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And so we have an all-time winner! It'll be no surprise to anyone who's been following the results of the poll, but I'll have to hand the mike to Thomas Bach whose been keen to make the results announcement. I'll tell you we had 20 votes - the best show-up in all the rounds of the Cup, but Thomas can explain the breakdown.


Thomas Bach: Willkommen meine Damen und Herren. It ist viss great pleasure zat I komm to you today to crown der all-time vinner off der GamesBids logo competitions. I sank you, all der voters, fur giving your consideration to all our entrants, who represented der best off der best off der logos zat vere submitted to der logo komps over der past 10 years. Congratulations to all der entrants - you vere all vinners to even make it zu der final. But der kann only be der one vinner to rule over zem all, und zat vinner ist...

Paul, mit Buenos Aires 2028!




Sir Rols; Thank you Herr Bach. Yes, back to me, it's easier than typing as the Bachmeister with the spellcheck on.

What can I say? Thanks to everyone who voted. I hope it was a good Xmas time diversion for the board. Thanks to @TeamBlakeUSA for helping to promote the poll - keep up the good work for the coming original logo comps.

The voting was decisive (though thanks for not forcing me to make a final choice). A total of 20 votes, all valid, with a final tally of 13 to Paul and 7 to Davey. I'm always sad when I've got to declare a loser in a vote, and as I said at the start of voting, Davey's paris would have certainly made a worthy overall winner. Real sincere commiserations Davey. That said, it certainly WAS fitting for Paul to come out on top. He's the legend of the comps, he's always a fan favourite and BA was nothing if not a fan favourite. Congratulations Paul! That was deserved, well-earned, a fair result and totally, totally fitting. You are the official King of the Logo Comps in its first decade. Who else could have deserved that title. I'll hand over to Madge to celebrate!   

So that brings us to the end of this little diversion on the road to this year's original logo comp. I hereby call on all the members of GamesBids to assemble in something over four days time in the city of Kathmandu, Nepal, to celebrate the Logo Comp of the 10th GamesBidiad.


There's still time to get some late logos in. C'mon guys, get your pencils, payments, crayons and Photoshops out and give it a go! Kathmandu, Havana and Hamburg are waiting.


i refuse to believe thomas bach was in attendance, let alone spoke, without us being reminded that he is, in case you forgot, 1976 olympic champion, fencing. (which, while impressive, i just learned he actually shares with 4 other people so he's more like a co-champion).


Normally it isn't him reminding of us - it's the introductory person.  


Unless he is drunk in which case it is all "I met Nadia" this and "How about that unfinished Stadium that"...


In fact krow - there's a new story for you to flesh out - Young Bach.  Bach To The Future?


A huge THANK YOU to everyone who voted for BA28, I'm grateful for the support and really surprised and happy I made it through all the great designs to the end! I worked on this one for a long time before putting it out there. Congrats to daveypodmore, he is an incredible graphic artist who I'm very proud and honored to end up with in this last round.....and congrats to all the great winning logos that competed.

Much aloha to Rols for all the work you put in to run a fun show. u da best



2 hours ago, thatsnotmypuppy said:

Normally it isn't him reminding of us - it's the introductory person.  

Exactly. My fault. Bach's said he's gonna sack me if I forget it again.

That's okay. I'm sacking him from future winner announcements.

On 12/27/2016 at 7:03 PM, thatsnotmypuppy said:

Normally it isn't him reminding of us - it's the introductory person.  


Unless he is drunk in which case it is all "I met Nadia" this and "How about that unfinished Stadium that"...


In fact krow - there's a new story for you to flesh out - Young Bach.  Bach To The Future?


During a trip to a car show at the Stade Olympique to celebrate Montreal 1976's 40 year anniversary (and one year of an Olympic debt-free Montreal), IOC President Thomas Bach finds himself stranded by a freak thunder-snowstorm - in May! When the storm cuts power to the stadium, Bach takes refuge in an old DeLorean, which like the rest of the cars at the show has its odometer symbolically set to read 1976.* After a freak lightning strike cuts through the poorly-constructed roof striking the DeLorean, Bach isn't fried to death. Instead, he's transported back to May 1976, during the opening ceremonies of Montreal's Olympic Games! Overcoming the shock, and with help from Bruce Jenner, Bach narrowly escapes Quebecois authorities as he find and mentors his younger self to gold, and Nadia's heart, in this heartwarming Olympic adventure that will leave you scoring 10s across the board. Will Bach ever return to his own time to complete his destruction of the modern Olympic movement? Is Nadia as limber in bed as she is on the bars? Find out in Bach to the Future!


*idk, you got anything better?


Big congratulations Paul, I actually nearly voted for your design in the final. A very worthy winner. Thanks to Sir Rols as ever a marvellous competition of competitions.


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