Olympian2004 Posted August 16, 2011 Report Posted August 16, 2011 My guess is the high tensioned wires and ceremonies rig are going up Good guess, I think. That would explain why they cover only parts of the field, with only rather narrow "gangways" to the centre.
baron-pierreIV Posted August 16, 2011 Report Posted August 16, 2011 My guess is the high tensioned wires and ceremonies rig are going up But if it was just wires, why so MUCH plywood? Those were laid out in LA because 16-foot trailers were coming in with the Closing Ceremony stage. I mean those wires MUST BE awfully heavy that they fear they will dent the ground. And why in the center? I would think you would hook the wires to the roof in the circumference - not in the middle? (Why is this like deja vu with the whole Beijing cauldron talk? ) BTW, what is the axis of the stadium? Is it north-south or east-west?
baron-pierreIV Posted August 16, 2011 Report Posted August 16, 2011 what are they doing with the floor... is this related to Opening ceremony perhaps?? Is this pic linked up to some skycam because there are elements in it that keep changing. When I first looked at the pic yesterday, it didn't have that strange ramp-like contraption in the middle section, and there was a heavy tractor or forklift in the front part. Today, those elements are and aren't there. So, I think this could be one of three things: 1. some very elaborate TV commercial or movie scene; 2. R they setting up for a rather avante-garde Countdown sequence? or 3. maybe a test for some special Ceremonial stunt--altho why it should require really heavy machinery like tractors and/or forklifts, I can't imagine.
Brekkie Boy Posted August 16, 2011 Report Posted August 16, 2011 Hmmm...strange indeed that they built the track first. Does anyone know if the track will be a hard track ideal for the sprint or a more soft one for long distance? They've said it will be quick - and usually by quick they mean for 100m records not 10,000m records.
baron-pierreIV Posted August 16, 2011 Report Posted August 16, 2011 They've said it will be quick - and usually by quick they mean for 100m records not 10,000m records. Or they could just have it hard on the straightaway...and soft for the other 300m of the track so it's kind on the runners' feet.
Olympian2004 Posted August 17, 2011 Report Posted August 17, 2011 Baron, that's the picture of one of the two official Olympic Stadium webcams on the London 2012 website. So that's the reason why it's always changing, since it is directly linked to the constantly-updated London 2012 webcam site. Just in case that they dismantle the ramp in the centre soon, I have downloaded the current picture and uploaded it as a file: It certainly looks interesting. I doubt that they need that to hoist the ring which connects the ceremony wires. They could do that also with a crane or with cherry pickers, I guess. But I also doubt that it serves any ceremonial purpose. I guess that they would switch the webcam off before unveiling anything of the ceremonial elements to us. I guess we have to wait and watch what happens next.
Mr Tickle Posted August 17, 2011 Author Report Posted August 17, 2011 I would imagine that will hold the centre ring steady above ground while they attatch the wires from that to the roof before slowly hoisting it up
Olympian2004 Posted August 17, 2011 Report Posted August 17, 2011 I would imagine that will hold the centre ring steady above ground while they attatch the wires from that to the roof before slowly hoisting it up Or maybe so. I noticed that the highest point of the ramp seems to be right in the centre of the infield. But on the other hand: Why did they build such a long ramp just to hold the ring above ground? A simple scaffold would have done the job as well.
hiroamorim Posted August 17, 2011 Report Posted August 17, 2011 What are those white ballons??? It seems to me the're clouds or something like that
Mr Tickle Posted August 17, 2011 Author Report Posted August 17, 2011 Yup the clouds they ordered have arrived, very intreaguing
kevzz Posted August 17, 2011 Report Posted August 17, 2011 What are they preparing for? Is there any publicized event in the stadium that we know of? Test event maybe? Concert? Intrigued!!
baron-pierreIV Posted August 17, 2011 Report Posted August 17, 2011 What are they preparing for? Is there any publicized event in the stadium that we know of? Test event maybe? Concert? Intrigued!! I think they're preparing to film (as I posted earlier): 1. a TV commercial or a scene from a movie 2. some final LOCOG promotional short? an IOC or a Sochi 2014 promo short? Look at the ramp, there is a globe on the lower end already -- so it's definitely a scene where that ramp is in play. So it's something about a "Snowball" one can't stop!! 3. I thought being the first part of the Ceremonies, maybe the Countdown sequence?; or 4. they're doing tests for some Ceremonial stunt. OK, I know what's it about!! It's Reno 2022's commercial!! Reno - the unstoppable bid!!
afiqnadzir Posted August 17, 2011 Report Posted August 17, 2011 maybe a music video for london2012 theme song?
baron-pierreIV Posted August 17, 2011 Report Posted August 17, 2011 maybe a music video for london2012 theme song? Maybe; but music videos don't usually use such elaborate preps for a set. But I think it's some production aspect or clip that will feature a snowball in a ramp with some hanging clouds within the Olympic Stadium setting -- really something like a Reno 2022 commercial. We might know more in a few days.
mattygs Posted August 17, 2011 Report Posted August 17, 2011 Very very interesting. Surely ceremonial stunts though are normally tested first in a simulated ceremonies pitch off in the whops. Anyway, forget the scaffolding, what we really wanna see is a machine in there digging a gigantic hole in the ground.
Faster Posted August 17, 2011 Report Posted August 17, 2011 I have to say, despite the rather uninspiring exterior, the interior looks extremely spectator friendly and that is by far the most important part.
Rob2012 Posted August 17, 2011 Report Posted August 17, 2011 Agreed. Much better on the inside than on the outside at the moment. Let's at least await the wrap before we make our final judgements on the exterior though. Hopefully, along with the lighting it'll cheer it up a bit, fingers crossed.
Faster Posted August 17, 2011 Report Posted August 17, 2011 Well I think the parklands will be great (the English do know how to garden well and there are many examples of exceptional gardens in and around London) and that will make up for any of the other factors. And hopefully, like Sydney and Atlanta, the human touch of having masses of happy Olympic fans and spectators around will create a great atmosphere (even if it was state-fair like in Atlanta). Oh btw, I love the basketball venue.
its a bid of magic Posted August 17, 2011 Report Posted August 17, 2011 Will you be able to enter the parklands and Olympic site without needing to purchase a venue ticket? As it stands now there are no tickets left for main stadium events?
Rob2012 Posted August 18, 2011 Report Posted August 18, 2011 I believe you'll be able to buy park tickets which will give access to the park and the big screens going up by the water.
Mr Tickle Posted August 18, 2011 Author Report Posted August 18, 2011 They've hung a hi-vis jacket over the stadium cam now, the swines!!!!!!
adrianme17 Posted August 18, 2011 Report Posted August 18, 2011 so it would seem that they are testing elements for the opening ceremony? i believe that they will construct a false floor above the track (maybe like vancouver) that will enable elements of the show to appear from the ground (as we know there will be no hole a la athens and beijing - due to the high water table). from what i understand some of boyle's elements for the opening have been too tricky to do off site - hence maybe this is what we are seeing now - just amazed that they didn't switch the cam off)!
hiroamorim Posted August 18, 2011 Report Posted August 18, 2011 I'm sure they're workin on Opening Ceremony. Some images taken this past night: Pay atention to screen on the roof. I think it was being lifted by the crane we saw yesterday Now another image show us those led on the ramp.
hiroamorim Posted August 18, 2011 Report Posted August 18, 2011 Looking those "clouds" I remembered a project I saw on SSC times ago... A proposal is afoot for a lightweight observation tower topped by inflatable, light-emitting spheres that would display information during the 2012 Olympic Games in London. The LEDs in the “Cloud,” fed by real-time information, would be viewable from all over the city. People would be able to visit the bubbles, while information about the games, local traffic, weather or news was being displayed. Various energy-saving and -collecting strategies would keep the installation carbon neutral, say the promoters. The only dark cloud on the horizon is a lack of funding. More information is available at www.raisethecloud.org. font:http://enr.construction.com/buildings/design/2009/1207-LondonBubbleTower.asp
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