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So this is someone that a lot of us laughed about for thinking they could ever be a serious contender to the presidency, but now I find it more of a concern than anything else. There's a good variety of people on here from different sides of the US, as well as the world and I would like to hear your opinions about him.

What do you like about him, if anything? What don't you like about him? If you don't live in the US, how is he being reported to y'all? And what do you think the impact, if any, he would have on your country if he won the presidency for the US?

Here's a hilarious video that I love and can't seem to stop watching about him! John Oliver really says it best!


Obviously, many Americans are tired of the status quo, politicians who are more interesting in serving the special interest groups to whom they are beholden as opposed to serving their constituents., no doubt the reason many in his own party is working hard to derail his momentum. He needs to tone down his bombastic behavior at some point (no small task) and show he does indeed grasp many of the issues at hand. I just wonder if the Presidency, with all the checks and balances in place, might just be too boring for him.


I don't understand why - if some Americans are tired of politicians who don't listen to them - these people have flocked to the biggest narcissist on the planet. He seems to be a bigot and a liar, and someone who's in it only for himself.

Is that the kind of opinion you were hoping for LatinXTC?


I think people flock to him because for the past two elections a very establishment candidate was chosen for the GOP and both times they lost. Maybe they're hoping this time they might win with an outsider. Also, in the past there have been GOP candidates who have tried to hide any racist or sexist tendencies in favor of the general, but many bigoted Americans wanted true representation, and that's just what they got. Can he win in the general--if the Democrats essentially give up, sure. All they have to do is keep the enthusiasm (maybe nominate the candidate who generated it (!!!!)) and they'll win no problem.

Posted (edited)

History has shown that fringe candidates don't win elections, the last time a fringe candidate won the presidency was 1912. And it was a fight between 'crazy socialist to actual communist'.

Barry Goldwater got clobbered LBJ

McGovern got hammered by Nixon

Mondale got badly beat by Reagan

Dukakis got pasted by GHWB

Edited by Faster
Posted (edited)

The guy is so crude and vulgar and ignorant of what's really going on in the world that it beggars belief that Americans would actually elect him to be their president! He is riding a populist, nationalist anti-establishment bandwagon screaming, "Take me. I'm different. Everything will be different and better if you ignore them and take me!"

Where have we heard this kind of talk before? Shades of Hitler riding a similar populist nationalist, anti-establishment bandwagon in 1930s Germany or Mussolini in 1930s Italy. A key aspect of their policies was stirring up hatred and discrimination against unpopular minorities and it was all couched in the most violent and vulgar kind of rhetoric. Anyone who disagreed was to be crushed, destroyed or, in Trump's words, "Get 'em out, get 'em out!"

Yesterday's Jews, Communists, homosexuals, gypsies and the like are today's Mexicans and Muslims. The names change, the ideas and the rhetoric are depressingly familar.

Not so long ago, a republican president visited Berlin and called upon his Communist adversary, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" 30 years on and another prospective republican president promises his supporters, "Let's build a wall and divide our country from those guys we don't like south of the border!" The irony is unmistakeable.

Like many of his nationalist, bandwaggoner predecessors, Trump rides the politics of fear and promises everything will be alright again once those pesky minorities and foreigners have been dealt with. Hitler wanted to restore Germany's greatness after the humiliation of the First World War. Trump wants to restore America's greatness after the humiliation of being in an unfavourable balance of trade deficit with the Chinese and other pesky foreigners. He admires Vladimir Putin and intends to rule America in the same way Putin rules Russia. Opposition will be dealt with in similar fashion if he has his way. "Get 'em out, get 'em out!"

Dr. Johnson recognised this kind of thing all too clearly more than 2 centuries ago: "Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel!" I just hope and pray the majority of Americans will wake up on election day, finally smell the coffee and send this particular scoundrel back to his tower in New York, where he belongs!

Edited by Mainad

If around the time of next year's IOC session the biggest news headlines are about President Trump trying to push his Muslim ban through the Supreme Court, then we can say with total certainty an American Olympics won't be happening in 2024.

Posted (edited)

It just plays into the uneducated masses. A CNN reporter showed statistics that the less educated you are, the more likely you are a) a Republican and B) a Trump supporter. Trump is the outcome of a culture gone mad for celebrity and sound-bit.

I hope Trump gets the nomination. Because it would be nice to see the Solid South again. Plus the rest of the country blue too.

Edited by Faster

If around the time of next year's IOC session the biggest news headlines are about President Trump trying to push his Muslim ban through the Supreme Court, then we can say with total certainty an American Olympics won't be happening in 2024.

Assuming the ban doesn't apply to US citizens, there are apparently few legal/constitutional issues with a ban on Muslims. That said, there's one little problem... it's total nonsense (see Paid for by Mexico comma Wall). The Donald has yet to explain how to implement such a ban. Do you have immigration officers ask people "are you a Muslim" and turn away everyone who says "yes." Something tells me the "bad Muslims" he is trying to keep out would find a way around that.

But, yes, President Trump = No Olympics for the US.


This might be a little harsh, but I'm keep thinking that if he somehow became President (which won't happen) he would be disliked so much someone would probably assassinate him before we knew it...


Unfortunately there is a massive population within the U.S. of truly stupid, ignorant and lazy people who like to blame their problems on everyone else (especially minorities). Trump has managed to tap into these people.

If you go onto his website, he has some reasonable policies. The thing is, he obviously didn't write any of them, as evidenced by his debate answers and rally speeches which have zero substance. The reality is, when it comes to tough decisions as president, you have to make the final call. Trump is certainly not qualified enough to do this.

All in all, I don't think he really believes in half the stuff he says, he's just being smart in tapping into the stupid population of America. The real threat is Ted Cruz. That guy has evil written all over him. Cruz is twice the mess Trump is, and he's actually smart. He would be an extremely dangerous man in the White House. This is the guy who shut down the government twice and is hated by every Senator. I'll take Trump as president over Cruz 10 times out of 10. I hope Trump is the nominee, because Clinton will walk all over him. (as much as I dislike Clinton, but it's the best they've got).


(as much as I dislike Clinton, but it's the best they've got).

well, the best we've got is bernie sanders but that situation simply is what it is.

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as shattered as i am that my totally biting and obvious baron joke got deleted, i don't think his post calling bernie a grumpy old man should have been deleted too. i mean, that was his political opinion, wrong as it is, and as much as i like getting a dig in at his expense i appreciate healthy discourse. deleting it strikes me as a very donald trump thing to do. and from canadians of all people.

i don't care about my post, it just left a bad taste in my mouth is all.


as shattered as i am that my totally biting and obvious baron joke got deleted, i don't think his post calling bernie a grumpy old man should have been deleted too. i mean, that was his political opinion, wrong as it is, and as much as i like getting a dig in at his expense i appreciate healthy discourse. deleting it strikes me as a very donald trump thing to do. and from canadians of all people.

i don't care about my post, it just left a bad taste in my mouth is all.

Boo mine got deleted as well! Were there any posts after ours? I feel it should have stayed up as well. There were FAR WORSE said about people or places that weren't members of the forum and kept up.


So how would Trump (or for that matter Ted Cruz) handle a mass shooting?

Hmmmm...well they're both famous so I guess they'd need to buy a mask. I don't know if either of them already have their own gun like Jeb.

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LOL. America is the laughing stock of the world. What a joke. You have a reality TV star as your leading presidential candidate. And it's all thanks to the racist, divisive, stubborn and ignorant Republican Party that bashed Obama and made it popular to hate him for no good reason. That's what has fuelled the anger.

Republicans are quite honestly such pussies. They bash Trump endlessly, but still say "I will support him if he is the nominee". The Republican Pary is a joke in and of itself.

  • Like 2
Posted (edited)

LOL. America is the laughing stock of the world. What a joke. You have a reality TV star as your leading presidential candidate. And it's all thanks to the racist, divisive, stubborn and ignorant Republican Party that bashed Obama and made it popular to hate him for no good reason. That's what has fuelled the anger.

Yep....what a fvcking mess that party has turned into.:


Obama To Republicans: I Didn’t Create Trump, Your Bigotry Towards Me Did:

Of course, he's right. The batshit crazy, borderline racist, birther stuff seems to have been forgotten. But it tells you everything you need to know about Trump's political judgement and his narcissism, and why he has the followers he does.

Edited by Rob.

What went so wrong with America that a guy who looks like the average populist dictator of your typical Banana Republic actually has real chances of becoming president?

Last year most of us didn't took his campaign seriously. Now everyone is frightened of him. What happened yesterday at Chicago could either be the last straw or they could try using it to justify their hatred against immigrants.

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