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About SOlympiadsW

  • Birthday 05/10/1988

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  1. istanbul2020a1.png


    Istanbul 2020 - SubForum - Invitation

  2. it was really an excellent summary of the Games....when the other principal anchor, Jim Lampley, signed off earlier in the afternoon for the last time he also had a great sign off speech prepared.... when all of the other channels on the NBC network signed off they ran the credits to the song "Dreamer" which I also enjoyed....NBC did a great job covering these Games, and i am glad they will be the USA's broadcaster definately for 2010 and 2012...hopefully they will be renewed when it is up again
  3. hahahaha interesting topic that I never thought about... I mean maybe after their events, but personally I would restrain (or at least try to) before my event...but hey whatever works for them hahaha do they come in the colors of the official logo or the Olympic rings? hahahaha
  4. great news! I look forward to seeing them march in the parade of nations next Friday!
  5. yea Geneva's airport is a nice size, I flew in there from Rome a few weeks ago.....that's what I figured but was just wondering...I thought maybe it had something to do with the UN headquarters being there or something perhaps
  6. quick question: why are they negotiating in Geneva and not Lausanne?
  7. I understand that the IOC had reglations regarding NOC's and that there was a clear violation here...but I mean come on give the country a break...it's in the middle of a war and undergoing unusual circumstances for a nation...it isn't like some well established nation went and broke IOC rules out of no where..... I hope at the very least these brave athletes can participate under the Olympic flag, although seeing Iraq march with the other 200+ nations on 8/8 would have been a highlight of the ceremony for many...
  8. yea I was surprised to hear a report last Friday and again this weekend on NBC about US athletes doing this and how many will be practicing in nearby nations like Japan and South Korea and will come into Beijing solely to attend the opening ceremony if necessary and to their events...definately won't look good for China
  9. this is all very sad and disturbing....and while I feel bad for the torch relay participants, I can't say I do for Beijing or the Chinese government....they have direct human rights violations that they said they would use the Olympics to fix (which we knew was bs) and I am glad the world isn't letting them mask it with the Olympics like the Nazi's did....what a (much deserved) embarassment for China....I think this theme will play out until the end of the Games and will come to a head this summer
  10. oh calm the hell down Lenric...every nation in the world is/was involved in event's that turn heads...this isn't the place to bring them all up...what it boils down to is Beijing made PROMISES to the international community to clean up their act with regards to Human Rights and it seems that they have literally done everything to prepare for the Olympic Games with the exception of this....it's the equivalent of if they failed to provide a major venue like the Bird Nest stadium or something that they promised in their bid...you just don't do that because it will completely detract from anything else they do...the inetrnational community is merely trying to put some last minute pressure to get China to at least ATTEMPT to achieve this promise THEY made....but as I said, there won't be any boycott, and in the end failure by China to adress Human Right's issues will only hurt their edition of the Games and nation for decades to come...it's their choice stop citing every single world tragedy/war you can think of...because other than involving Human Rights, it has nothing to do with this particular discussion
  11. Also, tonight NBC Affiliates will be airing "The Olympic Zone" at 7:30 p.m. local time, which will give an in-depth look at Beijing and a preview of what will come in regards to Olympic coverage...also an Olympic "preview" has and will be on all news programs and the commercials are great...sorry but this just so exciting lol
  12. well Katie won't be there for the Opening Ceremony, and while I liked her, I know many didn't...so I guess that is a start lol
  13. NBC also launched their official website for Beijing 2008: http://www.nbcolympics.com/
  14. Somalia, Iraq, and Afghanistan aren't relevant or the same thing....there was "talk" in Congress and the State Department about the USA boycotting Athens when their incompetency was creating major security concerns in the months leading up to those Games, but of course that went absolutely no where, as I suspect this won't neither. The USA and their billions of dollars that fund the Olympic movement will surely be there come next summer. I do however hope that Beijing and China at least attempt to fullfill some of the promises they made when they were bidding, as they have failed to so far. If not it's their loss, they can spend as much money as they want and come up with all the great ideas they wish, but failure to make some changes in regards to human rights will completely distract from this and detract from their edition of the Games no matter what they do
  15. NBC has officially begun their promotion of Beijing 2008 today...it was featured on the Today Show with reports from Meredith Viera who went their a few weeks ago, the Olympic rings are back under their television logos, and I have seen several comemrcials already which feature NBC's logo for Beijing 2008, which is great...I am so excited for next year
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