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Bezzi last won the day on October 29 2016

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    Rio de Janeiro
  • Interests
    Girls, sports and beer in that order or all together.

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  1. Interesting article on the best TV olympic program from Wall Street Journal:
  2. Me too. And you can buy this thing for 20 Euro in any official shop lol
  3. This is not the fisrt time that USOC have to make a statement apologizing for some bad behavior in Brazil. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/07/10/sports/othersports/10panam.html?_r=0
  4. Be true or not, I don't think Rio will be the next south american city to bid, not even in Brazil. São Paulo may want to bid again, now without a internal dispute with Rio. And Buenos Aires is already planning a bid. They were even worried about our organization to not disrupt a future bid. Rio will continue to host events like world championships, now with an improved infrastructure and experience.
  5. No. She is not even carioca. She was born in Rio Grande do Sul State. She was just representing Helô Pinheiro, the true girl from Ipanema https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Girl_from_Ipanema
  6. But why a false leg would increase his chance??
  7. We have our problems but we must separate what is related to the games. The media assign things like zika to try to justify a possible failure of the games and this is what I say is wrong. Zika is a problem that Rio will have to deal with when the summer comes. Violence is a problem we will have to face when the army left the city. We need to ensure that the works to clean-up the bay will continue, to improve the quality of life of residents. The athletes and visitors will be fine during the olympics. But what happens after we will see.
  8. If Rio really wanted to hide the poor part of the city they should built all the venues in the south zone, but we have venues in Deodoro and everyone that will go from Maracanã and olympic stadium to Deodoro will see the poor part of the city. There are no walls. You can go there if you want. But what we should do? To make the entire olympics in the north just to show the world that Rio is poor? The rich part is also Rio, why hide this? Many cities of the world have their problems and I doubt that they will use the poor part in the games like Rio did.
  9. This is how the water looks next to saling venue:
  10. This kind of news annoys me, not because is bad news but they dig old news as zika and pre-made texts to tell false stories. People here said this photo is fake and was made in photoshop. Anyway, you can still sight some beggar in city centre but this is not so common as a decade ago. Rio officials are NOT trying to hide this. The favelas are there and the beggars are not disappearing because they are being kidnapped! About the broken promisses, I also disagree. It's true that not everything was possible to deliver as the complete cleaning of the bay that may take more 20 years (the bay is huge), but no one mentions that the water quality has improved in Rio. Instead they send people to São Gonçalo, a city kilometers away from Rio where you can see floating trash in the bay to take pictures and say the athletes will get sick. No one mentions that the expansion of the subway to the barra region (that was NOT in the bid book) was delivered before the games, but you can read that its construction suffered from delays. Nobody says that Rio has exceeded the target number of hotel rooms and will not need ship rooms, but they say we did not sell as many tickets as London. Of course not. Brazil is far from Europe and you help to keep people away with this campaign to destroy the image of Rio. Rio delivered 99% of what was promissed. The transformation of the city is visible!
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