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baron-pierreIV last won the day on January 25

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About baron-pierreIV

  • Birthday 04/09/1975

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  1. But ya know, HB is just one community that is quite red -- and the event is what? 2 days? OKLAHOMA CITY is DEEP RED for at least 2 events -- maybe running over 7 or 8 days! Carson City might be purple. Anaheim (where Indoor Volleyball will be played) is more red than blue. Lower Trestles is a remote beach south of San Clemente. I hope LA28 picks the site that is best for the sport and for the organization. Politics shouldn't matter in staging the sports.
  2. /\/\ Unfortunately -- since LA is asking for federal aid -- such ill-timed demos by Angelenos at this time, aren't doing themselves any favors!! He will just squeeze the aid. Timing is everything.
  3. And will reach out across the ocean to Lake Placid as their back-up Sliding venue -- rather than to even close-by St. Moritz or Albertville or Innsbruck. Just so long as it's NOT another European country!! 🤪 I guess it will be their answer to Paris-Tahiti conundrum. Milano/Cortina-Lake Placid partnership!!
  4. Those press arrangements for Closing are NOT as elaborate as for Openings. I mean, countries which didn't win anything MIGHT have one token press member there. There's NOT much to tell in Closings other major victories, winners -- hopefully, no murders or hostage-taking or defections -- so the space allotted for the Press will be a lot smaller. And, of course, video Ops are being handle by OBS, so . . . as I said, I doubt 300-400 press will not be taking up that much space in a medium-sized arena. I'd say watch the Torino 2006 Closing for an idea of the logistics for such an event.
  5. From the roughly high point of est 3,800 athletes in WOG (that high number is NOT always reached in full capacity at the Villages because some come a day or 2 in advance of their event, hang around for 1-2-3- days for their competition, and then leave shortly thereafter). So, I would say, come Closing CC at Verona, they will be lucky to have 1,500 athletes who WOULD WANT to attend Closing; Press (for Winter Games) might be 400-500 (max) -- so those 2,000 bodies out of 22K capacity is really good for the COJO's box office -- not for anything else. And I guess it will be mostly the Veronese who will be attending the Closing vs. the hard-core sports fans and the families who already spent their big $$ in Milano and Cortina.
  6. Somehow, Verona wanted to get into the 2026 Act -- I guess having been left out in 2006. So, they offered their arena which stages operas on a grand scale in the SUMMER for Closing ceremonies. But it's really stupid because they have to transport athletes and officials staying at Milano and Cortina to Verona and then back to BOTH sites after the Closing. And I don't know how the IOC was OK with that. Unless, the officials were all given NEW hotel rooms in Verona just for the Closing Night. Maybe it's that.
  7. Or at least it will be some sham. I don't know how the idiotic Twamp State Dept. will handle the thousands of visa requests for the fans of the teams in Mexico & Canada who will advance to the rounds played in the US??
  8. Uhmmm . . . ancient Rome did not have ADA rules for their stadia, hence it would be ridiculous to hold anything Paralympic at the Verona Arena.
  9. who supposedly lost his collection of 19 Olympic torches in the Palisades Fire, collector Bud King? Facebook
  10. I just don't know what to say . . . (And I sort of had loose plans of visiting Mexico for the 1st time in September.)
  11. Well, that was the old order of things -- don't reveal your platforms until the current Olympiad was over. I don't know when that changed.
  12. Well, because that region has hosted 3x already before -- there really isn't much to do except upgrades (add new venues in Nice) and hoping there will be enough snow come 2029-30!!
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