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Posts posted by WD96

  1. On 9/26/2021 at 9:22 AM, Ikarus360 said:

    Spain has way too many issues happening right now to be capable of hosting the Olympics. Barcelona is being way too optimistic but the truth is a lot has changed in the Olympics since 1992. People in Spain are very angered because of a huge rise in the prices of basic goods as well for electricity/water/etc (consequences of both COVID crisis and incompetence from the current government coallition). To add more problems to the pile,now there is the natural disaster happening in Canary Islands regarding the eruption of the Palma Volcano.

    Spain hosting the olympics is the last thing they should worry about right now.

    Since Stop JJOO is headed by lefist groups, these "demonstrations" are going be really violent.

  2. I do hope Stop JJOO does not release someone else's personal info just like what happened to NOlympicsLA back in 2019 when they released the personal phone number of a restaurant owner just because he evicted someone. As someone who is against evictions, the thing that NOlympicsLA did to that restaurant owner is disgusting and their actions are going to be notoriously remembered.

  3. It's almost over! This Sunday will be the end of not only the Paralympics but of Tokyo 2020 as a whole. Tokyo 2020 will be remembered as the games that had obstacles but managed to sacrifice itself into being held during a difficult time.

    Arigato Tokyo and Japan, for the past months hosting the most bravest games ever in Olympic and Paralympic history. I hope in the next 4 or 5 years, MIKIKO's ceremony plans will be reality in the 5th anniversary of the games. To Paris and France hosting Paris 2024: Bonne chance, sois courageux et meilleurs vœux. Il est maintenant temps pour vous d'organiser les Jeux olympiques et paralympiques d'été en 2024, allez-y et gagnez!

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