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Brazil 2014 World Cup...

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Actually it's good to have somebody posting pics and videos from Sao Paulo stadium.

So far, nobody were interested on it (reading, asking or posting).

I think it's great Sao Paulo now have two stadiums at building phase. If anything goes wrong with Itaquerão, Palmeiras can host matches and avoid an worldwidely shame for the city.

PS: About "city in civil war and stuff", please, keep posting your POV.

I don't need your permission to talk about the Stadiums here, lol. who the **** you think you are?


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SCCP = Sport Club Corinthians Paulista.

For those that don't know, some britts may know, corinthians was named due to an english team named Corinthian. The club still exists in England as an amateur side under the name of Corinthian Casuals.





Keep in mind that these pics show the stadium without the extra 18k seats that will be placed behind the Goals exclusively for the WC.



I'll keep this thread updated about the most important civil construction being done in Brazil in the past decade, and that includes multibillion dollar hydroelectric plants... And I'm serious. People only talk about Corinthians stadium, the rest of the stadiums are overshadowed by Corinthians' stadium.

as It should.

Cheers guys.

Hey danny, can you help me with the "estaca" thing? How to translate it to english?


I like the project. The stadium will get really nice, the interior part with all those glass is classy.

But I don't like the location. It's simple insane to place a World Cup stadium in Itaquera neighbourhood. Hotels, Downtown and main Commerce and touristics area are at least 20 Km far from the stadium. Anyway, a chance to developed the area.

For Corinthians this will work just fine, since most of Corinthians supporters are placed in the eastside of Sao Paulo and Itaquerão Stadium will be in the heart of Corianthins "part" of the city.

When I talk about 20 Km far, it's not 20Km far under a express highway. It's 20Km far by driving an 2-lane avenue with signals.

The subway is crowded as hell in rush hours (I know well how crowed, had a girlfriend in eastside of SP) and the metrotrain to Itaquera can be scary sometimes.

I really root for a great development for the area.

avoid an worldwidely shame for the city.

tokyo didn't host a single game in 2002, neither did New York in 1994 and that didn't bring any worldwide shame to these cities... as I said before, you need to work in your inferiority complex... Hell de Janeiro is great in its own way, Brazil is great too, it wont change because we build a brand new stadium...

The foreingers will see all the bad things about our countries, especially because media coportations are going to do a lot of biased articles and documentaries about our country, the same way they did about South Africa and even China... A shining new building wont change their view and even if it did, why do you care so much about "outside recognition"? LOL.

90% of the world hate the US and they're still the Roma of this Era...

Brazil needs to change the peoples mentality, most people here have this alarming inferiority complex, they want to be praised, to be loved. **** that all.

We need to be hated. When there are enough people in the world hating us that means we're in the right direction.



Catra, Tokyo and NYC didn't asked for games or presented projects and got sooooooooooo delayed as Sao Paulo is now.

Sao Paulo is playing risky. You know "Brazilian disorganization". Corinthians stadium is expected to be done few months before the opening match... This is risky in Brazil - You maybe "know" that more than me.

I'm really rooting for the city, despite my hate and love sentiment for Sao Paulo.

Otherwise, you seems to have some big problem with "Hell de Janeiro". You come to this forum to detract the city as much as you can.

You are now back and it seems you want to fight someone... Baron, me, Rio... IDK...

Peace, Catra, if you really can do it.

PS: Again, I'm from Rio, but my father is Paulista, and somehow, I'm part paulista.

A carioca living in this hell-and-paradise-at-same-time-called-Sao-Paulo, just like Rio, but uglier, with no beaches, with more pollution and armed robbery.


danny, corinthians stadium have a metro in its door. You don't need a hotel near it if you have a metro 100m from the stadium...

and yeh, it's hell during rush hours because there are few "linhas e trems" there. That's easy to solve and it's already programed... Solving that is MUCH MORE EASIER and cheaper than any other option.

FYI to build the horrible mono-trilho (aka "much slower metro above the ground" to connect the panetone to the airport will cost the state 3.1 BILLIONS. That's basically what we wasted on Maraca in the past 3 years instead of demolishing that ugly/outdated thing... Anyway, increasing the metro lines in Itaquera will be very cheap.

I'll post the projects to modify and increase the public transportation here later...

Btw, corinthians is the majority in EVERY region of the city, and in 90% of the streets by ibope.

Otherwise, you seems to have some big problem with "Hell de Janeiro". You come to this forum to detract the city as much as you can.

Cariocas call themselves call it Hell de Janeiro. But I guess it's true, you're not really from Rio. Don't be a poser.

Btw, I do not want to fight anyone. my first post here was pics about our stadium.

Baron that feel ashamed by what he said during that day Rio was chosen over Chigago and rapidly came here to welcome me back. He was so mad that day that he acted like a fascist...

But who cares, I just want to post the pics of this stadium that won the VIII Arquitetos Awards as the Best sportive corporate project in Brazil. :proud:



The only programmed line in the eastside of Sao Paulo is the Green line 2 - Monorail linking Vila Prudente to Oratório. (Still far, very far from Itaquera).


Catra, take in count, some matches can be played in time schedules similar to rush hour. How to solve this problem?

My girlfriend lived near USP leste. I need to wait 9, 10 subways to get in at end of afternoon (like a canned fish).


Also, it hurts me to say as Santos supporter, but I prefer the new and modern Corinthians stadium over the Morumbi, even demolished.

But, for me Palmeiras stadium is best option for the World Cup (except the fact it can't host opening ceremony)


Most part of total Corinthians supporters mass lives in Eastside of Sao Paulo, that what I meant.

I'm proudly born and raised, you like, you don't, in the marvelous city of Rio de Janeiro.


But who cares, I just want to post the pics of this stadium that won the VIII Arquitetos Awards as the Best sportive corporate project in Brazil. :proud:

You are in the right thread for this.

To detract Rio or trolling cariocas around, you should go to some UOL online chat: Brasil "Região Sudeste" and have loooots of fun.


Cauê just posted in skyscrapercity.

The project of the park nearby Maracana, just side of the Subway and train station, linking the stadium to the "Imperial Park of Quinta da Boa Vista", where the "royal" palace used during Brazilian Empire is placed.

Nice stuff.






danny, it's not a new physical line. the metro is already there lol.

I'll give the example: nowadays there's a train leaving Corinthians-Itaquera terminal every x minutes(IIRC it's every 45 minutes). That does not satisfy the demand. In the following years a train will leave Corinthians-Itaquera station every X/2 minutes.

IIRC nowadays the corinthians-itaquera station have the capacity to transport 1m passengers per day, the project is to increase the capacity to 1.400.000 per day

Anyway, I doubt fifa will let we host games at nights during week days because the games would be broadcast too late in Europe...

They'll force us to host the games during the afternoons, just like in the US in 1994.

(I'll love to see Germany Playing in Cuiabá at 1pm LOL).


(I'll love to see Germany Playing in Cuiabá at 1pm LOL).

Germany vs. Sweden!!! The melting match! hehehe

The subway now-a-days departs every 2 or 3 minutes, the problem is, it gets so crowded that causes delays.

Catra, I'm not detracting Sao Paulo, I live the reality of Sao Paulo everyday. I'm working in a freelancer in Sumaré, I need to go there once a week at 11AM, green line (the rich part of SP) and the subway is crowded as hell, I can tell you. Later, by 3PM I get the blue line heading Jabaquara and need to wait one subway to enter it...

Line 3- Red linking Itaquera to Barra Funda is the crowded-most line in the planet. I'm not saying it, Metro SP who says that. I'm REALLY concerned.

This is the Line 3 heading to Itaquera, 3 PM


You can see the sign, I'm not lying.

Sorry, posted the wrong pic.

I really think this is not nice for foreigners.

Still, the project is classy.

The stadium is beautiful.

The location is not.CNT_EXT_224852.jpg



Why I prefer Palmeiras Stadium?

More centrical, Three subway lines and two train lines nesrby. It's more near of Avenida Paulista hotels, near of two major highways (both Marginal Pinheiros and Marginal Tiete are near) and also near from commerce centre.

The area is more nice with pitoresque full-tree streets and middle class buildings (not a huge favela, like Itaquera area) and also can provide better aerial shots for broadcasting.


yeh as I said it's hell nowadays during rush hours, the project is to increase the transportation capacity in 40-60% per day.

anyway do you have pics to shown the beautiful engenho de dentro? LOL. and can you tell me how people can get to that piece of **** build with our money, the Engenhão, using public transportation? Engenhão will host most of the athletic games, btw.

From what I know it doesn't even have metro there that's why the soccer games there don't attract more than 10 thousands spectators opposed to 50k even 80k spectators when maracanã was active... But imagine the tourists going there haha...

btw, what you prefer is pretty much irrelevant because you don't know the details of the project.. even the owner of WTorre said the Palmeiras stadium can not host the WC because the area there is too small, they already will use all the area possible to build a 40k seats stadium (35k if they followed what FIFA demands).

The area is more nice with pitoresque full-tree streets and middle class buildings (not a huge favela, like Itaquera area) and also can provide better aerial shots for broadcasting.



Seriously man, You live in a third world country ffs, get fucking real. there are 20m people right now that don't have much if anything to eat and you're talking about better aerial view? ffs. more people are killed per year in your beloved city than in Kabul, Baghdad, etc.

Seriously, deal with it ffs! Hiding the poor people will not make you better as much as you want it to happen. We should use the games to develop the regions that need it more and not to please a fatass european/american with a better aerial view, lol. You're really disconnected from reality. Go to a psychologist, and that's not an insult everyone have problems, yours is the complex of vira-lata...


Engenho de Dentro has a more beautiful view than Itaquera... by far.

It's a lower middle class neighbourhood vs. a small commercial centre with favelas in all sides.

The train system to Engenho de Dentro station has modern South Korean trains, better than the richest line of CPTM-Sao Paulo in Marginal Pinheiros.

The problem is Rio municipal authority, ceded the venue to the club with less supporters in Rio... Botafogo must have as much supporters as Portuguesa in Sao Paulo.

Last Flamengo match I watched on TV the stadium was crowded, but it was afternoon.

Even Corinthians left some spaces in night matches due surreal time schedule of Brazilian Championship in centrical Pacaembu.

The night matches often gets empty because Engenhão is about 10Km far from Downtown main train stations and other subway lines... Itaquera is 20 Km and in the favela-rounded area of the city.

I'm not worried about aerial views of the city. Paulistas who are. Talk to anyone in Sao Paulo. Only the already-known Corinthians blind-supporters tries to make Itaquera a nice place to a World Cup venue by imagination. I've been there few times. It's not a place for a World Cup venue. Period.

The Sao Paulo press thinks the same, any reasonable person from Sao Paulo that someday went to Itaquera thinks the same. Even some Corinthians supporters agrees. It's hard to access from Downtown and touristic-hotel area. A taxi ride from Downtown to Itaquera can be up to 90 dollars (with a honest cab driver)!

See, I'm not opposing Corinthians to have a stadium there, for Corinthians, the club, the stadium is simply great. It will be full house every single game.

Catra, tried to talked to you in a serious way, respecting you as a member, but it's impossible.

You have an obsession to detract Rio in every single post, to say bad words in Portuguese, to be soooo ironic to show how "smart" you are and you're really trying a fight here by bringing to personal issues that are not.

It's not my intention to fight a jealous teenage from a poor state of Northeastern Brazil.

Go dance some capoeira, steal some tourist in Elevador Lacerda, whatever

Just drink less coconut water...

Be happy in your life.

You live in a third world country

And I'm the one with streetdog complex.... laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif


Hello my friends, it's finally over! The fascists lost, São Paulo's Mayor finally signed a deal to give fiscal incentives for businessman invest in the eastside of São Paulo and that includes the Corinthians Stadium.


From the left to right:

SP's Mayor

SP's Governor

Corinthians' President


- Corinthians' president and São Paulo State Governor on his side.

The fascists are mad as you can see, but finally the people's interest were put above their fascist-homo interests.


Et are not.

It's not my intention to fight a jealous teenage from a poor state of Northeastern Brazil.

Go dance some capoeira, steal some tourist in Elevador Lacerda, whatever

Just drink less coconut water...

Be happy in your life.




Your inferiority complex will never abandon you unless you first admit your problem and work on it. Seriously, it's very easy to make you show your fascist side, just state some facts about the city you WISH you lived there and you get out-of-control.

Seriously, you have anger issues... Not saying you're the only one, everyone has some, but getting angered because someone published some facts about a piece of land in some corner of the universe is just pathetic, seriously. Work on your Self-esteem, man.

Good luck.


He is ridiculous and arrogant. Who he think he is??? God?

I wish we could rule Teixeira out of CBF, but, we can't do nothing against him...

Teixeira, Leóz, Blatter... All of them... They are a cancer for internation football.


Members, coaches to attend Draw

With a number of famous faces expected to appear at the Preliminary Draw of the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil™ on 30 July, so to will 38 Head Coaches and a total of 106 member associations from five of the six confederations when their respective national teams await their fate.

The list of notable coaches set to appear at Rio de Janeiro’s Marina da Gloria includes Mano Menezes (Brazil), Fabio Capello (England), Laurent Blanc (France), Cesare Prandelli (Italy), Guus Hiddink (Turkey) and Vicente Del Bosque (Spain).

In advance of the Draw, each member association will attend the Team Seminar for the Preliminary Competition on 29 July.



Nice pics Bezzi. Oh, I didn't knew you posted here so I took some of the pictures you posted at the SkyScrapper forum and posted here... SOrry.

Prearations for the draw:


Comic Sans? LOL.

Dan Gilbert would be proud.


This font is unique, it was taken from the logo. This visual identity has everything to do with Brazil.

More pictures:






This font is unique, it was taken from the logo. This visual identity has everything to do with Brazil.

I like the graphical concept. Got nice, not my fav, but fits the image people abroad have of Brazil: green jungles and mountains...

But I'm not sure about the font. It's was taken from the logo, which is nice, but, it seems to fit better some African or other country with ancient history´s than a event held in Brazil...

Anyway, the logo is growing on me, specially the version with the letterings by the side of the trophy drawing.



If I am not mistaken,, this font was developed for FIFA and it is their intelectual property. It is the same font used in South Africa 2010 and seems to be a FIFA requirement. After all, besides all the confusion, the tournament is the FIFA World Cup.


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