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The Brazilian National Training Network - The great sporting legacy of the Rio games

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Brazil's National Training Network


Several training centres have been built throughout the country. Through the National Training Network (Federal Bill 12,395 from March 2011),different venues offer better training conditions for Brazilian athletes who will compete in the 2016 Games. More than that, these venues allow for the development of several sports and new Brazilian talent for future Olympic editions.

The programme’s goal is to interconnect already existing facilities - like the ones built for the 2007 Pan American Games - to new venues, with a view to restructuring and renovating Brazilian sport infrastructure. This goes for Olympic as well as Paralympic sports. In Rio de Janeiro, the venues will make up the Olympic Training Centre (COT) in Barra da Tijuca and Deodoro, two regions that will host events in 2016. In addition, coaches, referees and managers are being technically enhanced through the National Network.

Sport Initiation Centres (CIEs) are another of the programme’s pillars. In all, 285 venues will be built in 263 municipalities, supplying the structure for the practice of up to 13 Olympic, 6 Paralympic sports, and one non-Olympic event. Total investments reach R$ 967 million through the Growth Acceleration Programme (PAC 2). The contract for the transfer of funds has been signed for three CIEs and include facilities in the municipalities of Teresina, Picos and Parnaíba (Piauí state, Brazil's northeast region).

For the High Performance Secretary from Brazil's Ministry of Sport Ricardo Leyser, the legacy of the Rio 2016 Games can already be seen two years before the competition. “We’re building legacy in the whole country and thus, we’re nationalising the benefits of the Games", he stated. “This nationalisation will have a lot of impact in democratising sport, as people will have access to appropriate facilities in relation to the practice of sport, thus, reducing inequalities between Brazilian regions", added the secretary.

Another factor pointed out by Leyser is the reach of the Olympic legacy. “These actions are spreading out into projects that encompass everything from youth level sports to very high performance. For example, they reach 44 thousand schools involved in youth level competitions, as well as Sport Initiation Centres and include the dozens of tracks that are being built or renovated. Furthermore, they're reaching high performance sports centres, like the Olympic Development Centre (CFO) in Fortaleza, the Pan American Judo Centre in Lauro de Freitas in the state of Bahia and the Handball Centre in São Bernado (São Paulo state), among others”, he said.

Also, the number of facilities being delivered has to be added to the development of national sport. “Our Olympic legacy also means the millions of venue related items that are being delivered to several sports like judo, wrestling, fencing and taekwondo, among others", added the secretary.


Rio's Olympic Training Centre - Home of the "Time Brasil" (Brazil Team)
This is the 'heart' of the Brazilian National Training Network



X Park in Deodoro, Rio


Olympic Development Centre (CFO), in Fortaleza
This is the largest olympic training centre in Brazil, outside Rio



Brazilian Paralympic Training Centre, in São Paulo
This is the 'heart' of the Brazilian Paralympic Sport



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The 'Arena Caixa', in the city of São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo State [OPEN]

One of the main projects of the National Athletics Training Network – the first sport to be structure by the programme - the Caixa Arena in São Bernardo do Campo (São Paulo state) is a 30 thousand m² compound. It is one of the most modern of its kind in Latin America. Located at Vila do Tanque and delivered on 29 March of this year, the centre has a level 1 athletics track, as according by standards set out by the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF).

The grandstands cater for up to 1,500 people and there are training and press areas. Another, three storey high building, houses the support rooms and warm-up areas. The facilities are the fruit of R$ 32.5 million in investment from the Ministry of Sport and City Hall. In addition, it will be able to host delegations during the acclimatisation period before the 2016 Games.



Diving Centre of Excellence, in Brasilia [OPEN]

In March 2014, a diving centre was opened in the federal capital city. Focusing on the Brazilian national team, as well as the development of youth levels, the centre is the first of its kind in Brazil. The Ministry of Sport invested R$ 800 thousand in the implementation of the centre, as well as the purchase of equipment and the hiring of professionals for the multidisciplinary team.

The centre is located at the Professor William Passos Aquatic Centre at the University of Brasilia (UnB), where there is a 50m Olympic pool, a 25m semi-Olympic pool, a pool for diving and a gymnasium for training. There are two 5m and 10m platforms and four spring boards, two 1m and two 3m.



Pan American Judo Centre, in de city of Lauro de Freitas, Bahia State [OPEN]
The centre is fruit of R$ 43.2 million in investment, R$ 18.3 million of which from the state of Bahia, through its Secretariat of Labour, Employment, Income and Sport (SETRE) and the other R$ 19.8 million, as federal government funds. The Brazilian Judo Confederation put up another R$ 5.1 million for the executive project and some of the equipment and furniture.
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New Gymnastics National Team Training Center, Rio
Place: HSBC Arena, inside the Rio's Olympic Park
Status: Opened on January 17, 2015
This is part of the complex for the 'Time Brasil' (Brazil Team)
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