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London 2012 Olympic Media Updates

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Forgot about these yesterday

USA Today: http://www.usatoday..../olympics/index

ESPN: http://espn.go.com/o...ics/summer/2012

FOX Sports: http://msn.foxsports.com/olympics

As confirmed on the IOC London Olympics broadcasting list under the satelitte and cable category, it is only SuperSport that is providing the Olympics coverage in that realm all over Sub-Saharan Africa with the only languages offered are English, Portuguese, and a little Afrikaans from Kyk-Net (if the network is shown outside of South Africa through MultiChoice and DStv). It's unfortunate that it is the case because a good deal of the African nations, particularly those in West and Central Africa are French-speaking. I'm sure those there would've liked that wall-to-wall coverage in French as opposed to English. Perhaps I can assume since SuperSport aspires to be pan-African in its reach the network seriously thought about that but decided not to. Maybe have it for Rio. Only South Africa, Mozambique, Angola, and Nigeria (a bit interestingly) have the SuperSport Maximo channels, though Nigeria only has Maximo 1. Not even the likes of Guinea-Bissau and Sao Tome and Principe can claim that, and both are Portuguese nations too.

Some African nations, like those in Asia, don't even have a national TV broadcaster for the Games. On the Wikipedia list, the Namibian Broadcasting Corporation is there as a broadcaster. But when I checked NBC's website, that had absolutely no info or programming plans of the 2012 London Olympics. All entirely left up to SuperSport. Likely had NBC showed somethings, it will be in two-three hour programming blocks a day.

TVM Mozambique had the preliminary soccer matches, particularly involving the likes of Brazil, South Africa, Cameroon, and Senegal, on both of its channels TVM 1 and TVM 2. As for the Olympic coverage, it's TVM 1's doing as it airs a couple of hours in blocks like 2-3 a day for the Olympics while allowing time for Telejournal TVM for example.


In the small group of islands off the Indian Ocean coast of Africa known as Mauritius, MBC 3 and its sports channel MBC Sports 11 are broadcasting the London Olympics Games. MBC 3 has the Olympics almost all day except for the 60+ minute breaks each for both BBC World News and MBC News. MBC Sports 11 has them all day, 24 hours of it all, much of it live.

RPC Canal 4 isn't the only TV station in Panama that is covering the London Olympics. TV Max Canal 9 is doing it too and is far more wall-to-wall in that. Just about everyday.


From IOC list, China's CCTV's updated Olympic channel roster is CCTV-1, CCTV-2, CCTV-5 (sports channel), CCTV-7, CCTV-3D, CNTV (online), CCTV-HD, CCTV News, CCTV Golf, and CCTV Tennis. Now after the Olympics this coming week, I need to conduct some work on this searching this out for accuracy.

Arrayadia Canal 3 is the home of not just Moroccan sports but also of the Olympics. It's shown almost all day and there's an Arrayadia 2, but I don't know it's doing the Olympics too. The usual suspects like swimming, track and field, boxing, taekwondo, basketball, soccer, volleyball, handball, and gymnastics appear on Arraydia. It also did the Olmypic Magazine. Apparently all in French, not Arabic.


HRT has a partner for the first time in the Olympic coverage for Croatia. HRT2 does the Olympics from that family. A new Croatian sports channel launched last year called Sportska Televizija (SPTV), owned and operated by the Croatian Olympic Committee, a first for an NOC, is doing the more comprehensive coverage. Its aim for the Croatian Olympic coverage is to cover sports that HRT and other TV outlets won't touch, have interest in, or have the domestic rights to. Regardless if a Croatian is involved in it or not. Following is the SPTV Olympic TV schedule for the week from August 6-10.


CVM Jamaica's Olympic TV schedule. It's on almost everyday with a mixture of live and recorded events. But as it gets closer to the end of the Olympics, it won't be as all day, which allows time for other programming like News Watch, the Governor-General and PM messages, Jamaica Magazine, Super Lottery, and the Supreme Ventures Draw. Olympics In-Studio comes in three times daily. There's also Olympic News, Olympic Daybreak, and Olympic Crunch Time.


Myanmar isn't as tangled in the Olympic TV rights issues like its next door neighbor Thailand had been as we were counting down the days to the London Olympics. But the Southeast Asian nation has multiple TV outlets offering coverage, though not quite in a pool-like mode as in Thailand's TV Pool. Rival TV broadcasters are showing them live. Sky Net, the dominant broadcaster of sports in Myanmar, is doing them, but so are Five Movie, MRTV-4, and the newly-launched Channel 7. The last three are all part of the Forever Group and MRTV in a co-ownership. Five Movie placed an ad in The Mirror indicating it is broadcasting the Olympics. MRTV-4 and Channel 7 as FTA broadcasters will show lots of soccer, since that is something the Burmese love with other sports getting limited coverage as part of the combination of live sports, taped coverage, and daily highlights that is conformed to other programming on them. Sky Net has the option of choices for Myanmar residents wanting more sports. Competition is new with the nation stepping into democracy.


It's a little weird with Indonesia. State broadcaster TVRI holds the broadcast rights to the Olympics in Indonesia. However, its coverage is not all over the day like it is in many nations. TVRI, unfortunately, only does 6 hours daily. 2 in the early morning, 2 in the afternoon, and 2 in the evening. Matches in basketball, soccer, tennis, and badminton. RCTI, of which TVRI sold the sub-license rights, is only doing badminton and soccer out of that. Lack of sponsorship is cited as the culprit, but surely lots of Indonesians enjoy the Olympics in all of its various sports, many where Indonesia isn't good at internationally. Considering how sports-mad many Indonesians can be, it is a pity that the cable sports broadcasters there won't fork over the money on the massive sports event that is the Olympics. Neither do the big TV commercial networks. They all don't care. They show stuff like the English Premier League, Serie A, Bundesliga, F1, boxing, and MotoGP. So it's left to the cash-strapped state channel. Despite its growing influence globally and ecnomically, many Indonesians are still too poor to afford cable and the Internet connections there are very slow. Plus the inadequate TV reporting and promotions in the Indonesian language is worrysome. Lots are indeed missing out.



Can't find anything from the Grenada Broadcasting Network TV on their website--its TV guide dates back from last September. But I did find this statement from its Facebook page regarding the broadcast. GBN, like bought the rights from IMC and SportsMax to provide a more pro-Caribbean coverage of the Olympics as opposed to the always-USA from NBC but "can't make adjustments or alter" the coverage. Nor can it "authorize" other Grenadan media outlets to carry them. But the reactions to it stem from the poor transmission of the Olympics on GBN TV, something that is indeed doable.That Facebook page is all over Kirani James to nobody's surprise.


Bosnia-Herzegovina's BHT Olympic website. Coverage is shared by BHT 1 (Bosnian), Federated TV (FTV, Croatia), and the Serbian RTRS. Not all three are televising the same event at once though. With both ceremonies, they indeed do.


That Swiss Olympic promo is intended not to have any narration in German, French, and Italian since all share the coverage, more or less, in presentation in all platforms.

What I'm going to have to do after the end of the Olympics is email some of the rights holders and get more info of their respective coverages (TV schedules, times, announcers) and fill in the blanks in some cases on dates. I since printed out both broadcasting lists from the IOC and Wikipedia and will work from there.

  • 2 weeks later...
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Those Irish titles are really nice. And thanks again Durban for all your hard work in recent months in this thread.

I don't suppose the NBC titles have surfaced online yet but here are some caps from the designer - very much an evolution of previous looks.


I'm sure he'll upload video in due course - there is quite a bit on his site from NBC coverage from the last few games.


Those Irish titles are really nice. And thanks again Durban for all your hard work in recent months in this thread.

I don't suppose the NBC titles have surfaced online yet but here are some caps from the designer - very much an evolution of previous looks.


I'm sure he'll upload video in due course - there is quite a bit on his site from NBC coverage from the last few games.

Hey, I'm far from done with this thread! You're very welcome, Brekkie! There are some stuff and nations that I have only yet to tap into but should have in the lead up to the London Olympics like from Romania. I would really like to do a whole lot more were it not for the busy work schedule that I had at that time. That, and the wish I had a computer or a tablet that I can do this and work and play around my schedule on the Olympics at that just-completed time. Some of the material that I would like to talk about here I can now transfer to, for example, the NBC 2012 Olympic Coverage thread. Unfortunately, I didn't get the opportunity to enjoy the Summer Olympics this time around. :(

Easy to see why David Barton Design/Urizen Design earns technical Emmys and will continue to do so for London when the noms hit for them. Also very easy to see why NBC continues to use them as a client. Those are all incredible! Every set is different in accordance to where the Games are. Makes you anticipate what Urizen will do come Sochi and Rio, like will it add the warmer tropical/Brazil's national colors for the design graphics in the latter?

  • 2 weeks later...

Looks like NBC's exclusive period has expired at US viewers can now access the London 2012 videos on the official channel at Youtube.

  • 4 weeks later...

Back after almost the entire month off, so I need to ease myself back into this for this post while I get re-acclimated to the activities. There's oh so much I want to delve that I never got to cover in the lead up and during the Games because I was mostly busy during that period. So I plan to catch up as much as I can.

Eric Koreen from the National Post produced this obviously Canadian-centric live Twitter (or blog)-like coverage from London's Olympic Stadium during the Opening Ceremony.


Another one of those funny Televisa Olympics 2012 promos. This time centering on synchronized swimming and of the great reluctance of -mouth-to-nose CPR.

RTP Portugal promoting its widespread London 2012 coverage on RTP1, RTP2, RTP Informação, RTP HD, Antena1 radio, RTP Mobile, and www.rtp.pt/olimpicos with footage actually from London


For those want to see PSY's South Korean 2012 Olympic anthem music video that I announced months earlier leading into the Olympics, here it is. His cratchy as hell Gangnam Style video blew up like crazy with close to 410 million hits as of this writing in multiple copies on YouTube (close to 360 million on his YouTube channel alone) Yes, there are English subtitles to it. Pretty damn good.


Headlined by the abundance of the 33 live soccer matches (17 men, 16 women) from across the UK, this was VTV's Olympic TV schedule from Vietnam. It surely makes almost all of its VTV channels gets use regardless of what soccer match was on, though most of the matches in both men's and women's Olympic soccer were on VTV6 with VTV3 being the second most-frequent followed by VTV2. Most of the games, especially the big ones, were also on Ho Chi Minh TV's HTV9. VTV also did at least 15 hours daily of Olympic coverage.


EMTV's announcement on how it covered the 2012 London Olympics with 250 hours total that was over 15 hours daily in three blocks, live and delayed, that was very PNG-centric with its 8 Olympians showing them all. What wasn't mentioned was that the feed EMTV used came from the Nine Network (as it is with NRL rugby) on weekends when it leaves the Olympics and goes to that.



Muvi TV represented Zambia's exclusive terrestrial Olympic coverage. Doesn't say how much of the programming it aired, though surely it did focused on the Zambian Olympians to an extent, but it had Kokola Copper Mines as a broadcast sponsor. I later checked on Muvi TV's Facebook page, according to one poster that there actually were some recorded Olympic programming instead of being all live.


Here's something amazing about one of the TV rights' holders: RTE spent, with the exception of salaries to Bill O'Herilihy, George Hamilton (no, not that one),and Des Cahill, only 204,711 euros in its London 2012 Olympics broadcasting coverage with 221 hours of TV coverage and over 50 of RTE's sportscasters, pundits, and reporters. Too bad I thought Katie Taylor's gold medal win in women's boxing got 100,000 less on RTE Two than Joe John Nevin's silver medal performance.


For all of the far more comprehensive Olympic coverage ESPN Star Sports Asia offered in India, DD Sports managed to defeat it in eyeballs with over 100 million people, less than twice as much from ESPN, thanks to its pro-India focus, making London 2012 the most-watched non-cricket TV event in Indian TV history. Making DD's Olympic broadcast sponsors very happy they got a lot of bang for its buck.


A general and consice overview of what Doordarshan did for London starting with the live simulcasting of both ceremonies on DD National and DD Sports.


ESPN did have Hero Motors like DD did but also Tatar Docomo and AirTel Digital as it big spnsors for its three Olympic channels during London.


ECCO acted as the IMC Ltd.'s bodyguard in St. Lucia during the London Olympics as St. Lucian TV broadcaster HTS Channel 4 showed the Olympics on the free-to-air front with IMC's Sportsmax showing them on cable and online. What ECCO did was being the watchdog to assure and know about licenses for public broadcasting of the Olympics on IMC's behalf in bars and restaurants, especially during the track meets. Fees were US$100. Couldn't find its Olympic TV schedule on HTS Channel 4.


TVN Chile won the ratings for its live broadcast of the Opening Ceremony with a 10.6 beating out Channel 13, Megavision, and Network Chilevision during that 15-20:08 time span.


Just be thankful many of us don't live in Peru in this case. As Peruvians had to deal with America Television Canal 4 dealing with the Olympics and failing to be as comprehensive, as expected. America Television had the nerve to cut off from the live presentation of the Opening Ceremony with the flame just being lit to an episode of the sexy game show This Is War! Not even going to the Paul McCartney's "Hey Jude" closing it out. I don't mind watching sexy programming but not when it interrupts my Olympic viewing, among other things. Infuriating many. America TV later apologized.



This is how it happened on America TV


Didn't know where to post this:

TSN in Canada is showing half hour shows from the Olympics today was Usain Bolt's story.

You're right, it is. All part of that "London 2012: Revisted" highlights presentation every Thursday on TSN and TSN2 over the course of 8 weeks. Last week, it was Canada vs. Sweden in women's soccer. Then yesterday, the Usain Bolt track and field highlights, when it's originally listed as Athletics Various Finals on the TV guide. Then TSN2 that same night has airing at 7:30pm have 2012 Summer Olympics: Women’s Soccer QF – Canada vs. Great Britain. The following week, TSN will replay the 2010 Olympic Gold Medal Game on Wednesday, October 17th at 6:30pm. Then TSN2 has 2012 Summer Olympics: Women’s Soccer SF – Canada vs. USA at 7:00pm (all times Canada/US CT).

Found an Olympic newspaper preview last week as I was looking for some lower-tiered sports stuff. Very glossy special edition from the Wednesday, July 25 edition coming from a newspaper in another notable London. Yes, there's another London...in Ontario. Canada's 15th largest city. From the London Free Press that features Jessica Zelinska, Christine Sinclair, Emile Heymans, Simon Whitfield, Mary Spencer, and Usain Bolt. Does have the Canadian Olympic Broadcast Media Consortium TV guide but just only the English language portion--no RDS, RDS2, V, OMNI, or ATN with Goodlife Fitness health clubs serving as the major sponsor "proudly supporting Canada's athletes".


Speaking of Jessica Zelinska, she also posed on the cover of the distinctly Canadian magazine Chill for its July/August 2012 issue headlining the Olympic issue and other typical Canada Day stuff. Full digital copy issue can be viewed here.


Nine Network attempted to conduct a last minute advertising sales push for their London 2012 Olympic coverage. Only to lose A$40 million. Given how Nine has been criticized in every which way for handling the Olympics since Vancouver 2010, it seems in my opinion with some of their personalities, it was deserved to lose money, even when gaining viewers and strong ratings. FOXTEL, with the most advanced, comprehensive, and extensive Olympic coverage in Australian TV history, beating them in subcribers.




The BBC iPlayer happily struck gold with over 200 million viewing during the Olympics.


FOXTEL 2012 Olympic App Demo. As you'll see it had some of the London Olympic action already to show.

SABC's broadcasting structure regarding the London Olympics. Turns out that those 11 official South African languages were used in all of the TV coverage from there to it in a multidigital feed and not in selected events as I previously assumed. SABC used the international English feeds from the IOC with Radio 2000 utilizing the BBC Radio 5 Live commentary in their Olympic coverage.



Just found this out after I left this thread but came back for this. TSN and TSN2 are doing the London 2012: Revisted as I and Intoronto just mentioned (but where's that Bell Media press release promoting this?). Now NBC Sports Network is doing likewise in a Team USA focus starting Monday with women's gymnastics and includes a 90-minute Paralympics special on Wednesday, October 24. For those disgusted over that pathetic excuse for an Olympic DVD from NBC, this surely would be better and wish was incorporated onto them.


  • 2 weeks later...

One of those sponsor billboards for Nine Network's oft-maligned 2012 Olympic coverage with Qantas, McDonald's (damn, I want those Coke Olympic glasses!), Harvey Norman, and Jeep.

With the help of Mexican-based movie theater chain Cinepolis, Rede Record was able to show its 2012 London Olympics coverage live across Cinepolis' 20 Brazilian multiplexes in 3D.


A general overview of how TV Record scheduled its Olympic programming while placing some of its regular TV shows on vacation.


For the more soccer-centric Olympic coverage on Uruguay's TNU Canal 5, it all started with the Thursday men's games with Uruguay taking on UAE. Gorzy Sergio, Juan Carlos Garrido Scelza, Rodrigo Romano, and Atilio. This is perhaps the best insight you'll get regarding TNU's Olympic coverage for London outside TNU's website with much of its operations based back in Montevideo with only a handful and a camera or two in London.



Young and multicultural Norwegians stage their own Olympics, torch relay and all, through the beach, the woods, and the waterfall as they get together in this NRK London 2012 promo as the official Olympic broadcaster for Norway. "La Lekene Begynne!" translates of course to "Let the Games begin!"

Public Television Service Taiwan conducted 20 hours of Olympic coverage daily for 17 days during the London Olympics on its HD channel HiHD


Not only did NHK offered 20 hours of Olympic coverage daily on TV and online as part of the Japan Consortium--many of them live started at 4am Tokyo time--and utilized the Super HDTV and the NHK's Twinscam (for the synchronized swimming which is big in Japan), NHK's coverage garnered major ratings in the greater Tokyo area, like with that peak of 38.7% for the Opening Ceremony that was more than what it was in Beijing. Also ran a free trial of HiVision HD on smart TVs there during the Olympics. NHK also offered live streaming of up to 20 events a day across its channels on website for computers, smartphones, and tablets.


NHK and BS1's London Olympic programming largely went like this: live sports events usually starting at 4am Tokyo time followed by replays and daily news/review programs in the morning through the day with news and analysis accompanied. Not unlike what the Nine Network did down in Japan's neighbor Australia. All of the Japanese women's soccer and volleyball games were shown live on NHK, for example. The Japan Consortium staff totaled 242 with 66 coming from the participating commercial networks of TBS, Tokyo TV, Fuji TV, and TV Asahi, NHK Uni team involved with the production and reporting for news and info was at 138, and 36 staffers dealt with the public Super HDTV viewings. Incidently, 242 was the same amount of staff for Beijing oput of the Consortium. It extended and expanded its NHK On Demand se“Minogashi Bangumi (catch-up program) Service” was expanded and extended for the Olympics. Programs that have been broadcast on General TV or BS1 were made available with Japanese commentary. But there's an embargo similar to what NBC did: for the terrestrially televised events replay viewing via computer comes 15 hours after broadcast with online exclusives from approximately 12 hours after their broadcast. All were available during the extension from the usual two weeks to allow viewing for 30 days after the end of the Olympics until September 11th. Viewers in Japan enjoyed the events even after the Games have finished.

Also recieved the International Broadcasting Center Honor of Excellence. Though the Japan Consortium endured tough negotiations dealing with fees, all of the networks felt a sense of satisfaction for a strong template in the future.


On who was hosting the NHK coverage portion and when. Interesting that it was divided among those based in not just in Tokyo but Nagoya. Sapporo, Mito, and Fukuoka. Didin't name who was BS1's anchor for its portion, but it was a sports veteran.


Though it originally wasn't part of the plans much, Educational TV played a bigger role in the NHK Olympic than anticipated with its own Olympic broadcasting record of almost 20 hours because of some Japanese Olympians advancing deep into the later rounds, scheduling changes, and events going on at the same time. NHK General TV had 274 hours on TV and was able to include women's doubles badminton and some boxing finals that weren't originally part of the TV schedule. This press release details more as NHK looks back at what it did for London like with the live streaming.


Remember when TVP in Poland planned to announce its broadcasting team in time for London's start? I finally got the list of those taking part in the 40-member TVP Olympic broadcast team led by Vladimir Szaranowicz to link up here after serious time away due to work as I catch up. Reminds me of how RDS assigned for its small staff several sports for its broadcast team. After all, like with RDS' team mostly based back in Montreal, remember that many of TVP stayed back in Warsaw. TVP's broadcasts each day began with a TV simulcast of its Olympic radio show, "Hello, This Is London" and then goes into its Olympic TV broadcast structure.


This has to be the intro video that started NOS' Nederland 1's coverage of the London 2012 Olympics, noted that it's dated July 27. Henry Schut is at the studio directly across from the Olympic Stadium at the background. Also includes NOCNSF's Partners in Sport board. For those who NOS' sports coverage, it doesn't contain an Olympic-specific intro completely distinct from its Studio Sport; it's all under one brand with the same music and presentation, albeit in Olympic form.

SBS' Olympic TV broadcasting plans pre-empted a lot of its variety shows and dramas on its regular schedule, partially on how South Korean Olympians fared. Meanwhile other South Korean co-broadcasters KBS and MBC decided to carry on with theirs.




After I just posted my last big post here minutes ago and was looking for some RTE stuff for next time along with other things, I couldn't resist linking up now this from RTE Raidio na Gaeltachta at Katie Taylor's lightweight boxing gold medal win over Sofya Ochigava 10-8. Seán Bán Breathnach was there at the EXCEL Arena capturing and reminding the Irish of the beauty of that language when he got so emotional when it was official when Katie won gold that quickly went viral. People got enraptured with his teary announcement, embodying how much she meant to Ireland by being such a class act, without even the need for the translation. Well, An Spailpin Fanach in his blog managed to conduct a translation of Breathnach's commentary from Gaelic to English and does a great job explaining the context and grammatical usages that come into play. Perhaps we could see a revival of Gaelic that no educational instruction tools could ever do!

An Spailpin Fanach's translations and explanations can be read here, here, and here.

RTE Two's leadup to the fantastic Bray's hometown girl golden bout in the nervous anticipating moments with well-wishes from the biggest names in boxing, RTE, GAA, and even Jedward?! Eire (Ireland) was definitely in the house then!


These days with all of the massive Olympic TV and internet coverage worldwide, it wouldn't be complete if there wasn't some blunders made by announcers during the action. In this case, the profanity!
I guess it seems more permissable when it's from Australia. One each from FOXTEL and Nine. In the second of the two videos, you have to listen closely and/or raise the volume.


Onboard SporTV's omnibus through the London streets with former judoka Flavio Canto and former (volleyball?) coach Paul Bonfa.


SporTV's broadcast of the London Opening Ceremony was done by Milton Leite and Luis Carlos Jr. But Galvao Bueno, the voice of Rede TV, came in as a special guest during that even though he surprisingly wasn't granted accreditation, meaning he was not permitted in any of the venues or in the IBC. However, SporTV allowed to be a part of the coverage by having him involved with a twice-weekly (Wednesdays and Saturdays) Olympic version of "Well, Friends" he already hosts called SporTV Connection on Olympic developments with interviews and analysis as well as dealing with Brazil's pre-Opening Ceremony preliminary soccer games. Reason why he wasn't given one was Globo, owners of SporTV, did not want Bueno involved in sports. When Bueno was not the host of SporTV Connection, it was hosted by Milton Leite, Luiz Carlos Noriega, and Mauricio Junior.


ETV and ETV2 were of course involved with the London 2012 Olympics with some prizes to offer back to Estonians, but let's not forget what ERR did on the radio side of things with Vikkeraadio, Sports Vikkeraadio, Radio 4 and Radio 2.


You get the closing moments of the ETV's news then the programming notes about what's next--the London olympics of course!--and then the live opening minutes of ETV's and ERR's 2012 London Olympics coverage with Londoni OM Londoni Olumpia Stuudio (or Olumpiamangude Eel) that aired before the Opening Ceremony, the "Avatseremoonia", on July 27. Nice simple presentation and good intro too for the show, one of the better ones.

Doordardshan sent 50 people to London to cover the Olympics entirely by themselves with no outsourcing of its coverage from India--even its equipment. DD One and DD Sports had a simulcasted show focusing on Indian Olympians called "India at London" in London at 7:30am India with a DD Sport noon repeat. DD1 and DD Sports also simulcasted the daily hour-long previous day highlights show on 9:30am. If India was deep into medal contention, which didn't really occur a lot then, it would've been possible to have the events shown on DD1. DD Sports had the live daily Olympic coverage from noon to around 1am with repeats or taped delayed events that couldn't be aired live after that.


DD Sports is currently airing repeats from the London Olympics.

It's likely DD earned more than Rs 20 crore for its Olympic coverage given how many more viewers it got than expected.


Mediacorp was pleased that 3.37 million Singapore residents witnessed 560-hour coverage of the 2012 London Olympics on all of Mediacorp's platforms when it was all said and done with the encore presentation of the Opening Ceremony being the most-watched event of it at 754,000 viewers during Channel 5's primetime.


Singaporeans also enjoyed 200+ hours of the 2012 London Olympics in 3D offered by SingTel's mio TV and ESPN Star Sports on the ESPN 3D channel (SingTel Channel 144). But that wasn't all since it's part of the 3800 hours of overall Olympic coverage with mio TV channels 130-143. Mio TV subscribers already got the Olympic-specific channels for free.


Proof positive that displeasure of Olympic coverage like the FTA airing of the Opening Ceremony is not confined to Americans, Aussies, or Canadians. Even Kiwis were disgusted over PRIME's tape-delayed broadcast of that as opposed to SKY Sport NZ's live airing, taking it to Twitter. Not to mention the regular commercial breaks interrupting it. We Americans bitch about that for years in often exactly the same context when they're on primetime already recorded. Welcome to the club!


More of interest in this article for me is how TV One, Comedy Central NZ, and TV3 planned Olympic-themed programming during the Games.


Want to really know what type of Olympic coverage Peru's America Television did for London outside of the ceremonies like infamous transmission cut from the Opening Ceremony to Esta es Guerra? One hour of nightly primetime highlights and two hours each, often delayed and/or cut even claiming that it's live sometimes, during the 16 days of competition in the morning. I read (translated) from Peruvians online on blogs and forums how they blasted the coverage and feared the worst upon the start. No wonder why America TV didn't put its Olympic site up until the day of the Opening Ceremony! Most Peruvians cannot afford access to ESPN Latin America's coverage of the London Olympics, which was obviously far more comprehensive but focused more on Argentina's Olympians, that comes on Movistar, Claro, and DIRECTV. At a time when many broadcasters worldwide, both terrestrial and satelitte/pay-TV, it would seem incumbant and obvious that the FTA channel should be more wide-ranging in its coverage these days. I even read that the commentators got a lot of things wrong. Shameful! Pitiful! But I now since understand that America TV had issues with Indecopi regarding the transmission cut during the Opening. Still, America TV just cannot be trusted at all with the Olympic TV rights. Definitely the worst by far I've seen involving London!


Found another wee bit salty and hilarious Olympic commentary. You'd expect this from the likes of Roy and HG on The Dream, which can be salty and innuendo-laden. This time coming from Ireland's RTE in the sailing competition. Ireland is the second nation I found that has done Olympic sailing on TV along with The Netherlands' NOS. Maybe SKY Sport in New Zealand. "Who's going to catch the COK?" But anyway...

Been a while since I talked about SKY Italia (or RAI) when it comes to the Olympic coverage. I'll get to that soon. But to get things restarted with that here's an Olympic coverage promo starring former Italian long jumper and now SKY Italia sportscaster Fiona May recalling how she got silver in Atlanta.


Want to see what those Peruvian promos are like? What I got here is Peru's America Television 2012 London Olympic Games promo to its now infamous and shameful coverage featuring several of America TV's notable stars looking at past Olympic video footage on set from Beijing talking about the passion of the Olympics playing with the set lights and cameras. Just checked on how much exactly it cared about televising based on what was mentioned. Including both ceremonies and the small daily TV blocks each day--one hour of highlights and then two hours of action during the 16 days--that totaled are you ready?...roughly 56 TV hours! :angry: That's the lowest amount anywhere I've seen. Even a Pacific island nation of Fiji and the South Asian nation of Sri Lanka can offer better coverage to its citizens. Yes, there was also Terra for more comprehensive Olympic coverage online like ESPN Latin America on cable but not many Peruvians have economical access to Terra either. It wasn't really interested in giving the ample coverage the Olympic deserves. Once again, America Television is NOT to be trusted when handling Olympic TV coverage!

The second version for America TV that stars America TV personalities Raúl Romero, Fernando Llanos, Verónica Linares, Jessica Tapia and Federico Salazar.

I didn't get a chance to mention this before the Olympics' start becuase it was hard to come by then or didn't come up. As part of the Albavision family across Latin America, Honduras' VTV (not to be confused with Venezuela's VTV that also transmitted the London Olympics) started its Olympic broadcast with the USA and France in women's soccer on July 25, did all of Honduras' men's soccer games and both ceremonies. In total, VTV showed 200 hours of coverage with an emphasis on soccer, swimming, track and field, volleyball, some basketball, and boxing. It was almost on all day except for VTV news. From 11pm-1am was the best action of the day and then live coverage went on from 1-6am. Everything got back at 8am-12 or 1pm. Philliep Clark, VTV's sports director, headed the team in London with Luis Fernando Jimenez, Octavio Lemus, Mauricio Portillo, John Alexis Rodriguez and Daniel Bustillo, and Gabriela Pazmino as part of the 16-person strong Alba Vision Team there. Back in Honduras were special studio guests fitness coach Leonel Flores, Jaime Villegas aurinegro manager, swimmer Ana Joselina Fortin, the ex-national team and current coach aurinegro Chelato Uclés, and ex-national volleyball team member Luis Baide.



Well, wouldn't you know it? There's actually another version of that America TV 2012 Olympic commercial from the last one I showed and uploaded. Slightly different that includes footage of snychronized swimming at the beginning, for example.

FranceTV Sport's intro to their coverage of the London 2012 Olympics. Here it was used for the pre-Opening Ceremony group women's soccer game between France and the United States on France TV 4, the home of women's Olympic soccer.

  • 3 weeks later...

IOC to honour international Olympic broadcasters


The International Olympic Committee (IOC) on Thursday 29 November honours broadcasters for their outstanding coverage of the London 2012 Olympic Games at the biennial Olympic Golden Rings awards in Lausanne.

Created in 1976, the Olympic Golden Rings is a prestigious international contest through which the IOC seeks to promote and recognise excellence in television broadcasting of the Olympic Games. The contest is organised after each edition of the Summer and Winter Games under the aegis of the IOC Radio and Television Commission.

Gold, silver and bronze trophies are awarded in five awards categories: Best Olympic Sports Production, Best On-Air Promotion, Best Olympic Feature, Best Athlete Profile and Best Olympic Programme Award. There is also a special award for the best implementation of the Multi-Channel Distribution Service.

Broadcast coverage of the London 2012 Olympic Games reached more viewers in more countries than ever before.

More than 100,000 hours of Olympic coverage was shown on TV during the Games and record audience figures were reported around the world with more than a billion people watching footage transmitted from the Olympic sports venues in London.

The film clips entered in the competition have been judged by an international jury headed by IOC Member and Chairman of the Coordination Commission for the Games of the XXX Olympiad in London 2012 Denis Oswald.

The winners will receive their prizes at a gala evening in the presence of IOC President Dr Jacques Rogge. Members of the IOC Radio and Television Commission will attend together with representatives from the Olympic rights-holding broadcasters, the Organising Committees for the Olympic Games in London, Sochi and Rio, International Sports Federations and the City of Lausanne.



How many would wager that Australia will win gold again for its Olympic coverage from the IOC, this time from the Nine Network?

Ceska Televize's London 2012 (LOH 2012) TV promo that stars several of the Czech Republic's notable Olympians like javelin gold medalist Barbora Spotakova and Roman Seberle

SKY Sport Italia's London Olympic 2012 intro looped multiple times over. I wish I can have those electronica beats sampled and downloaded onto my iPod! :)

Croatia's Sportska Televizija (SPTV) offered their Olympic broadcasting plans for London in greater detail that I previously found. On HRT, there obviously greater priority in showing the Croatian Olympians wherever they were in London (minus the injured high jumper Blanka Vlasic). But it was SPTV that offered the more comprehensive coverage that had nothing to do with them, except for fencer Bojan Jovanovic. Fencing, field hockey, archery, diving, synchronized swimming, modern pentathlon, volleyball, and badminton were all featured and televised live 12 hours daily starting on July 28 with 10 hours devoted to delayed and replayed footage. With the staff divided between London and Zagreb, Jura Ozmec, Igor Curkovic, Daniel Lacko, Bojana Manojlovic, Iva Milanovic Litre, Andrea Lovrincevic, Ivan Princivali, Gordan Gabrovec were all reporting from London (the last five for Studio SPTV's "London Stories" that aired 3x daily). Sinisa Hajduk and Marin Hejduk spent a week there conducted a series of tip for Croatians on how to deal with London. More along with what I just mentioned of the SPTV Olympic TV programming details can be read here with a link at the top to SPTV's Olympic programming schedule that's still up.



First: The Official Film of the London 2012 Olympics now available on DVD. Many great Olympian choices for this.


Guyana's National Communications Network's Channel 11 broadcasted the Olympics to Guyana. But I can't seem to find any info towards its coverage as of today.

Turned out that both MTV and MBC in Sri Lanka were ultimately permitted to broadcast the Games with Rupavahini by Sri Lanka's Supreme Court


It's an issue that has plagued a lot of the Western nations' sports media institutions for years. Britain is definitely no different: When will the BBC start granting greater and consistent coverage towards women's top-level sports. Olympic gold medalist Jessica Ennis, on the shortlist for BBC Sport Personality of the Year, asks that question lately. Unfortunately, it's partly about the free market and still-prevaling attitudes.



IOC honours broadcasters for London 2012 coverage


The International Olympic Committee (IOC) on Thursday honoured broadcasters for their outstanding coverage of the London 2012 Olympic Games at the biennial Olympic Golden Rings awards in Lausanne.

Entries were reviewed by an international jury headed by IOC Member and Chairman of the Coordination Commission for London 2012, Denis Oswald. The winners received their prizes in Lausanne in the presence of IOC President Jacques Rogge. Members of the IOC Radio and Television Commission were also in attendance, along with representatives from the rights-holding broadcasters, the Organising Committees for the Olympic Games in London, Sochi and Rio, International Federations and the city of Lausanne.

Gold, silver and bronze trophies were awarded in five categories: Best Olympic Sports Production by Olympic Broadcasting Services, Best On Air Promotion, Best Olympic Feature, Best Athlete Profile and Best Olympic Programme.

It was NBC’s night as the broadcaster scooped three gold medals, including a win in the Best Olympic Programme category for its overview programme “The Games of the XXX Olympiad”. It also won gold for Best On Air Promotion and in the Best Olympic Feature its film “Measure and Motion” also took a gold medal. NBC was also runner-up in the Best Athlete Profile category, receiving a silver medal for its feature on David Rudisha, the Kenyan runner who won the men’s 800 metres in London in a new world-record time.

Created in 1976, the Olympic Golden Rings is a prestigious international contest through which the IOC seeks to promote and recognise excellence in television broadcasting of the Olympic Games. The contest is organised every two years, on the occasion of the Summer and Winter Games, under the aegis of the IOC Radio and Television Commission.

The full list of awards (title / director / producer), in order of presentation on the night, was as follows:

The Best Olympic Sports Production by Olympic Broadcasting Services (OBS)

Gold: Sailing / Christopher Lincoln / Gary Milkis, Ursula Romero

Silver: Canoe Kayak-Slalom / Jaime Garrido Rubira / Ursula Romero

Bronze: Rowing & Canoe/Kayak-Sprint / Matthew Coliandris / Makoto Nakamura

The Best On Air Promotion

Gold: NBC “The Games of the XXX Olympiad – NBC On-Air Promotion” / John Miller / Joseph Lee, Roger Guillen

Silver: Foxtel “Foxtel on Platform TVC” / Ash Bolland / Graham Burrells, Chantal Walker

Bronze: ZDF “Olympia Live” / Anke Scholten / Severine Rapp

Special Award

“MDS” Multi Channel Distribution Service / Kostas Kapatais, Jorge Pickering

The Best Olympic Feature

Gold: NBC Olympics “The Games of the XXX Olympiad ‘Measure and Motion’ / Mark Levy, Brian Brown, Joe Gesue, Philip Parrish

Silver: Sky Italia “Mosaico Olimpico” / Francesco Zupi

Bronze: ZDF “Olympia Live” / Anke Scholten / Nils Kaben

The Best Athlete Profile

Gold: TV Record “Sarah Menenzes – Piaui’s Pride” / Douglas Tavolaro / Thalita Leite, Fábio Harbacher, Marcos Cabral, Odair Marquesolo, Cristina Luckner, Ivana Perecin

Silver: NBC Olympics – “David Rudisha” / Jack Felling, Brian Longenecker

Bronze: ESPN Latin America “Pursuing a Dream – Miguel Correa and Ruben Rezola” / Carlos Sepiurca / Mariano Welch

The Best Olympic Programme

Gold: NBC Olympics “The Games of the XXX Olympiad” / Bucky Gunts / Mark Lazarus, Gary Zenkel, Jim Bell, Mark Levy, Joe Gesue, Molly Solomon, Rebecca Chatman

Silver: BBC Sport “Super Saturday” / Paul Davies / Carl Hicks, Dave Gordon

Bronze: Nine Network Australia “London Live – Day 16” / Shane Street, Alex Rolls / Steve Crawley, Lesley Tapsall, Tim Cleary, Matthew Callander, Brent Williams



I'm glad to see that ZDF got at least two bronze medals. They and the other German Olympic broadcaster ARD (ARD and ZDF always take turns each day in broadcasting Olympic Games) did, as always, a very good job at the Olympics. At the Paralympics, it was less good - both ARD and ZDF chose to start broadcasting the opening and closing ceremonies half an hour after the ceremonies' actual start.

  • 2 weeks later...

A Globe and Mail profile on CTV's head Olympic anchor man Brian Williams, Canada's Mr. Olympic TV at least up to this year unless he rejoins CBC:


ZDF's Patricia Haber under the London Bridge bringing forth the details of London's Opening Ceremony to Dunja Hayali:



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