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My Fun-design For 2012 Logo 3 Years Ago


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Lenric, the link is really not very helpful since I guess 95 % of the forum members can't read Chinese letters. At least the logo file ("logo2.gif") is linked with Latin letters, but when you click that link, another page opens with Chinese letters only.

Can't you try to convert the gif file into jpg, upload it at Imageshack or somewhere else and post it here then?

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Umm... Im afraind my chinese is somewhat non-existant so I could not figure out what it what I was supposed to be looking at...?

This one is real great !!!


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Yes, that isn't bad at all actually. That's the only one, with a little bit of tweaking, out of all the alternative logos I've seen posted around the internet that I'd happily accept instead of the Official logo. Which just goes to prove imho that the "my three year old could do better" brigade are totally wrong.

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