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Everything posted by khaled

  1. I really want to see the full opening for Havana 1991
  2. Anyone got the full Opening Ceremony of the Havana 1991 PanAm Games?
  3. I think Tokyo was only interested in bidding for 1992, I doubt they even made a candidature file.
  4. Also can you upload Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur 2008?
  5. Hey Pups! Can we have the following: Beijing 2008 2010 Applicant Files Pyeongchang 2010 Sydney 2000 Brasilia 2000 Oslo 1968 Melbourne 1996
  6. Oh, ok have you got anything to do with 1992 apart from birmingham?
  7. I think TNMP is the most generous user here
  8. Actually, leave it, you must be tired with all the uploading etc
  9. Oooohhhh Awesome!!! Got Belgrade 96?
  10. Anyone got the opening of the Havana 1991 Pan American Games in full?
  11. I also found Baku and Doha's 2020 Applicant Files on Doc.rero.ch
  12. The links do work if you copy and paste them and the Tokyo 2016 link is its Bid Summary
  13. Most of these are from the bid websites London 2012 Candidature File: http://www.sportdevelopment.info/index.php/component/sectionex/738-london-olympic-candidate-file Krakow 2022 Applicant File: http://www.krakow2022.org/en/media/downloads Oslo 2022 Applicant File: http://www.ol22.no/en/documents-and-downloads Rio 2016 Candidature File: http://www.rio2016.com/en/organising-committee/transparency/documents Tokyo 2020 Candidature File: https://tokyo2020.jp/en/plan/candidature/index.html Tokyo 2016 Candidature File (Not the one Eternal and TNMP gave me): i.usatoday.net/sports/olympics/_2009/documents/s090213_tokyo_bid.pdf Lillehammer 2016 YOG Volume 1: www.idrett.no/nyheter/Documents/YOG2016_Lillehammer_VOL1.pdf Gold Coast 2018 CWG Volume 2: www.gc2018.com/flux-content/GC2018/pdf/VOL2.pdf I think this is Lviv's 2022 Applicant File: gu-arch-loda.in.ua/documents/catalogs/lviv2022eng.pdf Sochi 2014 Candidature File: http://ebookbrowsee.net/so/sochi-2014#.U9Q7QGbodcs Toronto 2015 Pan American Games: images.toronto2015.org/system/asset_pdfs/906/original/bid-book.pdf If the links don't work then do forgive me, I was looking for them on my Tablet.
  14. Pyeongchang Candidature file: http://www.pyeongchang2018.org/language/eng/sub08/sub08.asp
  15. Found Vancouver's bid book online Link: http://www.canada2010.gc.ca/docs/index-eng.cfm Scroll down until you find it
  16. Harbin I think should bid because it will be a perfect chance for them to show off their ice and snow sculptures. As for the Beijing bid, I think this is a practice for upcoming games, but still, China can host the 2022 games because Nanjing [host of summer YOG] and Tokyo [host of SOG] are both hosting summer games so why not Beijing??? I mean Pyeongchang have the Winter games in 2018 and both Tokyo and Nanjing have summer games which puts us in a 3v1 situation so if Beijing does win then it would be fair, but not on other countries though.
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