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The Vote Tally

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1st Round:

22 London

21 Paris

20 Madrid

19 New York

15 Moscow

2nd Round:

27 London

25 Paris

32 Madrid

16 New York

3rd Round:

39 London

33 Paris

31 Madrid

4th Round:

54 London

50 Paris


Yup - same thing happened to them for the 2008 bid.

Too confident - but in reality -- they never lead one single ballot.

Remember - the IOC evaluation reports, in the end, don't have as much meaning as some of the "newbies" here believed them to have.

Remember - the IOC evaluation reports, in the end, don't have as much meaning as some of the "newbies" here believed them to have.

I don't know...London and Paris were ranked as the top two bids in the evaluation the whole time and that's how it unfolded.

Yup - same thing happened to them for the 2008 bid.

Too confident - but in reality -- they never lead one single ballot.

Remember - the IOC evaluation reports, in the end, don't have as much meaning as some of the "newbies" here believed them to have.

The "newbies" as me don't believe "they have"...but believe that..."they should have"...

Quite a difference....

Regarding Madrid-votes, it is clear the the vote less in round 3 is from the member that "voted too late".

On the other hand, and as the number of Madrid-votes did not change after the NY-elimination, it was quite easy to detect "vote-promise-lies".

According to a Madrid-Source, 2 Egypt, 1 Israel and 1 Mexico....promissed to vote Madrid after their 1st choice, NY was eliminated. It is quite easy to say that this has not happened... :laughlong:

I hope they will require a favour in near future...they will get "help" for shure.... :wwww:



Sorry - I can understand you're disappointment, but keep in mind that you have absolutely no way of knowing who voted for which bid in any ballot.  Anything is speculation and nothing more, and no IOC member is going to say that they didn't keep their word in terms of who they would vote for...

Secondly, this was Madrid's first bid.  First timers rarely win.


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