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OFFICIAL OPEN: FantasyDocs.issuu.com

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Well, It's finally open! https://issuu.com/fantasydocs

So Far, I've upload the 2018 Winter Olympics Bid Books, A 2018 Commonwealth Games Bid Book & 3 2020 Summer Olympics Bid Books, Unfortunately, some of the download links I came across were broken, so I am not able to include every bid book from every bid. More Bid Books to come! Also, it would be extremely helpful if people email me download links to their Bid Books, just email me at:


More updates to come!



I have uploaded EVERYTHING I had, there is still a lot to come, I'm awaiting a reply from Puppy for the Inappropriate Comp Files and have also obtained Wellington 2026 and Berlin 2024.


Ok, I've uploaded Berlin, Kuala Lumpur and Delhi 2024 from Paul92's Design Competition, Santiago, Rome and Putrajaya are soon to come, also I'm going to message Darcy for the Brisbane one. Enjoy!


UPDATE: I'm going to upload the 2028 Bid Files after their release so stay tuned!

Also, please, please PLEASE post download links here because some are broken :(


UPDATE: 2028 Candidature Files and Applicant Summary are officially up! Check them out at:

Also, I know I keep repeating this but, please, please, PLEASE re-upload your Bid Books, because the links to some are broken, and the contributions will be greatly appreciated thanks!


Yeah, about that....The Putrajaya Bid Book is in pictures and I don't know how to convert Pictures to PDF, Plus I have no PC, if you can make the Putrajaya Bid Book into PDF and PM me it, then I'll be happy to upload it :)

Also, those that have participated in the 2026 Fantasy Bid Comp, please RE-UPLOAD your Bid Books here, I've uploaded Australia-New Zealand, West Indies and Antarctica, I'm looking for China, USA, Thailand-Vietnam and Canada!


With a lot of hard work, I've finally managed to upload Putrajaya 2024, it is still loading so bear with, also, Rome 2024 will be on there soon! Ciao!


  • 1 month later...


After a month of neglection, MAJOR Updates are going to be made to the FantasyDocs Library! I will start to hunt down more Bid Books! Be sure to check the FantasyDocs Library more often!

Link: www.issuu.com/fantasydocs

I know I keep repeating this, But PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE AND PLEASE!!!!!! Can you send links to your Bid Books to this Email:


Most of the Links here are broken but with your contribution the FantasyDocs Library will expand and I will be truly grateful!

Thanks! :)


Yeah, about that....The Putrajaya Bid Book is in pictures and I don't know how to convert Pictures to PDF, Plus I have no PC, if you can make the Putrajaya Bid Book into PDF and PM me it, then I'll be happy to upload it :)

Also, those that have participated in the 2026 Fantasy Bid Comp, please RE-UPLOAD your Bid Books here, I've uploaded Australia-New Zealand, West Indies and Antarctica, I'm looking for China, USA, Thailand-Vietnam and Canada!

I have sent you my China bid pdf to your email... Lost the file from my HDD, so I forwarded the email


I have sent you my China bid pdf to your email... Lost the file from my HDD, so I forwarded the email

Thank you so much Griff! I have uploaded the China 2026 Bid Book on FantasyDocs, it may take time for it to show since it is still converting! Please, Please, Please and again, PLEASE send me your Bid Books at KaptainKharisma11@gmail.com Thanks!

Check the Bid Books out at:



  • 2 months later...


After going through a few old Thread I have managed to upload both Volumes of the Russia 2018 Bid Book created by burrito & the Bursa 2022 Bid Book created by fatixx. I've also added the 2023 Pan Am Bid Books too. Also, Puppy, is it possible to revive this Website - http://ontour2001.tripod.com/

I'm asking since half the links I've clicked on link to that Site and I think there might be a decent amount of Bid Books on there that would make a great addition to the FantasyDocs Library.

Check out what I have mentioned here! - http://issuu.com/fantasydocs/docs


NOTE - The Bid Books are still loading so they may not be there yet.

  • 1 year later...

Sheesh... looking back to this, I've realised how horrendous my grammar was. Crazy to think this was over a year ago.

I'm still debating whether or not to continue with this, I do have the time but the lone problem is that almost every link I go to is broken or doesn't work, meaning I can't obtain the file :( I might re-do the whole thing but I'll need some major help. All I need is for everyone to send whatever bid books they have made/created for competitions on here to me either via PM.

Please, if you have any bid books you have made lying around on your PC then send them over, it'll do me loads and will increase the library by loads.

I'll combine a list of every contest held on GB and the cities submitted with the user's name next to them just in case anyone has forgotten.


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