC Master Plan for Victoria Park. It would be a fantastic area not only for Brisbane residence but tourist alike. More importantly it will actually get used. The master plan (link below) will go ahead with joint council/federal funding but in stages and be more expensive in the long run. Victoria Park A4 Portrait V1 Below YouTube clip to skip reading the long masterplan link above. You will note nothing planned for the golf driving range large section of the park. Victoria Park has been a golf course for well over 100 years and only golfers got the benefit of the park up until 2019. There is still a large golf driving range on the site with many years left on the lease. The lease won't be renewed. So, the public did not have free access to the site for 1.5 lifetimes.
    2 points
  21. If these 300 protesters regularly renew their actions and end up making a permanent occupation of the land (this is in any case what I would do in their situation if I were opposed to the project - look at the "Zone to Defend" English Wikipedia page), it means that their work was good from the beginning. We only judge at the end of the show, not at the beginning of the first act.
    2 points
  22. No, YOU turned it into a numbers game and made a disparaging remark comparing them to the front row of the stadium. I’m not the only one who described that response as sneering. Instead of playing the numbers game, why don’t you address the topic and explain how the needs of the stadium would, ahem, Trump the need for green space in a city not exactly bursting with it?
    2 points
  23. That is re-writing history - Palasczuk didn’t lose the premiership over the Gabba. She lost it over a general drop in support in the polls caused by a range of issues - cost of living, a long-term government, crime etc - just as it was about to enter an election year. The Gabba was a minor issue that played out and fed into those. Miles had already opposed the Gabba rebuild in cabinet as Treasurer when it was first proposed, so it was no surprise he killed it. Rob is right. Three hundred protesters against a proposal that is even yet-to-be adopted IS significant. Especially when similar proposals had already been vetoed over the central concern - off of green space. To be dismissive of them and their concerns is quite arrogant. And on the sign-off that “they would even fill the front row of seats at the new stadium” is almost bullying. Yes, let’s try to make the Brisbane Games a success, but let’s not do so by riding roughshod over democracy and more pressing concerns like the right to green space and financial probity. I’m not even necessarily opposed to a Victoria Park stadium, but I await to see if or how it could be done without negatively effecting Brisbane’s quality of life.
    2 points
  24. Posting randomly here and there. I hope everyone is doing fine. I now happen to work in the sport industry, and part of my job is evaluating bids for sporting events. Funny how my interest from all those years ago has now led to a job 😂
    2 points
  25. The administration has rescinded the federal grant freeze, which means my life is back on track (until he finds out a new way to ruin it within the next 0.2 seconds) https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-pause-federal-grants-aid-6d41961940585544fa43a3f66550e7be
    2 points
  26. Confirmed, Sydney to host the Final, semis and third place games. Despite earlier looking like it would it out/miss out altogether, Melbourne will host some pool and Round of 16 matches. Brisbane has pool games and two quarter finals at Lang Park Sydney to host 2027 Rugby World Cup final as Melbourne settles for last-16 games
    2 points
  27. There are a lot of institutions in the United States that are for for profit that shouldn't be. Medicine, education, prisons among others. So much for the great American experiment. And yes, the idea of socialized medicine here gets a bad reputation, heaven forbid we take care of the sick rather than exploit them.
    2 points
  28. By the time LA hosts the Olympics, their president will probably be busy openly talking about annexation of Canada and Greenland while turning the Gulf of Mexico into an "American Gulf". If you wanna talk about politics we can start from here IOC never cares about politics. And looking at the other candidates—India, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Indonesia—none seem particularly grounded in reality. At least Istanbul has bid five times, conducted actual study cases, developed projects, and, you know, gained some real experience. This race will be between Istanbul as city and INDIA as country...
    2 points
  29. Didn't realize this topic existed and on behalf of the half of Americans who aren't f**king insane, we apologize to the rest of the world. I don't want to go down the rabbit hole on Trump, but I will say this. As much as Trump has expressed his contempt for the entire state of California, at least we know come 2028 that he'll want the Games of Los Angeles (or is he'll call them, "the greatest Olympics ever because of Trump) to be a smashing success so he can invite all his buddies to sit beside him. So at least he'll advocate for the city and the state then. And probably 5 minutes afterwards tell us what a hell hole LA was and how he'll never get over having to spend 2 weeks there
    2 points
  30. I don't think it was mentioned in the submission, but they originally wanted the hockey taken off Ballymore (i may have missed it though). Play hockey at Perry Park which has a rail station across the road and bus services on the street. Then revert back to soccer after the games Ballymore is a crap place to get to for the public. However, Gold Coast want hockey too and that is already set up and ready to go. Would need more temporary seating.
    2 points
  31. A link to the Football Australia & Football Queensland Submission 100-Day-Review-Submission.pdf It is a reasonably good submission in pushing your own sport and not worrying about what happens to other sports & venues. Quotes lots of figures mostly pre the world inflation crisis. The one thing i did get out of that submission is not enough training venues for football. That may or may not be correct, but it will apply to a lot of other sports so could be an issue. .......................................................................... They must think cricket won't be included in 2032. As a consequence, cricket and AFL can find somewhere else to play for 5 years. "This master plan would, by consequence, lead to the decommissioning of the Gabba as a proposed Olympic venue (the disposal of which in some form or another could present a significant commercial opportunity for government which could serve to fund the development of Victoria Park)." ................................................................... A bit selective in their figure gathering seeing the Brisbane Lions sold out 10 of their 12 home games this year. "Brisbane Lions attendance has declined by 3%, but if peak attendance from 2004 is considered, the decrease stands at 19%." ................................................................. They also want the MCG, must think AFL will give way in the middle of their season for Brisbane Olympics soccer matches. Also, Lions and Suns will have to find venues interstate to play games, and it will be for more than 1 month. They used the MCG for soccer in the Sydney 2000 Olympics. The GF was bought forward to Sep 2nd with the Olympics starting on Sep 15th. I can't see how the AFL will give it up without losing big revenue in 2032 even if offered compensation, which would defeat the purpose of gaining Soccer revenue over smaller venues. "Recommendation that AAMI Park in Melbourne and Allianz (Sydney Football) Stadium in Sydney are substituted with Melbourne Cricket Ground and Accor Stadium (Stadium Australia) respectively to address artificial ticket supply constraints."
    2 points
  32. Also on a relevant note - two international sporting events are happening in Torino this year - the Winter Universiade and the Special Olympics World Winter Games. The Winter Universiade organizing committee uses "Torino" in their branding while the Special Olympics organizing committee uses "Turin". So if you look up "Torino 2025", you'll get more results for the Winter Universiade, while if you look up "Turin 2025" you'll get the Special Olympics more often. Pretty interesting!
    2 points
  33. Fantastic- do it once, do it properly. Brisbane needs a world class stadium and is hosting the Olympics. I cant see any problem (new Norm and all that). Now get it built!
    2 points
  34. Truly a damaged and despicable human being. Difficult to call him one. If you were not born as blessed as a "normal" homo sapiens, you are immediately lesser in his eyes and because of his predatory instincts, he knows that is your weakness he can seize on if you two were up for combat and take you out. Remember when he mocked the disabled reporter in 2016? That alone would've written off another candidate -- but not this one; and backed by an equally thirsting crowd.
    2 points
  35. Definitely Miles can be pinned with wasting a whole year of Olympic preparations (with meddling and prompting by Coates). Personally, though, I’d always base my votes on more vital issues like abortion rights, protection of minorities, social and government services delivery, health, education and equity in wealth distribution than on a games venue.
    2 points
  36. what are we thinking the next major landmark events for the games are? for me its the following: March 2025: Release of 100-day report, probably recommending Vic Park, RFD goes out within 2 months for a new stadium by the end of 2025: Design for Victoria Park revealed 2032 Logo revealed and is starting to be seen around brisbane, along with the rings first 2032 Merchandise is out - i'm expecting logo on things like t-shirts, tote bags and pins 2028: Closing Ceremony presentation in LA
    2 points
  37. Whilst Mount Coot-tha may be a stunning location with spectacular views of the city, I have strong doubts this facility would work due to the impact on the heritage area, lack of transport and grandstand seating only on one side of the pool (once you take out the room for media, there will be limited seating capacity for spectators. My preference would be for a glass roof installed over Suncorp Stadium and for Suncorp to host the swimming following in the footsteps of Paris La Defense Arena and Sofi Stadium or a temporary sail like Kazan World Championships.
    2 points
  38. Congrats glacib. @yoshi and @Sir Rols, 2036 will be coincidentally the year of DRAGON!
    2 points
  39. And here we go, the raison d’être.… So, a new champ and a triple winner. Not a bad year. Again, congrats to both @corn_zxl and @Glacib
    2 points
  40. Aiyaiyai! I think I need a flaming sambuca to wake up from that speech. Anyone join me for shots? Ah Fencing 1976! We’re gonna miss you… not! Congratulations @Glacib! Well deserved. All the final round entries were great - I thought it would be a much more contested poll(s) - but I loved how you are thoughtful and look to include interesting cultural aspects to your logos, in this case the batik motif. Like how you incorporated Maasai design in your winning Nairobi logo. So well done and researched! And even better animated: As I mentioned elsewhere, you and @Bear both really raised the presentation bar this year! It’s what we sort of hope for when choosing cities for these comps - though we were a bit blind-sided by Singapore. Again thanks to @Palette86 for giving us the Year of the Snake Chinese New Year idea! Wish we had more rounds, but at least we got Britney in. Thanks @yoshi! You keep these comps alive. And never panic - those logos will come eventually. I’ll post the updated Honour Roll shortly. Maybe after the next Brisbane “All venues are being included in the 100-Day Review” bump post. I’m way behind in my real life Saturday morning housekeeping chores.
    2 points
  41. On 30 January, the Candidates will be expected to speak to the guts of what is in their Candidature File - their pitch’ if you like. I’ve picked what I see as top 5 key points, amongst all the flowery words. These top 5s will of course vary to each reader according to individual perceptions: HRH PRINCE FAISEL HUSSEIN - Candidature Document: Explore flexibility around the dates of the Olympic Games calendar Give every IOC Member a role to play in defining and executing policy Collaborate more closely with the International Paralympic Committee Enable members to decide the electorate for future host cities Replace four year extensions with an age limit increase to 75 MR DAVID LAPPARTIENT - Candidature Document: Organise Olympic Games on continents and in regions where they have never been held before Strengthen the role of IOC Members in the decision-making process and debates as Sessions Rethink how Commissions work Future proof our revenue Draft Olympic Agenda 2036 MR JOHAN ELIASCH - Candidature Document: Enhance mental health support for athletes Ring fence Women’s sports - no ifs, no buts Build a bridge between Olympic and Paralympic sport Sieze value for money opportunities presented by AI Mitigate risks of awarding the Games to less developed countries MR JUAN ANTONIO SAMARANCH - Candidature Document: Return to open Session format for open discussion and debate Empower Members to participate in fully and manage Commssions Strengthen partnership between the Olympic and Paralympic Movements Extend the retirement age to 75 Enable Members to decide on host city selection MRS KIRSTY COVENTRY - Candidature Document Strengthen Women’s sports by protecting female athletes Actively involve International Sports Federations in Games delivery Expand Olympic Solidarity Scholarship program for athletes Conduct open dialogue and workshops with IOC Members to give Commissions greater influence and decision making powers Adopt innovations that reduce waste, conserve energy and minimise carbon footprints LORD SEBASTIAN COE - Candidature document Urgent review of governance structures, roles and responsibilities in the Membership and the Executive Board Drive greater collaboration between National Olympic Committees and International Sport Federations Embrace AI to modernise fan engagement, talent identification and sport delivery Democratise governance to empower IOC Members Power up small National Olympic Committees and International Sport Federations MR MORINARI WATANABE - Candidature document Stage the Olympic Games on five continents in the same period of time Introduce an open bicameral governance system for the IOC Advocate maximum term for IOC Presidents of 12 years Develop new businesses to contribute to peoples’ health and mental wellbeing Develop a system in which sports developed nations actively support sports developing nations
    2 points
  42. 2 points
  43. So that’s three Aussies all turfed out! Hmmmmmmmm. Just want to say thanks to those who voted for mine - I didn’t expect any votes at all, so I’m touched ha some of you liked the idea to vote for it. Really, though, if I’d have survived the short list round I would have had to retire - it was a quick 10-minute job, and I feel it would have been unfair to those who’ve put in more creative and detailed graphics work if I’d have prevented anyone from getting through. Changi’s nice - I’ve spent overnight in the past wandering its indoor rainforests - but the last lot of Aussies stranded at Changi back in the 1940s didn’t have such a good time. I think @thatsnotmypuppy, @Victorian and I may retire to sip cocktails beside the Infinity Pool at Marina Bay to spectate the rest of the tournament. Feel free to join us…
    2 points
  44. Our opening song is brought to you by our Tokyo correspondent & cultural sensitivity advisor @Palette86 & her fleet of yoshis: It welcomes us, for the first time since 2019, to Asia! And specifically the only city to host both an Olympic Games & an IOC session & still be better known for the session - welcome to Singapore! And welcome to the place where all that happened, the Raffles Hotel, which has waited 20 years to host a vote as significant as this again. Way back in summer, while Paris was finally enjoying its much-deserved Olympic moment (& what a Games it was), the GB electorate decided that this city/country at the tip of the Asian mainland would be our 18th Summer victim, & now in the first days of 2025, we complete the journey by electing the winner. Again, we have 7 candidates, so again we have a cut round to begin, & here are THE RULES: This voting round will be open for (approximately) 48 hours - it will close at 10pm UK time, Wednesday January 15. Voting will now be conducted in rounds until one entry has an absolute majority and is declared the winner. IMPORTANT - As I say, this is a cut round - so the (around) THREE logos that receive the fewest votes will be eliminated. The four remaining will go to the exhaustive ballot. All logos that get 0 votes will be eliminated, even if there are more than three. What exactly happens will depend on the exact numbers that we get, it might not be exactly three that go out. Vote in the poll for your favourite logos. You will notice this is a multiple-choice poll - you may give up to THREE votes, so make them count. More than THREE votes will invalidate all your votes. Sir Rols and I will monitor votes cast, but feel free to alert us if you notice anyone voting more than thrice. Your vote is public and can be seen by all. Entrants MAY NOT vote for their own logo. For transparency, I will not vote unless required to break a tie. Votes are valid if cast by members of GamesBids as of January 1 2025 with a bona fide posting record. I will rule on the validity of any suspicious or disputed votes, or who constitutes a bona fide voting member. I will not vote in this, or any subsequent rounds. However, if a tie-breaker vote is needed, I will reserve my right to vote in order to break it. Be fair and sportsmanlike, this is meant to be fun and the entrants all deserve RESPECT. Unless we get a winner here, we will reconvene for the first exhaustive ballot on Wednesday in the kind of place that might be unique to Singapore. Until then, Good luck!
    2 points
  45. Congrats @corn_zxl. Your logo was outstanding! I missed to vote for option C but believe that actually you gathered 7 votes.
    2 points
  46. Exactly. That bizarre thread to “cancel the LA” is utter bs.
    2 points
  47. This is exactly what I think when I see things like "cancel the games!!!" or that weird "strip the games from LA!!!" thread here. We can and will recover. We still have over 3 years to go, none of the existing venues are damaged or destroyed. More importantly, the Games are NOT being taxpayer funded so you can't even make the argument that "oh our money is going to running the Games instead of rebuilding". Even then, both LA28 and the IOC have acknowledged that the priority right now is to confront the devastation. Let us not forget that soon after Japan was struck by not just an earthquake, not just a tsunami, but a literal nuclear disaster as well, they still went forth with planning for an Olympic Games that ended up being struck by a global pandemic. If Tokyo 2020 was still able to take place, so can LA28.
    2 points
  48. HOLY GOOD GOD I DONT WHAT TO SAY, Ive been absent for like the whole week due to my studies so I apologize for the dead air, But im nothing but grateful for this award and would like to thank everyone who voted for me
    2 points
  49. Love your signature @Bear
    1 point
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