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Brazil 2014 World Cup...

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Jerome Valcke thinks Morumbi is too ugly. Period.

The biggest concern on FIFA is putting the opening match in what they consider a 'ugly' stadium. And I have a similar opinion on being the ugliest in the World Cup.

Indeed, the more projects Sao Paulo show, more projects are rejected for the opening match. SP will be on the WC, no doubts, but I dare that with Morumbi SP will open the tournament.

Jerome Valcke is bluffing. He needs a new stadium to put more money into his pocket he only cares about money. There's only one State that can take the OG from SP (Minas) but Minas wont build a new stadium either so thats why he keeps talking in the media to force the OG in Bsb.

Btw, you need to read this:

Órgão responsável por seleção, Comitê Executivo da Fifa é composto por 25 integrantes, entre eles Ricardo Teixeira

Lista de casos envolve até o comandante da Fifa e vai de desfalques milionários a desvios de ingressos e venda de camisas falsificadas


O anúncio das cidades-sede da Copa do Mundo de 2014 determinará a prioridade do investimento federal sobre 12 capitais nos próximos anos.

O governo se comprometeu a bancar a infraestrutura do evento.

A escolha que determinará o destino desses recursos, porém, passou longe de Brasília.

Foi feita por um grupo técnico da Fifa, juntamente com a CBF.

Mas quem bate o martelo são os 25 homens do Comitê Executivo da Fifa.

Só um é brasileiro -o presidente da CBF, Ricardo Teixeira.

Todos foram eleitos em pleitos que só envolveram cartolas de suas confederações.

Vários deles já sofreram acusações de ilegalidades financeiras ou políticas.

Quem encabeça a lista de problemas é o presidente da Fifa, Joseph Blatter.

Em sua gestão, o então secretário-geral, Michel Zen-Ruffinen, acusou Blatter de ter feito gastos irregulares, somando prejuízo de 360 milhões de libras (mais de R$ 1 bilhão) para a entidade.

Uma das acusações era a de que ele pagara de forma irregular 69 mil libras ao russo Viacheslav Koloskov.

Na época, Koloskov não era do Comitê Executivo, mas recebeu verba como se fosse.

Hoje, ele está de volta ao órgão máximo da Fifa.

Por conta disso, 11 membros do Comitê Executivo da Fifa acusaram Blatter, em denúncia criminal, de utilizar dinheiro da entidade para comprar votos.

A disputa precedia a eleição de 2002 para a presidência.

Sob pressão, Blatter reconheceu erros e reviu determinados procedimentos dentro da entidade.

Foi reeleito, e o ex-secretário-geral saiu da Fifa.

A denúncia foi retirada.

A crise financeira da Fifa, levada a público por Zen-Ruffinen, foi desencadeada pela falência da ISL (International Sports License), ex-principal parceira comercial da entidade.

Sua ruína gerou um processo na Justiça suíça em que executivos da ISL admitiram ter feito pagamentos a dirigentes esportivos.

Não foram dados nomes.

Foi também em um processo que o atual secretário-geral da Fifa, Jerome Valcke, complicou-se.

Nos EUA, a Mastercard processou a entidade por rompimento de contrato -hoje, o patrocínio é com a Visa.

A corte apontou que Valcke, então diretor de marketing da entidade, mentiu na ação. Sua atuação foi classificada como "qualquer coisa, menos fair play", alusão ao lema da Fifa.

A entidade teve de pagar US$ 90 milhões para a Mastercard. Valcke sofreu pressão dentro da federação, mas foi perdoado.

E virou secretário-geral.

Um dos vices da Fifa, Jack Warner, de Trinidad e Tobago, foi acusado de lucrar US$ 1 milhão com a revenda ilegal de ingressos para a Copa de 2006, na Alemanha. Warner recebeu somente uma multa e foi obrigado a devolver o dinheiro.

Contudo seu prestígio no Comitê Executivo seguiu intacto.

Segundo homem da Fifa -é vice sênior-, o argentino Julio Grondona foi investigado por comissão da Câmara de Deputados de seu país, em 2000.

Motivo: apurar possíveis irregularidades nos contratos de TV da AFA (Associação de Futebol Argentina).

Havia alegações de favorecimento a uma das redes nacionais.

Revistas argentinas apontaram o enriquecimento de Grondona à frente da AFA, mas sem apontar desvio de recursos da entidade.

Mais tarde, a investigação da Câmara foi arquivada, e Grondona seguiu forte.

O guatemalteco Rafael Salgueiro, também membro do Comitê Executivo, foi acusado por um ex-funcionário da federação local de vender camisas falsificadas da Adidas.

É da cabeça de homens como esses que saiu a decisão que vai nortear o investimento em infraestrutura do Brasil até o ano da Copa.


Presidente da CBF foi alvo de duas CPIs


Assim como seus pares no Comitê Executivo da Fifa, o presidente da CBF, Ricardo Teixeira, passou por investigações dentro do Brasil.

Foi alvo de duas CPIs, na Câmara e no Senado, que apresentaram diversas irregularidades em sua gestão na entidade.

Entre outros pontos, o cartola foi acusado de evasão de divisas em empréstimos feitos pelo americano Delta Bank à CBF.

Por conta disso, Teixeira e seus subordinados foram denunciados pelo Ministério Público Federal.

A alegação era a de que a confederação pagou juros acima do mercado.

Teixeira sempre negou as acusações.

Don't be too naive to thing these guys cares about 'ugly' stadiums. If they cared they would give the OG to BH but in BH wont be build a new stadium either so they want to get money with a 'White Elephant' in Brasília or Manaus and you actually support this? WTF?! Did you saw who was caught during the 'Mensalão' scandal in BSB?



Fábio Simão, Arruda e Ricardo Teixeira (foto: P.Gualberto-17/9/08)

O primeiro grande escândalo político-esportivo da era “Copa do Mundo 2014” foi revelado ontem e tem, entre outros personagens acusados de atos ilegais, o presidente da Federação Brasiliense de Futebol, Fábio Simão.

Homem forte do futebol candango, Simão acumulava outros dois cargos no primeiro escalão distrital: era o chefe de gabinete do governador José Roberto Arruda e dirigia o escritório que prepara a cidade para o Mundial de 2014.

A operação da Polícia Federal foi deflagrada por determinação do Superior Tribunal de Justiça e Ministério Público Federal, com o objetivo de investigar um suposto pagamento de propina para parlamentares da base de Arruda – já apelidado de “mensalinho” – na Câmara Legislativa do Distrito Federal.


Fábio Simão, que na gestão passada era o homem forte do então governador Joaquim Roriz, manteve o prestígio com José Roberto Arruda, a ponto de conquistar o disputado cargo para dirigir as ações da cidade rumo ao Mundial de 2014.

Era de Simão a responsabilidade pela licitação para construir o novo estádio Mane Garrincha, na capital da República, orçado em R$ 700 milhões.

Ontem mesmo, o governador divulgou o afastamento de quatro assessores, entre eles Fábio Simão de sua chefia de gabinete. Porém, não mencionou se o mesmo continuará à frente das ações da Copa 2014.


O prestígio de Fábio Simão ultrapassava as fronteiras do Distrito Federal, e chegou aos gabinetes da poderosa CBF, dirigida por Ricardo Teixeira, que é amigo íntimo de Arruda (aquele que, como senador, fraudou o painel eletrônico).

Em maio deste ano entrevistei Fábio Simão, dois dias antes de sua viagem para Nassau, nas Bahamas.

Convidado de Ricardo Teixeira, ele participou da 59ª reunião da Fifa, quando foram divulgadas as cidades-sedes do Mundial no Brasil.

Simão sabe muito sobre o assunto que dirigia. Tinha resposta para todas as perguntas e informações detalhadas das ações em andamento.

Mais: conhecia as particularidades de cada uma das 17 cidades-candidatas à sedes do Mundial de Futebol.

Desafiado a citar as 12 capitais que seriam escolhidas, Fábio Simão arriscou, com argumentos prós e contras de cada uma. Acertou todas.

How can decent people support this? How can they prefer to see THEIR money being wasted in a 700 million stadium that wont have a single use after the 5 games were played there? You guys have no sense of social justice. We're a poor country, people. Doesn't matter if I or you have a 'european life', what matter is that almost 50 millions of brazilians are considered poor, 20 million of them are in total misery and you have the nerve to support a $700million stadium (actually it would cost 1bi after it's finished) in Bsb or Manaus were pro-football is practically inexistent? Come on. Go to fucking hell.

Why? Just to show to your e-friends in the '1st world' that you live in a rich country too that can waste hundreds of millions like it's nothing? Simply disgusting.

I'll finish this post with another quote:

"De tanto ver triunfar as nulidades; de tanto ver prosperar a desonra, de tanto ver crescer a injustiça. De tanto ver agigantarem-se os poderes nas mãos dos maus, o homem chega a desanimar-se da virtude, a rir-se da honra e a ter vergonha de ser honesto".

PS: I put the text in portuguese because I don't care what the euro thinks about our problems/corruption, what makes me sad is that Brazilians (with no apparently reason) support it. Disgusting.

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Rio's legendary Maracana Stadium is to get a 500-million-dollar facelift for the 2014 World Cup, the city's Secretary of Sports and Tourism confirmed on Thursday.

"The start of renovation work at the stadium is planned for March 2010 but it will only close completely in September," Marcia Lins Lins told a press conference.

The end of work on the stadium, the largest in the world when it was inaugurated in 1950 for the World Cup, is planned for December 2012.

The Maracana is classified as an historic monument so the facade will be maintained but a roof will be added to the five-storey oval stadium.

The stadium's capacity will however drop to 83,000 from its current 88,000.

"Before, stadiums were practically just large pitches but today they are multi-disciplined arenas," said Lins.

She added that the project also included the regeneration of the entire northern area of the city.


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Everyone just loves a conspiratory plot. But, no, Catra, there is absolutely no evidence that Jerome Valcke may be advantaged in any way from the construction of a new stadium in São Paulo, Manaus or wherever. And saying that Mastercard questioned his fairplay does little to prove the opposite.

He's just making sure that Brazil abide by the rules it accepted when chosen hosts of the World Cup. He's not making any absurd demands, or demands that aren't contained in FIFA's guidelines.

I'm not going to discuss the rest of the post because this forum is not the place to discuss the concept of social justice.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Brazil's tormentor Ghiggia honoured at Maracana

RIO DE JANEIRO, Dec 29 (Reuters) - The man responsible for Brazil's greatest footballing trauma returned to the scene of his famous goal on Tuesday, this time to be honoured as the 100th addition to the Maracana stadium's Hall of Fame.

Alcides Ghiggia, who won the 1950 World Cup for Uruguay with the decisive goal in a 2-1 victory over Brazil, planted his feet in a mould to take his place alongside greats including Brazil's Pele and Portugal's Eusebio.

The shy 83-year-old declined to take questions from reporters at the Rio de Janeiro stadium, limiting himself to a few pleasantries and a "Viva Brazil" before leaving.

"I'm a bit emotional," he said. "I just want to thank everyone from my heart for the reception I've been given."

His goal was a moment of intense collective trauma for Brazilians, nearly 200,000 of whom had packed the newly built Maracana stadium in the confident expectation of watching their team win the young nation's first World Cup.

After demolishing Sweden and Spain in the previous two games, Brazil only needed a draw against their tiny neighbours to lift the trophy on home soil, a victory that had already been declared by some local politicians and newspapers.

But the nervous Brazilian team surrendered a one-goal lead and allowed Ghiggia to race down the right wing and score a second goal that silenced the massive crowd at what was then the world's largest soccer stadium.

The defeat has haunted the Brazilian players for the rest of their lives and has been known in Brazil ever since as "The Fateful Final."


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2014 Host Cities Progress:

Host City: Brasília

Stadium: Estádio Nacional

Capacity: 71,000

Construction type: Reconstruction

Start of works: March/2010

End of works: December/2012

Cost: R$ 600 million (USD 348 million)

Status: Tender to be launched


Host City: Belo Horizonte

Stadium: Mineirão

Capacity: 70,000

Construction type: Renovation

Start of works: February/2010

End of works: December/2012

Cost: R$ 300 million (USD 174 million)

Status: Tender finalized


Host City: Cuiabá

Stadium: Verdão/Pantanal Arena

Capacity: 42,500

Construction type: New

Start of works: March/2010

End of works: December/2012

Cost: R$ 430 million (USD 249,5 million)

Status: Tender launched



Host City: Curitiba

Stadium: Baixada Arena

Capacity: 41,000

Construction type: Upgrade

Start of works: March/2010

End of works: March/2012

Cost: R$ 138 million (USD 80 million)

Status: Tender waived (private stadium)


Host City: Fortaleza

Stadium: Castelão

Capacity: 66,000

Construction type: Renovation

Start of works: March/2010

End of works: December/2012

Cost: R$ 397 million (USD 230,2 million)

Status: Tender to be launched



Host City: Manaus

Stadium: Vivaldão/Arena Amazonas

Capacity: 46,000

Construction type: New

Start of works: February/2010

End of works: December/2012

Cost: R$ 400 million (USD 232 million)

Status: Tender launched



Host City: Natal

Stadium: Arena das Dunas

Capacity: 45,000

Construction type: New

Start of works: March/2010

End of works: December/2012

Cost: R$ 309 million (USD 179,2 million)

Status: Tender launched


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Host City: Porto Alegre

Stadium: Beira Rio

Capacity: 60,000

Construction type: Renovation

Start of works: March/2010

End of works: December/2012

Cost: R$ 130 million (USD 75,4 million)

Status: Tender waived (private stadium).


Host City: Rio de Janeiro

Stadium: Maracanã

Capacity: 82,229

Construction type: Renovation

Start of works: March/2010

End of works: December/2012

Cost: R$ 500 million (USD 290 million)

Status: Tender to be launched




Host City: Recife

Stadium: Cidade da Copa/Capibaribe Arena

Capacity: 46,154

Construction type: New

Start of works: 08/March/2010

End of works: December/2012

Cost: R$ 479 million (USD 277,8 million)

Status: Tender launched


Host City: São Paulo

Stadium: Morumbi

Capacity: 65,100*

Construction type: Renovation

Start of works: March/2010*

End of works: December/2012*

Cost: 240 million* (USD 139,2 million)

Status: * Project to be finalized (private stadium).




Host City: Salvador

Stadium: Fonte Nova

Capacity: 50,000

Construction type: Reconstruction

Start of works: 28/February/2010

End of works: Deceber/2012

Cost: R$ 560 million (USD 324,8 million)

Status: Tender finalized


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Jerome Valcke is bluffing. He needs a new stadium to put more money into his pocket he only cares about money. There's only one State that can take the OG from SP (Minas) but Minas wont build a new stadium either so thats why he keeps talking in the media to force the OG in Bsb.

Btw, you need to read this:

Too much to read.

Catra, you have good points, as always, but at the end, you're too much negative...

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The government will release R$ 8 billion (about US$ 5 billion) in the next days to start urban transportation buildings (airports out) for the World Cup 2014, which includes a monorail line in Sao Paulo and a tram in Rio de Janeiro port area.

The new lines and buildings should be done in 2013.

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  • 4 weeks later...

When the Maracanã is ready, will fulfill its role as protagonist of the 2014 WC and 2016 OG, restoring its nobility it had when it was built. The new project, with continuous stands, will return the look of grandeur to the stadium. Imagine the emotion of a athlete when ascend to the field and sighting the crowded Maracanã.

First model of the project. The Maracana was built to host the 1950 World Cup final and had a capacity of 200.000 people.


Construction of the stadium, which began on August 02, 1948. The inauguration took place on June 16, 1950.



The new model of the project.


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I remember reading somewhere that if just one worker was to build Maracanã, with no breaks and working 24/7, it would take him almost 2000 years to finish!

People in my neighborhood are already dreading the closure of Maracanã. Can you imagine some of the most popular games, like Fla-Flu or Vasco X Flamengo in a 45k seat stadium? There goes my poor Engenho de Dentro XD

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Brazil's 2014 World Cup budget surpasses South Africa by 120%

RIO DE JANEIRO, Feb. 17 (Xinhua) -- Despite being more than four years away, the Brazilian Ministry of Sports announced on Wednesday that their estimates for spending on the 2014 World Cup will exceed 5.2 billion US dollars.

The work has yet to begin on the new stadiums and modernization of old ones, but the cost has already been divulged. The amount of money that Brazil intends on spending in their second World Cup stands at 120 percent the number that South Africa shelled out for the upcoming tournament.

Brazil plans on building some 59 works. Only 12 of those 59 are defined as stadium works. Including state, private and federal investments, Brazil's 2014 World Cup will see more than 10 billion US dollars before the first ball rolls on the field.

According to the Ministry of Sports, the numbers are likely to go up since the institution has not yet included the costs of security, technology and sports-related infrastructure.

In comparison to the South Africans, Brazil will have three additional stadiums and two additional host cities, both of which require a larger budget. South Africa will have nine stadiums and 10 host cities while Brazil will have 12 host cities and 12 stadiums.


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Sao Paulo’s Morumbi Stadium Ruled Out For 2014 By FIFA

FIFA have suspended the use of Sao Paulo’s Morumbi Stadium for the 2014 World Cup and called for increased safety measures to be put in place before the ground is allowed to host matches.

Jerome Valcke, secretary general of FIFA, slammed the stadium which is scheduled to be used for the opening game and a semi-final fixture at the 2014 World Cup.

“We need to see evidence of money being put into this project to ensure there are World Cup games in the largest city in Brazil. As it is, we could not allow more than a group stage game and a quarter-final. Right now the stadium is not suitable to host the opening or a semi-final.

Valcke’s opinions are at odds with the Morumbi Stadium representatives who flew to Zurich for talks with FIFA last week. The stadium chiefs returned from FIFA’s headquarters proclaiming that although some modifications had been requested the meeting was positive.


A major overhaul of the Morumbi was completed in the year 2000 which saw the stadium’s capacity reduced to 80,000. Despite such recent renovations, FIFA appear to want further measures to be put in place before they allow the Morumbi to host some of the most important games in the world.


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So, does this mean that Brasília's ambition of hosting the opening match is closer than we thought?

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I really think Sao Paulo needs and deserves a modern stadium.

Sao Paulo city is the financial heart of Brazil and can't have as the biggest sports arena a stadium old and ugly like Morumbi as a postcard.

Sao Paulo people, time to build the most modern stadium in Brazil... Or will you let this honour to Rio's Engenhao?

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The whole situation around São Paulo hosting the WC gets more and more ridiculous every day. CBF was so sure we would get 2014 unopposed they barely made any projects.

Having the main Brazilian cities being 'automatic hosts' before having their projects was completely wrong. This allowed São Paulo to lay back and design any cr@p they wanted (like that proposed Pokeball-like Morumbi Stadium), since they were told the "main city would host no matter what". Neither NY nor Tokyo were host cities in 94 and 02 if I remember well.

If São Paulo doesn't fix their problems they shouldn't host the WC! :angry:

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Neither NY nor Tokyo were host cities in 94 and 02 if I remember well.

Yokohama is on the other side of the Tokyo Bay and it's part of the Greater Tokyo Area. It's to Tokyo what Niterói is to Rio.

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Neither NY nor Tokyo were host cities in 94 and 02 if I remember well.

The Meadowlands are practically New York. Getting there from Midtown Manhattan is probably just as fast as getting to Flushig Meadows (site of the US Open and the Mets stadium, and technically part of New York City).

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Here's what's going on in São Paulo: we're not getting a public stadium. Our state government has other priorities and we can't blame them. Right now the public opinion seems to support such decision, but I think we may have a considerable backlash when it's announced that there will be no opening game or semifinals in the city.

FIFA and São Paulo Futebol Clube (SPFC - Morumbi Stadium's owner) were getting along pretty well in the last few months. FIFA made it pretty clear that Morumbi Stadium needed changes in order to host important games in the WC and SPFC were accepting them and making changes to the project. GMP was hired, there were significant changes in the exterior project and the roof, not to mention a new building to be used as a parking lot. All FIFA's demands were taken by SPFC, except for one: the stands.

Currently, the stands are far away from the pitch, with visibility problems in the two lower tiers, specially the lower one. FIFA wants such problems to be corrected, which could be made through the extension of the middle tier until the pitch or lowering of the field and extension of the lower tier. SPFC doesn't want to make such changes: it would affect their contracts with the owners of stores in the internal part of the stadium and bring a lot of extra expenditure. Their last project was a gem - partial extension of the middle tier:


As previously explained by aluz, it is very important to FIFA that the visibility in the lower tiers is the best possible, since they are the most expensive tickets sold in a WC game.

Up until this month, our media reported that SPFC knew that their project was far from ideal but intended to do anything FIFA asks in order to secure the hosting of the opening game. Until Feburary 9th, when there was a reunion between representants of all host cities and FIFA. SPFC representants said that FIFA gave them thumbs up with the project in their rendezvous. Jerome Valcke from FIFA read the news and was like "WTH?". He said São Paulo's project is only enough for games up to the Round of 16. Apparently there was a huge misunderstanding between them.

Now both parties are in a he-said, she-said that will probably last at least one more week.

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I can almost listen to what Juvenal Juvêncio (SPFC 130-year-old president)'s mind when he learnt that FIFA wanted good visibility in the lower tier so that FIFA could charge more for the tickets: "Ok, let's extend part of the tier so they can actually see the game and pay some extra. The rest of the stadium will still be crap though, no problem about that, right?".

SPFC is determined to doing the minimum they possibly can and spend the lowest possible amount of money to get the opening game. Every private enterprenour wants that, so it doesn't come as a surprise. I just get staggered at how our state and municipal government doesn't give a damn.

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Yokohama is on the other side of the Tokyo Bay and it's part of the Greater Tokyo Area. It's to Tokyo what Niterói is to Rio.

It's not the same thing just because of the short distances. A WC in Niterói wouldn't be the same as a WC in Rio de Janeiro just across the bay.

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It's not the same thing just because of the short distances. A WC in Niterói wouldn't be the same as a WC in Rio de Janeiro just across the bay.

Niteroi will never replace Rio in such kind of event even building (I can't imagine where) the modern stadium in the world...

Yokohama is a major city in Japan, famous and etc... and can replace Tokyo as host... Niteroi don't.

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Things seems to be not that good for Sao Paulo's Morumbi Stadium.

Valcke is still not satisfied with SPFC plans

Today's report from GloboEsporte.com


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