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2022: A troubling scenario


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Ok, just to set the record straight, I highly doubt that Tony has a large grasp of economics. He's just blind from patriotism so he doesn't really understand the situation and is just saying stuff. That being said, I can't comment on Britain's situation but I'm not taking Tony as a reliable source. However, I agree with Rob, totally uncalled for GCL. No sake in just starting more beef. Tony may be banal and repetitive but at least he has an excuse. Your dyslexia has nothing to do with your erroneous and incredibly stupid claims and opinions.

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But it's true the UK influence in the world is declining, Perth is the city on the rise now the 2nd fastest growing city in the free world right now our population will be doubled in 26 years time from 2 million to 4 million and 5.5 million people by 2060 we will over take Brisbane as Australia number 3 city in 10 years time and is in the top 14 in the short list the new 7 wonders cities in the world,

For seriously? By 2060? You're going to make predictions about what the world is going to look like nearly half a century from now? And you're going poke fun at someone else's blind nationalism by offering pretty much the same thing about your city..

Think before you post, dude. And you wonder why no one here respects you. It has absolutely nothing to do with dyslexia.


Think before you post, dude. And you wonder why no one here respects you. It has absolutely nothing to do with dyslexia.

Think before you reply. GCL is either 1) extrodinarily stupid, 2) trolling you. Either way, not sure rational discourse is possible.


Think before you reply. GCL is either 1) extrodinarily stupid, 2) trolling you. Either way, not sure rational discourse is possible.

I'm inclined to believe it's #1. Because if it's #2, he's doing a really good job of trolling everyone, and I don't think he should be getting that credit


You cannot compare China and India in such a way. India has a democracy (and I use that term loosely) because it had a very strong relationship with the British Empire - who had near full control of the subcontinent. This was not the same for China - everyone wanted a piece and they were continually f*cked over. India struggles to maintain stability in Arunachal Pradesh and Kashmir. China is just holding itself together with 22 provinces, 5 autonomous regions, and of course the SARs of HK and Macao. China is barely holding grip on many of these areas as it is --- so I fail to envision a 'democratic' system that could effectively balance this. I'm not excusing human rights violations (this exist in India too), but China would simply collapse if there were a shift to democratisation like 1989 in Europe. It would be a Yugoslavia on a frightening scale.

I also need to stress that culturally, 'democracy' doesn't always resonate with the Chinese - its often an ignorant assumption of westerners that every country wants our form of democracy, it simply not the case. India strives because it inherited a system from Britain.

Thanks for trying to make comprehend narrow-minded and little educated ('cause his age) Tony.


You have no knowledge on Economics. You don't live in London, so You don't know the situation.

The UK is on the rise, not decline. Fact.

I mean, I live in California and the USA, Both in horrible debt, but I really don't feel the bad vibes media is proposing. You may not feel the UK's decline, but others may. It all depends an location, class, resources, age, etc. You see, I don't do taxes, so I am under the impression of " 'MURICA, YEAH! WE SO RICH!! CALIFORNIA, YEAH! WE SO KOOL!! SPEND ALL-O DA MONEY!!1!!1!", when in reality, numerous people are struggling. The entire English perspective does not only pertain to you. My parents certainly are dissatisfied with the tax increase (again, the debt thing), so they certainly know what's going up - and what's going down...


I'm sorry about insulting you Tony.

But it's true the UK influence in the world is declining, Perth is the city on the rise now the 2nd fastest growing city in the free world right now our population will be doubled in 26 years time from 2 million to 4 million and 5.5 million people by 2060 we will over take Brisbane as Australia number 3 city in 10 years time and is in the top 14 in the short list the new 7 wonders cities in the world,

Well Your not Sorry, because You insulted Me again, by wrongly claiming My Country is going downhill economically, when it's not. The UK (Mostly England) is on the rise and has one of the Biggest Influences in the World via Politics, Social and Economics.


Well Your not Sorry, because You insulted Me again, by wrongly claiming My Country is going downhill economically, when it's not. The UK (Mostly England) is on the rise and has one of the Biggest Influences in the World via Politics, Social and Economics.

Do you have evidence or reasoning to back that up? Or are we just supposed to take your word for it because you're from England and you live there and therefore, you know better than the rest of us and heaven forbid anyone here dares to says that the United Kingdom is anything less than perfect?


. The UK (Mostly England) is on the rise and has one of the Biggest Influences in the World via Politics, Social and Economics.

Damn stright. This is the coutry that gave us both Posh *and* Becks. And, um, uh,


Do you have evidence or reasoning to back that up? Or are we just supposed to take your word for it because you're from England and you live there and therefore, you know better than the rest of us and heaven forbid anyone here dares to says that the United Kingdom is anything less than perfect?

Well do You have evidence to say anything against this. It's fact that England is important to the World and has big influence whether You like it or not.

Damn stright. This is the coutry that gave us both Posh *and* Becks. And, um, uh,

Don't disrespect My Country. We have given so much to the World England has.


Well do You have evidence to say anything against this. It's fact that England is important to the World and has big influence whether You like it or not.

Don't disrespect My Country. We have given so much to the World England has.

Not really Queen Victoria was very much like Hitler mass killings of people in India, South Africa, Ireland and Australia they done nothing to build the Western World Israel, Italy, Greece and the USA are the 4 countries which made the Western World all the UK done greatly is to kill and destroy anyone who got in there way. Margaret Thatcher helped to save the UK but things are clearly declining there and the only big things to come out of the UK lately is Harry Potter and Doctor Who.


Well Your not Sorry, because You insulted Me again, by wrongly claiming My Country is going downhill economically, when it's not. The UK (Mostly England) is on the rise and has one of the Biggest Influences in the World via Politics, Social and Economics.

If you feel personally insulted because someone says something about your country, you have a serious problem.


Well do You have evidence to say anything against this. It's fact that England is important to the World and has big influence whether You like it or not.

Explain to us why it's a fact. Give us a tiny shred of discussion that furthers your point rather than you saying 'fact' and 'whether you like it or not.' And do it quick because it seems like you're starting to run out of posts for the day

Not really Queen Victoria was very much like Hitler mass killings of people in India, South Africa, Ireland and Australia they done nothing to build the Western World Israel, Italy, Greece and the USA are the 4 countries which made the Western World all the UK done greatly is to kill and destroy anyone who got in there way. Margaret Thatcher helped to save the UK but things are clearly declining there and the only big things to come out of the UK lately is Harry Potter and Doctor Who.

Easy there, GCL. You don't have to go overboard to make a point. Unless you really dislike the UK that much, in which case, go nuts. But still, don't make this uglier than it needs to be here because then it's just going to become another pissing match.


They done nothing to build the Western World Israel, Italy, Greece and the USA are the 4 countries which made the Western World all the UK done greatly is to kill and destroy anyone who got in there way.

You think THIS is how to deal with Tony's OTT patriotism do you? Well, I could sit by and let your schoolboy history 'lessons' ruin more threads here, but as it is I've PMed the mod to request you're limited to 3 posts a day, the same way Tony is. I think that's fair and I'd be surprised if anyone on here disagrees with this request.


I've PMed the mod to request you're limited to 3 posts a day, the same way Tony is. I think that's fair and I'd be surprised if anyone on here disagrees with this request.

Some people might think three is too many.


You think THIS is how to deal with Tony's OTT patriotism do you? Well, I could sit by and let your schoolboy history 'lessons' ruin more threads here, but as it is I've PMed the mod to request you're limited to 3 posts a day, the same way Tony is. I think that's fair and I'd be surprised if anyone on here disagrees with this request.

you'll be lucky if the mod even respond to you.


you'll be lucky if the mod even respond to you.

Is there even a mod on this site? Much as Tony doesn't believe in the existence of God, so too I'm questioning the presence of Mod.


I'm not against someone creating a thread for themselves and their issues, if it serves the common good, but isn't there any limit to how many topics one can hijack?


Is there even a mod on this site? Much as Tony doesn't believe in the existence of God, so too I'm questioning the presence of Mod.

If there was a mod (or at least a COMPETENT one), people which would constantly derail threads onto a cat fight would had been punished long time ago.


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