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Halifax 2020

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After the disaster sucess of my Spain 2018 Fifa WorldCup bid, I decided to bid for the 2020 Expo. After much taught, I decided to bid with Halifax, Canada. The major advantage of Halifax over many city is that the city hase the space to build major infrastructure but hase the population to suport theme.The expo will be designe in a way that every exhibition center will not be demolish after the game but be converted, wether it is in afordable houssing, in mulit-sport facilitie or even in an shooping center. Nothing will be lose. The plan include, amounght other, a second international airport, build near the existing one, and an expansion of all other major airports in the Maritimes region, aspecialy the Moncton airport.

Here is the logo:


The World Fair in Halifax will be apart of a wider plan. A plan that, as of 2050, Canada will no longer be dependand to petroliums. The projected World Fair in Halifax hase, as a goal, to promute alternative energies, to share thecnologies and to educate the public about the history and the future of energies.

More details to folow.

And sorry about the abysimal speling, I did not have much time...


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