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Team USA

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Status Replies posted by Team USA

  1. i had a mistake in the incheon thread anyone can help me with the code inside???

  2. France beat Canada in hockey!!

    1. Team USA

      Team USA

      WOW I wonder where Crosby and Toews were

  3. Everyone is Lying All the people saying their taking breaks came back 8 hours later LOL

  4. Time for Gamesbids Forums members to demand a specific member from holding these boards hostage with his pure stupidity, baseless posts and overall trolling.

    1. Team USA

      Team USA

      I'm Wondering Has he really drove people away from here

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  5. Michael Phelps won his 1st Prelim Race Today Looks like we might see him in Rio 2016

    1. Team USA

      Team USA

      Every Night in Primetime 1 hr documentary on every stage of his life. Closing Ceremony cut to 5 min for a Phelps tribute from every olympic athlete ever

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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