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Status Replies posted by Palette86

  1. Hi

    Can you tell me how I add automatically have a photo at the bottom of my posts please?

    I’ve tried in my profile but I must be doing something wrong as it’s not working.

    Any assistance would be much appreciated.

    Warm regards,



  2. Hi

    Can you tell me how I add automatically have a photo at the bottom of my posts please?

    I’ve tried in my profile but I must be doing something wrong as it’s not working.

    Any assistance would be much appreciated.

    Warm regards,



    1. Palette86


      Click 'account setting' and then go to 'signature'(shown on left part of page).I think you'll be able to find some space to add your fave photos or links.Last of all don't forget click 'save'.I hope this will work for you.:);)

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. yoshi had suddenly became a prem. member.really green,lol/

  4. Happy new year 2017!

    1. Palette86


      Hi,cobi! Thanks for following me. I don't want Otaku or Japan selling mode:P.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. The blue yoshi outstayed his welcome - Romanian yellow yoshi is here!

    1. Palette86


      Now you have done 5 colors(Olympic colors)for your avatar since you came to this site!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. 100 hours played 100時遊んだ https://t.co/fXOFpupdAt

    1. Palette86


      100時間遊んだ is correct. Anyway,it's so crazy.

  7. 2016, Ano Olimpico - Happy New Year to all :)

    1. Palette86


      Happy new year yoshi!

  8. So here it is, Merry Christmas...

    1. Palette86


      I had cold.X'mas is just a commercial event in Japan.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  9. So here it is, Merry Christmas...

    1. Palette86


      4 years until Tokyo 2020.This year was very disappointing for our future olympic.Too many delays and failures.Really shameful:(

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  10. Have a good Christmas!Enjoy your happy winter holiday.

    1. Palette86


      Same to you,rols and gotosy.This winter is very warm in Japan.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  11. wish you all, Seasons Greetings and a joyous New Year!

  12. Attention: Le yoshi bleu! Liberte! Egalite! The other one! VIVE LA FRANCE!

    1. Palette86


      yoshi,I finally got all yoshis.Now I live with 7 yoshis and 2 bigger yoshis(red and white).What a world!

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  13. Attention: Le yoshi bleu! Liberte! Egalite! The other one! VIVE LA FRANCE!

  14. Someone please tell me what type of font was used for "TOKYO 1964".Thanks.

    1. Palette86


      Thanks,paul,Jmark,and Rob. I'll order some Edo style boxes.Plan to put Olympic rings and "TOKYO 2020" on the cover. https://ja-jp.facebook.com/iwaitsuduraten

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  15. Oh dear... is that the real Asiad 2018 logo? I mean is just bad.. Really BAD

    1. Palette86


      I don't think it's bad,I like it.But I don't like the colors so much,looks cheap.

  16. Attention: Le yoshi bleu! Liberte! Egalite! The other one! VIVE LA FRANCE!

    1. Palette86


      They have no name yet,I hope you could name them again!

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  17. Attention: Le yoshi bleu! Liberte! Egalite! The other one! VIVE LA FRANCE!

    1. Palette86


      I bought green one too.Red one is now very very expensive(about6000JPY).Soyoshi said it's best to buy now,for us and for 2020.Finally I've got 5 yoshis

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  18. Attention: Le yoshi bleu! Liberte! Egalite! The other one! VIVE LA FRANCE!

  19. Attention: Le yoshi bleu! Liberte! Egalite! The other one! VIVE LA FRANCE!

  20. The new Google 'G' stole from my Gothenburg logo D:http://seorealestateexperts.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/google-dk-flat.png

  21. logo unveiled in tokyo just now! very bad one!

    1. Palette86


      yoshi,victor please stop soyoshi.He's been very noisy since last Friday.He always screams "2020 is my year.I'm not creepy anymore,waaa!"

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  22. logo unveiled in tokyo just now! very bad one!

    1. Palette86


      Of course,but he was in my bag.He said "Waa black logo!2020 is time to soyoshi!!"

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  23. Kiwi black yoshi is here...for the CWC only. Do not confuse with soyoshi

    1. Palette86


      Still using black yoshi even though CWC's over.Soyoshi says he loves that!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  24. Heading off to Beijing and Shanghai for just over a week. Good luck everyone :)

    1. Palette86


      Wish you a safe travel.Next week,I'll be leaving for Taipei.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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