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Now I see -- the Twitter reports so far are only regarding the rehearsal for the ceremonial pre-show! Well, who cares then that the pre-show will be boring as long as the "main show" isn't? Obviously there aren't any further information leaking out from the rehearsal of the main ceremony -- from what I have read on some Twitter accounts, the audience members were asked to keep the secrecy.


Now I see -- the Twitter reports so far are only regarding the rehearsal for the ceremonial pre-show! Well, who cares then that the pre-show will be boring as long as the "main show" isn't? Obviously there aren't any further information leaking out from the rehearsal of the main ceremony -- from what I have read on some Twitter accounts, the audience members were asked to keep the secrecy.

So the actual ceremony hasn't started yet? No wonder the pics that have leaked online already didn't have much of an audience in attendance.


Pffffff *rolls on floor laughing*

So much drama just for the pre show rehearsal? :lol: i knew this was too bad to be true. Anyway..the roof still scares me


Thank god it's only the pre-show....dear god, people...I had five rage strokes over the last 30 mins from this. :lol:


From the tweets I've seen. People are swearing to secrecy now and turning off their Blackberrys & iPhones..lol...There's gotta be those other ones that will keep us updated though.


Incoming comments on Twitter now that the full dress rehearsal is going on:

braedencaley W/ @erichharvey at the full dress rehearsal of the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Opening Ceremonies!!! Absolutely incredible!


Well, in past rehearsals we hadn't Twitter yet -- and not so much secrecy preceding it. So all that frenzy was about to happen on this board of Olympic maniacs. :lol:

Anyway, I'll call it a day (it's 3:19 a.m. now here in Germany) and I'll better catch my two-and-a-half hours of sleep. Bye and stay calm, regardless of which information is leaked! ;)


Incoming comments on Twitter now that the full dress rehearsal is going on:

braedencaley W/ @erichharvey at the full dress rehearsal of the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Opening Ceremonies!!! Absolutely incredible!

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Between the Opening Ceremony AND Chinese New Years holiday next week, this week will be one of the longest work week of my live!!!!!


Still hoping they will drape the roof as a final surprise (how long does it take??), and looking at the floor floor from the pix, I dont see hints of a hidden cauldron...


The only plausible reason I could see them not having the drapes up (yet) is because of the leak a few weeks back...they probably don't want it up there (and this would mean the drapes can be installed quickly?) until right before the Opening Ceremony so that if another leak happens it won't damage/stain the drapes before the big show.

Only a theory...


I'm gradually regaining confidence in these Ceremonies...for a moment there, I thought it was going to be a lame country fair ho-down.


Was that report about the drapes official?

Yes, it was a official report.

From last month:

Attendees of the 2010 Winter Olympics opening ceremony won’t recognize the inside of B.C. Place. The April 14, 2009 report from David Atkins Enterprises wanted all stadium aisles covered in cool-gray, non-slip paint with drapes at audience entrances. Atkins required the removal of ceiling-hung floodlights and speakers and advertising boards and screens. In their place are rigging for trusses, catenary and cable systems and five circular drapes needed to obscure the stained ceiling. “The eyes of the world will really be on the stadium,” said the report. “It will be impossible to hide the stained roof liner.”


Alright then I really cant see them not putting them up.

I think they'll be going up for Wednesdays final dress rehearsal.

Like c'mon, it's the freakin Olympics. Why wouldn't they not want to hide that hideous roof?


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With glowing hearts we see thee rise,

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O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.



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