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  1. Discovering the 'unliveable' Dave Kosoof writes about what he discovered on arrival at Delhi's Games village. http://tvnz.co.nz/commonwealth-games/dave-kosoof-discovering-unliveable-3793271
  2. My previous post was heated and more based around security and nothing to do with CWG preparations, i feel the international community need to understand when it comes to security Indian Govt and its people (not MR K) will do all it can to ensure the security of its visitors like it does for many of visiting cricketing teams.i know in this case the number of athletes coming is higher but do you really think Indian govt or people would like to see an attack on them?where will that leave Indian tourism? as far as security is concerned its more of Indian govt responsibility then MR K and rest assured it can be looked after as best as possible. As far as preparations for this CWG goes i agree with one and all of you....its been slack and tardy to say the least....here again can u blame the whole population of India for handy of a few corrupt people? i know you are gonna mention the democracy thing....well Indian democracy is a bit more complicated then many other ones....which would explain the current Indian govt supporting certain extreme sections of the society view.they will do anything for votes. Indian public has been watching this whole thing unfold in as much horror as the international community but there isn't much they can do. for example when India won the games bid they could have easily given the contracts for the construction of the games village to successful private real estate companies who have a good track record but instead these corrupt fellows went and handed it to PDW (public works department) who is known to never complete any work on time. The PWD then gave out the contracts to many other small contractors each step of the way making commissions and not knowing whether these contractors can finish the work on time or not. All this to make a few bucks more. And believe me you this wild scale corruption doesn't not just stop at MR K's doorstep it goes further up into the someone big in the ruling party. Otherwise how do u explain him hanging on to the main post even after he was completely exposed by the Indian media? From yesterday it being mentioned that the CWG village is not ready. no surprise in that the construction believe it or not was deliberately stalled why?well our friend MR K here has promised customers to most of the 5 star hotels in Delhi during CWG and what better way to do that then divert athletes to the hotels by making sure the village was not up to the mark. If u check most of the hotels in Delhi they have all completed their renovations and is ready to take in these athletes after all its an "emergency". MR K again stands to gain some commissions from this. While making this cunning plan MR K had not taken into perspective the headache it was going to cause to the security personnel all he cared about was money. Now when it comes to eviction of people from slum areas....many of these slum dwellers (who are illegally occupying lands) have been offered better housing for many years now....most of the time they refuse because living in these dwellings mean they can rip of electricity and water without having to pay for it and also the localities are in the heart of the city. Many a times they have even accepted the accommodation given to them by the govt and gone on to rent it out and continue to live in their slums. what do u do in these situations? in places like Bombay its the slums where you will find half the weapons that is used against the nation. so from a security point of view also these slums can pose a major risk as its very easy to launch an attack from there and get away with it. When it comes to dengue and the monsoons i have no Idea why they even bid for the games knowing what season it would be held in. Answer here is the same i guess "making money form CWG" As far as doping is concerned let me give u a clear picture, India is a country of one sport - CRICKET. Everything else is just plain time pass. I have been to Australia, China, England and few more other countries and i have seen how they nurture, advice and train their athletes from their schooling days, let me tell you that doesn't happen in India. Might explain why the second largest population in the world walks away from the Olympics with just one Gold Medal. The point im trying to make here is these athletes are not advised properly what medications or supplements they should or should not take.There is nor proper body in India to do so. All you got is many federations like tennis federation, weightlifting federation etc who are all looking at making money. Oh and i almost forgot our beloved MR K is the chief of one such federation for many years now. I do wish we had some system in place to look after these athletes but sadly we are far from it and things like the failed doping test is gonna pop up again and again as athletes themselves are not aware of what they should or shouldn't take. To the forumers here want i want to say is yes your are right about the preparations and have the write to complain. Hell u can even ask MR K to be sent to the international court to stand trial. But as far as security is concerned the govt is doing its best to protect its visitors but things do happen i had pulled in the situation of the international students in OZ to point this point out.I am aware that oz govt is doing all it can to stop such attacks but sometimes thing happen and there is nothing anyone can do about it. Here is hoping nothing happens if CWG takes place. So please appreciate the effort taken into providing security to all the Athletes rather than mixing it with all the other corruption related activities that have gone on around these games.
  3. Wise words coming from someone based in OZ, considering they cant even guarantee the safety of international students based in their country, hell a kid even approached john Howard with a knife back when he was the PM so lets not point fingers at others. As far as incident like todays goes yes it bad but its no worse then glassing, knifing other gang incidents i have heard about in footscray, springvale or many of the other such suburbs in melbourne. you should no better that at the same time India is hosting the CWG its also hosting your cricket team and they dont seem to be making such a fuss about it. i thought pommies were whingers but now i see aussies and candians are beating them to it. my advice to all who thinks CWG is just too dangerous to attend is....dont attend, now one is forcing you all to come coz as i rem australian swimmers have already been told they are free to make up their mind. CWG in delhi would be a lot better place to be in without such whingers.
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