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Everything posted by Baptista

  1. Totally agree with you! Seriously, I don´t believe in Pele or even Gustavo Kuerten option. Maybe Vanderlei! Would be fine! he was an olympic medalist and an example of humble hero.
  2. Jesus, we have a different perspective from here... maybe we admire you more...it´s a kind of platonic and tropical passion here we also say that brazilians are "portuguese with sugar", so in general, we like you! go Rio!! My My vote is important like the pinguins vote in Antartida, but Robert Schedit (Olympic Sailing) and Vandelei Cordeiro de Lima are my favorites.
  3. Who knows..references about PT are not an important issue for me...A caravela or hundreads of Carmen Mirandas! Well, Iwant to see all the best Brazil have to show to the world. London did it with a low budget, imagination and passion. That´s what I expect from you guys. And about PT, we are a small and nice country, with no very good perspectives about medals, so a special aplause would be kind of a medal for us. I remember how Britain was applauded in Sydney! lol Aquel abraço from the "brother-country" "país irmão".
  4. ?! Uau.... Um brasileiro com humor.... Se os J.O fossem em Portugal (não são porque não temos dinheiro para isso e somos realistas, ao contrário de outros), tenho a certeza absoluta que a equipa brasileira receberia uma ovação especial... há uma história e laços culturais importantes que unem os dois países...só isso. Wow!!!! .... A Brazilian with humor!!! .... If the Olympics were in Portugal ( we have no money for this and we are realistic , unlike other ) , I am absolutely sure that the Brazilian team would receive a special ovation ... there is a history and important cultural ties that bind the two countries ... only that . ! Wow .... A Brazilian with humor .... If the OJ were in Portugal (not because we have no money for this and we are realistic , unlike other ) , I am absolutely sure that the Brazilian team receive a special ovation ... there is a history and important cultural ties that bind the two countries ... only that .
  5. Despite "some" problems (political, economical, etc), I think the games will be ok...starting with the OC... Saudações olímpicas de Portugal! (quero um enorme aplauso quando entrar a equipa lusitana).
  6. Yes, you are right...I m just wondering about what kind of surprises (great surprises I hope) Rio will show us during the OC...
  7. Could the "white" be a kind of "Copacabana map" ?
  8. This is not good: http://www.insidethegames.biz/articles/1038843/wada-suspends-rio-laboratory-with-less-than-two-months-until-olympic-games
  9. The COP released the opening ceremony outfits for Portugal. I don´t know what to say about it... http://comiteolimpicoportugal.pt/cop-revelou-trajes-oficiais-da-equipa-olimpica-rio-2016/
  10. Oh, the irony (I).....I really hope they don´t talk about respect for the wildlife during the ceremonies.... Oh, the irony (II).....Vinicius is a kind of jaguar, right?
  11. Do you know the meaning of "sem noção", "falta de bom-senso"????? That´s my point of wiew about this incident. It was so, so naif and stupid!!!...Someone should be punished for this. Less and less interest Rio 2016....
  12. "Is a circus everywhere"....you are probably rigth, but some circus know how to make a great show without killing animals... Rio 2016 is already a circus and I hope the OC and the athletes could help me to change this idea. And going back to the torch relay: Sometimes, less is more.
  13. Vergonha!!!!!!!!!! O percurso da tocha em 2016 parece um circo!!!!!! Vergonha Brasil!!! Mais uma! Que saudades de Londres! Shame on you Brazil!!! This year torch-relay it´s a kind of circus!!! London 2012 I really miss you!!!
  14. This is a portuguese point of view (only in pt): http://www.tvi24.iol.pt/videos/centenas-de-peixes-mortos-no-lago-dos-jo2016/552ce2aa0cf25bc402bae60e/5http://www.tvi24.iol.pt/videos/centenas-de-peixes-mortos-no-lago-dos-jo2016/552ce2aa0cf25bc402bae60e/5
  15. "tend to discount the other guesses"...not me!!!! I just like to watch the ceremonies and, of course, the Games. I was in London 2012 and almost every day I read the posts here (since 2007)...unfortunately my english´s not so perfect (as my portuguese or spanish ) and I have no time to write here everything I would like to say about the ceremonies and about the Games. Love and olympic spirit for all of you. Vai Brasil!!
  16. No one´s fully convinced about the Ceremonies....we are just talking and trying to guess what´s going to happen...just that...can we?!
  17. And happy 450º birthday Rio de Janeiro! Here some famous songs (from portuguese channel SIC): http://sicnoticias.sapo.pt/cultura/2015-03-01-A-importancia-da-musica-nos-450-anos-do-Rio-de-Janeiro
  18. Awesome!! "Em quatro horas, a história do Rio e do Brasil deverão ser contadas de um jeito que emocione o público no Maracanã e 4 bilhões de pessoas, audiência televisiva estimada"...so they will try to touch in people´s hearts just like I said. And maybe Rio will have TWO olympic cauldrons. I think it´s a good idea, but they should think very well how they will do that. Obrigado bairrosfelipe!!!
  19. Bairrosfelipe where did you read that?! Legal.....they will have time to make history. If I may, I would like to say to the ceremonies organizers: light, don´t forget the light (in the stadium). I think Sochi and even Beijing were a bit dark...It doesn´t work well on tv screen.
  20. Of course they don´t have any conection... The tribute to Santos Dumont is a good idea.
  21. The horses in Sydney were nervous....Rio could use araras (macaw) flying . Anyway, I just want Rio OC help everybody to forget the OC of the FIFA WC (what was that thing??!)
  22. Question: how do you think they will make the 5 olympic rings during the OC? Athens 04, Beijing 08 and London 12 were amazing. I wonder how Rio 16 will make that (maybe 5 drones?? )
  23. Maybe they will use all the green/ grass area (todo o espaço com grama).
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