Co-hosting is lousy indeed.
That security/economy argument on Mexico is tiring and superficial. We hosted Pan Ams and an incredibly successful U-17 FIFA WC in 2011, our bloodiest year ever according to media. Brazil is hosting WC and Olympics to murder rates similar to Mexico, which are lowering. Our economy may not be the tiger The Economist was talking about some months ago but its solid, and our tycoons seem to be in love with football right now.
Our politicians, both in the government as in the football federation are awful but if there's one thing we can pull is a World Cup. We've done it in short notice like in 1986, with seven years we would do wonders. We have the stadia and the overall structure. DF, Guadalajara, Torreón and soon Monterrey will have WC-ready venues. Many billionaires have teams that could upgrade their stadiums immediatly, I'm talking Slim -new in the business-, Azcárraga, Salinas Pliego and the Zambrano family. Add León, Pachuca, Tijuana, Cancún, Morelia and Puebla to the cities I mentioned and you have a solid slate to start with.
And remember you can't buy passion for football.
CONCACAF is likely to support the US but a Mexican bid would be surprisingly strong.