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‘Bout time this had it’s own thread, considering the news last month:
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- brisbane 2032
- brisbane 2032 olympic games
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Alexa, this is the final announcement. I don't just need a big Irish name...I need the biggest of them all. Don't let me down... OK that's it Alexa, you're sacked - bring on the real opener! They had to appear eventually, and what could be more suitable for the night where we finally find what we've been looking for since December 1? We have visited Munster, Ulster, and Connacht so far, so we need to go to Leinster, the province of the capital city - and the home of the only place we could finish the crawl. The greatest pub of them all. Welcome to the iconic Temple Bar, Dublin! Dozens of pub crawls end here, and that's just tonight - but none are more special than this. It's time to announce our winner for the Dublin Olympics, so please welcome back to the stage one of the most famous & most available Dubliners of all, Bono! B: Thank ye. To be sure, it's been a great contest, on The Edge right through to the final. And before I announce the winner, I can say this'll be the most watched ceremony ever, broadcast live on every iPhone on the planet! Sure, whether they want it or not, because that's what we do... Anyway it gives me great Pride to declare that the winner is...ow! Ow! What's this about?! This is meant to be my job! Y: Tommy, what are you doing?! Bach: * sings * Oh Scotty Boy, the Pipes, the Pipes are calling…Jaaa, it is go time! Woohoo! B: Bloody hell, what are ya playing at? Oh of the Joshua Tree is: SCOTGUY II! Yoshi: Thank you. Tom, really, you've only had one whisky... @AustralianFan! You want a job? Take Thomas off to sober him up! The final result was A: 12. B: 7. I was sure for ages I'd need to vote again, but no - it turned out comprehensive. And so after 17 years and presumably 34 attempts, including in his home city, @Scotguy II has finally won a GB logo comp! No less a figure than Rob (the London version) said it was unbelievable that you've never done it, but finally the non-existent trophy will cross the ditch to Scotland (or cross the world to Wellington, I don't know if he's still there). Congrats at last, and congrats to @Glacib too for getting to the final. I think @krow wants to buy you a beer. Krow! Krow - don’t spike Scotguy’s drink! It's going to be a long night... And that's it for 2023-24. Thank you to all the participants and voters, especially @Sir Rols for the usual grid-making, advice, and additional quips for the announcements , and for being one of our winners alongside @Scotguy II. For now though, we are in the Temple Bar. It's Saturday night. And at the fifth time of asking, that wombat over there is paying for the drinks for once. Party time!
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- dublin 2036 olympic games
- dublin 2036 logo
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I DECLARE CHRISTMAS 2023...OPEN! And with that, we get December underway with the only major Christmas song I know that shows off the sound of Ireland and the spirit of Christmas...kinda. You'll soon see why that's appropriate. RIP to Shane MacGowan, whose voice begins that song. It is time to get the board's most loved, most colourful, and most deadline-phobic annual event back up and running - yes, it's THE 17TH ANNUAL GAMESBIDS OLYMPIC LOGO COMPETITION! Last year Bear took the title in Reykjavik and Glacib won out in Nairobi, and now we are here to see who will be their successors - if they don't retain them of course. The format is traditional - winter, summer, one of each - and we are about to have half a good old big reveal, and half a coronation of what we already know. We of course must present them, because things must still be done properly! Here goes: SUMMER 2036: DUBLIN, IRELAND Yup, you voted for it, so don't complain - but who would complain? The Irish capital is one of the most popular cities in Europe, so there can't be many better places for a rare Summer logo comp visit to the continent. Dublin is a prime example of the kind of middle-sized major city the IOC could really do with attracting, so maybe you can convince them - and it's a measure of Ireland's cultural impact that I've promised Rols I'll only resort to Eurovision once but still won't struggle for musical choices in a city that should probably get to host just for the ceremonies. Whatever happens you won't be short of inspiration, so how will you brand the Olympics in this "fair city"? WINTER 2030: NICE*, FRANCE The observant among you will notice this is not not in Europe, and yes, this is a change of plan. We were set for somewhere very very different until some German with a sword turned up & decided he really wanted to alter the logo comp. Still, this is our newest Olympic City, and there are worse places than the Riviera to spend winter. Although I'll be honest, I don't think too many people come to Nice to ski. The pressure's on for this one, because depending on whether they come up with something really soon to serve them now, your designs will be the first logos for the French hosting of 2030 to appear on the web - as France nears one Olympic moment, how will you brand its next? *I'm going to give you the choice of how to name this. Nice, Nice Alpes, Nice Alpes Francaises, Alpes Francaises, the only thing that seems sure is Nice is there, and the Alps are there. If they don't know what their own bid is called, what chance have we got?! --------------------------------------- And now THE RULES, copied and pasted (mostly) from last year, because unlike the IOC I don't change them every week: We are, as ever, after logos that encompass the overall feel of the city and local influences that can be tied into a design concept. How can any of these cities articulate graphically what they could bring to future Olympics hosting? What flavour will they bring to the games? Will you end up accidentally designing the logo of something completely different? (Hey Krakow!) The logos should be presented as full colour designs on white background. If you like, however, they can also be presented in black and white or utilised in forms like street banners, t-shirts, apps, vehicles, pins etc. For voting purposes, the main (colour) logo will be used on the polls, & extra stuff is not obligatory, but any extra material you produce may help you “sell” your design better to the wider GamesBids voting membership. These logos are for the cities as they HOST the games. So you CAN use the rings, and don't need to include the words “Candidate City, Olympic Games 2036” or whatever the IOC want this week. Please post your preliminary submissions on this thread. If you want to hold anything back to be presented as a “surprise” when voting starts you can contact me or Rols via PM and I'll tell you where you can send the extra material. However, it would be nice to see as many on-thread submissions as possible for people to chew over in-thread, & to try & get the old buzz back. We can hope, right? You can submit logos for either or both cities. However, you cannot enter more than one logo for the same city (see below). So entering one logo for each is fine, but two logos for Dublin, say, is not fine. You are able, encouraged even, to enter both 'sides' of the comp. Feel free to post as many logo designs as you like, & to ask for feedback from our famously discerning electorate. If you really can't decide between your own designs for a city, feel free to start a poll (or to ask for one to be started). When the time comes for voting, however, you will be asked to settle on a maximum of ONLY ONE official logo per city as your official entry. The format depends on the numbers. Most likely, it will be the traditional exhausting exhaustive ballot preferred by the IOC, and the winter & summer 'halves' will be entirely separate, there will be two winners in the Olympic comp tradition. The competition is open to all members of GamesBids, or to any new legitimate members who join before the end of the submission period. I, with consultation, will rule on the legitimacy of new members. As you would expect, I will rule on any disputes - always aiming to be as fair as possible in the process. As always, just remember, this is all meant to be fun. Olympic spirit, remember?. Hopefully this will spark up some action on the board. I'll be dipping in, keeping a close eye on things, but otherwise will try and keep my green yoshi-paws off until the polling stages. The deadline for submissions is 1pm London time (that is, midnight in Sydney, as per tradition) on NEW YEAR'S EVE, 31 DECEMBER 2023. Thus, GB will begin 2024, the year some of our members have waited a century to see, with the voting. Just one extra thing, there is something of a tradition of that being extended, but I'm hoping not to have to do that this year as we already have 12 members sufficiently interested to vote in the city election, and hopefully at least some of you will submit logos within the month. I will @ all those voters (yes all of you) in the next post. And this is just to alert @Rob. Rob to the existence of the new comp in the hope that he'll do his traditional bit of putting up links to various free design programs etc for the benefit of those who want to take part but may not have the facility at the moment, and to alert @GBModerator Rob to the fact the comp is back! In addition, we had a member ask in the election thread about info on programs people use - I don't know that world (those who can't...) but I'd encourage anyone who does to share. All that is left to say is thank you Rols once again, and to all participants for having the guts to put your logos up for the annual GamesBids dissection, & may the best logos win - GOOD LUCK!
- 66 replies
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- olympic logos
- gamesbids logo como
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This was going to be saved for the announcement, but it works better for our arrival in the big city: The urban sound tells us, the logos tell us, the tower blocks tell us we've arrived in one of the biggest & fastest growing cities in Africa, Kenya's capital, our Olympic city - we made it to Nairobi! The centre of the buzzing metropolis is the ideal location for the final battle to determine our champion - once we look at how we got here: A: 2. B: 4. C: 5. It's a close one, but there's no majority, meaning that we must have a one-on-one between the top 2 to determine our winner. We must say goodbye to @Aussie bum/Davey - better luck next year. For @JDCLauron & @Glacib, welcome to the final! The rules: This voting round will be open for (approximately) 48 hours - it will close at 10pm UK time, Wednesday 18 January. This is the final. There are only two candidates. Most votes wins, simple. Vote in the poll for your favourite logo. You have ONE vote, so make it count. Your vote is public and can be seen by all. Entrants MAY vote for their own logo. For transparency, I will not vote unless required to break a tie. Votes are valid if cast by members of GamesBids as of January 1 2023 with a bona fide posting record. I will rule on the validity of any suspicious or disputed votes, or who constitutes a bona fide voting member. I will not vote in this round. However, if a tie-breaker vote is needed, I will reserve my right to vote in order to break it. Be fair and sportsmanlike, this is meant to be fun and the entrants all deserve RESPECT. Whatever happens, we will see each other again on Wednesday in the national stadium, to announce our winner. Until then, good luck, and may the best logo win!
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- nairobi 2036
- nairobi olympic games
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Shakira, what is the time? It is indeed time for Africa, just like the Colombian (!) says - so where better to be than the very heart of East Africa, Lake Victoria. It borders 3 countries, including Kenya, where we find Kisumu! Looks like a very pleasant place for a game of cricket, and a third round logo comp vote! Here's the outcome of Round 2: A: 1. B: 5. C: 3. D: 4. A rare chance to do an exhaustive ballot properly, knocking out one and only one. It means it's goodbye to @fatixxx, better luck next year. For the other 3, it's Round 3! Rules: This voting round will be open for (approximately) 48 hours - it will close at 10pm UK time, Monday 16 January. Voting will now be conducted in rounds until one entry has an absolute majority and is declared the winner. In this and following rounds, the logo with the lowest number of votes will be eliminated at the close of the poll. Vote in the poll for your favourite logo. You have ONE vote, so make it count. Your vote is public and can be seen by all. Entrants MAY vote for their own logo. For transparency, I will not vote unless required to break a tie. Votes are valid if cast by members of GamesBids as of January 1 2023 with a bona fide posting record. I will rule on the validity of any suspicious or disputed votes, or who constitutes a bona fide voting member. I will not vote in this, or any subsequent rounds. However, if a tie-breaker vote is needed, I will reserve my right to vote in order to break it. Be fair and sportsmanlike, this is meant to be fun and the entrants all deserve RESPECT. We will see each other again on Monday in the capital city, either for the final or the winner. Until then, good luck, and may the best logo win!
- 10 replies
- nairobi 2036
- nairobi 2036 olympic logo
- (and 3 more)
I DECLARE CHRISTMAS 2022...OPEN! The ultimate 80s song there, with everyone who was anyone, and Phil Collins, asking a question which can only be answered with "we do now, because the logo comp is here!". Yes, here we go again, because well, it's tradition, and we've just spent a week deciding which cities to use - it's THE 16TH ANNUAL GAMESBIDS OLYMPIC LOGO COMPETITION! Amazingly, last year we did actually get entries despite the board being about as alive as the premiership of Liz Truss. JDCLauron and Glacib took our titles in January, and now we are here to see who will be their successors - if they don't retain them of course. The format is traditional - winter, summer, one of each - and though I'd normally do a big reveal, surprising you with our cities, you already know them, because you voted for them! Even so, we should still present them properly. Here goes: SUMMER 2036: NAIROBI, KENYA In the words of the great philosopher Shakira, it's time for Africa! In the words of comp guru and wombat Sir Rols, we haven't really "done" Africa since Durban. And since that's so long ago I didn't know we had ever done that, you surely made the right choice in picking the Kenyan capital. It doesn't hurt that Kenya is one of the world's leading athletics nations, and Nairobi one of Africa's (and the world's) fastest growing cities, in one of Africa's great sporting nations. One day, hopefully, the Olympic flame will finally burn in Africa. If Nairobi is where it goes, how will you design what'd be one of the most significant Olympics in history? WINTER 2034: REYKJAVIK, ICELAND What is Iceland? A magical wonderland of elves & sagas, a country that will surely (surely?) eventually win Eurovision, a cheap supermarket*, the football team indirectly responsible for England winning the World Cup**, a flight-destroying volcano, or the holder of a seeming monopoly on the world's cool music supply? All of them, but it's also the most appropriate place you could ever have for a winter Olympics - which must be why you voted to make that (sorta) happen. Despite literally being named for it, I don't recall seeing Icelandic success at the winter games - but that'd change if they host it all. How would you design the most northerly Olympics there could ever be? * That's a VERY British reference. I'll try not to make many more ** Maybe. This probably won't age well. Anyway, RULES AND STUFF: We are, as ever, after logos that encompass the overall feel of the city and local influences that can be tied into a design concept. How can any of these cities articulate graphically what they could bring to future Olympics hosting? What flavour will they bring to the games? Will it inspire the IOC to rediscover its love of new frontiers and give Africa its chance? Rio's map still has a big hole in it... The logos should be presented as full colour designs on white background. If you like, however, they can also be presented in black and white or utilised in forms like street banners, t-shirts, apps, vehicles, pins etc. For voting purposes, the main (colour) logo will be used on the polls, & extra stuff is not obligatory, but any extra material you produce may help you “sell” your design better to the wider GamesBids voting membership. These logos are for the cities as they HOST the games. So you CAN use the rings, and don't need to include the words “Candidate City, Olympic Games 2036” or whatever the IOC want this week. Please post your preliminary submissions on this thread. If you want to hold anything back to be presented as a “surprise” when voting starts you can contact me or Rols via PM and I'll tell you where you can send the extra material. However, it would be nice to see as many on-thread submissions as possible for people to chew over in-thread, & to try & get the old buzz back. We can hope, right? You can submit logos for either or both cities. However, you cannot enter more than one logo for the same city (see below). So entering one logo for each is fine, but two logos for Glasgow Nairobi, say, is not fine. You are able, encouraged even, to enter both 'sides' of the comp. Feel free to post as many logo designs as you like, & to ask for feedback from our famously discerning electorate. If you really can't decide between your own designs for a city, feel free to start a poll (or to ask for one to be started). When the time comes for voting, however, you will be asked to settle on a maximum of ONLY ONE official logo per city as your official entry. The format depends on the numbers. Most likely, it will be the traditional exhausting exhaustive ballot preferred by the IOC, but if numbers fit & opinion ok, we may have the World Cup-style tournament system. Whatever happens, the winter & summer 'halves' will be entirely separate, there will be two winners in the Olympic comp tradition. The competition is open to all members of GamesBids, or to any new legitimate members who join before the end of the submission period. I, with consultation, will rule on the legitimacy of new members. As you would expect, I will rule on any disputes - always aiming to be as fair as possible in the process. As always, just remember, this is all meant to be fun. Olympic spirit, remember?. Hopefully this will spark up some action on the board. I'll be dipping in, keeping a close eye on things, but otherwise will try and keep my green yoshi-paws off until the polling stages. The deadline for submissions is 1pm London time (that is, midnight in Sydney, as per tradition) on NEW YEAR'S EVE, 31 DECEMBER 2022. Thus, GB will begin the new year (no Olympics this time) 2023 with the voting. Just one extra thing, there is something of a tradition of that being extended, but I'm hoping not to have to do that this year as we already have 14 members sufficiently interested to vote in the city election, and hopefully at least some of you will submit logos within the month. I will @ all those voters (all of you) in the next post. And this is just to alert @Rob. Rob to the existence of the new comp in the hope that he'll do his traditional bit of putting up links to various free design programs etc for the benefit of those who want to take part but may not have the facility at the moment, and to alert @GBModerator Rob to the fact the comp is back! All that is left to say is thank you Rols once again, and to all participants for having the guts to put your logos up for the annual GamesBids dissection, & may the best logos win - GOOD LUCK!
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- reykjavik 2034
- nairobi 2036
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Thanks again to Paul for doing up the grid. Sorry you didn’t make it this time... would’ve been an honour to go up against you. Not that JDCLauren isn’t tough opposition too. Anyway, better shut up with me in the mix this time. The floor is all yours Yoshi...
- 5 replies
- gamesbids logo como
- olympic games logo
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