skicross Posted May 19, 2006 Report Posted May 19, 2006 Jaca 2014 invites the Spanish champions to add themselves to the Olympic project 19/05/2006 The excellent moment of the Spanish sport has guided the leaders of Jaca 2014. Its next objective: to have all the Spanish champions so that they are added to the project. It is the moment for obtaining the adhesions of the sportsmen. Fernando Alonso, Rafael Nadal, Alexander Valverde, Dani Pedrosa, Héctor Barberá and Jorge Lorenzo, the Ciudad Real of handball, Barça of soccer, the TAU of basketball, Maria Jose Rienda, the equipment of athletic march, Pau Gasol, Chema Olazábal, Sebastián Alvaro, Marc Coma, the Movistar, Estefanía Juan, Seville, the Interviú Boomerang… to all of them goes Jaca 2014 to invite them to add themselves to the desire of all the Aragoneses to obtain that the project passes the cut of next the 22 of June. “It is not moment either for requesting to them that they spread our illusion everywhere, or to name them Jaca 2014 ambassadors, but simply to solicit that all of them feel as we the unstoppable desire that Jaca is named candidate city the next month in Lausanne”, says Fernandez Arimany. Jaca 2014 Website
skicross Posted May 22, 2006 Report Posted May 22, 2006 Jaca 2014 Website: Jaca 2014 invitation for the Spanish Champions in all to joint The Olympic Proyect19/05/2006 The excellent moment on the Spanish sports guides Jaca 2014 managers. Next objective: to count on all the Spanish champions onto the bid supporting. It is the moment to gain the athletes support. Fernando Alonso, Rafael Nadal, Alejandro Valverde, Dani Pedrosa, Héctor Barberá and Jorge Lorenzo, the handball of Ciudad Real, the Football Barça, the basketball TAU, María José Rienda, the athletic walk teams, Pau Gasol, Chema Olazábal, Sebastián Alvaro, Marc Coma, the Movistar, Estefanía Juan, the Sevilla, the Interviú Boomerang…Jaca 2014 Olympic bid address to all and everyone inviting them to joint the aim of all the Aragonese people to pass thought the next selection on June 22. The great moment on the Spanish sport, with international acknowledge in all fields, represent a magnificent springboard for Jaca 2014, as Spain becomes these last few years in one of the main sport powers in the world, and these has always been a warrant for any candidature of the Spanish cities. And the objective for the Aragonese managers is to seize this exceptional ambiance around those champions to benefit the bid face to its first challenge on this candidature procedure. “We know the affection that Spain arouses at any international sport event, but never the success of our sportsmen and women were so obvious and glamorous, and it is just the impact aroused by those results and his exploits what we want to optimize to influence on the opinion of the Executive Commission of the International Olympic Committee towards Jaca 2014 bid”, agrees M. Antonio Fernández Arimany, Candidature General Manager. Jaca 2014 aim is to be within the selected roll of cities passing to the second phase of this race next 22 June, but at the same time “to add this success, and that is what we believe, to the great list of victories of the Spanish Sport at the present season”. “It is not the moment to ask them to spread our illusion all over the world, not even to appoint them as Jaca 2014 ambassadors, but just to ask them to feel with us the unstoppable wish to achieve the purpose of Jaca to be selected as candidate city next month at Lausanne”. Ad M. Fernández Arimany. Jaca 2014 wish is to extend the political and popular unity around the bid all over the Spanish sportsmen and women. Jaca compete against Almaty, Borjomi, PyeongChang, Salzburg, Sochi and Sofia to organize the winter Olympic Games 2014. Three or four cities will be selected on 22 June by the IOC to continue on the course up to the final decision of the city to host those games, on 7 July 2007.
skicross Posted May 23, 2006 Report Posted May 23, 2006 The president of Jaca 2014 Executive Commission attends the FIS Congress looking for the World junior Championship 2008 22/05/2006 M. Eduardo Roldan and the leaderships of the Spanish Winter Sport Federation during their journey in Vilamoura will tray to get the Alpine World Junior Skiing Championship 2008 organization into Jaca and Formigal. The FIS congress becomes very important for Jaca 2014 Olympic Bid. Jaca 2014 Executive Commission president, M. Eduardo Roldán, attends those days the International Ski Federation (FIS) congress, at the Marina Tivoli Hotel in Vilamoura (Portugal). M. Roldan as president of the Spanish Royal Winter Sports Federation leads a large delegation integrated also by the three vice-presidents of the mentioned Federation and the responsible of the different areas. The congress has to determine the calendar for the next seasons and to award new competitions to the applicant cities. On M. Roldán and his team aims is the Alpine World Junior Skiing Championship 2008, to be held in Jaca and Formigal. The Spanish Federation also counts on organize two other competitions: one event of the Alpine European Skiing Cup in Formigal, and also for the European Cup one Nordic Skiing event in Candanchú, both for the next season. Both Formigal and Candanchú are two of the most significant skiing resorts on Jaca 2014 project, if Jaca organizes the winter Olympic Games 2014, Formigal will host the speed events on alpine skiing specialities (downhill and super giant) and Candanchú the technique events (slalom and giant slalom). M. Roldan, who also will attend next month in Lausanne together with Jaca 2014 managers the decision of the International Olympic Committee about the elected cities, looks in this congress for a position at the FIS council, the Federation main institution. M. Roldan never owns a so important position and it will be a great success for the Spanish Winter Sports and Jaca’s Olympic bid. Together with the representatives of Finland, New Zeeland, Estonia, Russia and Byelorussia, M. Roldan and his team set up their public activities those days in Vilamoura to reach his objective. Another Spanish representative, M. Ignacio Valenzuela, has been already elected as member of the FIS Public Relations Committee. M. Valenzuela is one of the Vice presidents travelling with M. Roldan. Congress will finish next Saturday 27.
skicross Posted May 24, 2006 Report Posted May 24, 2006 Jaca 2014 presents its project in Huesca 24/05/2003 The campaign of presentations of Jaca 2014 follows its course. In Huesca, the bid was presented to the active forces of the city. It returned to be clear that the project belongs to all Aragón. Fernando Elboj, Mayor of Huesca, in the act celebrated in the Provincial Delegation of Huesca (DPH), assured to be convinced that Jaca will pass the cut on 22 of June. The president of the DPH, Antonio Cosculluela, the Mayor of Jaca, Enrique Villarroya, and the manager of Jaca 2014, Antonio Fernandez Arimany, has accompanied Elboj in his presentation, directed fundamentally to the representatives of the economic sector of the city. Fernandez Arimany emphasized in his speech that this candidacy represents “an opportunity for the development of the winter sports in Spain”. Jaca 2014, in the final of this first stage of the candidacy process, wants to extend its illusion to all Spain, reason for which, next 5 of June there will be a press conference in Madrid with the Spanish Olympic Committee (COE) to show them the bid. Jaca 2014 Website
skicross Posted May 25, 2006 Report Posted May 25, 2006 5 June: 12.00 h. Jaca 2014 Present its project to the Spanish Olympic Committee 25/05/2006 The Jaca 2014 bid will be presented in June in Madrid few days before the shotlist. After the presentations in the last days in Jaca and Huesca, the Olympic leaders of Jaca 2014 are going to present all the details of their proposal in a press conference that will take place in the seat of the Spanish Olympic Committee (COE). The mayor of Jaca, Enrique Villarroya, accompanied by the manager of Jaca 2014, Antonio Fernandez Arimany, and by the president of the Jaca 2014 Athlethes Commission, Ana Galindo, will share with the president of the Spanish Olympic Committee, Alejando Blanco, the protagonism of the presentation. Jaca 2014 Website
skicross Posted May 25, 2006 Report Posted May 25, 2006 Jaca 2014 Website: Jaca 2014 Bid presentation to Huesca economic sectors25/05/2006 Jaca 2014 Olympic bid presentation campaign continues less than a month for the Lausanne selection. At Huesca, in the presence of the main social actors of the city, once again has been obvious that the project belongs to Aragon in all. At the Jaca 2014 bid presentation celebrated yesterday on his the Mayor of Huesca, M. Fernando Elboj, remarked how the Olympic candidature is within the development lines initiated in Aragon with the start up of the International Exposition of Saragossa 2008. The town councillor, during the ceremony held at Huesca County Council headquarters, affirms to be persuaded on Jaca’s selection next 22 June. M. Elboj was accompanied by the president of the County Council, Mr. Antonio Cosculluela, the Mayor of Jaca, Mr. Enrique Villarroya and the General Manager of Jaca 2014, M. Antonio Fernández Arimany, during this presentation addressed basically to the city economic sector. M. Cosculluela agreed with M. Elboj about the opportunities for the aragonese people within the near future, where Jaca 2014 Olympic Candidature is included. Before the end of his speech, the president of Huesca County Council affirms about Jaca 2014 “will need in the future a greatest commitment from all of us”. The Mayor of Jaca firstly thanks Huesca receptivity toward “a project lead by the city of Jaca because of protocol reasons”. “Huesca furthermore than share our spirit and project, is firmly involved since the first day, and we really feel very grateful for it”, added M. Villarroya. Between the subjects outcomes by the Olympic manager is worth mentioning the significance of the public transport on Jaca 2014: “The railway is fundamental in our candidature. I’m convinced that it will be an element of vertebrating of our territory”. He also emphasizes the public and institutional support toward the project and affirms that is in the aim of all the aragonese people “to achieve for our beloved Pyrenees to become Olympic venue for the first time in the history”. On his speech M. Fernández Arimany emphasize that this candidature represent “an opportunity for the winter sports development in Spain”. Jaca 2014, on the final stage of this candidature procedure first phase, wants to spread its illusion all over Spain, and for this reason, together with the Spanish Olympic Committee (COE), organizes a press conference in Madrid next 5 June. The event, chair by the President of the COE, M. Alejandro Blanco, will be held midday at the COE headquarters.
skicross Posted May 25, 2006 Report Posted May 25, 2006 The FIS grants the organization of the Alpine World Junior Skiing Championship in 2008 to Jaca and Formigal 25/05/2006 The FIS Congress has recognized the merits of Spain granting to it the organization of the Alpine World Junior Skiing Championship 2008 to Jaca and Formigal and the World Absolute Snowboard Championship of 2011 to the Molina Ski resort (Cataluña). Jaca (Candachu) and Formigal will organize jointly the Championship of the Alpine World Junior Skiing Championship in the year 2008 according to the decision taken in Vilamoura in the course from the FIS Congress. For Jaca it represents a magnificent showcase facing his aspirations in the candidacy process of the 2014 Winter Olympic Games. In the horizon of the city, and as expression of its bet by the high sport of competition, the European Youth Olympic Festival appears in 2007 and in 2008 this Alpine World Junior Skiing Championship. Both Formigal and Candanchú are two of the most significant skiing resorts on Jaca 2014 project, if Jaca organizes the winter Olympic Games 2014, Formigal will host the speed events on alpine skiing specialities (downhill and super giant) and Candanchú the technique events (slalom and giant slalom). These concessions to the Spanish ski demonstrate the enormous confidence that the FIS has in the Spanish organizations. Jaca 2014 Website
skicross Posted May 26, 2006 Report Posted May 26, 2006 GamesBids: Jaca 2014 Awarded Ski Championship - Boost For Bid26/05/2006 Jaca was awarded the 2008 World Alpine Ski Junior Championships Thursday. The competitions will take place in the ski resort of Formigal, one of the venues of the Jaca 2014 Winter Olympic bid. It could boost Jaca’s bid for the 2014 Winter Olympic Games. Jaca 2014 said it was an excellent opportunity to test one of the venues for Jaca’s 2014 bid. Meanwhile Madrid’s city council said it will decide in the next few months if it will bid for an Olympic Games.
skicross Posted May 26, 2006 Report Posted May 26, 2006 Eduardo Roldán, president of the Jaca 2014 Executive Commission, has been chosen new member of the FIS 26/05/2006 Eduardo Roldán, president of the Spanish Winter Sports Federation, and president of the Jaca 2014 Executive Commission has been chosen new member of the FIS. The Spanish ski and the project Jaca 2014 have been fortified after the FIS Congress FIS that has been celebrated these days in Vilamoura. Eduardo Roldán has been chosen new member of his directive advice. The election of Eduardo Roldán as member of the directive advice of the Federation the International of Esquí (FIS) is the last triumph of the Spanish delegation, it is the first time that a Spanish leader occupies this outstanding place in the cupola of the FIS.
skicross Posted May 30, 2006 Report Posted May 30, 2006 Jaime Lissavetzky will be present in the Jaca 2014 Bid presentation in Madrid 30/05/2006 The political unit of Jaca remains indestructible. The State Secretary for Sports, Jaime Lissavetzky, will attend next Monday to the press conference that the Olympic project Jaca 2014 will offer in the seat of Spanish Olympic Committee (COE), in Madrid. The presence of Lissavetzky is another clear sample of the political formation force that there is around the project. On the part of the COE, its president will be present, Alejandro Blanco, whereas the representatives of Jaca 2014 are the Mayor of Jaca, Enrique Villarroya, and the manager, Antonio Fernandez Arimany.
skicross Posted May 31, 2006 Report Posted May 31, 2006 A campaign of tourist promotion of the Pyrenean one puts the point and end to the Spanish month in Rome 31/05/2006 The excellence of the Pyrenean serves these days to close the Spanish month in Rome. A campaign on its rural attractive, gastronomical and sport ones put the end to an initiative of tourist promotion that has served to approach some Spanish destinations to the Italians. The Spanish month finalizes today in the Sordi Gallery of Rome, campaign of tourist promotion that has served so that the Government of Aragón promotes in the Italian market “the Pyrenean” mark in collaboration with the governments of Catalunya and Navarre. The pirenaica mountain range is one of the destinations preferred of the ski fans and the sports of mountain, and in the Olympic project Jaca 2014 it is the great scene of all the snow sports. In these last days, “Pyrenean” presents the excellence of natural surroundings of unquestionable beauty in which all the lovers of the culture and the sport have their space to relax and to enjoy.
skicross Posted May 31, 2006 Report Posted May 31, 2006 Jaca 2014 Website: FIS grants the Junior World Championship 2008 to Jaca and Formigal and elected M. Eduardo Roldán as new Council member25/05/2006 The International Ski Federation Congress held at Vilamoura recognized the Spanish merit granting it the organisation of the Alpine Skiing World Junior Championship 2008 to Jaca and Formigal and the Snowboard absolute World Championship 2011 to La Molina. Jaca and Formigal will organize together the Alpine Skiing World Junior Championship 2008 following the decision take at Villamoura during the International Ski Federation (FIS) Congress. Spanish bid was firmly supported by Spanish Winter Sport Federation (RFEDI) and by the involved city councils. During the congress, the election of M. Eduardo Roldán as member of the FIS council entails the great victory for the Spanish delegation at the world ski summit. By first time an Spanish manager holds a so outstanding post at the FIS summit. The 45º FIS Congress, where two important competitions has been granted to Spain: on 2008 the Alpine Skiing World Junior Championship (Formigal and Jaca) and on 2011 the Snowboard Absolute World Championship (La Molina), finish with a very good balance for the Spanish ski. M. Roldan graded it as “excellent mark or even higher” Furthermore of the European Cup events requested those awards for the Spanish ski shows the great confidence on the Spanish organisations by the FIS.
fatixxx Posted June 1, 2006 Report Posted June 1, 2006 That's fantastic, now waiting if these to organisations will boost up Jaca's bid. Hopefully it will. Spain is looking really forward to get thes OWG at last .. Good luck !
skicross Posted June 1, 2006 Report Posted June 1, 2006 That's fantastic, now waiting if these to organisations will boost up Jaca's bid. Hopefully it will.Spain is looking really forward to get thes OWG at last .. Good luck ! Yes this is very good for Jaca's bid. The European Youth Olympic Festival in 2007 and the Alpine Skiing World Junior Championship 2008 will boost Jaca's Bid. Spain has been waiting for a long time, and although Jaca 2014 won't win the 2014 race (despite all aragonese people hoping that ), Jaca 2014 needs to make the shortlist. Imagine 4 attemps (this is the 4th for Jaca) and only in one time Jaca passed to the final, in 1998. Would Jaca present a future bid if Jaca doesn't make the 2014 shortlist? I think NO. A 5th attemp with only one shortlist successful its very difficult to happen. If Jaca doesn't make the shortlist we will have to wait a long time to see a new Jaca's bid, some people will be happy for this... The president of the Spanish Olympic Committee, Alejandro Blanco, talking yesterday about the candidacy of Jaca 2014, said that he trusted passing the cut of the 22 of June and guaranteed that the project is “solid, serious, compact and the best one of whatever that have been made in Jaca”. He also encouraged Madrid to present a bid for the 2016 Summer Olympic Games.
puxapiti Posted June 1, 2006 Report Posted June 1, 2006 Jaca's site is over?!?! I couldn't go into today. "no website configured at this address", it said. I think they are making some changes...
skicross Posted June 1, 2006 Report Posted June 1, 2006 Jaca's site is over?!?!I couldn't go into today. "no website configured at this address", it said. I think they are making some changes... No, it is not over. I have just gone into.
skicross Posted June 1, 2006 Report Posted June 1, 2006 The venue of Jaca 2014 will host the Hispanic-French encounter of small cities 01/06/2006 Near to the decision on the candidates cities to the organization of the 2014 Olympic Games, Jaca will host a meeting between small cities of Spain and France. It will be developed in the Palace of Congress of Jaca, the venue of the Olympic office. The city of Jaca will be the scene next 8 and 9 of June of a massive meeting of small cities of Spain and France that must serve to open a knowledge route, meetings and future perspectives in the territorial and institutional scope between all of them. The acts will take place at the Palace of Congresses of Jaca, venue of the Jaca 2014 Olympic office.
skicross Posted June 1, 2006 Report Posted June 1, 2006 The Mayor of Madrid says that now it is the moment to wait for the candidacy of Jaca 01/06/2006 Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón, Mayor of Madrid, thinks that now it is not time to speak about future Madrid 2016 or Madrid 2020 projects, but to do it about Jaca, “a Spanish city with which we are united and which has options to pass the cut”. Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón will not be pronounced on his Olympic candidacy until Jaca knows if it is selected as candidate city to organize the 2014 Winter Olympic Games, decision that will take place next 22 of June in Lausanne. Ruiz-Gallardón has also explained that, according to the information of the Olympic Family, now is the moment to look at the options of Jaca and then, there will be enough time to study if Madrid presents a bid for the 2016 or 2020 Sumer Olympic Games. “After that date, Madrid will make a decision. Now we must look to the cut of the 2014 Winter Olympic Games, where there is a Spanish city with options”. At the Jaca 2014 Olympic office the words of the Mayor of Madrid have been received with satisfaction, “He has always been very respectful and elegant with our options”, said Antonio Fernandez Arimany, manager of Jaca's bid.
skicross Posted June 1, 2006 Report Posted June 1, 2006 GamesBids: Jaca 2014 Ice Palace Construction Underway01/06/2006 Construction on the Jaca 2014 Ice Palace is underway, and the first of the seven arches supporting the venue’s oval roof is now being fitted by giant cranes. Once the structure is completed it will be 18 metres high. More than 100 workers in three shifts are constructing the exterior of the Ice Palace to be completed by the end of July to make way for the interior work. The entire structure is scheduled to be finished by the end of the year. The Youth European Olympic Festival will inaugurate the facility with an Opening Ceremony planned for February 18, 2007. The palace will house the ice hockey competitions if Jaca wins the 2014 bid. You can see a lots of pictures of the new Ice Palace at this topic: JACA 2007 and EXPO ZARAGOZA 2008
skicross Posted June 2, 2006 Report Posted June 2, 2006 Jaca 2014 has published its first publicity about the bid, a pamphlet that is available at the website buy only in Spanish. I don't know if they have impressed and delivered it to the Aragonese people. "The Games of the Pyreenes" - Bid information pamphlet
skicross Posted June 2, 2006 Report Posted June 2, 2006 GamesBids: Madrid Awaits 2014 Winter Games Decision Before Announcing Future Bid02/06/2006 Madrid’s Mayor Alberto Ruiz-Gallardon told a press conference that Madrid would not decide if it will bid for the 2016 or 2020 Summer Olympic Games until the International Olympic Committee (IOC) announces the 2014 Winter Olympic Games short list on June 22. Jaca Spain is one of seven cities bidding for the 2014 Games. Madrid is following the IOC’s advice not to announce an Olympic bid before that decision is made. The Mayor said following the 2014 announcement there will be enough time to decide if it should bid for an Olympic Games. Ruiz-Gallardon said that Madrid is supporting Jaca in its 2014 bid and Madrid not only has an obligation, but also respects Jaca’s 2014 Winter Olympic bid. Meanwhile Jaca 2014 was pleased to hear the Mayor’s comments. Antonio Fernandez Arimany, manager of Jaca’s bid, said Ruiz-Gallardon “has always been very respectful…with our options”. Jaca 2014 Website: The Mayor of Madrid affirms that today is the moment to pay close attention to Jaca Olympic bid01/06/2006 On M. Alberto Ruiz Gallardón, Mayor of Madrid opinion there is not the moment now to talk about the future projects of Madrid 2016 or Madrid 2020, but to talk about Jaca “a Spanish City twinned with ours and with options to be selected”. Jaca knows if has been selected or not as candidate city to organize de Winter Olympic Games 2014, next 22 June at Lausanne. Madrid 2012 was closely to the victory last year, but the International Olympic Committee members decided finally to elect London as the host city for the Olympic Games 2012. Since last July, Madrid Olympic bid is pending, and at the city council of Madrid there is just an adviser on the Olympic bids follow-up, his name is M. Felicia Mayoral who was adviser delegate for Madrid 2012. M. Ruiz Gallardon also explained that, following the Olympic Family reports, now is the moment to every everybody to pay close attention on Jaca’s options, and of course, after the 22, there will be time to study if Madrid applies as Summer Olympic games 2016 candidature or to the 2020 year. “Once passed that day – added -, the city of Madrid will decide. Now we must follow the selection for the winter Olympic Games 2014, within the candidacy of a Spanish City, twinned with Madrid and that count with firmly options”. This was the managing answer to the Spanish Olympic Committee (SOC) advice about the presentation of Madrid candidature for the Olympic Games 2016. Jaca 2014 Olympic bureau welcome the comments of the Mayor of Madrid, “who always has been very respectful and elegant with our options”, on M. Antonio Fernández Arimany , General Manager of the aragonese bid words. The SOC, on his nearest assembly, decided to address a letter for Madrid city council, expressing its aims for the continuity of 2012 candidature on the 2016’s. Now days, only Tokyo published its interest as applicant city for the Olympic Games 2016. The USA is under the selection between six applicant cities, New Delhi and Rio de Janeiro did not still decide the presentation date and in Italy increases the opinions against the bid presentation – been Roma the preferred city – as they verified the poor possibilities for an European city to host the event.
skicross Posted June 5, 2006 Report Posted June 5, 2006 JACA 2014 PRESENTS ITS BID IN MADRID "Jaca presents the stronger bid that the city has ever had"- Jaime Lissavetzky Spanish Sports Minister. "A project of all Aragon and all Spain" "A solid project with great popular support" Today, 5 of June, has been the presentation of Jaca 2014 to the Spainsh Olympic Committee (COE) with the presence of the COE's president , Alejandro Blanco, the one of the Spanish Federation of Winter Sports (RFEDI), Eduardo Roldán (new member of the FIS), the Mayor of Jaca, Enrique Villarroya, and the manager of Jaca 2014, Antonio Fernandez Arimany. Lissavetzky emphasized the bet of the Government by the snow sports - with the creation of a High Performance Center in Jaca, scholarships to sportsmen, and the support in the organization of the European Youth Olympic Festival (FOJE) in 2007 - and emphasized the improvements of the new project with respect to the previous attempts (1998, 2002 and 2010) to host the "White Games". “It is a competitive bid and we are convinced that the IOC will decide within 17 days that is one of the chosen cities to continue in the race”, Villarroya declared. “THE International Olympic Committee IS IN DEBT WITH THE PYRENEES” thinks Fernandez Arimany manager of Jaca 2014. The IOC “is in debt with the Pyrenees because they contribute with things that other mountain ranges do not offer and they have never host the Games”. He also said that it is a project, “of a reduced cost because it only needs the construction of 3 facilities” (the bobsleigh track, an ice palace in Zaragoza and the springboards), he also said that the fact of Jaca bids by fourth time “is the manifestation that Jaca wants the Games” and a “bet by the Olympic movement”. The whole article in Spanish: Jaca 2014 se presenta en Madrid
skicross Posted June 5, 2006 Report Posted June 5, 2006 Jaca 2014 Website: JACA 2014 EXHIBE TODAS SUS EXCELENCIAS EN UNA MULTITUDINARIA PRESENTACIÓN EN MADRID• Lissavetzky: “Esta candidatura es la más sólida jamás presentada por Jaca” • El alcalde de Jaca destaca que el proyecto es de Aragón y España entera • Blanco:”Caminábamos juntos, caminamos juntos y caminaremos juntos hasta que Jaca sea sede de unos juegos olímpicos” • Fernández Arimany resalta las virtudes del tren de alta velocidad, uno de los principales argumentos de Jaca 2014 • La presencia de Ana Galindo visualiza la idea de unos juegos olímpicos diseñados por y para los deportistas Madrid, 5 de junio Jaime Lissavetzky, secretario de Estado para el Deporte y vicepresidente de la Fundación Olímpica Jaca 2014, no ha ahorrado ningún elogio a la candidatura aragonesa, que entra en la recta final de esta primera fase del proceso de selección con los deberes bien hechos. En la rueda de prensa celebrada esta mañana en la sede del Comité Olímpico Español (COE), el máximo dirigente deportivo español ha afirmado que “esta candidatura es la más sólida jamás presentada por Jaca”. El proyecto Jaca 2014, en su primera presentación en sociedad en Madrid desde su creación, ha expuesto los argumentos principales de su propuesta, que en los últimos mensajes denomina como “los Juegos Olímpicos del Pirineo”. La candidatura aragonesa, en palabras del alcalde de Jaca, Enrique Villarroya, “ha sabido incorporar a su debido tiempo a todas las ciudades e instituciones que nos dan su respaldo, lo que nos permite hablar de un proyecto de todo Aragón y de España entera”. Junto al alcalde, han estado presentes en el acto el director general del proyecto, Antonio Fernández Arimany, el presidente de la Federación Española de Deportes de Invierno, Eduardo Roldán, y la presidenta de la Comisión de atletas, la ex olímpica de esquí alpino Ana Galindo. Fernández Arimany, en su exposición, ha insistido en el concepto clave de la candidatura: “Dos núcleos, un eje, es decir las ciudades de Zaragoza y Jaca unidas tanto por el tren de alta velocidad como por la autovía”. El director general de Jaca 2014 está convencido de que en el futuro “todo aquel que necesite trasladarse entre estas ciudades lo podrá hacer en 45 minutos en tren y en una hora en coche”. Es precisamente este punto el que Fernández Arimany considera clave en la decisión que se tomará dentro de unos días en Lausanne. “Estoy convencido de que nuestro concepto para desplazar a los aficionados desde Zaragoza ha gustado en el Comité Olímpico Internacional (COI). Es innovador y creemos que tiene muchas posibilidades. Nosotros planteamos unos juegos sin el uso del coche privado, lo que en el caso del invierno es especialmente complejo. El tren es más seguro, más veloz y medioambientalmente el medio de transporte más recomendable”. Jaime Lissavetzky se ha extendido en los proyectos existentes en torno a los deportes blancos, que “nos permiten enviar el mensaje de que España apuesta por los deportes de nieve y hielo: la separación de las federaciones nacionales, el FOJE del año próximo, los primeros deportistas de invierno becados en el plan ADO, la construcción del nuevo Palacio de Hielo de Jaca que va a resultar sorprendente, el futuro Centro de Alto Rendimiento destinado a los deportes de invierno en Jaca y, naturalmente, el proyecto olímpico Jaca 2014”. Para el alcalde de Jaca, que ha querido agradecer las amables palabras de hace unos días del alcalde de Madrid, Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón, la candidatura es sólida y muy competitiva. Villarroya ha vuelto a insistir en que cuenta con muchas posibilidades de pasar el corte: “Estoy seguro de que dentro de 17 Jaca será nombrada ciudad candidata”. Alejandro Blanco, anfitrión del acto, se ha referido al esfuerzo común del COE y Jaca 2014 en los últimos meses. Y lo ha hecho con una frase muy significativa: “Caminábamos juntos, caminamos juntos y caminaremos juntos hasta que Jaca logre su propósito de ser sede de unos juegos olímpicos de invierno”. Jaca 2014 se encuentra en la recta final de esta primera fase del proceso de candidatura a los Juegos Olímpicos de invierno de ese año. En su agenda restan todavía algunas actividades que se llevarán a cabo en los próximos días. Esta misma semana, en el Palacio de Congresos de Jaca, la ciudad acoge el Encuentro hispano-francés de pequeñas ciudades y el próximo lunes, 12 de junio, la misma sede del COE será el escenario de la última reunión del Patronato de la Fundación Jaca 2014 antes del corte del día 22 de junio. Junto a la ciudad española, que presenta sus opciones por cuarta vez tras las tentativas de 1998, 2002 y 2010, compiten asimismo Almaty, Borjomi, PyeongChang, Salzburgo, Sochi y Sofía. No hay información precisa sobre el número de ciudades que pasarán a la segunda fase, aunque la costumbre es que sea nominadas candidatas la mitad más uno de las ciudades que se han presentado como aspirantes.
skicross Posted June 6, 2006 Report Posted June 6, 2006 GamesBids: Jaca 2014 Bid Presented To Spanish Olympic Committee06/06/2006 Jaca’s bid for the 2014 Winter Olympic Games was officially presented to the Spanish Olympic Committee. Spain is bidding for the Olympics for the fourth time. It previously bid for the 1998, 2002 and 2010 Olympic Games. Jaca’s bid includes venues in Zaragoza and Huesca, and according to the COE, appears to be more solid that the previous bids. There is also a new railway line between the two cities and Jaca included in the bid. Jaime Lissavetzky, Secretary of State for Sport, said not only is Jaca’s bid more solid but it is in a good position to make the shortlist on June 22.
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