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Sir Rols

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Status Replies posted by Sir Rols

  1. Belize trip in March and Australia in May and November, this is turning out to be a fun travel year so far!

  2. Australia discovers $20 trillion in gas. That's like hosting 20 London Olympics!

  3. Australia discovers $20 trillion in gas. That's like hosting 20 London Olympics!

  4. Getting married today :)

  5. Open your Golden Gates, San Francisco, here I come!

  6. Christ Almighty, did Northern Irish MP just quote Alan Partridge in equal marriage debate?

  7. Christ Almighty, did Northern Irish MP just quote Alan Partridge in equal marriage debate?

  8. Christ Almighty, did Northern Irish MP just quote Alan Partridge in equal marriage debate?

  9. Christ Almighty, did Northern Irish MP just quote Alan Partridge in equal marriage debate?

  10. Now lets hope San Francisco wins the Super Bowl, I've been having bad luck with the teams I cheer on :S hahaha

  11. 45 degrees again in Sydney today! But I think Lance in Texas is the one feeling the heat right now!

  12. USA, get ready! I'll be there in May!!! YAY!!!

  13. 3 Users have Istanbul 2020 logo as their DP. Please can 2 of you change it up lol!

  14. USA, get ready! I'll be there in May!!! YAY!!!

  15. So Gamesbids is now showing me ads for "Albanian Online Dating and Chat". Erm....thanks....

  16. First day of Olympic course. Answered every single trivia question lol! Was asked by my professor how do I know so much! lol

  17. Mediterranean or Melbourne Australia? Where should I visit next year?

  18. Oxlajuj Baktun tomorrow!! :D A new era is starting for us, a new era era full of hope for a better tomorrow.... (Don't believe those sh**ts of the end of the world its only conetializing mayan history)

  19. Happy Doomsday, Everyone!

  20. argentina is the new france

  21. Can't believe... My first competition outside America, Hello Dubai! ;)

  22. Urghhh....November rain....

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