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Excellent find Quaker! I'm struggling to figure out the remaining coverage.

Four years ago, the Basketball and Soccer channel broadcast 770 hours. That alone accounts for over half of the 1,441 hours of cable coverage. Looking at the hours we know

NBC: 262

Golf: 69 hours of actual competition, but its press release boasts 130 hours live hours of Olympics programming and 300 hours of total Olympics programming

Telemundo/NBC Universo: About 200 hours

Bravo/CNBC/MSNBC/USA: 325.5 hours

Total: 856.5 hours

This leaves 584.5 hours unaccounted for

NBCSN will likely have about 300 hours. That leaves about 300 hours for the three mystery networks. My guess would have been a basketball, soccer, and boxing channel. However, the hours don't really add up for that. For 16 days of competition, the three mystery networks average about 6 hours of daily coverage.

What do you guys think?


Excellent find Quaker! I'm struggling to figure out the remaining coverage.

Four years ago, the Basketball and Soccer channel broadcast 770 hours. That alone accounts for over half of the 1,441 hours of cable coverage. Looking at the hours we know

NBC: 262

Golf: 69 hours of actual competition, but its press release boasts 130 hours live hours of Olympics programming and 300 hours of total Olympics programming

Telemundo/NBC Universo: About 200 hours

Bravo/CNBC/MSNBC/USA: 325.5 hours

Total: 856.5 hours

This leaves 584.5 hours unaccounted for

NBCSN will likely have about 300 hours. That leaves about 300 hours for the three mystery networks. My guess would have been a basketball, soccer, and boxing channel. However, the hours don't really add up for that. For 16 days of competition, the three mystery networks average about 6 hours of daily coverage.

What do you guys think?

You math is off there. The 262 hours from NBC (presumably) is separate from the 1,441 (or else how would the total get to 6203). I agree NBCSN will have around 300 hours of coverage. Tough to figure how they're counting the number from golf, but let's split the different and call it 130. 525.5 from the 2 Spanish language networks and the 4 other cable nets. That leaves 785.5 from for the 3 mystery networks. Could be somewhat in line with the basketball and soccer channels with some left over for another network.


Just came across something interesting. This is from the Internet and Television Expo a couple of weeks ago


A few things to note here. 262 hours is down slightly from London where NBC's hours were 272 1/2. However, a lot of the weekend daytime shows came on early in the morning owing to the time difference between London and the US, so that explains the difference. I would guess we're looking at a similar schedule this time around as in London. Curious that they mention 11 NBC networks in what seems like a separate listing from the NBC hours. Could there be an extra network we didn't account for? So we're looking at just over 1,700 TV hours. Which is right in line with London, although the streamed hours are well up.

Yeah, second that excellent find, Quaker! Speculating just like you regarding this perhaps unknown extra NBC family-related network involved. My guess would be either the Esquire Network or Oxygen, if this is the case. Because we're struggling where the boxing programming and its hours could go; I too can't imagine boxing would get abandoned by NBC like that at least on the English side. Beyond seeing the NBC Olympic Basketball and Soccer Channels coming back, which seems assured, I also definitely agree the NBC Sports Network (RIP Versus/OLN, just wanted to put that in there) will nab at least 300 hours of overwhelmingly and predominately live programming and will throw in some delayed events, going at least 18 hours a day (and maybe adding ceremonies replays in the process too). If it's Esquire, that's perhaps where the boxing could go with some handball matches, equestrian, shooting, taekwondo, judo, modern penthalon, and sailing. If it's Oxygen again, it will cater to Olympic sports with strong women's viewership following like gymnastics, synchronized swimming, and equestrian competitions consisting mainly of some full events, analysis, and athlete interviews and could have a designated daily show on them like back in Beijing. However, I just can't see boxing having its own channel given the gap in hours between the morning and evening sessions. I'm also wondering what the remaining 170 hours will be from the Golf Channel aside from the competition. Replays and related programming in Olympic golf, let alone other non-golf sports programming? Stumped how the Golf Channel got to that 300-hour number. Guess I too may be off but am still researching and analyzing.

The Beeb is taking NO chances at all security-wise round-the-clock being out and about down in Rio De Janeiro. Not even talking to the bodyguard personnel. I'd be really interested if NBC, with its far bigger budget, plans employing "military operation" tactics themselves for theirs:


BBC1 has a 1-hour documentary planned on London 2012 double gold medalist running hero Mo Farrah in the leadup to the Olympics this summer that includes a return to his childhood home of Djibouti:


Seven Network's latest really good Rio 2016 promo--and again using Jessica Maubroy's "Where I'll Stay" here--bringing moments from its last Summer Olympics it broadcasted in Beijing mixed with London's, that the Nine Network and FOXTEL aired, in a by the numbers countdown of what to expect with this Summer Olympic edition with 3 of 7's channels, 3000 live hours overall, 206 nations (not counting the Refugee Team), 4.8 billion audience viewers worldwide, 5 rings, 306 gold medals to be won, 10,500 athletes, 42 disciplines, 6 decades of Australian Olympic TV experience, and all on 1 network down in Australia:

Heading across the Tasman, we see Sky Sport designating world champion NZ rower Emma Twigg as one of its SKY Next athletes in one of its profiles and has an eye towards Rio 2016 back in December:

Viasat Sport Baltic Lativia (Latvija) announces 250 hours of Rio 2016 Olympic action on its proper channel. I certainly believe this will be the case too on its fellow Baltic neighbors Estonia's and Lithuania's versions. For the Latvian version, Aivars Zakharov headlines this team in his fourth Olympics combined since Vancouver back in 2010 with Peteris Siksnis, Toms Prāmnieks, Janis Vuguls, Aldis Putnins, Tals Meļķis, Oskars Morozov, Ilvars Koscinkevičs, Maris Lindenbaums, Arturs Šēnhofs, and Guntars Jonans joining him. As noted in the Facebook page link just a few days ago, the Viasat Sport Baltic Latvija team got supplied their own Olympic unis. Noticed no women on this team:


One of SporTV's Rio 2016-themed programming down in Brazil is Ten Candidates. A recent profile is women's volleyball star and gold medalist from Santa Catarina Natalia, who endured a lot of joy and sorrow and working hard to get back onto the national team in time recovering from a left shin bone tumour:



Dutch rowers from the 8-person team Wianka van Dorp and Monica Lanz appear on the NPO Radio 1 show Langs de Lijn En Omstreken (Along the Lines and Environs) tonight at 8:30pm (20:30) looking ahead to Rio De Janeiro



Certainly this is a first for ESPN--the non-US/Canada operations version--to use its English Caribbean, North American (Mexico and southward), South American, and hosts Brazilians operating together in Rio De Janeiro under a team of 450 journalists, athletes and specialists and is planning to generate more than 1000 hours of live TV, digital, and multimedia content. The North American Spanish ESPN already has a monthly studio show since February called #YoRio hosted by Jose Ramon Fernandez. Given the diversity of Olympic sports tastes all throughout south of the US border with ESPN in its operations, ESPN plans to tailor fans' access to coverage of most relevant sports (like programming rugby and field hockey in Argentina more but in Mexico, where the popularity of those are marginal). Options are important with the same talent featured on TV will be featured in the digital and social spaces, and the network will be offering between 40-70 hours a day of coverage, and exclusive digital live events with 6-7 different live events to choose from for viewers. Olympic junkie Maria Soares overseeing it all:


Slovenia's TV SLO 2 got some Olympic programming up its sleeve with Slovenia's Olympic Century that airs on Thursdays at 20 (8pm) and an 11-part series called Path to Rio. TV SLO 2 will also use animated Brazilian mosaics to educate Slovenians during Saturday and Sunday afternoons about the Olympic rules, techniques, history of individual various sports stories of some current Olympic champions and others, as well as what it takes to win the Olympic games. It will premier the Opening Ceremony live from Rio at 1am Slovenia time and all of the Slovenian Olympic Team performances and medal contention finals with 5 journalists there to cover them, as well as popular Slovenian Olympic sports like basketball and soccer. Sanja Modric and former athlete Matic Osovnikar will co-anchor a nightly Olympic TV show at 21pm (9pm). More TV SLO 2 Rio 2016 coverage details are forthcoming:


ORF Sport+ presented a press conference unveiling the Austrian Rio 2016 Sailing Team yesterday under the "Rio 2016 - the final points position" banner in Vienna. Review & Preview. Days ago, it also showed the Austrian Olympic Team's (or Team Osterreich's) Rio 2016 Olympic and Paralympic gear:





Apparently, SKY TV NZ is taking a branding hit recently and putting high hopes on its upcoming Rio 2016 Summer Olympic coverage this August with serious competition and new technologies providing a challenge. ANZ is already named as SKY NZ's primary Olympic coverage sponsor (and I think Air New Zealand was just added as another but lower-tiered one) with hopes of anticipated public buildup and media promotional blitz coming very soon. Time zone differences for SKY's broadcasting and advertisers? That's another matter:


NBCSN will be on air from 8am-12am ET most days. Coverage begins with soccer on August 3. Total 330 hours.


So still waiting on NBC and potentially three mystery networks.

Very nice. 330 is a step up over London, although it probably includes a lot of re-air hours or else I don't know how they'd get to that number.

Definitely wondering if there's a mystery network out there. Starting to think no just because it probably would have been announced already if it was another NBCU channel. Not sure what that means if it is destined to be a 3rd network (and we're still assuming the other 2 are the specialty channels). Either way, less than 2 months until the Opening Ceremony! Very exciting!!


I got a flyer in the mail last week from CenturyLink mentioning the Olympic Basketball and Soccer channels, so I think it's safe to say that they will be returning for Rio.

Good stuff. Anything else of note in that flyer as it relates to Olympic coverage?


A light bulb just went on for me, don't know why none of us thought of this sooner. We're forgetting that NBC is planning to do 4K UHD coverage. There's your mystery network right there.


Yeah. All really good info confirmed. Just need the official press release from NBC Olympics for the 4KTV broadcasting. As for NBCSN, the coverage announcement is very nice with 330 hours, something that many nations' TV broadcasters around the world tend to hover around like Germany's ARD and ZDF and Australia's Seven, even when combined. Definitely a step up from London as you say Quaker and we were all in agreement with the 300+ hour plateau it will get. My thought was if it got 300, it would have to be roughly somewhere from 7am-10pm live CT daily. Not only do I think there will be some re-airings (very well could we see the ceremonies there too after the live NBC TV broadcasts now that Universal Sports sadly bit the dust), we can see the delayed coverage of events added that couldn't find time slots to show live. Long knew the NBC Olympic Basketball and Soccer Channels were coming back.

Doesn't seem though we Americans will get the VR Rio 2018 coverage we're seeing in a few international broadcasters like the CBC. NBC, when it comes to the Olympic broadcasting, is often seen as an innovative worldwide leader in its coverage presenting new technology (like Japan's NHK can do easily rival) that can more than afford to do something like. Virtual reality in the West certainly is making inroads with those Occulus goggles or Samsung headset aided with smartphones available to the general public at electronic stores. In the USA the market's certainly here for VR Olympics like with HD and 4KTV.

For shelling out A$20-25, Aussies can get access to a subscription-based 7 Olympics app service for two weeks announced today in Sydney that allows them to view up to all 3000 digital online/mobile hours of streaming action, the most hours in Australian Olympic media history, from start to finish and I think on-demand too as opposed to a app that will grant 1000 free broadcast/online/mobile hours that's pretty much shows Seven's TV side from 7, 7TWO, and 7Mate from Rio De Janeiro. This app subscription is a first for Australian free-to-air television that will also help monitor consumption for viewing habits and potential specific advertising content. Plus, this sports coverage along with others creates a loophole and makes a mockery of Australia's anti-siphoning broadcasting rules. Makes me wonder with the Mel McLaughlin photo happily at her new Seven News studio digs at Redfern, Sydney if it will get just a cosmetic change for its Rio 2016 coverage or a whole new set. Methinks it will be the former with a distinct Olympic set reserved at Rio's IBC.

Moreover, the first Australian Newspaper link says the Southern Cross Austereo's DAB+ radio's live Seven Network Rio 2016 audio simulcast will go from 5am-1pm AEST daily, which doesn't really seem long enough for the coverage to me coming from what 7 will do. Speaking of the advertising, 7's getting Olympic broadcasting sponsors including official­ ­Australian Olympic team partners Woolworths, Swisse, and Qantas. Other sponsors include Harvey Norman and IOC partners McDonalds and Toyota. Each are worth A$10-12 million as tier-one sponsors. During Rio 2016, Seven's commercial breaks will come in for an average of 8 minutes per hour as opposed to the usual 13 minutes for normal programming. Seven, emulating the Super Bowl here, will even allow Australians to vote online for their favorite Olympic TV commercials throughout and unveil the winner in a special program following the CC. With all this unprecedented and comprehensive Australian Olympic coverage, it does pose its challenges: time zone differences from Australia's east coast to Rio De Janeiro, advertising and subscription coverage revenue, joking of loss of workplace production and disruptions with Aussies ready to eat it all up, viewership, and range of sports coverage (recall Nine Network losing A$25 million from its London 2012 coverage, effectively ending its future Olympic TV interests). But with upcoming Olympics located in Asia with a far more desirable time zone difference to the Pacific nations, Seven can perhaps afford to take a bath now and plan ahead and build the more lucrative ad revenue later. Plus, Seven's Rio 2016 coverage will also join the VR coverage realm for select events but doesn't say how many like the CBC did though the crown jewel and popular events are included (perhaps 100):

That Viasat Sverige "It's Energy, It's Passion, This is Rio 2016" Olympic TV promo that was unfortunately pulled is back, albeit this version shows the Lithuanian athletes like gold medalists Ruta Meilutyte and Laura Asadauskaitė, single sculs rower Mindaugas Griškonis, silver medalist canoeist Jevgenijus Šuklinas, and even I think a Chad le Clos cameo in the place of their Swedish counterparts for Viasat Sport Baltic using its own version of the #superherojai campaign instead of doing its own like their Estonian and Latvian neighbors did. Viasat Sport Baltic Lithuania's second TV spot:

Surely, And The Crowd Goes Wild team from PRIME NZ/SKY NZ will be a part of the SKY NZ/PRIME Rio 2016 Olympic coverage team.

RAI Sport will send an army of 200 people over on down to Rio De Janeiro to cover the Summer Olympics, most notably their own Azzurri while it's only taking 40-50 in contrast to France for EURO 2016 for 1 million euros in that budget. During RAI's coverage of Rio 2016, there won't be as much advertising being a state public broadcaster:

VRT has its weekly Rendevous in Rio series currently on its Een channel focusing on Belgium's attempts to qualify for Rio 2016, headlined by Belgium's Yellow Tigers women's volleyball team eventual ill-fated and ultimately heartbreaking European campaign to qualify in Ankara, Turkey narrowly losing to Italy and gymnast Laura Waem's late comeback trying to make it as Belgium's sole gymnast after Belgium couldn't crack the top 8. Show comes on at 20:40 (8:40pm) every Monday:

The Czech Olympic Team in association with Ceska Televize announcea a range of media developments that includes a Czech House, a Czech Olympic Team YouTube channel, an Olympic magazine show aready airing on CT, documentaries on the aforementioned running legend Emil Zatopek (with a couple of books about him forthcoming too) and possibly Martina Sáblíková, Barbara Špotáková, or Štěpánka Hilgertové, the upcoming Olympic TV streaming channel arriving there, a Czech Olympic Team lifestyle portal, and a mobile app as the Czech Republic Olympic Committee builds its branding. Doesn't say anything regarding Nova Sport here:

This NBC Rio 2016 promo profiling World Gymnastics All-Around champ Simone Biles puts in perspective how small and powerful she is in comparison with hummingbirds and ants:

This is what SABC HD-enabled Olympic studio set resembles for SABC's upcoming coverage of the Olympics in Randburg's Studio 6 that already made its premiere for last year's Rugby World Cup that its controversial boss Hlaudi Motsoeneng was excited over. Thinus Ferreira calls it in his blog "a cheaper version of SuperSport's" that also it saved the broadcaster R11 million. Never mind South Africa has yet to officially announce its digital TV transition and rapidly getting behind schedule in that. In a related story earlier on Thinus' blog, there's been some talks for a long awaited SABC Sport channel. But if it were to happen now, it may not premiere in time for the Olympics. SABC may head towards expanding to 4 channels that my be more language-based with one for sports:

Track coach and Sydney 2000 4 x100 silver medalist Claudinho (Claudio Roberto Sousa) has yet to sign and contract to commentate in Olympic track and field for the Brazilian pay-TV sports broadcaster BandSports at the time of this writing with negotiations ongoing:

Croatians will get the opportunity to watch not only Rio 2016 but also EURO 2016 on HD all in Croatia including Istria county, which had some interference issues from Italy, on HRT2/HTV2 (aka "the second program"). Just like with Sochi 2014 and FIFA World Cup 2014 also in Brazil:

MTVA planned to send a 100 person staff over to Rio De Janeiro for its Hungarian Rio 2016 coverage. But it got rejected along with the 3 billion budget as the number got slashed in half to 1.5-1.8 million. Also there won't be an on-site M4 Sport/M5 studio in Rio and instead call the action back from the MTVA Kunigunda studios:


Yeah. All really good info confirmed. Just need the official press release from NBC Olympics for the 4KTV broadcasting. As for NBCSN, the coverage announcement is very nice with 330 hours, something that many nations' TV broadcasters around the world tend to hover around like Germany's ARD and ZDF and Australia's Seven, even when combined. Definitely a step up from London as you say Quaker and we were all in agreement with the 300+ hour plateau it will get. My thought was if it got 300, it would have to be roughly somewhere from 7am-10pm live CT daily. Not only do I think there will be some re-airings (very well could we see the ceremonies there too after the live NBC TV broadcasts now that Universal Sports sadly bit the dust), we can see the delayed coverage of events added that couldn't find time slots to show live. Long knew the NBC Olympic Basketball and Soccer Channels were coming back.


I was trying to do the math on NBCSN. In terms of original hours, they'll presumably have the 16 hours of coverage for 14 days (the final Saturday and Sunday, it's already confirmed they have auto racing coverage). Same as London. That's 224 hours. The last 2 days should account for 19 hours. I'm figuring the first 2 days account for 23 hours. So total original content should land around 266 hours. 64 hours of re-airs. Assuming the primetime re-airs return on the big network (which seem more than likely), that precludes that coverage from getting more play on NBCSN.


So no Dan Hicks...

Nope. If the men's tournament had been the 2nd week and didn't conflict with swimming, he'd be there. Too much to ask for him to turn around from swimming (which goes real late every night) to do 1 day of golf that Sunday. So with Gannon and Sands there for the duration, let them handle it. I could easily see Hicks showing up at the golf venue that Sunday as a spectator though.


ZDF and Das Erste's Hamburg press conference announcing its 340 combined TV hours, 1000 additional online/mobile hours, along abundant radio hours of coverage two weeks ago. Contains the two new preceeding Rio 2016 promos from ARD and ZDF:

Over in Switzerland, we can now officially tell you that once again SF Zwei, RTS Deux, and La 2 will seemingly have the exact same TV programming schedule for German, French, and Italian, respectively, coverages in Switzerland. Also, there's going to be special daily 1-hour emphasis of tennis during the course of that competition in all of them with all of the other Swiss Olympians in Rio De Janeiro. Only the German coverage on SF Zwei will broadcast a pre-Opening Ceremony magazine show to start the Olympic broadcast along with a 1-hour TAZ show that's twice daily. The Italian Swiss La 2 and RTS Deux won't even re-air the Opening Ceremony the next morning and will be slightly less than SF Zwei, which starts at 4:30(?). Actually, RTS Deux and La 2 won't start their daily coverage until 6am and 7am, respectively, though La 2 comes off and on until the daily coverage begins. Each of the three will have a 5-hour morning review show followed by live 13-hour coverage including tennis mostly starting at 12pm MET Swiss time. If I read all this right SF Zwei will have 330 hours, RTS Deux will have slightly more with 337, and RTSI's La 2 will allott 291 hours. How do I know this? There's an Olympic TV advertising rates press kit that just got released today from Swiss company Admeira:

Been visiting some malls locally. And I noticed with the Mall TV kiosks the massive NBC Rio 2016 advertising blitz is already there with some promos like one for the USA gymnasts out practicing in the gym.

TVR's 17 million Swiss francs (15 million euros) debt will be paid off through the Romanian state budget made into a state debt that will pave the way for broadcasting Rio 2016 and the more-upcoming EURO 2016. This debt already prevented the broadcaster from airing just-completed Eurovision Song Contest:

Fuji TV showed the Nagoya Women's Marathon live at 9am Japan time in March that helped with the selection of the deep Japanese women's marathoners--Japan never been holding a clear-cut selection process with "a needlessly complex" system to quote Japan Running News. Quite likely Fuji TV will show both men's and women's Olympic marathons from Rio. NHK showed the Lake Biwa men's marathon at 12:30pm on March 6:

Kinda wished there was going to be Portuguese-language coverage for Rio 2016 with the help of NBC. Never mind that I long knew it was to be a longshot. After all, the demographics of Portuguese in the USA, based on the US Census, is nowhere near the Spanish representation in comparison; Portuguese, with around almost 1.5 million (including 368,782 of Brazilian heritage) in the Unites States, is not as lucrative and massive in many ways that Spanish is here unlike in Canada, where it got even limited Portuguese Olympic TV coverage on OMNI during the previous Olympic cycle. No Spanish language coverage there.

Maybe NBC should consider hiring someone like from NBC News (or a Brazilian) who has some strong knowledge about the nation for the Opening Ceremony to US viewers now that Savannah Guthrie opted out.

Here's another sportscasting switch in time for the Rio 2016 Summer Olympics: very well-versed Alberto Lait ater being fired by Televisa Deportes, which no longer of course holds the Mexican Olympic TV rights, in April from a 20-year relationship to join FOX Sports Latin America where he's expected to be an anchor or a sportscasting perhaps:

Wikipedia says in its Unicanal Paraguay entry that it holds some of the Paraguayan TV rights to the Rio 2016 Summer Olympics in the form of highlights of other sports, including live matches of Paraguay's Olympic soccer team.

Won't expect a flurry of Rio 2016 Olympic broadcasting info for many nations until close to the end of Euro 2016 and close to Wimbeldon, when the summer sports focus changes.

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NBC Sports will show the final Team USA Olympic freestyle wrestling qualifications and medal round matches this weekend on NBCSN and NBC Sports Live Extra in Inglewood, California


To show again that we are not neglecting the print side, Sports Illustrated has an ongoing series of the athletes, trends, other personalities, issues, some fun, and etc. as we rapidly approach Rio 2016. SI recently published profiles of US Olympians in the past couple of weeks like swimmers Katie Ledecky and Michael Phelps and high jumper Ashti Cunningham (daughter of former Philadelphia Eagles and Minnesota Vikings quarterback Randall Cunningham):


Alex Morgan is the cover girl for the current Self magazine issue.

Hopefully we can all get to put forth our contributions worldwide on the print side, since for many of us in the USA we normally don't get access to foreign print material especially in a language other than English. Granted, many if not all have Internet links to click onto.

Rubicon is teaming up with 30 global publishers to reach over 100 million readers through advertising. The survey results regarding Olympic consumption like with many Millenials is interesting with the openness to multiple screen watching yet also simultaneously expected. The 87% of sports fans watching the Olympics at some point is roughly where I thought, and shows, no shock, that women are bigger and more frequent Olympic viewers than guys:



The CBC tapped Errol Da Re for the successful CBC Olympic broadcasting sales that nabbed at least 11 broadcast sponsors:


Sportscaster Magazine from Canada presents a very insightful piece on the upcoming technology ready to make its Summer Olympics debut in Rio this August producing 7200 hours overall in High Definition and 5.1 Surround Sound more which will include live sport; the Opening and Closing Ceremonies; and the Olympic News Channel, an Olympic Video Player, standard HD, 4K, and 8KTV cameras with faster rates on 1080i, 180-degree VR, and WCG/HDR to reflect and respond to rapidly-changing viewer consumption habits across multiple platforms:


Already announced on the CBC's press release. But you get to hear it from former rugby player Andrea Burk as Olympic rugby analyst:


CBC Sports Rio 2016 Olympics advertising press kit mentioning, among other things, the TV hour breakdown of each of the channels (290 CBC, 200+ TSN/TSN2, 210+ Rogers SportsNet and Sportsnet One, 275+ Radio-Canada, 300 RDS/RDS2) and hyping up the Canadian athletes, and highlighting its success with the Pan American Games coverage in Toronto:


Another article more on how 7's Olympic subscription app and its fee gets the network around exploiting the Australian anti-siphoning laws:


Panasonic sponsors Sugar Loaf Mountain?!


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Following is VRT's overall Rio 2016 plans for Belgium's Flemish/Dutch portion under the Sporza banner as part of its sports summer 2016 that will be on Een and Canvas on the TV side, Sporza.be online, and Radio 1 along with EURO 2016 soccer (headlined by the highly-touted Red Devils), Tour De France, the Paralympics, French Open, Wimbledon, Giro De Italia, Moto GP, F1 racing, the European Athletics Championships in Amsterdam., Tour De Spain, and the Ivo Van Damme Memorial meet. Sporza: Rio 2016 TV live coverage will come on daily from 14-5:00 (2pm-5am), mostly on Een, on three programming blocks--2 on Een (14:00-19:00 with Frank Raes as studio anchor and 23:20-5:00 hosted by newcomer studio anchor Aster Nzeyimana, also the new Journaal sports anchor and from MNM Radio) and just 1 on Canvas from 19-23:00 with Catherine Van Eylen hosting. I think though those three will all stay in Brussels at Sporza's TV studios there instead of heading over to Rio De Janeiro. Sporza's TV coverage will focus on live events, extended abstractions, the Belgian athletes naturally, and the anchor sports like swimming, track and field, soccer, basketball, gymnastics, handball, cycling, field hockey, and tennis--and sports that are popular to Belgians like those that I just mentioned. Martin Vangramberen and Ruben Van Gucht will be based in Rio for Journaal and live reports during interventions. In addition, Sporza's Rio 2016 main commentators are: Kris Meertens and Marc Willems (track and field/athletics), Stef Wijnants and Sidney Appelboom (swimming), Inge Vanmeensel and Dirk Vanesser (gymnastics), Eddy Demarez and Manu Leroy (field hockey), Christophe Vandegoor (basketball, alternating with Kris Meertens), Renaat Schotte (track cycling), Michel Wuyts (road cycling) and Dirk Gerlo (triathlon, handball). In addition, Sporza's Wouter De Smet and Chris Picavet will be the two on-site reporters.

There will also be from 6:00 to 12:30 daily broadcasts summaries for those who can not follow at night but in the morning still would've grabbed some of the competitions can before restarting in six hours to find Een. Brief report summaries up what's happened overnight in Rio that are broadcast in loop like athletics/track and field and swimming. Advanced Olympic news in Het Journaals gain during the Olympics an extra comprehensive sports section. Frank Raes takes the sports block in the first hour for Journal on its behalf. The Journals on 19 and at 23h with Karl Vannieuwkerke provides a daily summary under the heading Rio Studio 2016. Those are the set times where the viewer can turn to who wants to be half an hour along with what happened at the last 24 hours at the Games.

Make sure for Belgian Flemish viewers to make appointments to the Rendezvous in Rio that comes on until June 6 every Monday at 20:25 (8:25pm), which actually just passed, to follow several Belgian top athletes in the home straight to Rio with dreams to make it. They live each day dedicated to the sport and the Olympics. How heavy and far-reaching is it? To find out, the program makers share the joys and sorrows with the top of the Belgian sport and they give us a special look behind the scenes.

As for Sporza online, Belgian viewers online and mobile will be offered up to 3 simultaneous live online streams that will focus on every Belgian athlete and other events along with text messages and videos all in high-quality video as well as the usual features further results, medals count, news and video reports. Of course the Olympic Games will come on tablets and smartphones with Sporza-furnished Olympic app that's Android, iOS, and Windows-ready with far more streams that will be more personalized to choose their favorite Belgian Olympian and their favorite Olympic sports with alerts when a Belgian athlete is competing.

Radio 1's coverage is highlighted with Olympic Morning, where much of the Olympic news will be bundled for 17 days every day including weekends, that comes on live in Belgium from 6-9am with David Naert, Dirk Gerlo, and Tom Boudeweel on location. Xavier Taveirne will report the Brazilian social news scene in his country. But later on during the day and into the night, Gert Geens, Tom Vandenbulcke, and Steffy Merlevede will get involved with the Olympic Theater live coverage, Olympic Morning, and The World Today. Gert and Steffy will co-host the weeklong Olympic Morning (De Olympische Ochtend) with Vandenbulcke presenting The World Today (De Wereld Vandaag). Even Radio 2, MNM, and Ketnet will get involved with the Rio 2016 Olympic coverage in some capacity with further details and some more overall inside the VRT Sportzomer 2016 press kit:

You know that CBC Rio 2016 promo I uploaded here just several pages ago? Wish there are at least a few more in circulation, though not necessarily in great abundance like that we're currently seeing with the Comcast NBC Universal Olympic family. There's yet to be the Radio-Canada version of it with airings of the TSN, Rogers SportsNet, and RDS versions. Likely they'll arrive later as we get closer. Perhaps both Radio-Canada and RDS like to follow the traditional European promotional schedule timeframe with sports and not be so overwhelming until closer to that time. Nonetheless the versatile CBC/Radio-Canada's Rio 2016 campaign tagline is "Cheer The World" (French version is "On a tous rendez-vous"), which reflects that in multicultural mosaic Canada, unlike the more provincial but also (even more so) multicultural United States, they will cheer on Canadians but also will be more international in outlook; many of its Canadian viewers, like we saw with one of the Seven Network's Rio 2016 Olympics promos in we see people declare cheering on not just Australia but also the native nations they come from, as many of whom hail from around the world, are offered by the CBC a great chance to celebrate being a part of something bigger with the wide appeal the Summer Olympics bring and the feats of athletes from other nations during the Summer Olympics, where Canada isn't much of an Olympic power as opposed to the Winter Olympics. Just take a look at the Canadian Olympic Broadcast Media Consortium's London 2012 TV schedules. Not only that, the tagline also brings forth and celebrates the human spirit and accomplishment during this event:

Come to think of it, that same 7 promo I just talked about. That first person we see at the restaurant, the young female waitress with the long curly hair saying she'll "support Australia--and France" looks very much like canoeist Jessica Fox. Fox's mother is French and a medalist in canoeing. Plus Fox speaks fluent French. Maybe that's a cameo she did.

These are going to be the broadcast and digital features the CBC/Radio-Canada will present for its Rio 2016 coverage that its broadcast sponsors will latch onto. Some are more maple leaf in nature than others. With one naturally centering on the host city:

CBC's upcoming iOS (and Android) Olympics smartphone app will livestream 4000 hours free:

Best article regarding the newly-unveiled 7's subscription-based Olympic app so far and its implications on the Australian free-to-air TV landscape namely in sports and how other and rival TV networks could respond. Gamechanger this could be and may result in tensions with the terrestrial TV channels and the pay-TV networks and raises potential and interesting long-term issues. Surely Seven's got the A$100 million ad revenue, but it would allow sports like handball that don't get normal Australian sports TV coverage a chance. But this is also seen as a reaction to what happened with Nine's red bath for its London 2012 coverage. When I first heard that Seven regained the rights, I presumed it would hook up with FOXTEL or Optus to have a pay-TV subscriber for it and allow that to be more comprehensive. No, 7 went with it alone here with its 3 channels and its 900+ hours of coverage and onto Beijing 2022. One thing is clear: Australian media policies, anti-siphoning laws, regulations, the current TV business model, and streaming all need a serious rethink down there:

RTBF Belgium in the French Belgian part will make serious inroads with its Rio 2016 Olympic coverage this summer by hiring two women in an dominant male sportscasting field with Orphelia Fontana hosting Olympics Mag and meteologist Fanny Gillard, a surprising with sorta sports experience but charming choice being an Olympic studio anchor. Vincent Langendries along with Christophe Delstanches, will fly to Rio after the Euro 2016 Soccer Championships, to be in the studio to present the Olympic-devoted Mag:

NPO Radio 1's TV brief promo on the upcoming live landmark 2016 summer sports events schedule like Rio 2016 (with Dafne Schippers and Epke Zonderland), EK Voetbal 2016 (no Oranje though), and the Tour De France:

DR and TV2 will team up once again for their shared Rio 2016 Danish TV coverage. Since over a year ago, TV2 Sport got launched, so this means there will be more of an expansion of the coverage in Denmark with Morten Ankerdal and Natasja Crone as hosts. Danish sports fans will be spoiled at the sports channel with the Olympics 24 hours a day including compilations/summaries in the morning hours, TV 2 CHARLIE becomes home to all boating where Mikkel Emil Beha takes viewers up close on the practitioners in Rio, and TV 2 ZULU is the outlet where all the Olympic golf is transmitted. TV 2 PLAY will channels devoted to entire sports but including equestrian and basketball:

Your roster of NBC Olympics reporters for its massive Rio 2016 coverage is now complete with six of the latest names announced making its debut this August with Alex Flanagan returning for her 6th Olympics:

RTE coverage for Rio 2016 on RTE2, as revealed in this 2-page RTE media sales brochure, will come from 12pm-3am live Ireland time daily out of Rio De Janeiro with the competition coming around the coverage in all 17 official days of the Games. On the RTE radio side, there will be 7-day of coverage with Olympic newsdesks on RTE Radio1 programs Today with Sean O'Rourke, Game on, and Ray D'Arcy and RTE 2fm Roadcaster's live coverage with special promotions to tune in with plenty of sponsorship spots for 4 times per hour like up to 14 :30 spots that includes giveaways. Live and on-demand online play, usually the best of the action, on RTE Player with ads on pre-roll plus the usual schedule, results, medal count, extensive Irish Olympic Team coverage, news, photo galleries, more, text outpost online/RTE News Now/teletext. All this will be seen on RTE's website, RTE Player, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube:

TV3 Eesti will broadcast 100 hours of the Olympic track and field competition from Joao Havelenge Stadium in Rio De Janeiro for its portion of Viasat's Rio 2016 coverage to go along with the 300 hours with 20 Estonian sportscasters on Viasat Sport Baltic to Estonia:

Viasat Estonia (Eesti) and TV3 commentary team--all male:

KALEV MUG--Basketball, golf, triathlon
VALLOT GANTRY--Beach volleyball, volleyball
TAAVI PAILK and JONAS GRAUBERG--football (soccer)
DANNAR LEITMAA--Soccer, weightlifting
TARMO PAJU and RAUNO PEHKA--basketball
MARGUS UBA--Athletics (track and field), tennis, swimming
TIMO TARVE--Athletics, Rowing

Westwood One Sports Rio 2016 play-by-play radio coverage schedule. Still a little disappointing in comparison to what other nations' radio broadcasters plan to do in terms of breath. Then again, TV and online/mobile is where it's at for the Americans:

SKY NZ and Vodafone New Zealand plan to merge. Not going to impact SKY NZ/PRIME's coverage, plans, and budget of Rio 2016. But what about Pyongchang, Tokyo, Beijing, and beyond?



DIRECTV, AT&T's latest acquisition and very popular across Latin America as in the USA, announced today as it's taking on America Movil deploying 8 live TV feeds with 6 of them in HD, a mosaic channel with all the signals being broadcast at the same time (92% of viewers used the mosaic signal during the London Olympics to decide what sports to watch), a live data feed, a 360 degree experience, open a data signal with live statistics, calendar and timetables, and several mobile and social TV features. 7 out of 10 viewers used the DVR. Ready to take on Claros:

In Latin America and particularly down in Brazil, where this Rio Times newspaper link comes from, it goes without saying that the Rio 2016 Summer Olympics will be the most connected Games in history with the most traffic and online activities ever in Latin America with America Movil, with all three of its subsidiaries, spearheading this:


  • Update on Brazil :

Cable TV:

The SPORTV station ( Part Globo Group ) , will use 110 commentators sports in its 16 channels during the Olympic Games.

Information disclosed in note column of the Brazilian portal ' UOL ' .


What marks so far the media details in Brazil are few news of some channels. The country's largest broadcaster TV GLOBO is giving details of your coverage so far appear to be historic for the Olympics .

In contrast, there is little news of TV RECORD and Bandeirantes TV .

The latter always transmitting the Olympics was the most open space for games. The first broadcast exclusively ' London 2012' and was the first to pass the winter games from the free television networks, with ' Vancouver 2010 ' .


Couple of brief news as I get back onto this.

Paralympic gold medalist Jonas Jacobsson will act as the shooting analyst/expert for the shooting for Viasat Sweden in Rio De Janeiro:


ASTRO's coverage presentation on both Rio 2016 and EURO 2016 in Mwill cause its content costs raised from 32-35% to 37% from its revenue:


Malaysia not Mwill

Former Brazilian gymnast Lais Souza, who since became a quadraplegic after a skiing accident, was named as a special gymnastics correspondent for SporTV's coverage--she's also, like with NBC's Nastia Liukin with the Americans, close with many of the Brazilian gymnastics contingent:


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