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Everything posted by Palette86

  1. Back where it all started: Tokyo celebrates one-year anniversary of hosting Olympic Games Ceremony held at National Stadium to celebrate anniversary of Tokyo 2020 Olympics Tokyo seems to love to cling to being "TOKYO”.
  2. BTW,it wasn't me. https://www.expo2025.or.jp/en/news/news-20200825/
  3. This is a little bit old article from major Japanese media. Date:2022/1/24 News source:The Asahi Shimbun Link to this article:https://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/14529081
  4. Very eccentric species.
  5. Burning "kodak/fuji"films leaves some quicksilvers for ecology. Strangely, I often can't get access to some Meta's pages nowadays.
  6. Expo 2025 Osaka Design System Revealed Date:2022/7/19
  7. The competition was held in 2020,so the designer of option "B" probably had been checking GB's comp for about 6 years and stole the idea.Scandalous!!
  8. Other logos were these.
  9. Date:2022/7/19 News source:nippon.com Link to this article:https://www.nippon.com/en/news/yjj2022071800318/ https://twitter.com/expo2025japan/status/1548834942506848256?cxt=HHwWgMCqvZLLyP4qAAAA
  10. Date:2022/7/15 News source:The Mainichi Link to this ariticle:https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20220715/p2g/00m/0sp/024000c
  11. Happy and good news.In 2025, the world expo will be held in another big city, Osaka. Hope the year will be busy for both cities By the way,new national stadium of Tokyo will be privatized by that time or not...
  12. 9 years ago... https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2022/07/0331dfbe88c0-sports-figures-pay-abe-tribute-for-tokyo-games-role.html RIP and Gassho to our Shinzo Abe.
  13. Link:https://variety.com/2022/tv/news/sasuke-ninja-warrior-feature-in-2028-los-angeles-olympics-1235303907/ Date:2022/6/27
  14. Is that a freedom of expression?
  15. Date:2022/06/06 News source:JAPAN TODAY Link to this article:https://japantoday.com/category/sports/Sapporo-rejects-referendum-over-bidding-for-2030-Winter-Olympics
  16. Date:May 31,2022 News source:the japan times Link:https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2022/05/31/olympics/winter-olympics/ioc-sapporo-visit/
  17. Date:2022/5/21 News source:NHK world Link to this article:https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20220521_02/
  18. India has a large number of population playing cricket.
  19. Date:May 6,2022 News source:Reuters Link to this article:https://www.reuters.com/lifestyle/sports/games-hangzhou-asian-games-postponed-until-2023-olympic-council-asia-2022-05-06/
  20. The royal household is concerned with this matter isn't it,really?
  21. Date:May 2, 2022 News source:The mainichi Link:https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20220502/p2g/00m/0sp/020000c
  22. Happy birthday to you! Omedeto gozaimasu.
  23. He says now it's your turn to do the same for Paris 2024. If you really want my tricolor yoshis then PM me.
  24. Cauldron of Tokyo 2020ne will be permanently displayed in a place of outer periphery of National stadium. And 953 nameplates in total.
  25. News source:CNN Date:2022/4/20 Link:https://edition.cnn.com/2022/04/20/tennis/kremlin-wimbledon-russian-players-ban-spt-intl/index.html
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