From my point of view, these could be some of the sections/proceedings for the Rio 2016 Opening Ceremony (RIO 2016 committee, you´re welcome ):
4 main characters (3 grandpas and a kid) drinking and eating in a "boteco" and telling (to the kid) a story:
Between the Ocean and the Forest - scenario with a beach, ocean, forest, wildlife, indigenous traditions, the arrival of the portuguese.. In this section some indigenous could make a "handmade" and traditional fire/ use later...
Times Flies - about the transformations in Rio through time (some history with slave traditions and songs, capoeira, and Rio during the XIX and XX centuries)
This is Rio - Rio nowadays: a modern, young, multicultural and so vibrant city, looking to the future.(with music, novelas, samba, favelas, futebol, calçadão, sports, good looking bodies also )
FlameS - the flame made by the indigenous in the begging of the ceremony could mix with the Olympic flame, to make a very and unique flame.