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It's all over looks like no 2024 Olympics for the USA

Not exactly:

The U.S.O.C. announced the termination of the bid in a statement, saying support for the Boston bid was not strong enough. The group said it would consider other options for a 2024 bid.

From the NYT.

Organizers now must decide whether to try to scramble a last-minute bid from Los Angeles or allow the United States to forgo a chance at hosting the Summer Games, which it has not done since 1996.

RIP Boston Games. But I'm not gonna lie, I'm not really sad. The last time the US hosted SOG, I was 9, I'm only 28 now. AND, I was born only 3 years after another US Summer Olympic Games. Yes, no maths needed, I was born in 1987. So, I'm pretty sure the US can wait for another 4 years! :)

And now it looks like Toronto will be the North America's bid...

Oh wait, the USOC is so desperate to get an US bid for 2024 that they will chose another american city instead. Well, hello L.A, welcome to the race!


UGH! The USOC better not scramble together a bid with LA only to lose to Paris. They need to cut their losses and figure out what they will do for 2028 & 2032. South Africa can only host one of those two. The other will be ripe for the US to pick as long as they don't screw anything up.


UGH! The USOC better not scramble together a bid with LA only to lose to Paris. They need to cut their losses and figure out what they will do for 2028 & 2032. South Africa can only host one of those two. The other will be ripe for the US to pick as long as they don't screw anything up.

but third times the charm, so LA should definitely go for 2024 it if it wants 2032 :P The more experience, the merrier!


The New York and Chicago bids certainly had their problems, but as I've said before, they were there on the day of the final vote. Boston doesn't even get out of the starting gate. After Chicago's failed bid, the USOC mended fences with the IOC then sat out the 2020 and 2022 races with the whole idea "hey we messed up the last two times but this time we'll get it right." In reality, they had years to vet out the right candidate and they messed up again. Whether or not the USOC decides to put forth Los Angeles or sit out 2024 altogether, it still doesn't change the face that there is a major leadership crisis within the USOC right now, and if the U.S. ever wants to host an Olympics again, there needs to be wholesale changes at the USOC beginning with the CEO. The Boston bid was a debacle from day one and somebody has to take the fall for this.


Sad but predictable. Boston just did not have sufficient support. Nobody believed in the bid, least of all the Bostonians! Next time, why doesn't the USOC make sure that it picks a city whose citizens actually want the Olympics?

This opens up a whole new ballgame for another North American bid. Will Toronto throw in its hand or wait this one out?


San Francisco Will Be A Good Idea To Host The Games

Even if SF has all its ducks lined up, the NIMBYs will be just as vociferous. Again, the Stadium-Village tandem is the major challenge...and I think Oakland's Coliseum City plans are going nowhere.


i prefer DC but we'll see what happens.

NICE!! Luv it, Paul!!


Oh well I'm not too bothered. USOC had crap choices of cities to begin with. LA's bid is so damn tiring I'd rather the US never get another SOGs than to see LA get it again. And the other 3 had some major identity crises with their venue plan, relying on the outskirts of the cities to host a lot of the events, in some cases even the O/C ceremonies. Sit this one out USOC and go for the 2026 WOGs. And maybe even the 2028 SOGs if there is a resurgence of interest in the WOGs and the field is too strong to compete in.


As a German, from a national perspective, I would of course prefer the US retiring from the 2024 race altogether. ;) But from an international perspective, I think that a bid by LA could do the race very well - and could even be a winner.


Big round of applause to us here at Gamesbids- we picked this outcome almost immediately after they selected Boston....a real no-brainer.

I don't think Washington would appeal internationally (capital of the 'free' world, home of the Pentagon etc..) and could piss people off in the US (spending more money on Washington)... I imagine it would be down to LA or SF. Better for the USA to sit this out and let it go to Paris.


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