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St Petersburg 2030 Olympic Logo Comp  

13 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Logo Should Win the St Petersburg 2030 GamesBids Logo Comp?

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Sorry! You're so quick :lol:


No, no, please, we need to get rid of him.

But he's the President - we will be done for treason!

All we need to do is make sure he's out the room while the opening act's on...if he sees it he'll erupt...

Oh, oh, he's gone - right, quick, lock him in the loo, & get the opening act out:


OK, you can let Vlad back in now.

Дамы и господа, добрый вечер и добро пожаловать в Россию!

Ladies and gentlemen, good evening and welcome to Russia!

Welcome to Moscow, to be precise, because apparently all Russian sporting events must start in Moscow, wherever they're actually being held (see Sochi handover for evidence). We are in Red Square, a place that's seen everyone from Lenin to Maradona, for this launch:

View from Historical Museum

So, business. We are here in Moscow to begin the process of electing our winning logo for the 2030 Winter Olympic Games in St Petersburg. We have got seven entrants, & before we begin eliminating some, I'd like to thank everyone who has entered - the GB crowd is notoriously demanding, so putting your logos up for judgment deserves a pat on the back before we start :) 

OK, now we've been so complimentary about the field, the obvious thing to do now is...destroy it! By voting logos out, one by one, until we have one left, in true IOC style. Well, back when they did this voting thing, anyway. The logos are in the post above, with their letters:

And here are the rules:

  • This voting round will be open for (approximately) 48 hours - it will close at 10pm UK time, Friday September 15. (The first couple of rounds will be open a bit longer as there's more entrants. Oh, and to give Krow a chance to do a red carpet review of the entries.)
  • Voting will now be conducted in rounds until one entry has an absolute majority and is declared the winner.
  • In this and following rounds, the logo with the lowest number of votes will be eliminated at the close of the poll.
  • Vote in the poll for your favourite logo. You have ONE vote, so make it count.
  • Your vote is public and can be seen by all.
  • Entrants MAY vote for their own logo if they wish. For transparency, I will not vote unless required to break a tie.
  • Votes are valid if cast by members of GamesBids as of September 1 2017 with a bona fide posting record.
  • I will rule on the validity of any suspicious or disputed votes, or who constitutes a bona fide voting member. 
  • As mentioned, I will not vote in this, or any subsequent rounds. If a tie-breaker vote is needed, I will reserve my right to vote in order to break it. We don't want any lockdowns, do we?
  • Be fair and sportsmanlike, this is meant to be fun and the entrants all deserve RESPECT.

That is it, I think. Time to get voting - and we will meet again somewhere else in Russia as we continue our journey to Leningrad *Stop it, Vlad!* St Petersburg. May the best logo win!

GOOD LUCK/удачи! :) 


Tomorrow morning, UK time. 

Tomorrow morning, later, Moscow time. 

That's when we start round 2! But that's not in Moscow - it's a long way away. In Sochi! We've got to get there somehow, hence the wait. But round 2 will be worth it :)

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