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EuroGames 2019

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Hola, mi nombre es Moi, soy nuevo en el foro, aunque leo la mayoría de los post que puedo.

Este mensaje es porque pertenezco a una asociación LGTB de Sevilla, España, y nos gustaría ser sede para los próximos EuroGames en 2019. Tenemos el proyecto medio planificado, pero me gustaría que vosotros me ayudeis, ya que tanto sabeis de sedes y de como vender la mejor imagen de una ciudad.

Como si de una de las simulaciones se tratase, me gustaría que hagais un logotipo, renders, y otras cosas que creais convenientes para la elección de la ciudad.

En breve, nuestra asociación propondrá al ayuntamiento de la ciudad la idea de la organización y evidentemente, vosotros estareis nombrados entre los agradecimientos y os tendremos muy en cuenta a la hora de la presentación ante los distintos cómites.

Queremos una candidatura que no sólo afecte a Europa, sino que ayude al colectivo LGTB de todo el mundo.

Perdonad por mi mal uso del inglés.

Os agradezco cualquier ayuda.


The translation to English:

Hello, my name is Moi, I'm new to the forum, but I read most of the post I can.

This post is because I belong to an association of LGBT Sevilla, Spain, and would like to host the next EuroGames in 2019. We average project planned, but I would like you for help me, because both of you know how to sell seats and the best image of a city.

Like a simulation it were, I'd like you to do a logo, renders, and other things that you believe appropriate for the city election.

In brief, our association will propose to the city council the idea of the organization and obviously you shall be appointed from among the acknowledgments and I have in mind at the time of the presentation to the various committees.

We want a candidate who not only affects Europe but to help the LGBT community worldwide.

Sorry for my bad English usage.

I thank you for any help.


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Otro trazducion, quizas un poco mas usable:

Hi, my name is Moi, I'm new to the forum, although I've read most of the posts that I can read.

I'm posting this because I belong to an LGBT association in Seville, Spain, and we are hoping to host the EuroGames in 2019. Our plan is already partially complete, but It'd be great if you could help us, because you all know so much about host cities and also how to sell a city's best side.

If you would like to try it, I'd like you to create a logo, renders, and anything else that you think would help a bidding city.

Basically, our association will present the concept to the city council and, of course, your name will be included in the credits and assistance will be noted as the concept is presented to various groups and committees.

We want a candidature that not only touches Europe, but helps the LGBT community worldwide.

Sorry for my lack of English, and thanks for your help,


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