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Everything posted by MissEurasia

  1. You Welcome! Happy to help! I enjoy researching so yeah.... anyways, Tominger, you seem to have some rare books, I've read a few of your posts that say you have Sochi 2002 (I've been looking for them for 9 years now!) and now you've found Beijing.... (Another one I'm hunting down!) How do you find this stuff though?
  2. Heres something that talks about the four candidates (Salt Lake City, Quebec City, Ostersund & Sion) http://library.la84.org/OlympicInformationCenter/OlympicReview/1995/oreXXV1/oreXXV1e.pdf
  3. Hmmm.... Well, Puppy did upload their Bid Summary, it did look plain even though it was scanned black and white, you can see they used poor binding on the summary like Berlin did with their bid books, All the other candidates (Including Milan not Brasilia & Tashkent) produced a 3 Volume Bid Book Set, so I think Beijing did the same, I hope thias helps, as for the 2002 Evaluation Report, I will try and look for it, maybe ask Puppy and see if he has anything.
  4. Interesting, Do you still have any contact with him? or even the old URL of the website? I really want to watch the ceremony, I've seen your video and another one, which made me interested in watching the entire thing.
  5. Hmmm..... Anyone found the Havana 1991 Pan American Games OC yet? I've been looking for some time now
  6. I know this is not related to Bid Books, but I went onto the Russian Google, and typed 'Sochi 2002 Олимпийские' I stumbled across what I believe are a few venue renderings from the bid. Here is the link: http://www.privetsochi.ru/blog/4882.html Another find, Sochi's bid logo: http://m.perm.kp.ru/daily/26188/3077045/
  7. Your Welcome! ☺
  8. Try Here: http://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/20070305103412/http:/www.london2012.com/news/publications/candidate-file.php
  9. For 2022 & beyond
  10. That is such sad news!! Now we can't get any physical copies!
  11. Yeah, it is, I hope they change plans, can't they disassemble it and move it to I don't know, Muju? They are going to move Ice Hockey 1 to Wonju after the games. The Speed Skating venue looks beautiful too. Can someone post a pic of ghe actual Speed Skating venue design? I've seen 3 and I don't know which one it is.
  12. When is part 2 of the Bangkok 1998 OC will be uploaded? Also, has anyone got the full OC for Kuala Lumpur 1998 and Abuja 2003?
  13. Thanks for the tip
  14. Interesting, I am on the hunt for bid books, here are the ones I'm looking for: Milan 2000 Brasilia 2000 Photo Book (Found) Atlanta 1996 Belgrade 1996 or 1992 Lille 2004 San Juan 2004 St Petersburg 2004 Rio 2004 Pyeongchang 2010 Bern 2010
  15. Abebooks!! Also I just purchased an Abuja 2014 set!! I really don't think anyone would want to spend 416 pounds for a Moscow 1976 Bid Book!
  16. Quick question, did the 2004 applicants that never made the shortlist make bid books? I know Lille and San Juan did I'm talking mainly about Rio. Did Sochi make anything for 2002? Also, did Brasilia, Milan and Tashkent make anything for 2000?
  17. Oh ok, thanks for telling me that. I'm purchasing the SLC 98 set and possibly, Sofia 92 and Denver 76
  18. Memorabilia, what other bid books have you got? I currently have: NONE!!!
  19. Also, the Denver 1976 and Sofia 1992 sets look decent, I asked the seller for pictures so I got to see them. I also found the Toronto 1996 set, I emailed the seller for pics but no reply, probably sold or something. Also that Moscow 1976 book is too expensive.
  20. Shipping of the Bid Books are really pricey, I found the Salt Lake 1998 set for £18.00, I emailed the seller for pictures of the book and it's current condition. They told me shipping is another $75.00!! I'm still buying it though.
  21. Thanks TNMP. I managed to go through the Bid Library via Wayback Machine. Do you still have: Athens 1996 Athens 2004 Sion 2006 2012 Bid Books 2010 YOG Books 2012 YOG Books Madrid 1972 USOC Books Halifax 2014 EURO Bid Books Sorry if I'm asking too much.
  22. I'm fine about the Milan books, thanks for the rest though.
  23. Awesome pups!! Got Havana 2012?
  24. Oooohhh... Thanks so much!!!!
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