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Everything posted by Guilga

  1. And they just got allowed. https://www.olympics.com/ioc/news/inaugural-olympic-esports-games-to-be-held-in-riyadh-in-2027-road-to-the-games-to-start-this-year You cried with Olympics 1: The Revival in 1896, you cheered on with Olympics 2: Winter Weeks in 1924, now get ready for OLYMPICS 3: Eletronic Boogaloo feat. Saudi money (and potential humans rights violations?) Jokes apart, at least is confirmed, as much as it can, that something is happening in 2027 in Riyadh and the "different fundinig model" was indeed in pratice oil money. Things to look now it's official that the saudis will get their games; Women's participation. This is a point that concerns gaming in general; alongside Saudi Arabia being still being questionable in the matter of womens rights, for similar reasons as chess (mens being weirdos), women compete in separated circuits while the boys compete in so called "open" circuits. The IOC have to icentivize women's participation across open and inclusive circuits, and having equal slots for them at these games would been a boon, liike they have been doing for the summer and winter games. The thing is, how it looks for the IOC when they do this and bring the games to you know...Saudi Arabia? Human Rights Violations. Other problem is whether they might decide to build new stuff for this thing. Luckily, e-sports doesn't need as much big stadia as their non eletronic counterparts, but you still need a village, and nothing really could stop them if MBS decided to build a olympic stadium just for this. Which leaves us to the kafala system and the conditions of foreign workers, especially those from South Asia. OH BOY, the kafala system. If you wanted to know if the IOC can get away with the same things as FIFA, now is the right time to answer this question. GAME SELECTION. All this will be an embarassment if the IOC keep choosing stuff like Tic Tac Bow in place of League of Legends and Counter-Strike. Although, as an silver lining for now having the E-sports World Cup guys on board as founding partner, they might be the ones who knock some sense in their heads. After all, these had a good selection of games, at the very least. The drawback is that might also be a sign that the saudis might call some shots more then the IOC in this overall, but hey, the saudi money is worth it for them i guess. Well, as the article says, qualifying starts this year, so we might have answers about if this already flopped on the start. Otherwise, we might have an hell of a ride...
  2. It's the beauty of the New Norm really. You only need the "guarantees" and you are ready to go.
  3. When i read the news yesterday, i was flaggerblasted. This IS LITERALLY ETHINIC CLEASING. Unaceptable. Deviosly evil. Just pure evil. Just imagine: You get your land invaded and razed by a foregain country, which, okay, was indeed attacked first by Hamas, but you have no relation to them. You still get punished by a crime that you didnt commit, have your love ones murdered or injured in heartless attacks against civilian structure and refugee camps all with flimsy justifications like "theres tottaly a terrorist here in this hospital full of people", destroying everything on their path...just to not even disorganize the terrorists even after killing their leaders. And after all that, the foregain country, with help of the USA, still steal their home land from you, to become a riviera for foregainers, or may i say, colonizers. Expelled from your own land as a reward for surviving. This news kinda shows that getting rid of the terrorists wasn't really the intention, isn't it? Let's not forget about the hostages too, oh boy. They could have been released way earlier, if Netanyahu and his goverment, despite the wishes of their own citzens, didn't were so bloodthisty. But saving the hostages wasn't the plan. The plan was genocide, all to blame on the state of Israel, and also the United States for been complicit enablers of all this. Hamas is not the good guys either, but you don't need to raze an entire city to fight terrorists. And i really hope Jewish people worldwide doesn't get mixed up with these idiots. And that they and Arab people can live in peace, despite these idiots always wanting blood. I really hope your future is not destroyed by these idiots and the people who cares doesn't let them get away with that... My lord, what they want to do with this, replace actual education with propaganda? Given how these blokes call the depatment a source of "woke indrocrination" if the article is any indication, that seems likely. As a techer myself, even from a different country, this is insulting. "Let's eliminate the future of our students cuz of culture wars", or more acuratelly, keep the slaves being slaves. "Let's have the states have control" for what? You know, all those woke things that they complain a lot, they are the ones who are actually more concerned in force through their ideology on people. THIS IS OUR NEXT SUMMER OLYMPIC HOST COUNTRY EVERYONE!! Oh boy, i hope my country doesn't take collaateral damage of this idiocies...
  4. Bumping this thread, as it seems that they're back.
  5. Imagine a ball going for a throw-in passing by this giant hole up at the top of the hill...
  6. Nice shot there having the flame for the anniversary!!!
  7. For now, he still is and i hope he remains like that forever.
  8. The lines remind me of Rio 2016, in a good way. Nice combo of lines with oil paint.
  9. Welp, my hope is that the loonies of the us fail to mingle with the loonies of mine...
  10. At least, it's better late than never. (Also the fact that there is a second wave; dear lord, usa... Hope my country doesn't get the same fate.)
  11. inb4 Saudi Arabia actually happens.
  12. If he does that, he will lose his IOC membership...
  13. Congrats on the Olympic Cup, France!
  14. Now the sport is really done. The Paras were an more golden experience. While you were sleeeping, an Brazilian got a medal. While you were writing at the board in a Art Class, another one, gold. Lunch? Medal. Cozy in home? Even more medals. In the psychologist? Two golds in 10 minutes. Scrolling bluesky after twitter got shot down because Musk is a prick? Our equestrian hopes were dashed by a bee. This was indeed the best games ever for us, in a stark contrast for the Olympics: where those lacked in golds, our Paralympic athletes gave us in abundance, and i thank them for that. Glad that we sacrificed that X so the media gods (Globo) let us see the IPC streams legally as well at least; their coverage is locked in a pay-tv channel for the Paras but it has indeed good quality, it was just that having no free option was sacrilegious. That could be solved if they didn't think their free-tv channel schedule as holy and passed something more than the Blind Football semifinal and some bulletins. At least it was something, but given that is by far the biggest one in Brazil to the point i feel some people forget that remote controllers exist... yeah. But, now, i have to congratulate you Paris. You did it all your way, and about you i can only feel sad that the IPC still needs to have adverts at the field of play. From the start of this adventure, at the lighting of the olympic flame in Olympia to the end of the Paraympics of Stoke Mandeville, thank you. 10/10, please keep making the games wide open!
  15. May you do! A tip that i can give, we have our national lottery as an big sponsor of the movement, a percentage of the money raised, if i recall, it's given to the Brazillian Paralympic Commitee. Also, if you doesn't have one already, an athlete "scholarship" program, this is giving them money to focus on the sport, with bonuses for competition results can really help the less fortunate sports at the program. If i recall, every single one of our medals come from athletes from the "Bolsa Atleta" program, if not the overwhelming most of them. Those two really help out our Paralympic movement, alongside having an actually well adjusted national commitee. The difference between our Olympic and Paralympic hauls can also be felt on the organization of both, with the sport federations included. But, good luck to you all too!
  16. Well, it was Ça Ira, to bookend these 2024 games brightly. We had some setbacks, more notably at the team sports; Goalball and Blind Football all lost at the semis, the latter in a heart-wrecking penalty shootout, oh my god! AND IT WAS AGAINST ARGENTINA OF ALL PEOPLE! But, we made up for it by proving our might at Swimming and Athletics, even if some events didn't go as expected, most of it was memorable medals. We had that top 5 performance on our targets for quite a while, if i recall; finnaly getting it after a wild fortnight, especially with Italy, France, Ukraine and Netherlands getting close and overtaking us for a while was insane, Netherlands themselves winded up at forth actually. At the final days, or nemesis were the Italians and literally our best day ever at the Paras yesterday was necessary to cover some days without golds, even if they still got that 100m at the end of the day. Then, a miracle out of nowhere, the chinese miss her WR attempt, and our Taynara succeed hers final regular one to go to the powerlift and sinpe that gold, alongside the expected Rufino's gold at the Canoe, and we just needed a miss from the Italians at the women's KL3...and we got it, thanks to your country! Thanks a lot!! Medals every days do fell nice, isn't it?
  17. You all really did well, a very good haul. I have special congratulations to your cyclists and swimmers, i feel there wasn't a day those didn't got a medal barring today.
  18. We did it. WE DID IT! É TOP CINCOOOOOO!! After a miracle turnaround at the powerlifting with Tayana Ribeiros and an solid gold and silver at the canoe by Fernando Rufino and Igor Alex Tofalini, Brasil secured top 5 at the medal table! We made it! We made it! AAAAAAAAAH I'M SO HAPPY!
  19. Congratulations at getting the Cecifoot gold from us, after beating Argentina at the pens. We will let you have that crown 'til LA, you were great hosts.
  20. Those meddling Italian swimmers and sprinters... Tommorow is the day. Hopefully. We kinda forgot to be clutching in some moments at this games, huh?
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