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Status Updates posted by yoshi

  1. Hello :) I'm trying to pm you again but it says you can't receive messages. I don't know why. Anyway I only wanted to ask whether you'd like to enter the Olympic logo comp that's on now & closes for submission on Wednesday. Sorry about the short notice but I tried to pm you last week & it wouldn't let me & I didn't know I could do this. Sorry, & thank you :)

    1. yoshi


      I should've added - if you are interested, my inbox has free space so you can PM me. 

  2. Half time in the final (roughly). 12ish hours left!

  3. And it's now roughly half-time :P Keep voting :)

  4. Voting is OPEN in the first stage of the World Cup logo comp! You have just under 36 hours!

  5. Last day or so to enter the World Cup logo comp if you want to have a go

  6. This is the one week warning for the 2026 FIFA World Cup logo comp - if you want to enter, or if you're already in but want to spread it around to other potential countries in the list, you have until MONDAY 4 JULY

  7. The 2026 FIFA World Cup logo comp has 2 weeks left for submissions - time is running out :)

  8. The 2026 FIFA World Cup GB logo comp is NOW OPEN! It's time to get designing!

  9. The blue yoshi outstayed his welcome - Romanian yellow yoshi is here!

    1. Palette86


      Now you have done 5 colors(Olympic colors)for your avatar since you came to this site!

    2. yoshi


      Yes I have! Didn't realise that - normal green, Kiwi black for the cricket, Russian red for the football, French blue for the rugby, now Romanian yellow for the euro. The Olympic yoshis - Tokyo 2020 mascots? :P

  10. Nobody loves FIFA - but everyone loves the World Cup. #watchthisspace.

  11. Leicester City. Leicester ****ing City. Unbelievable.

  12. The latest General Discussion topic spammer was determined - a thread a minute for over an hour :o

    1. thatsnotmypuppy


      But were any about Zaha Hadid?

  13. Now the big question...can I be ****ed to change my avatar back to green only to change it again when the Eurovision/Euro football sweeps happen?

  14. 2016, Ano Olimpico - Happy New Year to all :)

    1. Palette86


      Happy new year yoshi!

  15. So here it is, Merry Christmas...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Palette86


      4 years until Tokyo 2020.This year was very disappointing for our future olympic.Too many delays and failures.Really shameful:(

    3. Palette86


      I had cold.X'mas is just a commercial event in Japan.

    4. yoshi


      Oh :( At least Tokyo should be on track now. I think everyone in the hemisphere gets a cold in December :P

  16. You know, Belfast would be a great place for a Commonwealth Games...they've moved on far enough to do it safely now.

  17. #thefiredone...maybe Chelsea might start their season now.

  18. Dylan freaking Hartley...so much for turning a corner :(

  19. What's gone wrong with the forum? Whenever I try to post it comes up with a server error screen :/

    1. Alexjc


      Yeap...just mailed the main site with an alert...unable to post on RWC Semi Final 2...Australia won.

  20. And Sussex are relegated. Well, crap :(

  21. Attention: Le yoshi bleu! Liberte! Egalite! The other one! VIVE LA FRANCE!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. yoshi


      Not sure what to do for a blue one...

    3. Palette86


      Check my album.Pic no.90...

    4. Palette86


      yoshi,I finally got all yoshis.Now I live with 7 yoshis and 2 bigger yoshis(red and white).What a world!

  22. Rols...has your inbox gone wonky again? :P

  23. Changing username is a key part of our sweepstake tradition & should be open to all members. If you agree, leave a comment to show the mod.

    1. Rob2012


      Have you PMed the mod? It might be that the forum software doesn't allow this easily for non-premium members anyway.

    2. yoshi


      I've asked on the Ask the Moderator thread.

  24. There's a logo comp on you know. And there's only 2 weeks left to submit.

  25. Logo comp has 3 weeks left for submissions :)

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