^both are great but i think white old men will not be the next IOC PRESIDENT
my money is on mikee cojuanco.
other than the obvious problems of the olympics like cost, feasibility and legacy, the witch hunt masquerading as a way to ‘protect’ woman that is the ‘trans debate’ is still looming huge to the public consciousness . What better way to wash the IOC of those issues than electing a woman.
Hand-overs don’t reflect the OC of the host country. They’re mostly just there to introduce the next host country. LA hand over was ok. And it will be better in the oc. Just like in london, greece, atlanta, etc.
Paris has more pre-filmed scenes than london. The lady gaga number, the minions, the threesome. London used it sparingly or as a title card for the next scene
I’m betting on them doing a parade ceremony. Start at the la memorial with the countdown and lighting of the 1984 cauldron. Then have parade float for the athletes ala rose bowl parade. Ending at sofi with a purpose built raisers. And the 2028 cauldron. The problem with the paris OC is it was in the water. I’M sure the parade will run much more smoothly in the road. (Just look at the paralympic OC)
My only wish of LA28 OC it not have any east coast cliche anything from George Washington to Abraham Lincoln should’t feature in the OC.
We already know the story of American foundation. I want to know the LA/California foundation
My suggestion it should start in Nueva España era up to the present
Here my verdict of the hand over
-HER was absolutely phenomenal. she sang the hell out of it but i don't know if it the dubbing took over because of the ear issue. The guitars are used thoughtfully.
-mr scientology was a great. That stunt was actually surprising. Above the queen parachuting and below lady gaga jumping at the superbowl.
-hollyw0o0o0d was cringe. Don't do it in 2028
-The Olympic flag travelling to the beach is cute. But need more scenes and personality.
- the beach scene was too much of a let down. 1) it's 'live via satellite' i think this kind of Handover cheapens the ceremonies. 2) i did hope the cut away to some beach scenes than just focusing on the bands. It felt too long for my taste with no interesting visual. With the exception of snoop who had a dancer.
Overall 5/10 serviceable but you'll forget it in a year.
I slept over it here's my verdict
3/10 where the flavour?
It felt more like a funeral than a celebration. I know they hacked the script to get rid of the 'woke' but by god it's the closing. A drag queen or a threesome could have livened this ceremonies. just double down and ask for forgiveness later.
The segment with the golden space bee feel more opening ceremony that a closing. It's temu greece 2004.
Even the 'fun' segment were felt like a wet towel.
Overall all terrible time. And what a waste of time to be up at 2am
(My Handover review will be posted on the LA2028 thread)
I slept over it here's my verdict
3/10 where the flavour?
It felt more like a funeral than a celebration. I know they hacked the script to get rid of the 'woke' but by god it's the closing. A drag queen or a threesome could have livened this ceremonies. just double down and ask for forgiveness later.
The segment with the golden space bee feel more opening ceremony that a closing. It's temu greece 2004.
Even the 'fun' segment were felt like a wet towel.
Overall all terrible time. And what a waste of time to be up at 2am
(My Handover review will be posted on the La2028 thread)