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About passthedutchie

  • Birthday 12/25/1977

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  1. About time! Nail on the head my friend. The IOC are like a bunch of overweight ballerinas when they speak, doing so slowly, carefully, and trivially. I don't know what the IOC can do at this point. It was fooled by the CCP. China will host the games and will try its best to showcase itself to the world. It is up to individuals to react to these games, because the IOC, and to an extent governments, will only have press releases. Only a new slate within can bring about the necessary change needed in the IOC. It's nice that he has finally said something and taken a stance. Curious - what threats do you think the IOC can reasonably make?
  2. We have witnessed years and years of anti-democratic actions by the CCP, brutal acts of violence towards those that dissent, and they interfere negatively in global affairs. They are against everything that the Olympics stand for. It was a mistake to award the games to Beijing prior to action on human rights. It will be a mistake to celebrate the CCP. Olympic sport never trumps human rights, and these games were more about the hope of human rights than the sport when they were awarded.
  3. Wow. This has turned into quite the topic. I've had a very busy week with a move into a new home. I'm just catching up now. I found the interview with the German vice president of the IOC and the piece by Andrew Bolt to be very interesting reads. What a good choice of hosts, eh? The IOC was deceived, or they are corrupt, or pretty bloody ignorant. Maybe all of the above. The country of China was awarded the games while spitting in the face of the the Olympic Charter. It continues to do so to this day. The athletes can do very little under the rules of the IOC at the games, and should probably fear arrest if they leave the safety of Olympic sites. Does this fit well in China? It's straight from the Olympic charter. I don't know about you, but my fundamental principles are not shared by the CCP. Sport in Beijing will be used by the CCP to continue with their agenda, and not promoting human dignity or peace. Boycotting the games is a personal choice. I am not supporting these games because the people of Tibet are asking for very simple rights that are basic, and I believe the games should not be held in nations that have values that are harmful. I strongly believe Beijing 2008 does not fit with the Olympic movement, and if you believe it does, you should get your head checked. Freedom of speech is one of the most basic forms of rights that all humans should have, regardless of their location. The athletes will make a choice whether or not to go, and I completely understand. The governments have no right to tell them not to go because their future depends on it. For some, boycotting is not an option. But they should have every right to make a statement if they choose. Guaranteed most of the post-event press conferences will not reach the Chinese audience, especially with messages for Tibet. There is also no reason why companies and corrupt governments should profit from these games given what is going on in Tibet and the actions of the CCP. Again consumers have the ability to not support the sponsors of the Olympics as well, and actually pretty easy if you look at the official sponsors. Should they decide to pull their support, I might support them again. My personal part of the Olympic charter just happens to be: There's one final (fundamental) clause: Ah well, one out of two isn't bad.
  4. Nobody should be forced, but it is time to realize that continued support for these games is a victory for the corrupt and brutal CCP. The sponsors are a little different. Generally they are in a class of their own. Few companies rely on the Olympics to make or break their futures, unlike athletes, however companies have a choice and have just as much impact to make a change, if not greater. You can choose to take note of which companies ignore the regime they truly support. The CCP is evil. Right now is the time for change in China, because as their power grows, so will their propaganda and education campaigns! The best thing we can do is stand side by side with anybody under their rule who choose to oppose their brutal reign! They promised human rights improvements to get the games. To continue with the games is an insult to human rights and the Olympic ideals.
  5. We all did seven years ago. Boy, thank goodness we didn't have that attitude with Germany! Eventually CAF, you have to commit and say enough is enough. Right now I'm upset enough to limit my contributions to China only because of the CCP. Chinese people are wonderful and only a product of their government, no different than any other culture that has had to make realizations and changes to their society. Every country has its major changes in society. It will become more difficult in time. Canada to this day struggles with Aboriginal issues, and it is likely come back to haunt them prior to 2010 unless dealt with. Do you think its acceptable for Canada to take the measures the CCP has taken with Tibet? Even some of them? Two weeks of "western" influence will do little to nothing to the common Chinese. They will have years of CCP influence once we all leave.
  6. So then the Chinese will understand with Tibet, eh? Is that why most Chinese believe that Tibet is part of China? Good one. I am a big believer in dialogue, but it has its limits. China has nearly reached that limit. There are many factors affecting change - and military force should be last on the list, however you seem to subscribe that military is necessary when dialogue fails. I don't. There are other forms of protest that do not result in violence. Why do you get to demand dialogue when Tibetans can't? You can continue to delay their access to basic human rights by calling for dialogue. It is time for action. What would you like to talk to the Chinese about in regards to Tibet? More fragile? Sure, things are touchy there, but it's not 1989, and China is far more powerful than it ever has been. It will only continue to get more powerful.
  7. You're right, nobody thought they would become a democracy, but human rights have not improved. Not one bit. I'm optimistic that the meeting with the Dalai Lama will yield some good results, but the demands of Tibetans are not too much! They are asking for basic human rights. Who am I, being so negative. Thank Goodness for the Olympics!! China showed restraint because of the spotlight on them with the Olympics. Had it not been for the Olympics, they would have laid the smack-down! I can't tell you have to feel, but if you're comfortable (or you find it acceptable) with the level of China's control on the media coverage in Tibet, their control on the people of Tibet, and their use of brutal force, well, than that's what is acceptable to you. I choose to put myself in the shoes of the oppressed. Another Olympics will come in four years, but they might never have a chance to shine light on their cause like the one before them now! I see the Olympics coming and China not sharing the Olympic ideals. Maybe for two weeks it will. Basic human rights. That is all they ask for.
  8. Easier said than done. What have western governments done to pressure China?? Has anything worked?? They tried to bribe them with the Olympics, and that is back firing. So what would you suggest in place of a boycott? What will make China change their brutal ways?? Everyone says a boycott will fail, so what will work?
  9. It's not just the athletes. Everyone has a choice, but nobody can be forced to boycott. I said that in the first post. It is unfair to force any athlete to stay away given how their lives are negatively affected. But you are not an athlete, and you can choose how you participate as well, as a spectator, customer, or television viewer. I am choosing to ignore the Olympics given recent events, and everybody has a choice to do the same. I will, however, support the athletes should they request not to go. You are not an athlete but you can choose how you support the games. You can support your athletes in other ways. But I asked when it will be enough for you as a regular person. You don't have the pressures of an amateur athlete, so what is your tipping point?? That's a nice thought but unlikely to happen. Hey maybe they will promise to improve human rights again!!! Maybe they will do it next time!! Maybe we can trust them!!
  10. Please note that I support anyone who chooses to boycott the games as a personal choice. I don't think that official governmental boycotts will achieve anything. A forced boycott would achieve nothing because it is not the will of the people, and would throw fuel on the geopolitical fire. If our athletes choose to stand up and not compete in protest, our citizens and business cancel their tickets and turn off their TVs, and our politicians choose to not attend the functions, we can have an impact on China. If we continue to pussyfoot around the issue of human rights in China, they will continue to rule with brutality. I can't support a games that was awarded based on a lie, and I can't support a facade that will be taken down after two weeks and replaced with the same injustices! I guess it comes down to the fact that our governments fail in dealing with human rights in China. They always bow to the pressure of business and cowardley delay or avoid any serious discussion. China is only going to gain economic power from here on in, and our governments will grow in their dependence on China. I thoroughly enjoy the Olympics and what it stands for. But I guess my love of Olympic sport isn't as great as my respect for basic human rights. When will enough be enough for you, CAF? Do you wish to reward the half billion LiuTians out there brainwashed by the CCP?
  11. Thanks for helping prove my point. You are another CCP supporter who believes the doctrine. The CCPs historical books are filled with lies, as are their media reports. You can continue to turn a blind eye to what is being done, and I can't anymore. Tibet has historical ties with China. Tibet has been occupied by the Chinese in the past, and is occupied by it today. The people still want to be free, not controlled by a foreign power. I listen to the media cautiously. The media I listen to are free media, unlike the one you blindly trust which feeds you lies and is controlled by the same people who promised human rights in China. I hope the Beijing Olympics are a success. I love the games and what they stand for, but China's leaders are a danger to the world and its own people, and they should not be rewarded for suppressing freedom. I can't support the Beijing games anymore, and I will support any athlete who chooses not to go as well.
  12. Dialogue is great but so far it has achieved nothing. China has the games, and still has time to manage the situation in Tibet and the unrest at home. But when will dialogue be dropped? How can the international community show that it was serious when it called for improvements with China's human rights? If things continue as is or get worse, how can you believe in dialogue? When will enough be enough for you? China has had nearly seven years to prepare for these games. We all marvel at the construction and economic achievements, but what about the most important - the promised human rights improvements? We don't even have to look at the other several categories that have degraded even worse than human rights, such as the environment, to ask - why did they get rewarded? Or will things improve after the games? China will not use these games to improve human rights and democracy for its people. It will use the games to justify and boast about the CCP and its ideologies. Those who believe in the CCP doctrine will crush the Tibetan people and its culture, and they still have their scopes set on Taiwan. The demands of the Tibetan people and its government in exile are not special. In fact most of us on these boards enjoy much greater freedoms. Tibetans are willing to work with anybody, be it the Chinese or the international community, to provide government services to Tibet provided they have religious and cultural freedoms and a say in the environment. China can work with conditions in Hong Kong, but not with Tibet? Say, do any Canadians feel like going to lay a beat-down on some Quebecois??? Americans welcome to join! Going forward, maybe the IOC should stay out of geopolitics. That would make the choices for the Olympics much easier. The reality is that geopolitics are part of the Olympics, and it was a big reason for the awarding of the games to Beijing. The youth also have to understand that the actions taken in Tibet are unacceptable. Doing the right thing comes from taking responsibility, and you can't always hope that China's youth will assume that and clean up the current mess. The timing now is a little opportunistic, but put yourself in the shoes of the oppressed, and I think you'd take any opportunity to shine light on your cause, especially one as big as the Olympics. Don't put years of human suffering ahead of two weeks of celebration. It is the fault of the Chinese government for not addressing it, especially with the world watching and expecting improvements.
  13. Hi folks. Been reading but not posting. I am now very proud to say I support any athlete that chooses to not attend the games in China. I have struggled with the fact that really enjoy the Olympics and what it stands for, and its importance not only for the athletes but for the world. The games are truly a time to celebrate, and humanity generally displays its positive characteristics. Given recent events, I know that we are dealing with a China that is as brutal as it was ten years ago. This China believes in peace, justice, freedom, or human rights no more than it did ten years ago, when it promised to improve its record. That promised secured enough geopolitical pressure to lock up the games it is scrambling to host. I don’t think any government should force its athletes to stay away from the Beijing games. There may be some athletes who choose to go to the games, and given their living circumstances I can understand. This is a livelihood for many, and they depend on the games to live. Maybe this should be a wake-up call for some of us to review how we treat our athletes who choose to dedicate their lives to representing our nations through amateur sport. They deserve more support and if they choose not to attend these games, they should not suffer. China should be ashamed of their management of the situation and occupation of Tibet. We should be ashamed of believing that China could change, and believing that the painted grass and green skies correspond with the Olympic spirit.
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