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Everything posted by Cauê

  1. One of the most beautiful songs of all time and the most beautiful music in the opening ceremony
  2. Why this is not just a political crisis But a social struggle People against the new president and the coup are anti- racist, anti- corporate and anti-imperialist. They are, in particular: the working class, social movements, feminists and students of public universities. And people against Dilma Rousseff, Lula, the workers party and left-wing governments are, in particular, the Brazilian middle class. Another important difference: people against conservative governments in Brazil are also against media manipulation (in particular, Globo TV, who supported the military regime and is accused of a conservative TV in Brazil). People against the new president Michel Temer and the conservative labor reform September 7, 2016 (Independence Day) https://www.flickr.com/photos/midianinja/ Vs
  3. The most embarrassing moment of the opening of the Paralympics: Rio Paralympics 2016: Brazil's new president (accused of coup) booed at opening ceremony http://www.dw.com/pt/temer-é-vaiado-na-abertura-dos-jogos-paralímpicos/a-19534492
  4. Paralympics (Opening ceremony) http://imguol.com/c/noticias/42/2016/09/07/7set2016---fogos-explodem-no-maracana-durante-cerimonia-de-abertura-dos-jogos-paraolimpicos-de-2016-1473298871628_1920x1301.jpg
  5. More pictures of the protests against the new president, today (Brazil's Independence Day) São Paulo https://www.facebook.com/midiaNINJA/?fref=ts Recife https://www.facebook.com/jornalistaslivres/?fref=ts Belo Horizonte 'Globo Golpista' (This is 'Globo TV = Coup TV', in Brazilian Portuguese) https://www.facebook.com/jornalistaslivres/posts/403454173111799
  6. Brazilian Police https://www.facebook.com/214276665634335/photos/a.216985518696783.1073741828.214276665634335/245274569201211/?type=3&theater
  7. Wonderful ceremony S2 Rio Paralympics 2016: Brazil president booed at opening ceremony Brazilian president Michel Temer was booed as the 2016 Paralympic Games opened in Rio de Janeiro to a backdrop of colour, music and a powerful message of inclusivity. Thousands of performers were involved either side of the two-hour procession of competing countries at the Maracana. Competition begins on Thursday, when Britain's Dame Sarah Storey can become the most successful female Paralympian. http://www.bbc.com/sport/disability-sport/37298448
  8. People are violent? Small groups are violent, baby. You know it. But, about violence, I present the violent Brazilian police: Brazilian police says "Out, trash" for a jornalist of BBC, during a protest (Brazilian police hates journalists in protests) http://www.bbc.com/portuguese/brasil-37273147 The Five Most Shocking Videos Of Brazilian Police Violence Against Protesters http://www.bubblear.com/the-five-most-shocking-videos-of-brazilian-police-violence-against-protesters/ Police Vs Protesters But it is undeniable: thousands and thousands of people are on the streets against the new government: More pictures of the protests, in recent days, for New Elections ('Diretas Já') and against the new president Michel Temer. Why people are on the streets? Why this chaos in Brazil? The new president is ineligible for the Brazilian electoral justice (Rousseff, out, is not ineligible). Protesters says: the new president is corrupt and conservative, and this is a Coup in Brazil, we want new elections. * Against Brazil’s unelected President Michel Temer, people say: Romero Juca (Michel Temer's friend) was forced to step aside over a shocking leaked recording that revealed the then-senator conspired with members of the Supreme Court and military commanders to oust Rousseff and protect corrupt officials from facing justic. PROTESTS IN THE CITY OF FLORIANÓPOLIS https://www.google.com.br/search?q=protesto+temer&biw=1600&bih=775&source=lnms&tbm=isch&tbs=qdr:d&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwia4ZXMmf7OAhVDf5AKHcn_AGoQ_AUICCgD#q=protesto+temer&tbm=isch&tbs=qdr:w
  9. Well, Not everyone is a colorful idiot like "The Power Rangers against Dilma Rousseff"... Images of protests in France: When human, labor and democratic rights are disrespected, people make a social chaos. This is worldwide.
  10. UNDERSTANDING THE CHAOS IN BRAZIL (The Guardian) Dilma Rousseff might be gone, But Brazil’s political crisis certainly isn’t 'Everything was carefully planned to make the arbitrary removal of a democratically elected president look like business as usual.' 'It is true that, unlike the sudden impeachment carried out after just a couple of days in Paraguay in 2012, or the clear use of force in Honduras in 2009, formalities were observed in the surreal trial of Rousseff. For over five months alleged government accounting irregularities were treated as one of the most serious crimes in Brazilian political history and were carefully analysed by zealous legislators, including some accused of many crimes themselves, ranging from corruption to money laundering. Suddenly the same country that was capable of silently coping with a routine of impunity in notorious cases of state violence, such as the mass murder of street children or landless workers, became fixated on the legality of administrative budgeting orders.' More: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/sep/01/dilma-rousseff-brazil-political-crisis-conservatives-corruption
  11. September 7, 2016 - Independence Day of Brazil and the opening of the Paralympic Games Rio 2016 PROTESTS AGAINST THE NEW PRESIDENTE MICHEL TEMER, TODAY, IN RIO BRASÍLIA (CAPITAL) SÃO PAULO (BRAZIL'S FINANCIAL CENTER) IMAGES: MÍDIA NINJA (FACEBOOK) https://www.facebook.com/midiaNINJA/photos/?tab=album&album_id=235526863272133 Other protests in recent days against the new president: SÃO PAULO (SEPTEMBER 4) http://www1.folha.uol.com.br/poder/2016/09/1810216-manifestantes-se-reunem-na-paulista-para-protesto-contra-temer.shtml
  12. Protests in Brazil (São Paulo, Rio, Brasília, Curitiba, Porto Alegre and other cities) against the new president Why? The new president is ineligible for the Brazilian electoral justice (Rousseff, out, is not ineligible) Protesters say: the new president is corrupt and conservative, and this is a Coup * Against Brazil’s unelected President Michel Temer, people say: Romero Juca (Michel Temer's friend) was forced to step aside over a shocking leaked recording that revealed the then-senator conspired with members of the Supreme Court and military commanders to oust Rousseff and protect corrupt officials from facing justic. https://www.google.com.br/search?q=protestos+temer&biw=1600&bih=775&source=lnms&tbm=isch&tbs=qdr:d&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj-puOJi_HOAhXMf5AKHafMDn0Q_AUIBygC#q=protestos+temer&tbs=qdr:d,isz:lt,islt:svga&tbm=isch&imgrc=fO9rPpxBCpeABM%3A
  13. Yesterday (September 1, 2016) in São Paulo: People against the new president By Mídia Ninja (Flickr) https://www.flickr.com/photos/midianinja/
  14. Tonight - September 1, 2016 People against the new president Michel Temer Mídia Ninja (Facebook) https://www.facebook.com/midiaNINJA/?hc_ref=NEWSFEED
  15. Yesterday People against Dilma Rousseff celebrate in São Paulo http://oglobo.globo.com/brasil/manifestantes-pro-impeachment-comemoram-em-sp-20026874 http://noticias.uol.com.br/album/2016/08/31/reacao-nas-ruas-ao-impeachment-de-dilma.htm#fotoNav=4 And social movements against the new president Michel Temer (pro-Dilma Rousseff and new elections) http://noticias.uol.com.br/album/2016/08/31/reacao-nas-ruas-ao-impeachment-de-dilma.htm#fotoNav=48
  16. The most turbulent flight: SÃO PAULO http://www.tribunaonline.com.br/pm-usa-bombas-em-protesto-contra-o-impeachment-em-sao-paulo/ http://www.tribunaonline.com.br/pm-usa-bombas-em-protesto-contra-o-impeachment-em-sao-paulo/
  17. August 29, 2016 - Protests against the coup explode in Brazil between Olympics and Paralympics RIO DE JANEIRO SÃO PAULO BRASÍLIA (CAPITAL CITY) FLORIANÓPOLIS ____________________________________________________________________ AND TODAY, IN SÃO PAULO IMAGES FROM FACEBOOK (Mídia Ninja and Jornalistas Livres) Here: https://www.facebook.com/jornalistaslivres/photos https://www.facebook.com/midiaNINJA/?fref=ts
  18. The real big Olympic powers are small countries with many medals (like GB, South Corea, Cuba and Jamaica). And for me, GB is the best team (better than China ).
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