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Filters For Acelor Mitall


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Acelor Mittal company and its chief Laksmi Mittal, cetrvrti najbogati man in the world with about 28 billion aura of wealth would finally be set up filters in their factory Acelor Mittal in the secondary Bosni.Tamo the measured concentration of sulfur dioxide measured in the month of October was 20 times greater than the allowed , because the concentration must not be greater than 90 micro gram cubic meter on the zraku.Lebdece cestice red dust should not be allowed ancestors 150 mikrograma, and all of this 20 or more times premaseno.O this topic is familiar with Greenpeace, the European Union and Mr. Baross, as well as the commissioner for the protection of human environment at the EU Mr. Dimas.Oni so far on this topic have not yet done regardless of the writing and warnings, as this influence on the unclean air in the whole Europe, the EU, heat the human environment, people, and most children and the elderly are dying from disease and kancerogenih disease disajnih organa.Pa finally it should fit in the end and get near to setting a filter on the funnel Metal Fabric, and for about Mr. Laksmi has Mitall billion, because oprosticete, if India was a British colony long ago, then this is not Bosnia and Herzegovina Indian Colony in today's modern vrijeme.Ako politicians can not do anything and force Mr. Mitalla to invest in filters, then must submit their resignations on funkcie which now perform, because they are not able to resolve some of the elmentarnih problems, such as the right man in the fresh air. :angry::unsure:

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Is simply incomprehensible that people in central Bosnia are dying, for which pollution outfall steel factories, a company that does not Acelor Mittal nsta enterprises to incorporate filters needed to be reduced pollution at the lowest possible mjeru.Posebno to odovornost a fourth according to the riches of the world Mr. billionaire Laksmi Mital, who jeftinoj working force and low personal incomes earning billion, and will incorporate anti-pollution filters in the factory zeljeza.Odgovorni headed by Mr. Baross in the European Union are very passive, because this big air pollutant not only in the Balkans , but also in entire Europe must finally to resolve this problem. :angry:

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Filters is very important to set the broom factory Arcelor Mittal in central Bosnia, not only due to bad health condition of citizens in that with 150,000 people in inhabited areas, but also because of pollution throughout the region, South-Eastern Europe, and in the entire Europe and European leaders uniji.To European Union should finally realize the harsh tone Mr. Laksmiju Mitallu threaten or deploy filters or revocation of the concession for this steel factory on the still very high fine. :angry::angry::angry:

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Filters are essential and that Mr. Laksmi Mitall to pay.Sve else is Irrelevant, because people are dying, fight for clean air, and responsible in Europe and the European Union all this calmly watch and do not undertake any sanctions by the firms Mitall. :angry:

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Despite the warming globe because of emissions of poisonous gas into the atmosphere responsible in the European community behave extremely irresponsible, because the steel factory in central Bosnia firm Arcelor is still not Mitall intends to incorporate filters in the chimney, as they are in the air would not be left out harmful substances, which its contents ubijju atmosphere, people, animals and everything else in this part of the Balkans and Europe. :angry:

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In addition to terrorist attacks in Bombay in India, the EU should not forget that the firm Arcelor Mitall Indian owner Lakshmi Mittala should incorporate the necessary filters in a steel factory in central Bosni.Jer if people are dying in India from the hands of terrorists, which is the world's most public criticism, men, women, children, elderly people also die here from the most serious diseases due to lack of filters, which is also the most public criticism. :angry:

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Allegedly because of low demand in the world of steel and 200,000 tons of coke on the stock now Arcelor Mittal wants to let go around the world about 9.000 employees predominantly from administracije.Visoka Pec in the steel factory in central Bosnia on a hot regime, and currently does not preizvodi celik.To are of course various bjelosvjetske methods to turn aside from the true problems and to finally incorporate filters in this factory, the chimneys, which remove enormously high particles in the air, polluting the environment and human hot globe, not only in the Balkans, but also in the whole of Europe. :angry:

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If gentlemen Laksmi Mitall and Baroso are not in a position to provide embedding filters in the steel factory in central Bosnia, it did not dorasli his high functions carried out by the firm Arcelor Mitall and European uniji.Zbog it would be in as soon as possible if you do not what to change then, should submit their resignations to the functions that serve the town and its release for younger, more dynamic and skilled officials, it means that your work worthy perform to the satisfaction of all citizens of this part of Europe. :angry::angry::angry:

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Well of course Laksmi Mitallu Indijcu-billionaire, according to the riches of the fifth in the world (Forbes list), except for the steel factory in Luxembourg, Hunedoari-Romania, the Czech Republic, Poland and many other states, the world's factory steelmaker in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and it's between he and others blame that not setting up filters on the chimneys of high PECI who evicted the red particles and polluting the air of any people, women, children there die from the most serious and neizljecivih disease, and he diligently collects billion per svijetu.Zar is not even a little ashamed, or why the country does not perish along with others who protect him and allow him such a dirty business. :angry::angry::angry:

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When will you finally be ugradjeni filters if someone asks from the responsible or you are with the order while irresponsible people there are dying due to high concentrations of harmful particles and huge pollution in the air in this part of Europe. :angry:

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If the gentlemen from Laksmi Mitall company Arcelor Mittal and Mr. Manuel Baross of the European Union do not set filters to the end of the year on the steel factory in central Bosnia, and does not prevent a major ecological and human catastrophe, then let him resign on his funkcije.Pa probably not expect from Santa Santa Claus to them, and put filters in 2009. year.

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