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  1. At this point, pure entertainment would be a vast improvement tbh. Any well put show would be better than this CC.
  2. Tokyo Handover in 2016 is probably the best ever. It outshone the Tokyo cerimonies BY FAR.
  3. Gosh, I take my word back, it’s boring boring boring. This is as disjointed and bad as the OC, if not worse.
  4. It’s all a bit bizarre, but boring (so far) it’s not. I don’t think the stadium audience have a clue about what’s happening though.
  5. She was NOT singing live, it's very noticeable in certain parts actually when her mouth and her voice are not in sincrony at all, but that's okay, it's very understandable in events like this.
  6. The trocadero part was such a misfire. The staging was kind dull, few athletes, and that horse “transition” was laughable, at best lol The Eiffel tower special effects were quite good but it took so long, then that random dancer started doing his Michael Jackson thing, really the more I remember the worst it gets.
  7. I don’t even care about the last supper parody (or whatever that was), this ceremony was chaotic and disjointed and should be an example of what NOT to do when planning an olympic ceremony. Having said that, the last minutes were very good, Miss Dion was a highlight.
  8. The last few minutes were nothing short of EPIC! The whole ceremony is still a big NO though.
  9. The lack of athletes, the raincapes, the staging, all of it makes a not very nice scenery, almost sloppy tbh, despite the monumental Tower.
  10. This is one long ride lol The tv commentators trying to make some sense out of this is the best part so far.
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