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I think the purpose of the banners is simply to raise public awareness that it is happening in Toronto. Cost is a politically sensitive question, so Toronto is not going to spend half a million Canadian dollars on one decoration project like London did for the Olympic logo on Tower Bridge.


Really.. ever? You have never been this underwhelmed by a banner before? Good thing then it's only a banner. Once again, I most graciously and emphatically submit to you that most people out there don't give a crap about these things, even at a subconscious level.

Most people, maybe not. But we've had pages and pages disucssing Olympic banners on this forum before. :lol: No point making an exception for Toronto (though I graciously and emphatically submit that most people here probably aren't too bothered about these games, no offence to our Canadian members (who probably know this already anyway)).

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And Rob, might I add to your brilliantly accurate submission, that that - precisely the near galactic public disinterest in the event- is the reason why the promotional mechanism should have been aced given the location. Toronto could have used this as opportunity to showcase itself as a real gamechanger. It could have used it to historically index itself for decades to come as the point of reference for change in interest with regards to a continental games, thereby making quite an impressive argument for hosting and Olympics in the future. But, alas, foresight......or is it hindsight? The city appears to be as useful as a beautiful, dumb blonde.



Why would Toronto need to spend millions and millions for an event a lot of people don't watch or even know it exists anyway? The point is to prevent both Olympics and regional events to keep having their cost spiraling out of control by doing more affordable things. And in all honestly I think Toronto has done so far a decent job. Crying over a banner is ridiculous.

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I predict a slow start to the games attendance wise, but once the locals get a feel for the event, you'll see a lot of walk-up sales. Some sports will naturally draw better than others (keep in mind that the ceremonies, soccer, and rugby represent 500000 of the available tickets just by themselves), and the success of the Games cannot be measured in attendance alone. Everybody considered Winnipeg 1999 a success yet I remember reading that one of the women's water polo games was played before 21 fans.


I predict a slow start to the games attendance wise, but once the locals get a feel for the event, you'll see a lot of walk-up sales. Some sports will naturally draw better than others (keep in mind that the ceremonies, soccer, and rugby represent 500000 of the available tickets just by themselves), and the success of the Games cannot be measured in attendance alone. Everybody considered Winnipeg 1999 a success yet I remember reading that one of the women's water polo games was played before 21 fans.

Then clearly, one must ascertain the nationality of those who, in light of that unpardonable attendance record, proclaimed the Winnipeg games a success and the criteria for doing so. You simply cannot have 21 people in attendance at any profit seeking regional or international sporting event, and declare that event a success. Other factors for viewing the event as successful would obviously be at work - such as bias in the name of face saving. That, or everyone was snorting the notoriously lethal crystal meth drug, in the cosmic vastness of the Canadian prairies.


Well, to be honest the nationality of the person who said it was Mexican, Don Mario Vázquez Raña, late-President of the Pan American Sports Organization, who said the Winnipeg Games were the best-organized since his own Games in Mexico City in 1975. Despite the "unpardonable attendance record" the 1999 Games still turned a healthy profit of $8.9 million.

Throne, despite the fact that I have blocked you, I still come across your posts because others quote them, or I happen to check this page out on my phone where I am not signed in and my block list in not in effect. That aside, I must say your mostly negative posts about these games are really dragging me down, given that I will be spending a fair sum of money to attend the Games. I have made my peace that this event is not as popular as it once was, and that the populace of Toronto may not we enthralled as a whole about hosting them, I frankly, do not give a damn about what other people think about them. I care about the Games and given the proximity to home, felt an obligation to support them. I do not care that I will not be seeing Usain Bolt and Micheal Phelps (I am not mesmerized by superstars). I will be still be seeing top level athletes who are grateful for the opportunity. Then you come along and criticize all the marginalia (the street banners, the torch, the Brazilian uniforms) that will be forgotten the day after the ParaPan Ams end. Like I said many pages ago, start a new thread about that stuff and leave this one to Games news. Give the handful of us who care about the Games and the competition a break.

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Well, to be honest the nationality of the person who said it was Mexican, Don Mario Vázquez Raña, late-President of the Pan American Sports Organization, who said the Winnipeg Games were the best-organized since his own Games in Mexico City in 1975. Despite the "unpardonable attendance record" the 1999 Games still turned a healthy profit of $8.9 million.

Throne, despite the fact that I have blocked you, I still come across your posts because others quote them, or I happen to check this page out on my phone where I am not signed in and my block list in not in effect. That aside, I must say your mostly negative posts about these games are really dragging me down, given that I will be spending a fair sum of money to attend the Games. I have made my peace that this event is not as popular as it once was, and that the populace of Toronto may not we enthralled as a whole about hosting them, I frankly, do not give a damn about what other people think about them. I care about the Games and given the proximity to home, felt an obligation to support them. I do not care that I will not be seeing Usain Bolt and Micheal Phelps (I am not mesmerized by superstars). I will be still be seeing top level athletes who are grateful for the opportunity. Then you come along and criticize all the marginalia (the street banners, the torch, the Brazilian uniforms) that will be forgotten the day after the ParaPan Ams end. Like I said many pages ago, start a new thread about that stuff and leave this one to Games news. Give the handful of us who care about the Games and the competition a break.

Naturally, THE PRESIDENT of the PAN AMS organization WOULD OBVIOUSLY congratulate Winnipeg because in doing so he would have also been patting himself on the back. Nevertheless, I commend you for being exceptional in your perspective BUT the fact remains that millions.... no.. BILLIONS of dollars were not spent for YOUR kind of exceptionality. Exceptional athletes yes.......exceptional audience members - IF YOU ARE RICH AND FAMOUS. Unfortunately, you have precisely indexed the problem with organising committees in that in many instances, EGOS get in the way and constructive criticism is warped out of context. Still, within that context, thank you, most graciously, for your thoughtful donation of a BLOCK :blink:. Most assuredly, I will try....somehow...someway....to pass it on to the Toronto authorities to see if - in any meaningful way - it can be utilized. On their behalf....and most certainly on mine....I extend heartfelt gratitude to you :rolleyes:


And Rob, might I add to your brilliantly accurate submission, that that - precisely the near galactic public disinterest in the event- is the reason why the promotional mechanism should have been aced given the location. Toronto could have used this as opportunity to showcase itself as a real gamechanger. It could have used it to historically index itself for decades to come as the point of reference for change in interest with regards to a continental games, thereby making quite an impressive argument for hosting and Olympics in the future. But, alas, foresight......or is it hindsight? The city appears to be as useful as a beautiful, dumb blonde.


A real gamechanger for what? Toronto has bid for the Olympics before. Not having hosted the Pan Ams was not what prevented them from winning. Toronto eventually will probably bid for the Olympics again. Can we let this event play out as you continue to trash the reputation of the city that, only a few months ago, you were saying such wonderful things about? The Pan Ams were never going to be some watershed moment in the history of the city of Toronto. This is still a continental sports event that most people on 4 other continents won't take note of, and wouldn't even if they were a rousing success. Again, it is YOU and your opinion of the matter which seems to be based on the minutiae of the event (and not even the event itself, but simply the lead-up at this point) where you have fallen out of love with Toronto, a city you previously proclaimed "demands the LOVE of the observer right on the spot!" and "I have never seen a city featured to such an epic standard! That video was remarkable beyond all words"

That was 3 months ago. Is what you have seen in that time (which is banners and medals and torches and not all that much else other than a general sense of how residents of the city feel about an event that is still weeks away) that disappointing that your expressions of emotion towards Toronto have gone from unconditional love to "The city appears to be as useful as a beautiful, dumb blonde."

I'm not trying to be hostile or argumentative here. I'm genuinely curious about this on your part.


ESPN has already tweaked it's broadcast schedule, mostly by shortening many of the first week shows to 2 hours. The second week remains largely unchanged.



Source: Twitter

You can see the temporary seats going up behind the curtains. Too bad, it looks like they didn't need them!

Are there going to be a lot of empty seats for aquatics?


Are there going to be a lot of empty seats for aquatics?

Probably. Only one session is near selling out. All the others have significant chunks of seats available.

Also tomorrow the torch is lit in Mexico!

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A real gamechanger for what? Toronto has bid for the Olympics before. Not having hosted the Pan Ams was not what prevented them from winning. Toronto eventually will probably bid for the Olympics again. Can we let this event play out as you continue to trash the reputation of the city that, only a few months ago, you were saying such wonderful things about? The Pan Ams were never going to be some watershed moment in the history of the city of Toronto. This is still a continental sports event that most people on 4 other continents won't take note of, and wouldn't even if they were a rousing success. Again, it is YOU and your opinion of the matter which seems to be based on the minutiae of the event (and not even the event itself, but simply the lead-up at this point) where you have fallen out of love with Toronto, a city you previously proclaimed "demands the LOVE of the observer right on the spot!" and "I have never seen a city featured to such an epic standard! That video was remarkable beyond all words"

That was 3 months ago. Is what you have seen in that time (which is banners and medals and torches and not all that much else other than a general sense of how residents of the city feel about an event that is still weeks away) that disappointing that your expressions of emotion towards Toronto have gone from unconditional love to "The city appears to be as useful as a beautiful, dumb blonde."

I'm not trying to be hostile or argumentative here. I'm genuinely curious about this on your part.

You would think that AFTER loosing so many Olympic bids before, it would FINALLY seek to become a REAL gamechanger. And, rather tragically, your 2nd century view that "The Pan Ams were never going to be some watershed moment in the history of the city of Toronto" and that "This is still a continental sports event that most people on 4 other continents won't take note of, and wouldn't even if they were a rousing success" speaks to an absurd trajectory of thinking which has fed this perception that... " So Hey, let's not try our best". Aside from the glaringly obvious fact that in order to win an Olympic bid, Toronto NEEDS the support of the 40 countries of North and South America, YOUR attitude ( which appears to be the general attitude of the Toronto organising people) has frankly- if I may add- caused very important people to accurately pinpoint WHY Toronto is so catastrophically sore at loosing international events to other cities. If there are three strategic reasons why everyone is FIGHTING to host something in China, or Dubai or London, it is that these places have distinguished themselves as the trendsetters for event management on a global scale because of their relentless application of excellence. It is ALWAYS about using the event to promote themselves to the world. THE EVENT SIZE DOESN'T DICTATE THE APPLICATION OF EXCELLENCE AND THAT IS THE MILE WIDE EXIT SIGN THAT YOU MISSED! And kindly do note well, that anyone...ANYONE who is so epically immature to verbally share the kind of thought process which appears to be definitive of your contributions would be FIRED from an organising committee for any event in those locations (and rightfully so). Unless this thinking changes, Toronto will not be at the centre of anything though it has all the ingredients to be. That is this the largest sporting event Canada has ever hosted should be reason enough for it to be a watershed moment in Toronto's history. You should have a least one synapse to reason this. :blink:


You would think that AFTER loosing so many Olympic bids before, it would FINALLY seek to become a REAL gamechanger. And, rather tragically, your 2nd century view that "The Pan Ams were never going to be some watershed moment in the history of the city of Toronto" and that "This is still a continental sports event that most people on 4 other continents won't take note of, and wouldn't even if they were a rousing success" speaks to an absurd trajectory of thinking which has fed this perception that... " So Hey, let's not try our best". Aside from the glaringly obvious fact that in order to win an Olympic bid, Toronto NEEDS the support of the 40 countries of North and South America, YOUR attitude ( which appears to be the general attitude of the Toronto organising people) has frankly- if I may add- caused very important people to accurately pinpoint WHY Toronto is so catastrophically sore at loosing international events to other cities. If there are three strategic reasons why everyone is FIGHTING to host something in China, or Dubai or London, it is that these places have distinguished themselves as the trendsetters for event management on a global scale because of their relentless application of excellence. It is ALWAYS about using the event to promote themselves to the world. THE EVENT SIZE DOESN'T DICTATE THE APPLICATION OF EXCELLENCE AND THAT IS THE MILE WIDE EXIT SIGN THAT YOU MISSED! And kindly do note well, that anyone...ANYONE who is so epically immature to verbally share the kind of thought process which appears to be definitive of your contributions would be FIRED from an organising committee for any event in those locations (and rightfully so). Unless this thinking changes, Toronto will not be at the centre of anything though it has all the ingredients to be. That is this the largest sporting event Canada has ever hosted should be reason enough for it to be a watershed moment in Toronto's history. You should have a least one synapse to reason this. :blink:

I don't travel almost 2 hours each morning to TO2015 headquarters to not try my best, and I am certain my co-workers do not either. I am sure all the drivel you spew really has no impact on whether this city hosts a great games.

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^^ Only that Cirque du Soleil is doing it, so I expect there will be even more secrecy than normal for the opening. Plus its a bit too early and the Rogers Centre is still being used in other events right now.


I don't travel almost 2 hours each morning to TO2015 headquarters to not try my best, and I am certain my co-workers do not either. I am sure all the drivel you spew really has no impact on whether this city hosts a great games.

The chasm of misinterpretation on your part is galactic in proportions since the contribution was NOT intended for YOU to personalise it! I am starting to have very serious doubts about the calibre of people conversing on this thread!

At which LEVEL in the Organising hierarchy of the Toronto Pan Ams do you work! You do not need to answer - just think about it.


The chasm of misinterpretation on your part is galactic in proportions since the contribution was NOT intended for YOU to personalise it! I am starting to have very serious doubts about the calibre of people conversing on this thread!

At which LEVEL in the Organising hierarchy of the Toronto Pan Ams do you work! You do not need to answer - just think about it.

At least I am sane enough to converse properly with people in this thread.


I am so sorry is a snowflake leaves an impact crater on your skin. But you are internalising things not meant to be internalised by you.

List, if you will, the things which, in retrospect, COULD have be done better during the Pre Pan Am phase.


At the risk of turning somebody into a music critic, I will post that the official song of the Games, Together We are One by Serena Ryder is now released. I just listened to it on Spotify.

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