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Redesign For Union Jack.


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You mean Brown's hideous, woeful and utterly futile attempt to make us forget that he is Scottish and the current political systems are unfairly biased against England, to give it its full and correct title?

Besides which, haven't we got more important things to worry about than this? Not only will it not solve anything, but I reckon I've got more chance of winning the Lottery than this actually happening.

You seem to be giving subtle hints that you don't hold Gordon Brown in very high esteem arwebb. ;)

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Without wishing this to become a political argument, I felt I was about as subtle as a sledgehammer there. Just to say that, in sum, I don't like what this government has done to this country. Brown is no different from his predecessor and, in my view, it's time for a change.

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Without wishing this to become a political argument, I felt I was about as subtle as a sledgehammer there. Just to say that, in sum, I don't like what this government has done to this country. Brown is no different from his predecessor and, in my view, it's time for a change.

But what change? Have the Tories back in again? Well,why not...we just loved having 'em in power before didn't we? Have THEY changed at all....not one iota.If anything,they've regressed,proving the old rule of politics...you don't need to change or do ANYTHING to get elected...you just have to wait for the dear old British public to get bored with having the same party in power making exactly the same mistakes and behaving in exactly the same way as you did before!! The only likely change of any significance from another Tory government is that they will destroy what is left of our relationship with Europe.

Gee,wow...I can't wait for that one!!! :rolleyes:

I'm not saying we shouldn't have a change.I just despair at the lack of a proper opposition waiting in the wings to take over

instead of the endless see-sawing between Tory and Labour.Why oh why can't the Lib-Dems ever get their act together??? :huh:

Until then...I'm willing to put up with the devil we know! <_<

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Until any Government has the bottle to grasp the nettle and go towards a voting system that more accurately reflects the wishes of the British people, then we are always going to be stuck in this position of choosing between the two main parties. But I have to be brutally honest and say that if we had had a general election last month, I would have been voting for the Conservatives. Not necessarily because I believe them to be the great change we need, but because they're the best chance of getting Labour out before they do any more damage.

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