FAAN Posted June 4, 2016 Report Posted June 4, 2016 Odebrecht tried to annul the Lava-Jato Operation Odebrecht detailed the agreement between José Eduardo Cardozo and Marcio Thomaz Bastos to annul the Lava Jato Operation. The information is contained in one of the annexes of his delation. The mega construction company plan to annul Lava Jato Operation went wrong and Marcelo Odebrecht was eventually arrested. Dilma Rousseff and José Eduardo Cardozo appointed Minister Navarro Dantas in order to take out Marcelo Odebrecht of jail. [...] http://www.diariodobrasil.org/odebrecht-tentou-anular-a-lava-jato-delacao-podera-colocar-ex-advogado-geral-da-uniao-na-cadeia/ José Eduardo Cardozo (mentioned in the article above) is the guy on the right side, he's Dilma's lawyer in the impeachment trial: Just bringing from the last page: Dilma personally charged R$ 12 million in Slush Funds, says Marcelo Odebrecht in delation Isto É magazine brings in its cover story this weekend details of awarded delation of Marcelo Odebrecht, the main shareholder of the contractor who takes the family name. He revealed to justice that the suspense President Dilma Rousseff personally charged an illegal donation during the political campaign. According to the publication, the treasurer of Dilma's campaign, Edinho Silva, charged R$ 12 million, between the 1st and 2nd turns of 2014 elections, to make a payment "out" for the marketeer João Santana and the PMDB. [...] http://www.infomoney.com.br/mercados/politica/noticia/5095524/istoe-dilma-cobrou-pessoalmente-para-caixa-diz-marcelo-odebrecht-delacao Dilma lied about Pasadena says Cerveró On awarded delation, the former director of Petrobras said to the authorities that the suspended president was aware of the negotiations that led millionaire loss [...] http://veja.abril.com.br/noticia/brasil/dilma-mentiu-sobre-pasadena-e-deve-saber-de-propinas-ao-pt-diz-nestor-cervero Nestor Cervero says Dilma knew everything when approved the purchase of Pasadena Refinery The Supreme Court Minister Teori Zavascki, responsible for the processes of Lava Jato in the Supreme Court, released the confidentiality of plea bargaining testimony of Nestor Cervero.There were 36 statements. In them, Cervero detailed all the corruption scheme in Petrobras. The former director of Petrobras said Rousseff followed closely matters relating to Petrobras, and constantly attending state company. It had even a room at the company's headquarters in Rio de Janeiro, and knew in detail the Petrobras business - including the purchase of the refinery in Pasadena, USA. According to Cervero, Dilma not only knew about Pasadena, as he supposed in the testimony, was aware that political PT received bribery coming from Petrobras. [...] http://g1.globo.com/hora1/noticia/2016/06/nestor-cervero-diz-que-dilma-sabia-de-tudo-ao-aprovar-compra-de-pasadena.html
Cauê Posted June 5, 2016 Report Posted June 5, 2016 Thousands attended the event "Women with Dilma Rousseff (against the Coup, Globo TV and the illegitimate government of Michel Temer, Brazil's interim president)" The interim government is considered a disaster (sexist, elitist and more corrupt than any other) RIO DE JANEIRO MÍDIA NINJA (FACEBOOK) https://www.facebook.com/midiaNINJA/
Cauê Posted June 5, 2016 Report Posted June 5, 2016 Crowds with Dilma Rousseff (Against the coup and the idiotization caused by media manipulation in Brazil) RIO DE JANEIRO Marcha das Mulheres Pela Democracia e Cultura Contra O Golpe | 02-06-2016 | RJ by Ninja Midia, no Flickr Marcha das Mulheres Pela Democracia e Cultura Contra O Golpe | 02-06-2016 | RJ by Ninja Midia, no Flickr Marcha das Mulheres Pela Democracia e Cultura Contra O Golpe | 02-06-2016 | RJ by Ninja Midia, no Flickr "GOLPISTA (GLOBO TV = COUP)" Marcha das Mulheres Pela Democracia e Cultura Contra O Golpe | 02-06-2016 | RJ by Ninja Midia, no Flickr Marcha das Mulheres Pela Democracia e Cultura Contra O Golpe | 02-06-2016 | RJ by Ninja Midia, no Flickr Marcha das Mulheres Pela Democracia e Cultura Contra O Golpe | 02-06-2016 | RJ by Ninja Midia, no Flickr
Cauê Posted June 7, 2016 Report Posted June 7, 2016 Lula , considered by research "the greatest president of all time" mobilizes people in Rio against the conservative coup YESTERDAY, RIO DE JANEIRO "Se é Público, é de Todos" | 06/06/16 | Rio de Janeiro/RJ by Ninja Midia, no Flickr "Se é Público, é de Todos" | 06/06/16 | Rio de Janeiro/RJ by Ninja Midia, no Flickr "Se é Público, é de Todos" | 06/06/16 | Rio de Janeiro/RJ by Ninja Midia, no Flickr
Cauê Posted June 7, 2016 Report Posted June 7, 2016 Banners of different social movements and against the manipulation of Globo TV ("Golpe") YESTERDAY, RIO "Se é Público, é de Todos" | 06/06/16 | Rio de Janeiro/RJ by Ninja Midia, no Flickr "Se é Público, é de Todos" | 06/06/16 | Rio de Janeiro/RJ by Ninja Midia, no Flickr "Se é Público, é de Todos" | 06/06/16 | Rio de Janeiro/RJ by Ninja Midia, no Flickr
yoshi Posted June 7, 2016 Report Posted June 7, 2016 Why is all of this against Globo tv? Did they cause the impeachment to start?
zekekelso Posted June 7, 2016 Report Posted June 7, 2016 Why is all of this against Globo tv? Maybe they stopped showing Game of Thrones?
Bezzi Posted June 7, 2016 Report Posted June 7, 2016 Why is all of this against Globo tv? Did they cause the impeachment to start? They just complied with their role to inform and be impartial, disclosing the illegal acts committed by the suspended government. That's why Cauê needs to use a facebook page from an anarchist group to post these pictures. No movement you see now can be comparable to what we had in the country asking for the departure of PT. These pictures can lead to a false impression of tension but the cities are relatively calm. The people who participate in the protests have some personal interest in the permanence of PT. Like Cauê who is gay (with all respect to my gay friends from the forum) and don't want the president to be investigated, even with all the evidence, just because he wants a more "colorful" government. You can see that almost everyone in the picture are carrying flags of PT (they are employees of the party, some feel forced to attend by the fear of losing their jobs). The flags with the name "CUT" are from a group of syndicalists led by Lula who receive money from the government without working. About the pictures with all these artists that Cauê posted, know that they also benefit from the government because the Rouanet law. In a country where many people are poor, the government give exemption from taxes and donations of millions of reais to the already rich artists. I am a employee from the government (health sector) and more than 30% of my salary return to the government as taxes. Be prepared for a flood of posts with repeated pictures from the defender of the corrupt just to bury this post...
FAAN Posted June 11, 2016 Report Posted June 11, 2016 Petrobras corruption scheme was even paying Dilma Rousseff's hairstylist Each of Kamakura's services costed R$ 5,000. There are also indications that a special teleprompter was purchased for Dilma without being through official means to escape the bureaucracy of the acquisition According Merval Pereira, the Attorney General's Office already has documents that show that Rousseff was aware of the content of the negotiations on the purchase of the refinery in Pasadena, USA. [...] Moreover, in other messages, there is information about the payment of the suspended president personal items by the scheme in Petrobras, as the hairstylist Celso Kamakura, who traveled to Brasilia at the expenses of the group. [...] http://www.infomoney.com.br/mercados/politica/noticia/5086283/esquema-petrobras-pagou-ate-cabeleireiro-dilma-diz-globo
Cauê Posted June 11, 2016 Report Posted June 11, 2016 The removal of elected Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff — and installation of right-wing vice president and U.S. informant Michel Temer — has led to a sharp outburst of resistance against the interim coup regime.
Cauê Posted June 11, 2016 Report Posted June 11, 2016 More than a million Brazilians protest against 'horror' conservative interin government of Michel Temer and the Coup, yesterday. Hundreds of thousands of Brazilians flooded the streets: LULA (considered, by Brazilians, the best president in the history of Brazil) and a crowd in São Paulo (Brazil's Financial Center) (Lula's power is unbelievable) PINT8000 by Partido dos Trabalhadores, no Flickr PINT7402 by Partido dos Trabalhadores, no Flickr PINT7511 by Partido dos Trabalhadores, no Flickr PINT8139 by Partido dos Trabalhadores, no Flickr "FORA TEMER" Protesters against the interim president Michel Temer PINT7173 by Partido dos Trabalhadores, no Flickr PINT7146 by Partido dos Trabalhadores, no Flickr RIO DE JANEIRO The Olympic City Against the Coup Ato Fora Temer, Não ao Golpe | 10/06/16 | Rio de Janeiro/RJ by Ninja Midia, no Flickr Ato Fora Temer, Não ao Golpe | 10/06/16 | Rio de Janeiro/RJ by Ninja Midia, no Flickr BRASÍLIA - BRAZIL'S CAPITAL "Women for Democracy and against the coup" Fora Temer | 10/06/2016 | Brasília - DF by Ninja Midia, no Flickr Fora Temer | 10/06/2016 | Brasília - DF by Ninja Midia, no Flickr
Cauê Posted June 11, 2016 Report Posted June 11, 2016 People against the coup (São Paulo) - Aerial view BY MÍDIA NINJA (FACEBOOK) https://www.facebook.com/midiaNINJA/photos/a.164308700393950.1073741828.164188247072662/665096073648541/?type=3&theater
Cauê Posted June 11, 2016 Report Posted June 11, 2016 Images are like thousands of words. Lula is undoubtedly the greatest political leader in Brazil. Yesterday: IMAGES FROM FACEBOOK (YESTERDAY) https://www.facebook.com/Lula/?fref=nf
paul Posted June 11, 2016 Report Posted June 11, 2016 The liberal privileged game is strong in Brazil. I wonder if they heard the economy collapsed when they thought were getting everything they wanted.
brasilolimpico Posted June 11, 2016 Report Posted June 11, 2016 The protests are not as big as they seem.According to the sum of the reports released by the police , were 37,000 people across the country. However there is still raising São Paulo , although it has ace 100,000 people released by the organizers (usually this number is much lower in the PM estimates ) .These protests are much smaller in comparison to the contrary Dilma , Lula and the PT.On the day of the impeachment vote in the Chamber of Deputies , there were 318,000 people against Dilma nationwide and 120,000 in favor of Dilma .In March , protests against Dilma , Lula and the party took estimates of the Military Police 3.6 million people across the country . This became the LARGEST COUNTRY HISTORY OF PROTESTS .
LatinXTC Posted June 11, 2016 Report Posted June 11, 2016 I can't wait until the Olympic and Paralympic games are over. Once they're gone we can go back to completely ignoring this country as it self destructs.
FAAN Posted June 11, 2016 Report Posted June 11, 2016 The protests are not as big as they seem. According to the sum of the reports released by the police , were 37,000 people across the country. However there is still raising São Paulo , although it has ace 100,000 people released by the organizers (usually this number is much lower in the PM estimates ) . These protests are much smaller in comparison to the contrary Dilma , Lula and the PT. On the day of the impeachment vote in the Chamber of Deputies , there were 318,000 people against Dilma nationwide and 120,000 in favor of Dilma . In March , protests against Dilma , Lula and the party took estimates of the Military Police 3.6 million people across the country . This became the LARGEST COUNTRY HISTORY OF PROTESTS . Exactly. Red color predominating as usual. A reunion of the people who are mad since the money PT was giving them was cut being lead by a criminal, leader of the worst corruption scandals in Brazil's history, accused of misrepresentation, illegal enrichment, improper conduct, obstruction of justice and main negotiator of Petrolão bribes scheme. Hopefully, he'll soon be arrested. That's the real size of the "protest": Nothing when compared to this: March 15 (protest in favor of the impeachment)
brasilolimpico Posted June 11, 2016 Report Posted June 11, 2016 Exactly. Red color predominating as usual. A reunion of the people who are mad since the money PT was giving them was cut being lead by a criminal, leader of the worst corruption scandals in Brazil's history, accused of misrepresentation, illegal enrichment, improper conduct, obstruction of justice and main negotiator of Petrolão bribes scheme. Hopefully, he'll soon be arrested. That's the real size of the "protest": Nothing when compared to this: March 15 (protest in favor of the impeachment) Yes . Lula has nowhere near the popularity of before. In a survey this week, it appears numerically ago in a second round clash against in Marina da Silva or Aécio Neves , his main opponents . The Temer government has the same 11 % approval Rousseff , but his disapproval is 28 %, much lower than the 62% of Dilma . In addition 33% approve of the personal performance Temer, against only 21 % of the Dilma . Yes . Lula has nowhere near the popularity of before. In a survey this week, it appears numerically ago in a second round clash against in Marina da Silva or Aécio Neves , his main opponents . The Temer government has the same 11 % approval Rousseff , but his disapproval is 28 %, much lower than the 62% of Dilma . In addition 33% approve of the personal performance Temer, against only 21 % of the Dilma .
Cauê Posted June 14, 2016 Report Posted June 14, 2016 People against the coup are the vast majorit *majority Hey guy, you want to see a comparison here? I love it A retrospectiveA "divided" Brazil on the streets https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/77/Atos_pr%C3%B3_e_contra_o_impeachment_na_Esplanada.jpg https://jbr-arquivos-online.s3.amazonaws.com/site/imagens/capas/20160313204713.jpg http://www.ocafezinho.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/10665669_762224167213056_3199569249381158061_n.jpg And what is happening in Brazil now? People against the coup and the interim government are the vast majority People in the streets against Dilma Rousseff, Lula, the Workers Party and "corruption"*An important information: the current interim 'government' of Michel Temer is accused of more corruption than the Dilma Rousseff's government People against the coup and the interim 'government' of Michel Temer *People pro Dilma Rousseff as the legitimate president And São Paulo (with Lula) - June 10 In the Brasilia airport (June 12) #ForaTemer no Aeroporto de Brasilia | Brasília-DF | 12-06-16 by Ninja Midia, no Flickr City of Fortaleza (June 10) Ato Fora Temer, Não ao Golpe | 10/06/16 | Fortaleza/ CE by Ninja Midia, no Flickr City of Recife (June 10) Ato Fora Temer | 10/06/2016 | Recife - PE by Ninja Midia, no Flickr Rio (June 10) Ato Fora Temer, Não ao Golpe | 10/06/16 | Rio de Janeiro/ RJ by Ninja Midia, no Flickr Concert for democracy and against the coup (Rio, June 10) Concerto Pela Democracia | 10/06/2016 | Rio de Janeiro RJ by Ninja Midia, no Flickr Concerto Pela Democracia | 10/06/2016 | Rio de Janeiro RJ by Ninja Midia, no Flickr Women for democracy and against the Coup (Brasília, June 10) Fora Temer | 10/06/2016 | Brasília - DF by Ninja Midia, no Flickr
Cauê Posted June 14, 2016 Report Posted June 14, 2016 Lula, for Al Jazeera: "Because our society is beginning to understand that kicking her out was not democratic. People who took to the streets to criticise our president and government, are not out on the streets defending Temer. In opinion polls Temer has higher disapproval than Dilma. Temer has managed to put together a government that's very, very, very inferior to what his allies expected." http://www.aljazeera.com/programmes/talktojazeera/2016/06/lula-da-silva-emerge-crisis-stronger-160610085453025.html People against the coup are the vast majority Hey guy, you want to see a comparison here? I love it A retrospectiveA "divided" Brazil on the streets https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/77/Atos_pr%C3%B3_e_contra_o_impeachment_na_Esplanada.jpg https://jbr-arquivos-online.s3.amazonaws.com/site/imagens/capas/20160313204713.jpg http://www.ocafezinho.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/10665669_762224167213056_3199569249381158061_n.jpg And what is happening in Brazil now? People against the coup and the interim government are the vast majority People in the streets against Dilma Rousseff, Lula, the Workers Party and "corruption"*An important information: the current interim 'government' of Michel Temer is accused of more corruption than the Dilma Rousseff's government People against the coup and the interim 'government' of Michel Temer *People pro Dilma Rousseff as the legitimate president And São Paulo (with Lula) - June 10 In the Brasilia airport (June 12) #ForaTemer no Aeroporto de Brasilia | Brasília-DF | 12-06-16 by Ninja Midia, no Flickr City of Fortaleza (June 10) Ato Fora Temer, Não ao Golpe | 10/06/16 | Fortaleza/ CE by Ninja Midia, no Flickr City of Recife (June 10) Ato Fora Temer | 10/06/2016 | Recife - PE by Ninja Midia, no Flickr Rio (June 10) Ato Fora Temer, Não ao Golpe | 10/06/16 | Rio de Janeiro/ RJ by Ninja Midia, no Flickr Concert for democracy and against the coup (Rio, June 10) Concerto Pela Democracia | 10/06/2016 | Rio de Janeiro RJ by Ninja Midia, no Flickr Concerto Pela Democracia | 10/06/2016 | Rio de Janeiro RJ by Ninja Midia, no Flickr Women for democracy and against the Coup (Brasília, June 10) Fora Temer | 10/06/2016 | Brasília - DF by Ninja Midia, no Flickr
Cauê Posted June 14, 2016 Report Posted June 14, 2016 Can you show new images of crowds "against Dilma', FAAN? Or you just have old pictures? I show you new images of the vast majority of people against the coup and the interin "president" Temer. And the crowds call for Lula on the streets across Brazil
zekekelso Posted June 14, 2016 Report Posted June 14, 2016 Can't you guys have an election of something. Be a lot easier than trying to count how many people are in red vs green shirts. Or have elections been outlawed by the "coup"?
Rob2012 Posted June 14, 2016 Report Posted June 14, 2016 Can't you guys have an election of something. Be a lot easier than trying to count how many people are in red vs green shirts. Or have elections been outlawed by the "coup"? This new government is being called an "interim" government. I assumed that must mean elections are coming. Or is it only interim in the sense that it'll be decided once the impeachment process is over?
neneu10 Posted June 14, 2016 Report Posted June 14, 2016 Presidential elections now only in 2018 In October this year are the municipal elections
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