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Annecy 2018

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is it just me, or is anyone else thinking that the french NOC is playiung very risky with this bid.

i mean, i guess many european cties would like to see Paris out of the Race for 20 years, so thats the chance for them


I think it's just to pacify the Annecy people...(they know they cannot get a 4th Winter Games yet) and at the same time, pave the way for a Paris 2024 run, i.e. a loss for 2018 would sort of maybe soften a Paris 2024 candidacy as a "consolation prize."


This would be France's fourth Winter Games.

To me, the question before the IOC, though, is do they want to take the Winter Games back to small towns (Pyeongchang and Annecy both have populations around 50,000) or do they feel they need to continue with the amenities afforded by larger cities like Munich. And it isn't such a simple question. That makes a big difference in transportation, hotel rooms, finances, volunteer and employee bases, and of course, venues and legacy.

If every one of their residents showed up in town, neither of Munich's competitors could fill up the Olympiastadion.

Do you think IOC would award the games to the same french region for the 4th time and to the west side of the Alps again?

The firs time it was in 1924... It's very long time ago... It's the third time to London 2012...

About Paris, nobody in Paris wants another Bids in Paris to 2020 or 2024, Bertrand Delanoe declare that finish for Paris, and now Paris is engaged in "Grand Paris", Urbanisme project.

Maybe Marseille and Nice can be interrested in 2024 but it's not sure...

In fact, just Annecy has a real envy for Olympic games in France!


I'm afraid I disagree Tulsa. I'm an Annecy supporter, but I expect Munich to win. Paris will almost certainly bid for a games in the 20s if Annecy don't win.

The last Winter Games in that region took place in 1992. Compared to Germany (1936), Korea () and China () it is a huge disadvantage.

I don't think it's a desadvantage, For exemple Atlanta in 1996 and salt Lake city in 2002... Only 6 years between this to Olympic games. Annecy have many advantages (I come back later about), Korea won't have Winter games because isn't winter nation, remember the last biathlon World cup, no snow, no supporter... And the Korean Winter spirit and infrastructure are riddiculous comparing Munich or Annecy(infrastructur to ski for exemple, comparing American or Europeen standart) .

About Paris : Paris won't present another bid for 2020 or 2024. Because Paris has new préocupation :

the Modernization of city, "le grand Paris", it's a big project about 20 000 000 000 €, and paris can't bid for the moment. ANd the politic don't want to try another bid for the moment about olympic games...

Marseille and Nice would present bid for 2024 but it's not sure

Annecy and Chamonix and "haute savoie" it's the first place in the world for ski, and after Paris it's the second touristic place in France... We have the best ski resort in the Alps... Maybe in the world... What Else?

Sorry for my English ;)

I don't think it's a desadvantage, For exemple Atlanta in 1996 and salt Lake city in 2002... Only 6 years between this to Olympic games. Annecy have many advantages (I come back later about), Korea won't have Winter games because isn't winter nation, remember the last biathlon World cup, no snow, no supporter... And the Korean Winter spirit and infrastructure are riddiculous comparing Munich or Annecy(infrastructur to ski for exemple, comparing American or Europeen standart) .

I dont deny the other facts, but I think you cant compare France with the USA and you have to differentiate between Summer and Winter Games. Maybe I am alone, but there have been rumors about bribery concerning both Games. The US is still paying the price for that in these days. Just look, what happened to Chicago.

I dont deny the other facts, but I think you cant compare France with the USA and you have to differentiate between Summer and Winter Games. Maybe I am alone, but there have been rumors about bribery concerning both Games. The US is still paying the price for that in these days. Just look, what happened to Chicago.

Goethe every bid from Sarajevo on to Athens has had some hint of bribery. We know for sure that Seoul, Atlanta, Nagano, Sydney and Salt Lake had bribery, there is also a lot of speculation about exactly what King Olav did to get those games, and we all know how Albertville and Barcelona happened and both Sarajevo and Calgary provided wtf moments, especially Calgary.

About Paris : Paris won't present another bid for 2020 or 2024. Because Paris has new préocupation :

the Modernization of city, "le grand Paris", it's a big project about 20 000 000 000 €, and paris can't bid for the moment. ANd the politic don't want to try another bid for the moment about olympic games...

Right now, nobody knows that! :blink:

If Paris submited an application for the 2024 SOG, it would be in 2017. The applicant procedure would start in 2015, that's not topical!

About the Greater Paris, I think it could be an advantage for an "hypothetical" futur bid (new express railway system for example).

With regard to politics, from now to 2015, there will be the general election, the presidential election and on the local level, the regional and city council election. This new political order could change the deal.

I just mean Annecy is bidding for 2018... the race for 2024 is another story ;)

Marseille and Nice would present bid for 2024 but it's not sure

Weird idea? :blink:

I 've heard that Marseille could bid for the 2017 Mediterranean Games but the Olympics... :lol:


Everybody talk about Paris bid 2024 but, nobody at the moment want or think that Paris present a bid... But for the moment, the mayor of Paris doesn't want present another bid. And if they are another summer Bid, only Nice and Marseille has evoked a bid.


The president of COF want win Bid for Annecy 2018! It's the first objectif!

Annecy 2018 has a very good bid, and the potential for winning!


What has the Annecy area have, in terms of existing venues and such sporting events, that it already has in place?

What has the Annecy area have, in terms of existing venues and such sporting events, that it already has in place?

What has the Annecy area have, in terms of existing venues and such sporting events, that it already has in place?

Annecy has many operationel area, about 70 % for Olympic games (Alpin ski, biathlon, Nordic ski,

Figure Skating, Short track, Hokey, Snowboard, skicross, Bobsleig are already ready).

The list of world sport event is very long because there are lots of famous event like Alpin ski, Skicross, Biathlon, Nordic ski, Freestyle ski and Freeride ski and other winter sport.

For summer there are VTT, parapa, Kayak, Bycling with "tour de france" (this year about 800 000 spectator for annecy step) and Europen Athetisme Cup...

Each year Annecy Organise The Festival of Animation, the bigger in the world for animation and the second festival after Cannes in France and the lake parade (Fete du lac) a big pirotechnical event in the world. There is about 200 000 spectator each summer for this.

And the last G8 in France taked place in Evian near Annecy. Annecy have the habit of having big event since long time...

And the last G8 in France taked place in Evian near Annecy. Annecy have the habit of having big event since long time...

I was just thinking this morning how the Annecy logo reminded me of mineral water. And then you jogged my memory again:


Same colours, same concept, blue mountains. Even the word "nature" in the words below the main logo. Would Evian be by any chance sponsoring the bid????



Evian is near to Annecy, and the Annecy logo has been ofered by Danone (Evian is owned by Danone)

The logo is not final, it has been created for the French primary.

Evian is near to Annecy, and the Annecy logo has been ofered by Danone (Evian is owned by Danone)

The logo is not final, it has been created for the French primary.

A bit cheeky for them to so clearly have the Olympic bid branding match their corporate branding, even if it is only preliminary. If a US company did it so clearly, there'd be screams of outrage.


Well, if Annecy gets the 2018 Winter Olympics, it would tie the USA, in terms of number of Winter Olympics hosted with 4. Wish Annecy luck in its bid.


Hello :P

It's time for me to come back, isn't it ? :lol:

Guardian : you mean Rhônes-Alpes region would tie USA ;)

But if it's not Annecy 2018, it will be Lyon 2024 (i well talk of SOG)

see you ! B)


Annecy would be an attractive host, and bids that emphasize collectives of communities are a good alternative option if there is a lack of quality bidding from large city centres. But, it definitely has an uphill battle. It will need both the Munich and Pyeongchang bids to implode somehow because right now Munich has the technical edge and Pyeongchang has the political edge. However, Annecy ties for second, in my eyes, in both categories as opposed to sitting dead last. There is a little hope but given France's long list of hostings it will be difficult to argue down Korea's first WOG and the first games of post cold war unified Germany.

France should have waited this one out, hoping that PC would take it home, and gone for 2022 in an attempt to mark the near centennial of Chamonix. Yes yes yes people are waiting for a French summer games at some point, but really, France might as well invest in both ideas instead of putting its eggs into one basket.


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