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St Petersburg 2030 Logo Comp Round 2  

13 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Logo Should Win the GamesBids St Petersburg 2030 Logo Comp?

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Alright then, let's go with Round 2 - and to get us started, to perform one of the century's biggest hits in a manner that is absolutely, completely, definitively NOT camp AT ALL (hear that Vlad?), please welcome The Red Army Choir!



In round 1, we occupied Red Square, & for this one, at the personal request of Vlad, we have made our way to Sochi!

Fisht Olympic Stadium 2017.jpg

I guess he's just desperate for somebody to use it :P To be fair, it looks much better sans aircraft hangars. Anyway, before we get going with Round 2, let's deal with events in Red Square. The final scores were:

A: 0 B: 3 C: 3 D: 2 E: 1 F: 0 G: 1. So, as you can see, 2 logos received a grand total of 0 votes. Now, it's probably fair to say none of these would challenge for the title, so instead of spending precious time on a 2-way runoff between zeros, we shall proceed with the 5 remaining logos that did get votes. As such, we must sadly say farewell to @thatsnotmypuppy & @JMarkSnow2012  We hope you continue to vote. Of course, you can also see that nobody got a majority - so we must continue on. 

The remaining logos are in the picture in Rols' post, &, at the risk of being decapitated by a flying steam train, we will now begin Round 2! And here are the rules:

  • This voting round will be open for (approximately) 36 hours - it will close at 10pm UK time, Sunday September 17. (The first couple of rounds will be open a bit longer as there's more entrants. Oh, and to give Krow a chance to do a red carpet review of the entries.)
  • Voting will now be conducted in rounds until one entry has an absolute majority and is declared the winner.
  • In this and following rounds, the logo with the lowest number of votes will be eliminated at the close of the poll. (And it will only be one in this & subsequent rounds).
  • Vote in the poll for your favourite logo. You have ONE vote, so make it count.
  • Your vote is public and can be seen by all.
  • Entrants MAY vote for their own logo if they wish. For transparency, I will not vote unless required to break a tie.
  • Votes are valid if cast by members of GamesBids as of September 1 2017 with a bona fide posting record.
  • I will rule on the validity of any suspicious or disputed votes, or who constitutes a bona fide voting member. 
  • As mentioned, I will not vote in this, or any subsequent rounds. If a tie-breaker vote is needed, I will reserve my right to vote in order to break it. We don't want any lockdowns, do we?
  • Be fair and sportsmanlike, this is meant to be fun and the entrants all deserve RESPECT.

That is it, I think. Time to get voting - and we will meet again wherever Vlad sends us next as we continue to Leningrad *Vlad...* St Petersburg. May the best logo win!

GOOD LUCK/удачи! :)

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