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Rio 2016 Olympic Cauldron

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Do we have any spies on here? Like Rio locals that can go and check out the area around the church?

It's worth keeping an eye on Google Earth's "Timeline" feature, which adds new aerial imagery of Rio every 10 days or so. The messy "contractors' yard" which has existed between the Candelaria Church and the waterfront since the old elevated highway was demolished is finally starting to show some signs of constructive activity.

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There's a order to build a "kinetic sculpture" in the port area and it will cost R$ 11.880.000,00 ( US$ 3.504.735,00), probably the cauldron...


Processo n°: 24/100.048/2016
1. Contrato: n° 002/2016
2.Objeto: Prestação de Serviços de criação, realização, com fornecimento
de materiais e equipamentos, montagem e desmontagem dos elementos
que compõem a escultura cinética a ser executada na AEIU do Porto
do Rio de Janeiro;
3.Partes: Companhia de Desenvolvimento Urbano da Região do Porto do
Rio de Janeiro S/A – CDURP e Cenários e Cenas Consultoria Assessoria
e Planejamento LTDA;
4. Razão: Inexigibilidade
5. Fundamento: Art. 25, caput, da Lei 8.666/93;
6. Valor Total do contrato: R$ 11.880.000,00 (onze milhões, oitocentos e
oitenta mil reais);
7. Vigência Contrato: 29/09/2016;
8. Data da celebração do Contrato: 03/06/2016

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There's a order to build a "kinetic sculpture" in the port area and it will cost R$ 11.880.000,00 ( US$ 3.504.735,00), probably the cauldron...

Didn't see that coming. It would be awesome.

Is there an specification about the exact place on that file?. It says "Port Area" but that means it also can be at praça Maua, and the cauldron it's supposed to be placed in front of Igreja da Candelária

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Eh. We already had the kinetic cauldron of Thomas' what's-his-face in London.

a) his name is Thomas Heatherwick

B) please check out the definition of KINETIC = "of or relating to the motion of material bodies and the forces and energy associated therewith"

The Heatherwick cauldron was moved twice, at the lightning and at the closing ceremony - both times by a Hidraulic Pump > so no constant movement ;)

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a) his name is Thomas Heatherwick

B) please check out the definition of KINETIC = "of or relating to the motion of material bodies and the forces and energy associated therewith"

The Heatherwick cauldron was moved twice, at the lightning and at the closing ceremony - both times by a Hidraulic Pump > so no constant movement ;)

Oh, DUH. Please don't be so PEDANTIC = "marked by a narrow focus on or display of learning especially its trivial aspects" :rolleyes:

I know how it was moved. It was built on its own moveable base. And big deal, they moved it a few feet each time. The point is because it was such a complicated mechanism -- even though doing only on basic kind of motion (up and down), only parts of it exist today, in museums. But what Rio is building is something permanent -- not the ephemeral one London decided to go with. (Actually, I am sure you can find the base of the 2012 cauldron at the warehouse of StageOne in Harrow.)

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Go f*ck yourself, B*TCH. Casting other people in your own cataract-filled eyes.

Look Honey, your comment is actually justifying what I just said.. Thanks for that anyway -

and let's be honest: your presumptuous attitude is going on the balls of many members here..

You really seem to have an exaggerated sense of your own importance

I wonder what would Carmen Miranda would say?

ciao-ciao xxo


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LOL!! Tough sh*t. I'm not taking any crap from anyone here, much less from self-righteous, faggy nimrods like yourself and that greasy LatinX.

And I don't care if I'm banned. Who'd be left here? Nothing but the self-important, mediocre zygotes like yourself and TeamFlake. :P

Edited by baron-pierreIV
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LOL!! Tough sh*t. I'm not taking any crap from anyone here, much less from self-righteous, faggy nimrods like yourself and that greasy LatinX.

And I don't care if I'm banned. Who'd be left here? Nothing but the self-important, mediocre zygotes like yourself. :P

I do feel sorry for you.


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The thing with a kinetic sculpture or anything with moving parts; it will need maintenance until nobody visits it anymore. Whereas if it's stationary, then all they have to check is the gas supply.

If it's something simple (e.g. just turning to face the wind) then it won't need much maintenance, while still providing long-lasting interest.

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