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Status Updates posted by Palette86

  1. @Sir Rols or @yoshi,Is there "Qatar 2022 WC sweepstakes"?:ph34r: It's almost 2 weeks to go.

    1. Sir Rols

      Sir Rols

      I don’t know if there’d be enough interest

  2. yoshi had suddenly became a prem. member.really green,lol/

  3. "REIWA",new era name has been officially selected just today!

  4. Happy new year 2017!

    1. eternalcobi


      In the olympics in three years, we go on Otaku mode!

    2. Palette86


      Hi,cobi! Thanks for following me. I don't want Otaku or Japan selling mode:P.

  5. Tokyo 2020 bid news,1964 national stadium..where are they now??

    1. JMarkSnow2012


      In their rightful place, acknowledging that Tokyo 2020 is an Olympic Games, not merely a Bid.


  6. Have a good Christmas!Enjoy your happy winter holiday.

    1. Sir Rols

      Sir Rols

      Well, it's a summer holiday Down Under, but nevertheless, hope you have a great Christmas!

    2. gotosy


      Merry Christmas Palette-san

    3. Palette86


      Same to you,rols and gotosy.This winter is very warm in Japan.

  7. Someone please tell me what type of font was used for "TOKYO 1964".Thanks.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JMarkSnow2012


      I can't find pictures of Western-script signage. The logo font is a bit like Placard Condensed or Plakata EF Extra Condensed- but definitely not the same.

    3. Rob2012
    4. Palette86


      Thanks,paul,Jmark,and Rob. I'll order some Edo style boxes.Plan to put Olympic rings and "TOKYO 2020" on the cover. https://ja-jp.facebook.com/iwaitsuduraten

  8. Goodbye Sano's logo!

  9. logo unveiled in tokyo just now! very bad one!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Palette86


      Of course,but he was in my bag.He said "Waa black logo!2020 is time to soyoshi!!"

    3. Victor Mata

      Victor Mata

      I like a little already. It isn't full of energy but it's an elegant piece with the brand. The 2020 games will look beautiful :)

    4. Palette86


      yoshi,victor please stop soyoshi.He's been very noisy since last Friday.He always screams "2020 is my year.I'm not creepy anymore,waaa!"

  10. Going to Tokyo.I'll be the first member to see official logo!

  11. FIFA Women's World Cup is coming soon.Switch on TV and support your team!

  12. It was the Day of Showa yesterday and rols' happy birthday!

    1. Sir Rols

      Sir Rols

      Thanks Palette :)

  13. I'll be flying to rainy Taiwan tomorrow. Didn't know that traveler's cheque isn't major method in exchanging foreign currency now.

  14. Happy New Year 2015!Wish you all many joys and happiness.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. yoshi


      Ooh. Where are they going?

    3. Palette86


      We are going to Taiwan for 5 days.Taipei city+1 day travel to Tainan city.

    4. Palette86


      BTW,SYS'album updated today.

  15. Don't catch a cold.Have good new year eve!

  16. Happy Christmas!Spend good time with your family. I have to clean up my house to welcome new year's god,sigh.

  17. Forgot to celebrate soyoshi's 1 year anniversary!

    1. yoshi


      Happy birthday Soyoshi :)

    2. Palette86


      He is saying,"Arigato for giving me waaa-nderful name!Without Sussex yoshi,I couldn't be soyoshi."

    3. Palette86


      I'd like to upload his photos soon.

  18. Bravo Beaujolais nouveau! So tasty.

  19. More than 20 earthquakes in northern Nagano since last night.

  20. I've got a small patch of the grass of National stadium Tokyo.Hope it will grow successfully and stay as a part of the memory in my yard.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Palette86


      I thought about it but gave up the idea.I don't think I can.Just want it spread in my yard.

    3. yoshi
    4. Palette86


      And soyoshi will be the director of the project.He'll water,cut sometimes,add fertilizer to soil until 2020.

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